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Chapter 456 The decisive battle that started unexpectedly

After becoming the governor of Chenzhou, Yang Xuan rarely rushed into battle.

It's not that he lacks martial courage, it's that he doesn't need it.

In a battle formation, Tu Chang could easily crush him.

Later, with the emergence of the Qiu Long Guard, his force value ranking was even lower.

But today, he raised his sword without hesitation and was the first to charge towards the enemy.

for what?

He asked himself.

Strive for rebellion?


Meritorious service?


When the enemy's faces became clearer and clearer, Yang Xuan thought of the answer.

"For the Tang Dynasty!"

"For the Tang Dynasty!"

Three thousand Northern Xinjiang cavalry followed their general and charged forward, shouting for the Tang Dynasty.

It's as sharp as a long sword, piercing into the enemy's formation.

The two sides continued to fight and fight.

The Southern Xinjiang Rangers turned around decisively and entered the battle.

More than 4,000 cavalrymen gradually restored the situation.

"Report! Our cavalry has surrounded the Tang Army's cavalry!"


Peng Jing smiled and said: "Well done to defeat the enemy!"

Bai Xiong looked solemn, "It still depends on Zhang Huan's response, whether he will suffer a dull loss or make a decisive attack."


The battle report comes again.

"The Northern Xinjiang Army is attacking."

"Yang Gou!" a general blurted out.

Fang Chong said calmly: "Under the general trend!"

Under the general trend, the bravery of a small army is of no avail.

Bai Xiong took a deep breath and said, "Urgent report."


The battlefield is not far from Yongzhou City. Standing on the top of the city, you can even see the smoke and dust in the distance.

"What will happen?" Fang Chong looked at the smoke and dust in the distance and whispered to Peng Jing beside him: "Sun Shi came to the palace and said bad things about you and me, trying to trick His Majesty into changing the commander."

Peng Jing's cheek trembled, "Old dog!"

"No, that old dog keeps serving the country and the people, but he ruined the morale of our army before the war. That means His Majesty is merciful, otherwise he should be chopped off with a knife."

"Don't shout about beating or killing."

"Sooner or later."

"The political strife of the Great Zhou Dynasty has been going on for many years, and the losers just went to the local government to serve as officials. They yelled about beatings and killings. Those who started the figurines have no consequences!"

Fang Chong's eyes flashed with light, "If we lose this battle, Sun Shi and others will attack you and me crazily."

"Just do your best!" Peng Jing's eyes were bright.

"Report!" came quickly.

"Our army is in decline."

A civil servant sighed, "Sure enough, we still have to use human lives to fill it."

You can't defeat one against one, nor can you defeat two against one. The only way is to use the human sea tactic.

"Withdraw!" someone suggested.

Bai Xiong looked at Peng Jing and the two of them, "You two gentlemen..."

Peng Jing took a deep breath, "What do you think?"

Baixiong said: "Our army is waiting for work, and it is best to go to war at this moment."

Peng Jing glanced at Fang Chong.


Bai Xiong stood up.

"Order, the entire army attacks!"

Boom, boom, boom!

The big drum at the top of the city was beaten.

The people walked out of their homes and looked into the distance worriedly.

"It's about to start a fight!"

A young man scolded: "Tang Gou is domineering and tyrannical. I can't live a peaceful life, but he wants to bully me, Da Zhou!"

An old man sighed: "It is said that the Great Zhou Dynasty humiliated the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty! I don't know what it was that humiliated the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, so that the Tang Dynasty marched southward."

"Everyone go back!"

Groups of sergeants appeared and drove the people home.

After a while, except for the sergeant, there was no one else on the street.

The houses on both sides were quiet, as if there was no one around.

Occasionally, a dog barked, followed by scolding.

"Shut up!"

The army went out to war.

Peng Jing and Fang Chong walked up to the top of the city.

They will wait for news here and respond at any time.

"Can we win?" Peng Jing asked, and then he answered: "Definitely!"

