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Chapter 474

Yang Xuan has been thinking about what his child should be like.

This little thing only knows how to cry all day long. It cries when it is unhappy and also cries when it is happy.

Very annoying look.

This is the impression he left in Yuanzhou.

The people in Xiaohe Village raise their children simply and crudely. If there are elderly people at home, they leave them to the elderly. The elderly are not as pampering as they were in the other world. If the children are too young, they will be placed in a bamboo frame with a piece of cloth tied underneath to prevent the child from being exposed.

Slide down.

Okay, baby, just toss it as hard as you can!

When the children got older, the old man would do some small things, and the children would leave them alone and play by themselves.

Those children were crawling around by themselves. If they fell, the old man would take a look and say, oh, there is no bleeding! Continue.

When the child saw that no one was taking care of him, he cried at the top of his lungs, causing the neighbors to have headaches.

After crying, the child stops on its own, stays in a daze for a while, and then continues to crawl.

Yang Xuan had seen this kind of scene many times, and the child looked dirty.

Therefore, he was looking forward to his child, but also felt some fear or something else.

"I'm pregnant!"

Yang Xuan suddenly became stunned.

His body was as stiff as a piece of iron, and he even shivered a little.

"Aning, what did you say?"

Zhou Ning said: "I'm pregnant."

Yang Xuan looked sideways at her, his eyes slowly moving down to his lower abdomen.

"You said...I...I'm going to be a father?"

Yang Xuan jumped up suddenly.

The expected fear did not appear at all, and the ecstatic Yang Xuan jumped up like a child.

An indescribable magical feeling made him feel that the world in front of him was suddenly different.

Every plant, every tree, every case, even the sunlight has changed.

Very strange.

Zhou Ning looked at him with a smile.

This is the child he has been waiting for for a long time!


There was something breaking outside.

Yi Niang appeared outside the door and said in a trembling voice: "Is your wife pregnant?"

Zhou Ning nodded, "Confirmed again."

She is a doctor, so she still has some judgment.

Yi Niang clasped her hands together, turned around piously, and said silently to the sky: "Your Majesty, you are going to be a grandfather."

The entire Yang family was ecstatic with the news.

Cao Ying rushed back after hearing the news. After confirming it again, she summoned Yi Niang, Lin Feibao and others together.

"My husband has a wife."

Cao Ying's eyes were a little red, "I have been thinking about this for these years, and I wish I could let my husband be the groom every night! Now that my wife is pregnant, this is a great joy."

Lin Feibao couldn't hide his joy, "Let's worship later!"

Cao Ying nodded, "Of course it's time to pay homage and inform His Majesty. But be careful. From now on, the safety of the lady is the top priority, Yi Niang..."

Yi Niang said calmly: "Back then, Lang Jun's biological mother was pregnant, and many women tried to seduce her. Your Majesty ordered me to take care of her. She became pregnant in ten months, and her merits were fulfilled. I blocked all these methods one by one.

It was peaceful then, and it will be fine now.

Even if the gods come, I can kill him if he wants to touch me!"

Lin Feibao said: "From now on, I will make them keep an eye on the back house."

Zhang Xu said softly: "I think this is a boy."

Cao Ying nodded, "I also think it's a boy."

Yi Niang smiled and said: "It doesn't matter if it's a girl. This is how women give birth. The first child is difficult, but the subsequent ones will be easier."

Cao Ying said solemnly: "The first male child must be born by the wife. Yi Niang, I remember that there were methods for giving birth to boys and girls in the palace, do you know?"

Yi Niang spat, "These are all deceiving things."

She had seen it before, just in a weird way.

It would be embarrassing to tell people.

"Don't worry about this." Lin Feibao said, "My wife is a doctor herself."


Lin Feibao immediately told him to strengthen the protection of the back house and went back home himself.


Shang'e stood up holding her son in her arms.

"You sit down."

Lin Feibao stood in front of her, his majestic body completely blocking the light.

"Look at Da Lang." Shang'e's face has become fatter and paler. Her eyes are soft and she is completely different from before.

Lin Feibao leaned over, stretched out his radish-thick fingers as Shang E said, and carefully touched his son's cheek.

The child frowned, and Lin Feibao quickly stopped.

"Dalang is so fair and fair."

"Yes! Aye came here just before. When he met Dalang, he said he was very handsome."

"That is."

How can you tell that a child who is only a few months old is so handsome?

Shang'e asked: "Is there nothing to do today?"

"It's nothing serious, I'll just come back and explain some things by the way."

"What's the matter?" Shang'e put the child in the bamboo basket nearby.

