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Chapter 446 Famous, as soon as possible

Lei Qi thought about the various methods Yang Xuan might use.

night attack,

Didn’t come!

Dig a tunnel.

Didn’t come!

Pretending to be reinforcements.

Didn’t come!

Yang Xuan attacked Huangzhou City in such a meticulous manner.

Of course Lei Qi likes this kind of attack and defense with hard bridges and hard horses. In this way, the advantage of the Zhou army's large number can be reflected.

After four days of offensive and defensive battles, although the Zhou army suffered heavy casualties, the city's defense remained stable.

And Zhou Jun is constantly maturing.

It was in line with Lei Qi’s expectations.

With just a few more days of hard work, he was ready to reorganize the Huangzhou Army.

By then, with the reinforcements from Yongzhou, he would be confident to repel Yang Xuan.

A famous general?

At that moment, Lei Qi inevitably felt a little contemptuous.

But he will not underestimate the enemy!

Therefore, when he saw Yang Xuan dispatching the guards around him, he reacted quickly and gathered his best men.

Coupled with the 500 elite reserves he has always held in his hands, he is confident that Yang Xuan will be defeated by the enemy.

But when his subordinates came up to meet him, they were beaten to pieces.

Of the remaining two, one turned around and ran away, and the other screamed, seemingly crazy.

There is no way not to be crazy!

He saw his companions being easily beaten to death by these big men, and his brains were sprayed all over his body. The extreme fear made him collapse.

"Fire the arrow!"

The reserve team took action.

The arrows were easily batted away by the big men, without the need for weapons.

Lei Qi's eyes narrowed, "These are brave men who are more terrifying than good men, stop them!"

A reserve team of five hundred warriors rushed forward, but only blocked the group for less than twenty breaths.

After the assault team of almost two hundred people defeated Lei Qi's reserve team, they revealed their majestic force.


The crossbowman finally arrived.

Lin Feibao's expression changed, "Be careful!"

Their bodies are strong and they are not afraid of ordinary bows and arrows. But when faced with more powerful crossbow arrows, they have to kneel down.


A wave of crossbow arrows came.


A horned dragon guard was hit by an arrow and retreated, covering his shoulders.

The physical body cannot bear the crossbow arrows, but it is not easy to string the crossbow arrows.

And this time is enough for the Horned Dragon Guard to give them a blow.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the crossbowmen to cock their bows, Lin Feibao rushed over with his men.

The iron rod was swung, and the sound of fractures was like the sound of a bamboo pole being thrown into a fire and burned, and then exploded.

Amid the pitiful howls, the crossbowmen became the target of the Horned Dragon Guards to vent their anger.

Lei Qi glanced at Qian Nan at this moment.

He wanted to ask for help from Bianjing last time and wanted some good hands.

But Qian Nan flatly refused.

If he had a team of good men in his hands, Lei Qi swore that he could drive this group of fierce thugs off the city wall.

But now...

"Provincial Governor, withdraw!"

Two men led people up.

Lei Qi roared, "Cavalry assemble!"

The wolf riders gathered below the city.

Just waiting for this group of people to rush into the city, he prepared to use the Wolf Cavalry to launch a counterattack.

Lin Feibao, the leader, threw out the iron rod in his hand.


Lei Qi drew his sword and swung it away.


The long knife shattered, and the iron rod still flew forward.

This was a tough opponent that Lei Qi had never encountered before. He roared, picked up a spear and rushed forward.

"Let's go!"

Qian Nan didn't know much about battle formations, but just by taking one look, he knew the battle was over.

"Huangzhou is over!"

He was carried off the top of the city and wailed: "Yang Xuan has been hiding his strength, Lei Qi is so incompetent that he can't even notice it!"

Lei Qi just wants to die in battle at this moment.

He had thought that Yang Xuan would hide his strength, but what kind of skills could a Northern Xinjiang governor have in his hands?

Tu Shang is already incredible!

But he didn't expect that what Yang Xuan was hiding turned out to be Wang Zha!

Just one blow shattered his confidence.

Moreover, the timing was chosen so well. Just when the Huangzhou Army, including him, was full of confidence, Yang Xuan threw the Wang Zha in his hand.