Fang Chong touched the dust on the city head and clapped his hands, "Definitely!"


Sun Shi and Han Bi were drinking tea in the duty room.

The ice basin in the corner exudes a cold air, making the room a little chillier.

"The war should begin in these days." Sun Shi said.

"Yes!" Han Bi took a sip of tea, "Peng Jing and Fang Chonghe never knew anything about the art of war, but they chose to take command. I had fought with the natives before, but I could only watch those two in Bianjing.

Idiots ruin the situation."

"Bai Xiong is here, he is a truly famous general." Sun Shi looked down on Lei Qi in his words.

"Baixiong is good, but Zhang Huan is also a famous commander." Han Bi felt a little depressed, "Open the door!"

The attendant outside opened the door to the check-in room, and a wave of heat rushed in along with the crazy chirping of cicadas.

My slightly cold forehead felt wet and hot almost instantly.

Han Bi frowned and said, "The new policy cannot be delayed!"

Sun Shi said calmly: "Your Majesty will give you your full support."

"But those people are still opposing. They have a large number of people. If this battle is successful, Prime Minister Sun, those people will take advantage of the situation to launch impeachment and denounce the new policy that harms the country."

"But...I still hope to win this battle."

Han Bi took a deep breath and said, "Just win or lose."

Zhang Huan is writing a memorial.

The King of Yue was beside him, talking to Zhang Chumao in a low voice.

"The enemy's cavalry increased greatly. This was a trial battle, and then the two armies faced off in an upright manner. There was no showiness." Zhang Chumao was spreading common knowledge about battle formations to the King of Yue.

"How about dividing the troops for a sneak attack?" asked the King of Yue.

"Your Majesty, are you talking about a sneak attack on the grain road?"


"When the army sets out, the first priority is the safety of the food route. There are continuous military guards along this route. Unless the Zhou army sends out a large army to attack, it will be useless. However, our army's scouts are widely deployed on the left and right sides, and the army cannot sneak past quietly."

"I see. I, the king, asked why so many scouts were sent out."

"The scouts not only inquire about information, but also cover up the other side's scouts from investigating our army."

"In other words, if our scouts are blocked by the enemy, then our army will be at a disadvantage in this battle?"

"Your Majesty is wise, that's exactly what it is."

"That's it!"

The King of Yue already had some more pictures in his mind.

The scouts were galloping on their horses, catching up with their opponents, fighting hard, and driving them away.

"I seem to smell the smell of blood."

Zhang Huan finished writing the memorial, raised his head and said: "Our army is deep into the enemy's territory, and a stream of Yingshui blocks the way forward, so I don't have any useful strategies. I can only push forward in an upright manner."

"So, when will it start?" King Yue asked.

Zhang Huan said: "Three to five days! Starting tomorrow, let the rangers force the enemy, suppress the enemy scouts in Yongzhou, and cut off the enemy's sight. Bai Xiong is a veteran general, so he naturally refuses to be blind.

In this case, the only option is to fight."


It's time for the King of Yue to write a memorial.

As soon as he stood up, there were footsteps outside.

"Ms. sir!"

A sergeant rushed in, "Shijun Yang, please report urgently."


When Zhang Huan heard the word "urgent report", he narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists.

"The enemy troops are out in force!"

In the sixth year of the Great Qian Dynasty, the decisive battle of the Southern Expedition began in a way that no one could have imagined.

The weather is very hot.

After putting on the armor, the whole person feels like he is in a steamer.

Zhou Zun was not wearing armor.

He is a long history and needs to handle affairs flexibly instead of fighting in battle.

"It's really my turn to go into battle. It doesn't matter whether I have armor or not!"

Chang Mu didn't wear any armor either, so he followed him on his horse and said, "I'm a little hasty. I wonder how my uncle is doing."

The army left the camp.

This was a hasty attack.

"The same is true for the Zhou army." Zhang Huan was analyzing the battle situation for his generals, "I originally wanted to rest for a few days before going out to fight, but it seems that Bai Xiong is not prepared to give me this opportunity.