The bamboo basket is hung on the beam. If you push it gently, the bamboo basket will swing back and forth.

"I remember you were very scared when you were pregnant."

"Why was I scared? I was a little flustered. Later, my sister-in-law came with the baby several times and talked about the birth of the baby, so I naturally stopped panicking."

"Well! I'm not blaming you. My wife is pregnant. Later, you can go and see me with your husband in your arms and keep her company."

"Is it convenient?"


"That's good."


Shang Neng hurried in and saw Lin Feibao was there, so he threw his rattle to Shang E, "A caravan has just arrived, Aye has made a deal, and he said he would let you go home for dinner.


Lin Feibao agreed, went out with the child in his arms, and spoke to their siblings.

"Brother-in-law has been back for a long time. Sister, are you not ready to have another child?" Shang Neng frowned, "Moreover, what is the future of brother-in-law as a guard? If it is good, I will have to think hard about it in the future and see if I can study.

It’s better to practice martial arts.”

Shang'e looked at the child and said, "Your brother-in-law may seem rough and arrogant, but he is as considerate as a hair. He treats me better than you treat your younger siblings. With him and the child, I am satisfied."

As for the child's future, your brother-in-law told me not to worry about it. It will be taken care of in the future.

As for studying or practicing martial arts, your brother-in-law said you don’t have to worry about it until I’m older.”

"So unplanned?" Shang Neng shook his head.

Later, Lin Feibao and his wife and children went to Yue's house.

Shang Quan was talking to a junior official, who looked reserved and said, "It's easy to say that you want to do official business, but this matter has to be done step by step.

The envoy said that there must be rules for purchasing things in the state. Even when buying tiles, there must be rules and contracts for the size, thickness, and longevity of each tile."

Shang Quan said with a smile: "I have to trouble you about this matter."

"It's not easy! Old Shang!" the clerk said calmly, "I am making an exception when I come to your house today."

"I know it well." Shang Quan said with a smile.

"Things are not easy to handle!" the clerk said with a cold face.

Shang Quan was waiting for this sentence.

A small piece of silver was handed over.

The clerk coughed dryly and took it.

"Whether this can be done, I dare not say."

After receiving the money, you still say it is difficult to handle. If it is difficult to handle, the money will be wasted.

This guy is such an old man!

Shang Quan was heartbroken, but he couldn't take it back.


Shang'e came in with her child in her arms. Unexpectedly, there was a guest, so she hurriedly left.

The clerk happened to be seen collecting money. He immediately stood up with a dark face and said, "Who is this?"

"Why are you panicking? Be careful and you fall."

Lin Feibao came in and supported his wife.

Shang Quan smiled and said: "It's my daughter and son-in-law..."

He saw the clerk's expression change dramatically, and followed his gaze and saw that it was his son-in-law.

"The villain didn't take any money!"

The piece of silver was thrown out by the clerk like a hot potato, and landed on the table with a clang.

Lin Feibao glanced at him and said, "Name."

The clerk's face turned pale, "This is really my first time, little man."

This bribe-taking was seen on the spot by someone's son-in-law. This son-in-law was still useful to the king. At this moment, the junior official just wanted to die.

"Name!" Lin Feibao frowned.

"Feng Lu." The clerk reported his name, and Lin Feibao said, "Go!"

Feng Luqi excused himself with a smile, and said to Shang Quan before leaving: "I'll leave that matter to the villain, Mr. Shang. We'll do it later, we'll do it later!"

Shang Quan stood up and sent him off.

"Don't dare, don't dare, Lord Shang will stay, you must stay!"

The whole family then sat down and talked in peace.

"Is the son-in-law useful to the envoy?" Shang Quan invited his son-in-law to dinner today because he was thinking that the son-in-law was the envoy's bodyguard. At least Feng Lu had to give him face and settle the matter.

Unexpectedly, after meeting his son-in-law, Feng Lu was like a mouse meeting a cat.

Lin Feibao took the child and let Shang'e rest, "He's just a guard."

Shang Quan was a little disappointed, but asked without giving up: "When you got married, the envoy personally acted as your envoy, which shows that he values ​​you."

Lin Feibao said: "When every guard gets married, the envoy will go."

Shang Quan smiled and said: "I still thought it was a pity, but then I thought about it! It is also a good thing to make you gentle and affectionate. This man must not be greedy."

Lin Feibao said: "My father-in-law's business is not bad."

"No, the business has become more and more prosperous this year. I think it's the luck brought by Da Lang." Shang Quan took his grandson and said with a smile.

"My father-in-law, as long as you have enough money, you will get into trouble if you do many things."

Shang Quan was startled, "This... is the envoy's order?"

