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Chapter 463 Home

The winter in the seventh year of Daqian was very cold.

Han Shitou, who stayed outside the palace last night, walked into the palace gate with his sleeves up.

"I've met Young Inspector Han!"

Several chamberlains stood by the road, bowing their heads slightly.


Han Shitou nodded slightly.

"I've met Young Inspector Han."

Several palace ladies held vases and saluted.

There are no flowers at this time, but there can be green.

If the nobles are dissatisfied with looking at the empty palace all day long, the people below will try their best to find fun for them.

Several young palace maids followed behind, wearing a little less and shivering.

Han Shitou walked by, and an older palace maid in front of him turned around and scolded, "You can't do anything like this, so I'll save you breakfast!"

Several young palace maids looked pale, but they did not dare to defend themselves.

This is the rule in the palace.

Nobles, eunuchs, female officials, petty bosses, people who serve nobles, handymen...

It is such an ecological chain, where big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimps.

And Han Shitou is a big shot at the top of this ecological chain.

Except for the emperor, he almost didn't buy anyone's fault.

This statement is a bit unclear.

He still had to pay for the imperial concubine's account.

No, it should be said that whoever the emperor cares about will have to pay his bills.

When they arrived at the Liyuan, Han Shitou asked, "Your Majesty, are you up?"

The chamberlain on night duty said: "Just got up."

Han Shitou asked: "Did something happen last night?"


Another chamberlain continued: "The imperial concubine had a nightmare last night."

"I got it." Han Shitou glanced at the servant one more time, neither praising nor scolding.

He walked in, and the two chamberlains behind him smiled at each other.


There is no need to worry about such internal battles, just control the direction.

There is no internal fighting, but it is difficult to manage.

This is the theory of checks and balances!

Many times, if there is no internal chaos, the superiors will take action to disrupt the situation and make them fight among themselves.

In a word, when the internal situation is as stable as an old dog, the person in charge is in danger.

The emperor has bags under his eyes, which is because he didn't sleep well last night.

The imperial concubine looked slightly pale, which reminded Han Shitou of the grease at home.

It's fragrant, but don't eat too much. Doctors say eating too much can lead to obesity.


The emperor yawned.

"His Majesty."

Han Shitou took the tea cup from the waiter's hand and gently placed it on the table. "Your Majesty, can you have a lighter breakfast?"


Han Shitou ordered people to get food and hot cloths.

"Your Majesty, cover your eyes and remove the bags under your eyes. By the way, you will feel better!"

The emperor covered his face with a hot cloth and sighed contentedly.

A sigh came from behind the cloth, a little vague.

"The southern Xinjiang army has broken through the three states and is about to approach Yingshui. I am very happy."

Han Shitou bowed slightly, "I'm afraid Nian Xu will regret it."

"What's the use of his regret?" The emperor took off the cloth and felt that his breathing became much easier, so he handed the cloth to Han Shitou and motioned to do it again.

"Nian Xu is not stupid. If you want to provoke me, there are better ways. For example, sending weapons to the rebels in southern Xinjiang is more economical. The one who can come up with such means must be one of the officials below."

Han Shitou put the cloth into a copper basin, soaked it in hot water, scrubbed it a few times, and wrung it dry.

The emperor yawned, took the cloth, and covered his face again.

It looks like a dead person!

Han Shitou thought.

"What kind of new policy he introduced seems sharp, but it has touched the interests of many powerful and wealthy people.

Innovation is necessary! But it shouldn’t be so radical.

This time our army is approaching Bianliang, there must be people clamoring that the New Deal caused disaster, so it must be the work of the old party."

"Your Majesty is wise."

In terms of playing power, Nian Xu being Li Mi's disciple is not very interesting.

"He should plan it slowly and clean up the court before implementing it, instead of coming back after it is implemented. It's too late!"

The emperor suddenly sighed, "The army has returned victoriously, and a reward is inevitable. The money is good, but the land is not enough."

Han Shitou said: "The fields around Chang'an are all occupied. Your Majesty, how about we reward fields elsewhere?"

The emperor shook his head, "There is no open space elsewhere. I have some on hand, but I can't move them. An emperor has no food in his hands, what is he called an emperor?"

The emperor has many farms in his hands, but in recent years he has rewarded those who were generous and made a lot of them. A while ago, after he learned that he did not have much land now, he became a little unswerving.