On the top of the city, the Huangzhou Army was desperately trying to block the Tang Army's attack.

Everyone is waiting for Lei Qi's results.

Lei Qi retreated, and a gap was opened in the city defense.

Don’t think about the rest, just run if you can!


The spear flew into the sky.

Lei Qi flew back and was caught by his subordinates, who carried him and ran towards the city.


Huangzhou can no longer be defended!

A thousand wolf cavalry protected the thunder cavalry and galloped towards the south gate.

The sound of horse hoofbeats was rapid, and countless pairs of eyes appeared in the cracks of the doors of the houses on both sides.



There was a shout from the top of the city.


Someone opened the city gate.

Yang Xuan waved his hand, "Attack!"

The Northern Xinjiang cavalry, which had been recharging its strength, launched an attack.

The old thief held a charcoal in one hand and a small book in the other and asked, "Why didn't Mr. Lang send Lao Huang and the others up on the first day?"

How does this look like the reporters interviewed in the scroll?

This weird idea came to Yang Xuan's mind.

It's a pity that she is not a beautiful reporter.

"On the first day, Huangzhou's defenders seemed weak, but they had the strongest desire to protect their homeland and country.

How can I put it! When people encounter fear, they will burst out with surprising strength. At this time, they will not be afraid of death, and will go forward one after another to stop Lao Huang and the others. This is the saying that the elephant will be killed by the ants.

The intensity of our army's attacks in the past few days has been about the same, and the Zhou army has adapted to this intensity. They feel that our army's skills are limited.

People! Once they get used to a certain situation, and a huge boulder suddenly hits them from the outside world, they will be at a loss and feel that they cannot resist, and no matter how much courage they have, they will collapse."

Yang Xuan thought of the TV series he had watched in the scroll. Those people thought that their jobs would last a lifetime and they were holding an iron rice bowl. So they stuck to their jobs.

When big external changes occur, jobs are gone.

In fact, those people are not bad in ability, but their mentality is broken.

Where is the promised iron rice bowl?

At this time, they will be at a loss as to what to do, just like Zhou Jun at this moment.

Isn't it as powerful as promised?

"This is the last straw for them!"

"The city is broken!"

Lei Qi was surrounded by wolf riders and rushed out of the south gate.

Ahead, Qian Nan was surrounded with dozens of riders.

"Chief Lei, save me!"

Lei Qi spit out a mouthful of blood. The blow from Lin Feibao was relieved a little. He looked at Qian Nan with complicated eyes, "Save him!"

A confidant under his command said: "What is this old dog doing to save him?"

Lei Qi shook his head and led his men to disperse the more than a hundred Tang army scouts.

He didn't want to save him, but there were too many eyes on him. If he just sat back and watched Qian Nan being captured, and if anyone under his command reported anything, his whole family would be cleansed and waiting to be exiled.

It's not that he doesn't trust his subordinates, he just doesn't trust people's hearts.

"Thank you!" Qian Nan gasped and cupped his hands and said, "In today's battle, it was Yang Gou who was so cunning that he actually hid such an expert... I think the two husbands don't have such experts under their command."

"Tang Jun is chasing us."

Lei Qi looked back and saw more than a thousand Tang troops rushing out from the south gate.

"Huangzhou is over!"

The elite plan he had placed high hopes on was also over.

Those seeds were trapped in the city.


Wolf riders escorted them away.

Half an hour later, the city was generally cleared.

"Enter the city."

Yang Xuan was surrounded by people and entered Huangzhou City.

The King of Yue was by his side.

As they entered the city, they saw groups of prisoners standing on both sides of the street.

"Kneel down!"

Nan He shouted sharply.

The captives all knelt down.

It's like a field of wheat blown down by a strong wind.

An indescribable state of mind made the King of Yue whisper: "So, is this the true majesty?"

Lead a large army to fight in all directions, frighten the enemy and make them bow their heads.

This is the true dominion over the world!

At this moment, Yue Wangye looked at his future.

If this king ascends the throne, he will personally conquer Northern Liao!

Conquer the great enemy in the north. In this way, his prestige will surpass that of the most outstanding emperor of the Tang Dynasty... Emperor Wu!

Yang Xuan's voice broke his longing.