Lin Feibao said: "Just do business in a down-to-earth manner."

When he returned later, he asked to see Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan was racking his brains in the study to think of a name for his child.

"Mr. Lang, I went to Yue's house today and happened to see my father-in-law bribing a petty official."

Yang Xuan raised his head, "Lin'an has become a city of commerce, and there is too much money and food passing through every day. I know that people's hearts cannot be tested, but supervision is difficult. I was thinking of finding a way to rectify it, and this is just the right thing!"

He suddenly remembered something, "Why did you tell me about your father-in-law's bribery?"

Lin Feibao said: "My father-in-law is a very good person, but he is a bit greedy. He knows that I am Lang Jun's guard, and he tried several times to try to borrow Dongfeng. I think this will give him a warning."

This is loyalty!

Compared with Lin Feibao, Chenzhou's officials are a bit lacking.

After Liu Qing left office, Yang Xuan did not make any big moves, and the officialdom of Chenzhou remained calm.

He is observing.

"The money and food are flowing under the eyes of the officials every day. Can you just stretch out your hand and grab a handful? As long as someone takes the lead, others will follow."

Morality never declines in one day.

If you turn a blind eye when the first unethical person appears, others will follow suit.

"Everyone else has benefited, why can't I?" Yang Xuan put down the document in his hand, "At first, maybe some people can resist such temptations, and even despise those who reach out. If no one cares about these things at this time,

People's mentality will change.

People are self-interested and greedy. When they see others taking money, they will feel angry and wonder how others can get rich, yet they have to follow the rules and receive the money and food every month.

Once this idea comes up, it is difficult to suppress it. Therefore, once such signs appear, we must attack them head-on, otherwise they will spread!"

Next door, King Wei and Princess Wei were sitting opposite each other.

"Zhang Chumao became the military governor of southern Xinjiang."

"This king knows."

"The king of Yue has a foundation!"

"What do you want to say?"

"I want to say that you are still empty-handed. I don't care about this, but if the king of Yue gains power, the first thing to do is to deal with you."

"I don't care about this."

"I don't care whether you die or not, but where is the child?"

King Wei was silent.

Princess Wei lowered her voice and said, "You are not the legitimate son!"

If he is not his legitimate son, unless all his legitimate sons are dead, it will not be King Wei's turn to ascend to the throne.

Not the legitimate sons, even if all the legitimate sons are dead, there will still be other princes.

"If you were ten years younger, it would still be possible."

Princess Wei looked at King Wei, "I don't object to your willingness to die for your own great cause. But where is the child?"

King Wei looked at her, "What do you want?"

The couple looked at each other with calm eyes, showing no trace of affection.


Princess Wei said: "The struggle for that position has always been a matter of failure or death. Killing you is not enough!"

"My king, I understand."

Princess Wei took a deep breath and said, "Let's do one?"

King Wei looked at her and said, "Okay."

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Late at night, it started again next door.

Li Han scurried away with his head in his arms and ran to the front yard of Yang's house to find a place to rest.

"Second brother, let's go take a look." Yang Xuan said dissatisfied: "What kind of couple are they who fight and fight all day long? If it were me, they would definitely not be able to survive this life."

Zhou Ning nodded, "Zitai, will we fight?"

Yang Xuan nodded.


Zhou Ning: "..."

"You must have hit me."

The pregnant woman's thoughts were changing. Zhou Ning couldn't help laughing when she heard this.

"If you laugh softly, you will spoil the child!"

Yang Xuan said angrily.


There was a loud noise from next door.

Wang Laoer, who was riding on the wall, gloated and shouted: "Lang Jun, they are demolishing the house!"

A roar came from the next door, "Bitch, from now on, we will never be sworn in, so get out!"

Yang Xuan: "..."

Zhou Ning: "..."

The word severance is used in the relationship between husband and wife, which means breaking up.

Is King Wei so fierce?


Princess Wei's voice was very crisp.

Everyone in the entire mansion was as silent as a cicada.

King Wei and Princess Wei stood on the ruins, looking at each other silently.

"I'm leaving."


Princess Wei couldn't help but scolded: "You are so heartless!"

She turned and left.

King Wei suddenly said: "Marry again!"

Princess Wei's figure froze.

"The child stays."

King Wei said.

Princess Wei turned around and said, "Do you think there is a man in this world who is worthy of me?"

King Wei looked at the house she had torn apart and shook his head.

"I have wronged you by marrying into the Li family!"

Princess Wei smiled, "Do you know what I hate most about Mr. Li?"

"I don't know."

"There is a father-in-law who crawls ashes!"


This chapter has been completed!
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