"What is Liang Jing doing?"

The emperor's thoughts jumped very fast, but Han Shitou could catch up at any time.

"Shilang Liang has been busy at the Ministry of War recently recording the merits of the soldiers in the southern expedition."

After Liang Jing returned from Northern Liao, it was not long before Wang ascended the throne and he naturally took over the position of Minister of War.

"Let him take care of this."

Let Liang Jing go get the fields?

Han Shitou hesitated for a moment and glanced at the imperial concubine beside him.

The imperial concubine smiled and said: "Eldest brother's family doesn't have so much land!"

As the elder brother of the imperial concubine, Liang Jing has received many rewards from the emperor over the years, including a lot of land. However, compared to the number of soldiers who performed meritorious services this time, it is far from enough to be used for rewards.

The emperor smiled and said: "I don't need his fields yet. I just want him to think of a way to get some fields near Chang'an and let me see what he can do."

Han Shitou ordered a chamberlain to deliver the order.

He stood on a high place, watched the servant go away, and said softly: "Mr. Lang, it's time to come back!"

A chamberlain passed by, cupped his hands and said, "Young Master Han looks a little more happy! But is there a happy event?"

Han Shitou said calmly: "Yes! There are some happy events."

The chamberlain smiled and said: "If so, congratulations!"

"Thank you!"

Han Shitou nodded.

Liang Jing is listening to the report.

The reporter was Jin Yuan, a member of the Ministry of War and a confidant of Liang Jing.

"...This time to defeat the Three Prefectures, Yang Xuan of the Left Route Army used his troops the most sharply."


Liang Jing stopped him, stroked his beard and asked, "What kind of sharp method is it?"

"Be the first to break the city!"

"Faster than Zhang Huan's side?"


"Yes! I would say that Zitai is very good at using troops."

A clerk came outside the door.

"Shilang Liang, someone is coming from the palace."

Liang Jing said carelessly, "Who is it?"

A chamberlain came in.

"Shilang Liang."

Liang Jing, the chamberlain, recognized this person and said with a smile: "It's you, Old Wang! What's the matter?"

The chamberlain said: "The day when the soldiers from the Southern Expedition will make their triumphant return is not far away. Your Majesty said that there is no land to reward the meritorious service. He asked Shilang Liang to think of a way. The land should be good land around Chang'an."


Liang Jing subconsciously said: "Your Majesty, could it be..."

Drink too much and hold it back in time.

The chamberlain coughed dryly and said, "Shilang Liang, this matter needs to be done quickly!"

"Thank you very much, Lao Wang!" Liang Jing said with a smile: "Someone, come and see Lao Wang off."

An attendant came in, sent the chamberlain out, and stuffed a piece of silver into his hand.

After returning, the attendant said: "The amount of money given is too generous, I am afraid that this person will be greedy."

"Give them money, just to establish a relationship. As for greed, you have to see if they are worth it.

Furthermore, in addition to showing kindness, one must also establish authority. If anyone is greedy and takes my money to ruin my affairs and say bad things about me, then get a few of them and let people see them."

Liang Jing covered his forehead, "Fields, fields, or fertile fields around Chang'an, where can I get them?"

"Did he ever complain?"

The emperor had breakfast. Because of the weather, he didn't want to sing or dance, so he rested in the palace.

The chamberlain stood with his hands tied, "Shilang Liang said he didn't know where to get it!"

The emperor hummed.

Han Shitou smiled and said: "I have to worry about changing slaves."

"You don't have to worry about following me." The emperor said calmly: "When I am happy, you are happy. If I am angry, you have to be careful."

Han Shitou smiled and said: "That is also a blessing for me as a servant. Others can't get it even if they want it."

"Hahahaha!" The emperor laughed for a while, "Now that he is the minister of the Ministry of War, he can also enter the court and dictate the affairs of the court. He thinks that this is enough?"

The imperial concubine smiled and said: "He doesn't have that ability. It's all a gift from His Majesty."

This is absolutely true, Liang Jing's life experience is a legend in the Tang Dynasty.

When he was in Shu, he mixed in the society and later became an official. He also put loyalty first. For such small officials, the Tang Dynasty had to have eight hundred if not one thousand.

But within a few years, this man suddenly transformed and became the emperor's favorite.

