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Chapter 491 I should treat you well

Yang Xuan led Chenzhou officials around the streets.

The city order also came.

"Tell me about the situation." Lu Qiang said.

The city magistrate smiled apologetically at Yang Xuan and said, "Your Majesty, since your Majesty opened the trade route, there have been more and more merchants in Lin'an City.

At the beginning, it was just the grassland merchants and me, the Chenzhou merchants. The grassland merchants sold goods to us, the Chenzhou merchants, and bought the Chenzhou goods back home.

Later, the surrounding prefectures and counties learned that trade routes had opened here, and there was an endless stream of merchants.

Now all the merchants from Chang'an are here. Countless amounts of money are passed through every day, and the goods are even more numerous."

The situation is great!

"Commercial taxes are increasing every year. Also, if there are more goods, the prices will be cheaper, and the purchasing price will also be lower." Lu Qiang was very satisfied.

The city magistrate looked like he was waiting for praise.

Everyone spoke one after another, praising Boss Yang's foresight in opening the business road.

Boss Yang said: "Opening a business road not only focuses on business taxes, but also on employment."

"Employment?" This new word made everyone startled.

"In the past, what could the people do? Farm. Those who had no land to farm had to find work. But how many jobs could be done for them in the city? Therefore, most people's lives were difficult."

The bitter cold in northern Xinjiang and the frequent attacks from the three major tribes make farming a very risky occupation.

"When merchants come, they will rent and buy shops, or set up stalls...Do you need people to move the goods? Do you need people to guard the shops? Large shops need seven or eight people.

There are more businessmen and more restaurants and restaurants. How many people will these employ?

From this, the people found a job. With money every month, what did the people have to buy? Firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, tea, clothes, and things they needed for food, clothing, housing, and transportation, so the merchants would buy more goods."

Everyone was thoughtful.

Yang Xuan said: "Originally, Chenzhou was a pool of stagnant water with no way out. The so-called running water does not rot and door hinges do not suffer from beetles, and businessmen are a group of people who make this stagnant water come alive."

"When the water comes alive, the city comes alive."

Cao Ying and Han Ji walked side by side.

"What do you think of Lang Jun's words?" Cao Ying asked.

"Forsighted and far-sighted." Han Ji stroked his beard and smiled, "I have been to many places. Local officials do three things. First, they build relationships with local gentry after taking office; second, encourage farming; third, encourage learning.

.If you can do three things well, you are a capable person."

"Local gentry are local snakes. If local officials don't get close to them, it will be difficult to implement government orders." Cao Ying understands this deeply, "This is true even in places like Northern Xinjiang."

Han Ji said with a smile: "Chenzhou's schools are second to none in northern Xinjiang. I went to see them a while ago. The state's money and food are allocated, and every meal must have meat. It is said to make the children strong enough to withstand foreign aggression.

Hey! The food is better than that of some petty officials."

"This is Lang Jun's order. Anyone who takes advantage of this money will be skinned!"

Skinning is a threat, but if anyone really dares to attack the school's money and food, Yang Xuan won't mind giving him a pole.

"Opening trade routes is Lang Jun's clever move." Cao Ying, who is in charge of government affairs, couldn't be clearer. "This businessman brings goods, brings taxes, and also brings the employment that Lang Jun said. The people have money.

It will increase expenses and bring business opportunities... Businessmen come and go, and Chenzhou gradually becomes rich. Now if you go and look around in Northern Xinjiang, our Chenzhou is definitely not bad!"

"What is this called?"

"Lang Jun calls this...circulation. As long as the water in this cycle is endless, Chenzhou will not decline."

There is a one-armed man in front selling straw sandals.

"Look." Yang Xuan also likes to wear straw sandals at home in summer and feels comfortable.

However, the straw sandals I bought several times were not very good and had burrs.

He walked over, bent down, picked up a pair of straw sandals, and asked, "Who made these?"

No response.

Yang Xuan looked up and saw the one-armed man's lips trembling with excitement.

Then, he stood with his hands tied and said, "Young man Sun De, I have seen the envoy!"

Yang Xuan saw his quick movements and asked, "In the army?"

"Yes." Sun De nodded.

"In which battle did you break your arm?"

"In the battle to destroy Vashe, the villain's arm was cut off with a knife."

"Thanks for your hard work."

"It's not hard work. In that battle, the villain beheaded two of them!"

"Good man!" Yang Xuan patted him on the shoulder, "Are you having a hard time?"

Sun De said: "After the arm was broken, the villain went home with pensions and rewards. The mother-in-law at home was also capable and busy every day. My parents couldn't rest at home. No, she made straw sandals every day.

