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Chapter 461

"This is Ying Shui!"

Yang Xuan dismounted and walked to the Yingshui River.

The water flow is swift and mighty.

The pontoon bridge has been destroyed and it is still difficult to cross the river.

"There is a section of the river with calm water downstream, but all the nearby boats have been emptied."

Nan He went up and down the river to investigate.

"You can build a raft." Han Ji said.

These are nothing.

The biggest problem now is that the Southern Zhou Dynasty refuses to bow its head, so the Southern Expedition must continue.

"The Zhou army has been discovered on the flank. There are not many of them. They are as sneaky as rats." The scout brought back some bad news.

Then Zhang Huan ordered his cavalry to attack in all directions.

Defeated several groups of so-called King Qin's troops.

"There will be more to come." Zhou Zun held a booklet and said: "The Southern Zhou Dynasty has a large population. Anything in this world is worthless, including human life. Local officials can easily recruit a large army after receiving the order of King Qin.


"Those are common people," said the King of Yue.

"The ants will bite the elephant to death." Zhou Zun has completely changed his view on the battle formation. "The Nian clan is still Zhengshuo and is supported by the people. With just a few simple drills, those people can crush us with corpses."

These words reminded Yang Xuan of the war in that world.

As soon as a farmer came back from farming, he was drafted. He was given a gun and a few rounds of bullets, and then he was driven onto the battlefield. Most of them were killed without even killing a single enemy.

But the remaining ones were honed in the flames of war and became elites.

This is a different kind of law of the jungle.

Use life and death to eliminate the weak and leave the strong behind.

The so-called drills only teach them how to aim, how to load ammunition, and how to pull the trigger.

At present, it is to teach them how to hold the knife tightly without letting go when swinging the knife; how to draw the knife when hitting someone... Well, you are already a mature warrior, you have to learn to kill the enemy by yourself.


Damn it!

This is the chaos mode.

Nian Xu seemed to be crazy.

"My lord, the envoy from the Southern Zhou Dynasty is here."


Zhang Chumao looked stunned.

The Tang army seems to be proud of the success, but they are aware of their own difficulties. There is not much food and grass, and the enemy's harassment is becoming more and more troublesome. In such a situation, it is easiest to focus on one thing and lose another.

Once the grain road is frequently disturbed, it may even be cut off.

Then, the Tang army must either desperately attack Bianjing City to obtain supplies, or turn around and escape back to southern Xinjiang under the harassment of the Zhou army along the way.

But Nian Xu actually sent an envoy!


The King of Yue asked subconsciously: "You read that right?"

"That's right, the person who came here said he was an old friend of Yang Shijun."

Zhang Huan smiled and looked at Yang Xuan, "Zitai also has old friends here?"

"No!" Yang Xuan was also confused, "Xiaguan came here once before and was on a serious mission."

"Who is that person?"

"The Minister of Rites, Wang Zhong."

Isn't this the ruthless man who broke his toes?

Yang Xuan thought about the time when he was sent as an envoy to the Southern Zhou Dynasty. The king took the envoy to "play" in various places and demonstrated on the way. On the way, he encountered rebels and was trapped in Yecheng.

That time, Yang Xuan saw the reality of Southern Zhou Dynasty.

Civil servants are shameless!

The martial artist still retains his blood.

For the sake of his own career, Wang Zhong resolutely broke off his toes and returned with a heroic attitude... He was rewarded for his meritorious service, and soon he was promoted to Minister of Rites.

The Yecheng defenders who fought bravely did not rest in peace.

That's how this world is.

"I had dealings with this person when he was sent on an official mission."

Zhang Huan asked: "What kind of person is he?"

"Cunning, ruthless! Especially ruthless to myself."

"You are not afraid of being cunning, nor are you afraid of being cruel, but you should not underestimate those who are cruel to you," Zhou Zun said.

The kings are coming.

Keep a straight face and don't be angry.

"The Tang army attacked Zhou Dynasty for no reason..."

Yang Xuan coughed dryly, "Don't talk about this, first ask what the monarchs and ministers of Southern Zhou did!"

Wang Zhong immediately changed his face to a friendly smile, "Dazhou and Tang Dynasty have been harmonious for many years. They are just like husband and wife. If they have conflicts occasionally, they shouldn't fight!"

"Then what do you think the Tang Dynasty should do?"

"Your Majesty has given an explanation for this matter, and the instigator has been captured..."

"That's the scapegoat, right?" Yang Xuan sneered, "If I guess correctly, the person behind it is Zaifu!"



The two of them looked at each other.

Suddenly I found something quiet.

Look slowly.

In the lobby, Zhang Huan and others were looking at them.

"Hey!" Zhang Huan stood up, "I'm tired, let's go and have a rest. Zitai is a good hospitality person."


After leaving the lobby, Zhang Huan said with a smile: "I have the biggest headache of arguing with others, now I'm done, just leave it to him."

Zhou Zun said: "I am afraid that the lion of Southern Zhou will open its mouth."

"An Xin." Zhang Huan said calmly, "Your son-in-law suffered no loss in Beiliao. Do you think Southern Zhou can make him bow his head?"