"Immediately go to the Central Route Army to report the victory and ask Prime Minister Zhang whether our army should rest in Huangzhou or march to Yongzhou!"

Wang Shu was sincerely convinced at this moment, and he raised his hands and said: "Three armies went out to fight in this battle, and the left army took the lead in breaking Huangzhou. Your subordinates admire your ability in using troops!"

Yezhou City is like a small boat, swaying in the wind and rain.

Under the fierce attack of the Tang army, the defenders suffered heavy casualties.

The Tang army had gained a firm foothold at the top of the city several times. Seeing that the city was about to be breached, even Zhang Huan couldn't help but want to attack with his entire army. But then the defenders used human sea tactics to push the Tang army off the city.

"You are brave and not afraid of death!"

After the wave of attacks ended, the retreating general covered his injured arm and looked at the city head with emotion.

Zhang Huan was also looking at the top of the city and said coldly: "The Zhou army's tenacity is beyond my expectation."

Zhou Zun glanced at Zhang Chumao and said, "I have a problem."

"Huh?" Zhang Huan snorted softly.

"At first, the court thought it would be a quick victory." There was some unknown sarcasm in Zhou Zun's tone.

Zhang Huan knew about this, and Yang Xuan went to the court and made some remarks that made the theory of quick victory between the emperor and his ministers untenable. However, his words were slight, and optimism about this battle still pervaded the city of Chang'an.

The same is true for the soldiers in southern Xinjiang. Even Zhang Huan felt that this battle should be overwhelming.

It was true that at the beginning, Zhou Jun was almost vulnerable.

Gradually, the Zhou army's resilience continued to improve, and the Tang army's attack became more and more difficult.

"What do you want to say?" Zhang Chumao said calmly.

In the entire court, only Zhou Zun and Yang Xuan were cautious about the war.

"The food and grass allocated by the Central Government are all planned for quick victory."

Zhang Chumao: "..."

The army has not moved, but the food and grass go first.

Zhang Huan said in a deep voice: "Urge!"

But he knew how far it was from Chang'an to southern Xinjiang. It would be fine if they were fast horses and light riders. The baggage relied on large carts, which creaked and creaked, and the speed could make a quick-tempered person want to hit someone.

Zhang Chumao was also a little anxious.

This battle is an opportunity for him and the King of Yue to make a comeback. If he retreats because of insufficient food and grass...


Zhou Zun stroked his beard and looked at Zhang Chumao with contempt for the first time.

"The excuse for the foreign tribes in southern Xinjiang to rebel in the first place was the excessive taxation imposed by the officials."

Now if there is another collection of food and grass, those alien races will protest by rebelling.

The army is in front, but there is smoke everywhere in the backyard. What's the point of fighting?

I can't think clearly about such a simple truth... No, it's not that I can't think clearly, it's because my mind is filled with my own little calculations and my own interests.

These people are not stupid!

But, bad!

Zhou Zun suddenly felt a little dazed.

The Zhou family is actually in the same group with these people?


The emperor asked the Northern Xinjiang Army to interfere in this battle. His purpose was not pure. He wanted to use the Northern Xinjiang Army to contain the Southern Xinjiang Army. Zhang Huan knew this very well.

And Zhou Zun and Yang Xuanweng's son-in-law are the pawns to contain the big guys in Northern Xinjiang.

Before that, Zhang Huan was also happy to see the constant disputes between Zhou Zun and Zhang Chumao, so as to contain the Yue King and Zhang Chumao.

But this time, he felt disgusted for the first time!

Zhang Chumao suddenly smiled and said, "Mr. sir, morale is a bit low."

"Well!" Zhang Huan was thinking about the next battle.

"Next time, I will lead the team."


The so-called son of a rich man cannot sit down in the hall.

As deputy envoy to southern Xinjiang, Zhang Chumao has been away from fighting for many years.


Zhang Huan thinks this is also a way to boost morale.

Later, Zhang Chumao came up with a group of sergeants.

"Fire the arrow!"

Arrows rained down from the city head.

Zhang Chumao held up his shield and was the first to board the city.

The defenders swarmed in.

The two sides saw each other repeatedly at the top of the city. After a while, Zhang Chumao and his men broke in. But as soon as they cheered, the defenders organized a reserve team to counterattack.