But that’s fine, our army’s morale is strong. Although we are a little tired, in these years, which battle have we not been tired of? But which battle have we lost?”

But Zhou Zun knew that what prompted Zhang Huan to fight early was not his morale, but the small amount of food in the army.

The army left the camp in a mighty manner and moved forward.

Scouts kept bringing back news.

"After Yang Shijun learned that the prime minister had decided to fight today, he decisively led his troops to fight back again."

"Oh!" Zhang Huan asked, "Does he have anything to say?"

The scout raised his head with admiration in his eyes, "Yang Shijun said that we are all one family in Northern and Southern Xinjiang, and they are all guarding the border for the Tang Dynasty. The war is coming, and we should be the first to seize the opportunity for the army!"


Zhang Huan was in high spirits, "This is what a man of the Tang Dynasty should be like. No matter whether he breaks his head in daily life or has no contact with each other until old age and death, when the enemy is facing a formidable enemy, we should join hands to defend him!"

The army moved forward and already saw the smoke and dust.

"Accept!" Zhang Huan ordered.

Shi Zhongtang asked for a tassel, "I would like to go as a lower official!"


The smoke and dust in front gradually moved closer.

A group of men and horses came quickly.

Leading the way were more than a hundred riders.

These hundreds of horses were pulling very wide, and each horse was dragging something behind.

"That's...Wang Laoer?" Zhou Zun has a good eye.

After getting closer, Wang Laoer shouted: "Turn around!"

More than a hundred Northern Xinjiang cavalry began to turn while galloping, showing excellent riding skills.

Under the high-speed inertia, the things dragged behind the war horse flew up.

One by one!


"It's a human head!" someone exclaimed.

The war horse dragged a long rope with human heads on it.

Under the blue sky and white sun, the grinning human heads send chills down your spine.

A burst of cheers erupted from the Tang army formation.

"Wan Sheng!"

This appearance was outstanding.

So much so that Zhang Huan couldn't help but laugh and said: "Reward!"

The cavalry group is back.

Yang Xuan rode alone to the central army.

"here you go!"

Zhang Huan praised: "This battle has improved the morale of our army. By the way, how about the other side?"

Yang Xuan was covered in blood, and there were blood scabs on his face that were blown away by the wind. He reached out and pulled off a piece, "More than 100,000 enemy troops left the city, and there were about 20,000 cavalry."

"By the way, I also served as a scout." Zhang Huan smiled at his generals and said, "There are people under my command who are so talented. I can't help but be a little envious of Huang Chunhui at this moment."

Yang Xuan smelled some sour smell.

As he spoke, the army continued to advance.

Except for sending scouts to both sides of the other side, both armies moved forward in silence.

Until it comes into view.

Ten thousand people, boundless.

The people and horses on both sides stopped, and the whole sight was filled with people.

The evil spirit filled the entire sight, there were many swords and guns, and there were so many flags that it seemed like they could cover the sky and the earth.

Bai Xiong is in the middle army and is sizing up the Tang army's formation.

"The formation is solid, the layout is quite exquisite, and there are no flaws. Zhang Huan is worthy of being a famous marshal of the Tang Dynasty."

When he saw that his subordinates all had cold faces, he knew it was due to nervousness.

Under such circumstances, it is necessary to boost morale.

"Just eight years ago, Zhang Huan, who had just arrived in southern Xinjiang, wrote a memorial to Chang'an. He made five suggestions, all of which were related to the Great Zhou Dynasty.

He said that the Northern Liao was fierce, and if the Tang Dynasty wanted to compete with the Northern Liao, it could only annex the Great Zhou. The money, food and products of the Great Zhou, coupled with the population of the Tang, would make the Northern Liao fearful!"

There is no doubt that this is a rather bold suggestion.

"The Tang Dynasty has been coveting the Great Zhou Dynasty. It wants to enslave us, occupy our fields, and kill our wives and children. What should we do?"