In the lobby, Yang Xuan waved his hand and everyone went out.

The two sat down opposite each other.

"Tell me! What's the bottom line?" Yang Xuan said unceremoniously.

The kings coughed dryly and said, "Retreat!"


"Give you some food and grass."

"Our army is not short of food and grass."

"Haha! The lone army goes deep, and King Qin's army is getting more and more gathered nearby. Can the food road be protected?"

Yang Xuan said calmly: "Just feed on the enemy."

To feed on the enemy was to transform into locusts and plunder all the food they could. As for how many people starved to death in the occupied areas, it had nothing to do with the Tang Dynasty.

Wang Zhong squinted his eyes, "Cruel!"

"They've all fought. Datang is not afraid of its reputation for cruelty."

"What does Datang want?"

"First, apologize!"

This is what it should be!

The kings were silent.

Peng Jing and others tried to commit suicide, tampered with the gifts, and humiliated Li Mi. Only then will the kings know about this.

"Second, compensation!"


"That's right!"

Nanzhou is not short of money!

No, the common people are short of money, but the people above are not short of money!

Yang Xuan discovered an interesting phenomenon: the poorer the people in a place, the richer the people above them.

"How many?"

Before the expedition, the conditions given by Chang'an were three million yuan in compensation.

It is said that some people said too much, fearing that the Southern Zhou Dynasty would not agree.

Yang Xuan stretched out a finger... looked at Wang Zhong, and stretched out another...

Wang Zhong looked shocked.

Yang Xuan stretched out another finger.

The king was angry.

Yang Xuan stretched out his fourth finger.

The anger among the kings became lighter.

I'll stretch again...

One hand moved back and forth.

"Five million dollars!"

"This is extortion!"

"Old Wang." Yang Xuan said cordially: "You have to know that we conquered the three states and did not cause any killings, nor did we invade the people."

"Three million!"

"This is a negotiation between the two countries, not a bargaining by businessmen. Lao Wang, if you feel that there is no way to negotiate, then go back first!"

"That's unreasonable!"

Wang Zhong walked away with a cold face.

Yang Xuan went to report it.

"Five million?"

Zhang Huan had a toothache, "It's too harsh, too much. If it angers the monarchs and ministers of Southern Zhou, we will still be in trouble."

"Don't worry, Prime Minister Zhang. For the monarchs and ministers of Southern Zhou, anything that can be solved with money is nothing."

"How did you decide?" Zhou Zun asked.

"I stretched out one finger, but Wang Zhong didn't respond. With the second finger, Wang Zhong was shocked, with the third finger, he was angry, with the fourth finger, his expression gradually faded, and with the fifth finger, he became angry.

He is indifferent only when he points his finger."

"What's the explanation?" someone asked.

"If it exceeds the bottom line set by the monarchs and ministers of Southern Zhou, the kings will be silent, not angry, let alone shocked." Zhou Zun said.

"If it exceeds too much, there will be no room. In this case, what's the use of being angry and shocked?" Zhang Huan said with a smile: "If you go into business, you can make a lot of money."

Yang Xuan said humbly: "Thank you, Prime Minister Zhang."

"I've been wandering around for the past few days. I'll leave the rest to you." Zhang Huan even stretched, "Hey! I haven't been this relaxed and comfortable in years. Don't disturb me if you have nothing to do."

Zhou Zun said: "The raft has started to be built, do you want to continue?"

Zhang Huan nodded, "Of course we must continue. Let the monarchs and ministers of Southern Zhou have a look. If the negotiation is not successful, the army will cross the river and approach Bianjing."

Yang Xuan also found a place with a gentle flow of water and asked the craftsman who built the raft to get a simple version of a deck chair and a fishing rod.

Wu Da led someone to get an umbrella, and Yang Xuan fished under the umbrella.

"Hey! Comfortable!"

The old thief also got a fishing rod nearby, but after seeing no movement for a long time, he lost interest.

"Lang Jun, money is not the purpose of this southern expedition, right?"

"Of course not."

"Then why does the gentleman want an extra two million yuan... This seems to irritate the monarchs and ministers of Southern Zhou Dynasty."

"I just want them to get used to it first."

When the kings came and saw Yang Xuan fishing, they couldn't help but smile bitterly when they thought of the hard work of running back and forth.

"I went back and tried to talk it over, but I was sprayed with spit on my face, so I agreed."

Retreat your troops quickly!

Yang Xuan coughed dryly, "Old Wang, do you still remember the slogan of our army's southern expedition?"

"What?" Wang Zhong's expression suddenly changed drastically, "Twenty cities?"

"That's right, Lao Wang, you have a good memory. Nian Xu is really at a loss for not letting you take charge of the household department!" Yang Xuan said with a smile.

"Impossible!" Wang Zhong jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

"Nothing is impossible!" Yang Xuan said with a cold face, "We talked about twenty cities, but now we are still short of three cities. Go back and tell Nian Xu that if he refuses to give it, then don't blame us for taking it for ourselves!"

Wang Zhong said with a cold face, "This is absolutely impossible! This is a dream!"