The emperor smiled and said: "The world belongs to me. If I am willing to give him a high official, then he will be a high official."

The emperor's rewards have been getting bigger and bigger in recent years, and Han Shitou found that he seemed to be addicted to a kind of pleasure similar to that of a rich man and couldn't extricate himself.

"Things have been quiet in the imperial court recently." The emperor said calmly: "The athletes from the Southern Expedition are about to return. At any rate, it cannot be too peaceful."

When athletes return from the Southern Expedition, they will be promoted if they should be promoted, and if they should be made rich, they will be made rich.

There is a high probability that Zhang Huan will leave southern Xinjiang... A veteran with outstanding merits will be a hidden danger if he stays there.

The same goes for Huang Chunhui, but Huang Chunhui is different. His body is enough to reassure the emperor.

Then came Zhou Zun.

After Zhou Zun returns and has the experience of the Southern Expedition, his voice in the court will become more and more important.

In this way, there will be some changes in the court.

But what does it have to do with not being too calm?

Several chamberlains were puzzled.

Han Shitou lowered his head.

The ministers were too calm. How could the emperor win over one faction and fight against another?

Instead of fighting against one faction, it would be dangerous if the ministers huddled together.

Only when strife abounds can the emperor enjoy a gentle homeland in the pear garden.

But what about Datang?

Old dog!

The imperial concubine sent people to look for Liang Jing.

"Your Majesty needs more of his own voice in the court."

Liang Jing became excited as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood.

The emperor needs his own spokesperson in the court.

And he is the best candidate... He has no background, and his only reliance is the emperor. This is a relationship where both suffer losses and prosper.

Therefore, the emperor trusted him the most.

But if you want to stand at the top, you have to hand over something that makes the emperor feel at ease.

Liang Jing went to the household department first, and Yang Songcheng threw a brochure for him to read.

"No more, not even one piece."

The fertile land around Chang'an was occupied by the powerful gentry.

He then returned to the Ministry of War and found Song Zhen.

"In the past years, land and houses have been rewarded for meritorious service, but this time for the great victory in the Southern Expedition, His Majesty wanted to reward the fertile farmland around Chang'an as appropriate. However... I came to the palace to ask about this matter."

Song Zhen went to the palace to see the emperor.

"Your Majesty, I am afraid that this reward is indispensable. I thought it would be better to exchange for money!"

Give money and you can buy whatever you want, whatever you want.

That is the meaning of discount.

The emperor looked at him for a long time and asked: "Song Qing was also a strong general back then!"

Song Zhen said: "I dare not call myself a strong general."

"You are all old!" the emperor lamented, "You are all old!"

The heroes of the Southern Expedition are about to make a triumphant return. I have been in the Ministry of War for so long that Your Majesty is afraid... Song Zhen slowly knelt down and said, "I am old and can't stand Your Majesty's urging. Please beg for my bones."

The emperor was surprised, "Why is this so? Stone, help Song Qing up."

Han Shitou went over to help Song Zhen up and asked him to get tea. He was very enthusiastic.

Song Zhen just looked at the emperor, "I have been feeling quite heavy recently..."

He knew that even if he didn't come today, someone would send a memorial in a few days to remind the emperor "well-intentioned" that Song Zhen was old.

The emperor tried to comfort him, but after he returned, Song Zhen still wrote the official memorial.

In recent years, he and the emperor had some differences of opinion from time to time. For this reason, the emperor beat him several times.

If the emperor feels that the Ministry of War should be replaced, then he can be transferred to another place, including the guards. With his ability and qualifications, it is ordinary for him to command a guard.

Zou Shu entered the palace and was suppressed by the emperor.

This is the rule.

Otherwise, the outside world will say that the emperor is mean.

Although, he is really mean.

But this is also a signal telling Song Zhen: You can leave.

When the second official memorial came into the palace, it was suppressed again.

The emperor asked about Liang Jing's movements.

"Shilang Liang has been at the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of War these days."

The emperor laughed and said: "He wants to run into a bell with Yang Songcheng? It's no use!"

Yes, Liang Jing also discovered that it was useless to seek land with Yang Songcheng.

He changed his strategy.

During the office hours, he took dozens of people to the Wang family.

"I heard that the Wang family has a lot of fertile land around Chang'an?"