Although the villain has a broken arm, he still has one arm. He carries straw sandals on his back and sells them every day, and he can make some money."

Yang Xuan said: "This is an example of continuous self-improvement. We should publicize it well in the army when we return."

He glanced at Bao Dong.

Sun De said excitedly: "Can you mention the villain's name?"

The corner of Yang Xuan's mouth twitched, "Yes."

Sun De quickly thanked him.

Seeing a group of officials gathered around here, the businessmen and people also gathered around.

Sun De knelt down and said, "The villain is quite good. Sir, there are brothers in the army who are worse off than the villain."

Yang Xuan looked solemn, "It seems that I have neglected a lot. Please get up and talk about it."

Sun De said: "The villain at least still has one hand, but some brothers have lost both hands, and the worst thing is that they have lost both legs. They are a useless person at home. They say that life is worse than death!"

After losing his legs, the person becomes a disabled person and has to be taken by his family wherever he goes.

Just thinking about that feeling made Yang Xuan feel the same.

"Do you know him?"

"The villain knows someone."

"I have something to do here today. Let's go tomorrow. You can take me to see it tomorrow."

Chang woke up before dawn.

She sat up carefully and looked to her side, her husband Sunan's eyes were bright.

"Didn't sleep again?"

Su Nan nodded, "I couldn't sleep. As soon as I closed my eyes, there was fighting in my mind. Those brothers fell in front of me and shouted at me, telling me to continue to fight and not to retreat..."

"It's all over." Mrs. Chang stretched out her hand to touch his forehead, "Now that you have disarmed and returned to work, just forget about that!"

"I want to forget it, but I can't forget it." Sunan sighed, "I dreamed about the military camp, about training, and fighting. Last night, I dreamed about the envoy ordering generals, leading us to conquer the three major armies, with golden horses and iron horses.

!Can’t forget!”


Next door, the three-year-old son Su Dalang shouted loudly, then clicked his lips and fell asleep again.

"Get up?" Chang asked.

Sunan nodded, "Okay, get up!"

Mrs. Chang took off the thin quilt, and Sunan used both hands to sit up.

"Don't move, I'll do it!"

"It's okay, I can do it by myself."

Sunan struggled, so he supported his body with both hands and rubbed it little by little. When he got to the bed, he wanted to stand up, but just after trying, he was in unbearable pain.

"It's no use!"

He fell on the bed, revealing a pair of legs that had been severed from the ankles.

Mrs. Chang dragged him up, turned around and knelt down, ready to carry him.

"No need!" Sunan's eyes were dull.

"stand up!"

"I said, no need!"

"stand up!"

"I'm just a useless person! I will only drag you and Dalang down!"

"You keep saying these decadent words all day long, all day long!"

"I can't stand up or walk, what am I still doing alive?"

"You are my husband and Da Lang's father. As long as you are here, I know why I am alive. Otherwise, I would have to remarry..."

These words failed to stimulate Sunan. He lay on the bed, feeling relaxed.

This is self-destruction.

Mrs. Chang bit her lip, a little annoyed, "A woman who is married for the second time will be looked down upon by others, and the man will beat her and the children she brought with her. Aren't you worried about the elder man being beaten by that man?"

Sunan still didn't move.

"stand up!"

Mrs. Chang dragged him hard.

But when a person doesn't want to move, his whole body is so relaxed that it is difficult to pull him up.

She was so tired that she was sweating profusely.


The child woke up.

Chang hurried over.

"Da Lang wakes up!"

"Aniang, I dreamed of Aye."

"This kid, you Aye are at home!"

Mrs. Chang began to dress the child.

Su Dalang was just over three years old. He stood on the bed and said, "Aye said, let me join the army!"

"You're not joining the army!" Mrs. Chang gave him a slap on the butt. "Don't mention joining the army from now on. Even if you go farming or doing business, just don't join the army."

"I want to join the army!"

"Be tough!"

Chang gave him a slap in the face.


Su Dalang burst into tears.

Mrs. Chang pulled his clothes, slowly turned around and sat on the edge of the bed, covered her face with her hands, and leaned down.

He just swallowed silently.

Why is this day so difficult!

A small hand gently pulled her arm, and Su Dalang said timidly: "Mom, please don't cry. I don't want to join the army, and I won't join the army in the future."

Mrs. Chang wiped away her tears and sniffed, "Auntie didn't cry!"

Putting the child on the ground, Mrs. Chang said: "Go to your Aye's place and talk to him."

"Oh!" Su Dalang responded, but he was a little melancholy, "Aye won't talk to me."

Sunan has been in the army and doesn't go home much on weekdays, so the relationship between father and son is somewhat unfriendly.