Yang Xuan said calmly: "I prefer to dream."

The kings left again.

"Twenty cities!" Zhang Chumao said, "The cities around Bianjing are all gone. If you have to go around Bianjing to get them, you may be cut off if you are not careful."

This is quite true.

There is still a large army in Bianjing City. If they leave the city and cut off the Tang army's retreat, and King Qin's army attacks everywhere, the army will be in danger!

Yang Xuan said: "Prime Minister Zhang, I think this can be done."

Zhang Huan has been thinking about this for the past two days. He attacked again, and there was some Meng Lang when King Qin's army was everywhere. He was the commander-in-chief and had to be responsible for the army, not the so-called goal of twenty cities.

Nanzhou paid compensation and apologized, and we also won a great victory. What else do we want?

If anyone really wants to be serious about twenty cities, then let him do it himself.

Zhang Huan said calmly: "Since the Southern Expedition, our army has destroyed the city seventeen times, which is almost the same."

Zhou Zun said: "There are some forts nearby."

Everyone couldn't help but nodded slightly and thought to themselves: It is indeed the head of the Zhou family, this is a brilliant idea.

A fortress is also a city!

After building three forts, he immediately said that he had broken the city for twenty, and went home with five million yuan to finish the work.


Zhang Huandu couldn't help but praise: "This is a great kindness from Zhou Changshi!"

"That's right!" Even the King of Yue was full of praise.

I thought to myself that my grandfather had been a little rash by alienating Zhou Zun... This man is so talented!

What the emperor wanted was face. The Southern Zhou Dynasty apologized and received the compensation. He was so happy that no one dared to say that the fortress was not a city. Li Mi was able to exile his family to southern Xinjiang to join the rebels in southern Xinjiang.

Yang Xuan said: "Prime Minister Zhang, we don't have much food and grass."

"Let's do some more searching below, and urge us on the follow-up supplies." It's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice, so Zhang Huan can only do this.

"I think the people from Southern Zhou Dynasty will give us some as a gift."

"You mean..."

"We have obtained the three cities, and the food in them is enough for us to withdraw our troops."

"It's not easy to attack!"

"Maybe they can take the initiative to open the city gate!"

"What do you mean by this?" asked the King of Yue.

"Prime Minister Zhang, I would like to give it a try."

"Don't create extraneous problems!" Zhang Chumao said.

"Just trying." Yang Xuan smiled.

"Then give it a try!" Zhang Huan glanced at Yang Xuan, then glanced at the two kings of Yue, knowing their thoughts very well.

"The official wants to take some people across the river."

Zhang Huan smiled and said, "Show off your power!"

Wang Zhong brought back the conditions of the Tang army.

"Three cities, do you want us to take the initiative to open the city gates?" Han Bi was furious, "Your Majesty, prepare for war!"

What a shame!

The kings and ministers of Southern Zhou Dynasty were all angry!

There are drills every day in the city, and the shouts of killing are loud.

In the early morning, mist slowly enveloped the earth, and the most beautiful tulle was not enough to compare.

The soldier guarding the city yawned and looked hard outside the city.

"Tang Jun is on the opposite side of Yingshui, be careful."

The general was patrolling diligently, knocking out the paralyzed thoughts of his subordinates.

"They don't dare to come!" said an old soldier.

"You shouldn't dare." The general comforted: "A large army has gathered in the city. Your Majesty has left the inner treasury, and the Ministry of Revenue has also mobilized money and food. The morale of the army is strong. If the Tang army dares to come, then give them a head-on blow!"



"There is the sound of horse hooves!" The old soldier turned around suddenly, staring at the mist in the distance with his eyes wide open.

The morning sun slowly rises in the east, and a ray of purple light shines over. The mist moves slowly in the purple light, like a beauty dancing in tulle.

Suddenly, the mist suddenly twisted.

Then he was knocked away.

A war horse rushed out of the mist, raised its drooping head suddenly, opened its mouth and neighed vigorously, and the mist in front of it was blown away.

The war horse neighs!

The knight on horseback came out of the fog, his helmet covered with water vapor, and he raised his head indifferently and looked at the city head.


A ferocious smile.

"It's Tang Jun!"

Clang clang clang!

The sound of the warning bell woke up the soldiers and civilians in the city.

Xie Yingong went to the bedroom with a pale face.

Nian Xu, who was having breakfast, looked calm and said, "Wait until I finish eating."

He ate breakfast slowly.

The ministers are coming.

They all stood outside the temple.

The generals are coming.

Stand on the other side.

The distinction between Jing and Wei is clear.

After drinking the soup, Nian Xu took the cloth and wiped the corners of his mouth.



"For many years since the founding of the Zhou Dynasty, Bianjing has never seen an enemy army. Today, I saw it."

"I am waiting for you, I will die!" Sun Shi took the lead, and the ministers bowed to apologize.

Nian Xu coughed dryly and wiped the corners of his mouth.

"Am I still an emperor?"

No one dared to say anything.

"Then, I will make the decision once."

The ministers bowed their heads.

"Give them!"


This chapter has been completed!
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