The Wang family looked down upon this newcomer who was lucky enough to join him, and just turned a blind eye to him.

Next is Chunyu.


Zhou family.


Everyone in Chang'an City was attracted by Liang Jing's move.

I want to see if he dares to go to Yang's.

Liang Jing has gone.

The Yang family’s door is not even open!

have to!

Got slapped in the face!

Just as everyone was laughing, the next day, a man came outside Dali Temple and shouted:

"The villain reports that a family of five surnames has fertile land but does not pay taxes!"

The five surnames in the family, not only them, but also the powerful people all hold a large amount of land in their hands.

Paying taxes does not exist!

Everyone knew they didn't pay taxes, even the emperor knew it.

Therefore, no one has a strong sense of justice to report it.

Isn't that a fool?

But, a fool came here today.

The officials in Dali Temple changed their faces slightly and avoided him.

The man held up a piece of paper and shouted: "The villain has evidence!"

The officials entered Dali Temple in a hurry.

Ignore this person.

The man shouted: "It is unnatural for officials to protect each other."

It was too ugly, so the man was taken inside.

"Who asked you to do this?"

A clerk came to ask questions.

The man did not answer the question, but said: "The villain's companion is in the city. If the villain dies, he will have to go outside the palace gate to cry out for the villain."

Special code!

There is no way to do this yet.

Then, another man came.

"The villain reported that a family of five surnames had invaded people's fields!"

This matter exploded immediately.

The head of the family with five surnames sent someone to inquire.

No need to take it seriously, I quickly figured out the ins and outs.

"It was Liang Jing's instigation."

"That mad dog! Does he want to be our enemy?"

The next day, a man came again.

"What an injustice!"

Thirty percent more officials in Dali Temple took leave.

Even the minister of Dali Temple fell off his horse and broke his leg. He will have to recuperate for several months at least.

Everyone in the family knew what Liang Jing wanted.

No, it's what the emperor wants.

Give it or not?


What a family of five surnames wants is reputation. With reputation, what is money and land?

In the past, no one dared to ruin his reputation, but today a warrior finally came.

The fields are not a problem.

But this grudge is remembered.

Yang Songcheng looked in the direction of the palace in the duty room and said calmly: "Is this the emperor's intention to make great use of Liang Jing? Otherwise, how could he be forced to become a mad dog!"

In a certain brothel.

Liang Jing raised his glass and took a swig.

An attendant came in and said, "Mr. Lang, five members of my family have donated a lot of land. Your Majesty has just ordered a reward."

"Yeah, just say that these good-looking aristocratic families will give it to you." Liang Jing laughed wildly, and a think tank said: "Even if the matter is settled, Lang Jun will also offend the entire family."

Liang Jing patted his thigh and smiled happily.

After a long while, he gasped and said: "Where can I find glory and wealth? You can find it in danger! How can you have a future if you don't offend others?!"

The think tank knew his temperament, but was still worried, "Some people outside say that Lang Jun is a mad dog!"

Liang Jing looked at him, "If it were you, and someone gave you glory and wealth, and asked you to be a dog and bite his enemies, would you go?"

The wise man hesitated for a moment.

Liang Jing said: "I gave you glory and wealth, but actually, what's the difference between you and my dog?"

The wise man's face was red with embarrassment.

"Hahahaha!" Liang Jing laughed, "What I despise most about you literati is this. You want to be a bitch, but you also have to pretend to be chaste."

He waved his hand, and the wise man resigned as if he had been granted amnesty.

Liang Jing held the wine glass and stared blankly ahead.

"What is glory and wealth? Isn't it just someone's flattery that can make the difference between life and death? Even the damn young ranger can do that!

Amei, actually, I prefer my life in Shu, happy and free.

But before she left, my mother-in-law said, "Da Lang! I'm leaving. What will you do if you are alone in Shu?"

I told grandma not to worry.

Aniang held my hand, tried her best to open her eyes, and I listened...

Aniang said, Da Lang!

I said, Hey! Grandma, I’m here!

I'm holding your hand!

The messenger who will take you to heaven will come later, and I have to invite people to drink! Let them slow down.

Auntie said, Da Lang! You have to remember.

Home is where your loved ones are.

I said...

Yes, I remember.

My sister is in Chang'an, and Chang'an is my home."


This chapter has been completed!
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