"Fight bravely!" Bai Xiong shouted, "If the Tang Dynasty people can come, the Zhou Dynasty can also go!

Defeat the enemy in front of you, and I will lead you and others to fight all the way to southern Xinjiang. To Qinghe, to Chang'an, and keep moving forward!

Your Majesty has prepared the money and official titles to be used to reward meritorious service, and is only waiting for the triumphant return of the army.

As long as you return with your merits, Bianjing will open its arms, and the people and officials will welcome the heroes of the Zhou Dynasty with cheers.

Your Majesty will also ascend the tower to greet you.

The meritorious service lies ahead, soldiers, please have the confidence to seize it!"


The cheers of more than 100,000 people stirred up the only cloud in the sky.

“Very lively.”

When Zhang Huan saw the other side raising his arms and shouting, he said contemptuously: "When I first arrived in southern Xinjiang, I was frightened to kill the Southern Zhou people with my subordinates.

We have been talking about peace in recent years, but what is peace? It is the incompetence of our generation of warriors that allows the enemy to have peace.

In my opinion, that is not peace, but contentment!"

Han Ji whispered to Yang Xuan: "Zhang Huan was also dedicated to the war at the beginning. As soon as he arrived in southern Xinjiang, he went to Chang'an. He suggested that the northern Xinjiang should suffer some hardships, but he would also fight to the death to stop the invasion of the Northern Liao army.

The southern Xinjiang army took advantage of this opportunity to launch a surprise attack and destroyed the Southern Zhou Dynasty in one fell swoop.

Then the money and food of the Southern Zhou Dynasty, coupled with the population and bravery of the Tang Dynasty, launched the Northern Expedition again, destroyed the Northern Liao Dynasty, and unified the world!"

But that time coincided with the last years of Emperor Wu, and there was chaos in the court.

Not long after Zhang Huan's memorial arrived in Chang'an, Li Yuan and his son launched a palace coup and ousted Emperor Wu from the throne in one fell swoop.

Later, Pei Jiu, the governor of Northern Xinjiang, was recalled and committed suicide in front of the imperial city.

The heroic army in Northern Xinjiang was disorganized, and Li Yuan and his son launched a purge in order to eliminate the influence of Emperor Wu and Pei Jiu in the Northern Xinjiang Army, which further weakened the Northern Xinjiang Army.

Otherwise, how could Bei Liao dare to show his teeth at Bei Xinjiang, or even blackmail him!

The strategic situation at that time was really different from today.

Han Ji glanced at Zhang Huan on the right and continued: "Later, the Supreme Emperor ascended the throne and the new emperor ascended the throne. Many old ministers were purged. Zhang Huan's backers also fell. Many people stared at Southern Xinjiang. As a result, Zhang Huan

We can only protect ourselves and have no ambition to make progress."

Speaking of which, Zhang Huan was also a victim of the coup by Li Yuan and his son.

But after years of hard work, Zhang Huan's body now looks mellow, without the edges and corners he once had.

On the opposite side, the Zhou army began to move.

The infantry advanced slowly, while the archers prepared.

"Sir, the enemy has moved."

"I saw it."

Zhang Huan looked at the enemy formation in front with mixed emotions and said: "Back then, I also dreamed of fighting with the Southern Zhou army. I didn't expect that many years later, my dream would come true. But times have changed, and the good situation is no longer as good as before.


"Bang the drum!"

Zhang Huan gave an order, and more than ten men began to beat the drums.

"Over the years, many people have regarded me as a scum among warriors and a coward. Today, I actually feel the excitement that I haven't seen in a long time."

He glanced north.

"Pei Jiu, you've gone, but I'm still here! I'm still guarding the country and guarding the border, and I'm still here, guarding the Tang Dynasty!"


Zhang Huan pulled out the horizontal knife.

Forward finger!



"Wan Sheng!"

Countless soldiers raised their arms and shouted.

The numerous swords and spears seemed to be piercing the sky.


This chapter has been completed!
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