The Zhou army's fearless style made the Tang army stop underestimating the enemy.

"Your son-in-law said at the beginning...not to look down upon Nan Zhou."


"Some people say that when people get old, their memory will be bad. I have almost forgotten about your son-in-law. But just now, I recalled them one by one. It can be seen that this man! It's not that he has a bad memory, but...

I don’t want to remember it!”

"Xiang Zhang naturally has a good memory."

"I remember that your son-in-law said... No matter how cowardly a man is after his family and country, he will take up swords and guns for his wife and children. If he dies, his wife and children can survive. Inspired by such courage, the Southern Zhou Army will

Stop our army like crazy."

"That's just my opinion." Zhou Zun didn't know what Zhang Huan meant, but he just wanted to be humble for his son-in-law.

Zhang Huan sighed, "Do you know what I'm thinking about right now?"

"I don't know."

"I'm wondering why he didn't come to southern Xinjiang in the first place!"

Is this an attempt to win over Zitai? Zhou Zun was stunned and looked at him slowly.

Zhang Huan nodded, "I am serious."

Yang Xuan's life in Northern Xinjiang was really good, which can be seen from Zhou Ning's letter.

The people under his rule supported him, the officials respected him, Huang Chunhui of Taoxian County valued him, and Sima Liu Qing was like a father to Yang Xuan.

Under such a good situation, everyone knows that Yang Xuan's future in Northern Xinjiang is limitless.

Why did he come to southern Xinjiang?

Zhang Huan saw what he was thinking and said, "If he is willing to come, I will recommend him to take charge of the attack on the rebels."

This is real power!

Once the rebels are wiped out, Yang Xuan's name will resound throughout southern Xinjiang.


Zhang Chumao!

Zhou Zun glanced at Zhang Chumao on the top of the city and said, "There is a high chance that he will become a military governor."

Zhang Huan nodded: "In just a few years, I will be able to make your son-in-law the deputy envoy of Jiedu. Frankly speaking, your son-in-law will be the deputy envoy of Jiedu. Your Majesty, the left minister and others will be happy to see this happen.



If Zhang Chumao is the military governor, someone below must restrain him!

And Yang Xuan, his archrival, is the best candidate.


Zhang Huan said softly: "I don't care about the sharp fighting, why? It's just because I have seen many strong men. But your son-in-law's vision made my heart move. Talents are rare..."

Zhang Huan wants to pave the way for himself!

Once Yang Xuan agreed, he became a member of Zhang Huan's family.

In this way, even if Zhang Huan went to Chang'an to serve as an official, he still maintained a strong influence in southern Xinjiang.

Secondly, you can also make good friends with the Zhou family.

This series of abacus made a ping-ping sound.

However, it is highly operable.

"Your son-in-law needs reputation. There is a stalemate in the middle. I am going to order Zhang Chumao to go to the left route army to take charge. Get your son-in-law back and have him take charge of the attack on Yezhou. Yezhou seems to be tough, but I dare to say that it cannot be defended.

Ten days.”

Zhang Huan looked at Zhou Zun and said, "Destroying Yezhou City can be called a famous general.

Be famous as early as possible!"

This is an exchange.

Zhang Huan is willing to give Yang Xuan a chance to become famous.

The price is Zhou's support and Yang Xuan's promise to come to southern Xinjiang.

As for how to operate, Zhou Zun and Yang Xuan don't have to worry about it. Zhang Huan has been in the army for many years and has his own network of contacts.

Zhou Zun was also thinking about it.

He is tempted!

Be famous early.

The son-in-law is well-known in Northern Xinjiang, but in the entire Tang Dynasty, he is still just a fledgling.

Come to the Central Route Army and destroy Yezhou City!

Then build momentum.

Datang will have one more famous general.

This matter...

"Ms. sir, there is an urgent report from the left route army."

Zhang Huan smiled and said: "Oh! But we ran into trouble."

Zhou Zun collected his thoughts and watched the messenger rush over, escorted by more than a hundred riders.


The messenger raised his head and said:

"Reporting to your Majesty, our army has defeated Huangzhou City, and I would like to ask you for instructions on our next move."

The surrounding area suddenly became quiet.


This chapter has been completed!
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