In addition, Su Nan was injured in the battle and broke his legs, making his whole person a little gloomy, which made Su Dalang afraid to get close to him, so the relationship between father and son was somewhat unfamiliar.

"Go for it!"

Mrs. Chang went to the kitchen, and soon there was smoke rising from the kitchen.

After breakfast was ready, Mrs. Chang carried Sunan out.

"How long will it take for you to serve me like this?" Su Nanji sat and said with a wry smile.

Su Dalang was a little afraid of his gloomy father, so he ate very quickly.

After dinner, Mrs. Chang said: "We have accumulated a lot of cloth at home, and we have to sell it. My husband is watching over me at home, and I am going out for a trip."

Su Dalang pursed his lips, but did not dare to resist.

Mrs. Chang went out carrying a bag of fabrics.

When they arrived at the familiar cloth shop, the shopkeeper saw her coming and asked, "Is your man still like that?"

Mrs. Chang nodded and put the cloth on the counter.

The shopkeeper called someone to take inventory and measurements, and coughed dryly, "Your husband has lost his legs and can't even walk. There are still children at home. What are you going to do?"

Chang said: "Just live."

"Alive." The shopkeeper sighed, "Whenever he wants to move, you have to carry him. Look at such a petite body, how can you carry him?

Hey! How good were the days before? He joined the army and had money and food. You could earn some money by weaving at home and raise your children. When the children grow up, your merits would be complete.

I didn’t expect it! This good thing actually has no legs. These days are all weighing on you, just one or two days is enough. If this continues, who can bear it? "

"Whether you can bear it or not, you have to bear it."

"Yes! It's just a pain for you!" the shopkeeper said: "Since he is useless, you have to support him anyway. I heard that he doesn't care about anything now? If you should scold him, scold him, otherwise, how can this family survive?


Chang sold the cloth, bought some wheat flour, and hurried home.

When she opened the door and saw Su Nan sitting on the steps and her child running wildly in the yard, Chang felt relieved.

"How about we make peace with each other?" Sunan said seriously, "I am a drag on you and your child."

"If I leave, can you survive alone?" Mrs. Chang said with a cold face, picked up the broom and swept the floor: "When I first married you, you looked energetic and like a man. Now you look at

Just like a walking zombie, I was bored and wanted to scold him, but I thought about it and held back."

"You can't bear it!" Su Nan laughed at herself.

Chang shook his head, "I don't know any big principles, but I know one truth: This person must have a conscience when doing things. You are my man.

On the wedding night, you and I tied our hair together. This was called a hair-tied couple.

You have been practicing hard in the army, and you have received money and food every month. If you don't talk about drinking a glass of wine, you can save whatever you can.

Occasionally, when I get a reward, I don't just keep it and hide it, but I quietly buy a silver hairpin and suddenly take it out when it's my birthday...

I will always remember your kindness to me. You can be wholehearted for me, so why can’t I be wholeheartedly for you?”

Su Nan smiled bitterly, "But now I am a useless person!"

"Get out of the way!" Chang's broom came to Su Dalang's feet, and Su Dalang jumped up quickly.

"When you were alive and kicking, I accepted your kindness to me with peace of mind. When you couldn't move anymore, I despised you and left you. Then what did I become?

Then why did I get married to you? Just because you were nice to me when you were alive and kicking?

When you can no longer do it, I will despise you and leave you alone...

As a human being, you have to be conscientious! If you are good to me when you can move, I will bear with you. If you can't move, what should you do?

It’s my turn to be nice to you!”

Sunan's eyes were filled with tears, "You are kind and righteous, but... the family is like this, and the pension will eventually run out, and then the whole family will be dependent on you to support them. It will be difficult to think about it! I can't help.

That’s all, I have to drag you down, how can I… how can I feel at ease!”

Knock knock knock!

Someone knocked on the door outside.

"Bear in peace!" Mrs. Chang put the broom on him and "teach Da Lang to sweep the floor!"

As she walked, she wiped her hands with her apron, "Who is it?"

"Sunan! Sunan!"

Sunan, who was sitting on the steps, was startled, "It's Sun De!"

Mrs. Chang slowly opened the door.

Sun De was outside the door, turning sideways and bowing slightly.

A young man walked up.

He smiled and asked, "But the Su family?"

Mrs. Chang was startled and said in disbelief: "Your Majesty?!"

"Aye! Aye!"

Su Dalang was shouting, and Chang turned around and saw Su Nan holding on to the door frame, trying hard to stand up with two legs without the soles of her feet.

He held the door frame with both hands, leaned his body on it little by little, and pulled himself up with all his strength.


He stood upright, trembling all over.

Shout loudly:

"Sergeant Sunan of Chenzhou Army has met the envoy!"


This chapter has been completed!
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