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Chapter 502: Manipulating the World

King Wei is back.

A disgraced look.

Yang Xuan asked people to prepare wine and food at home, and invited King Wei and Li Han to come.

He did not ask King Wei why he went to Chang'an, nor what he would do in the future.

When he was half drunk, King Wei said: "I have become a widower."

Li Han was startled, and Yang Xuan said, "I'm relieved."

King Wei nodded, "Relieved."

His wife and children were freed. If the king of Yue came to power and attacked a harmonious woman and child, that would not be cruelty, but worse than a pig or a dog.

The emperor has to take care of his face after all.

To be honest, there are stories in the history books about people like Li Mi who blatantly robbed their daughters-in-law, but the evaluation in the history books is just two words: beast!

"The King of Yue likes to show off."

Li Han revealed the secret with one word.

The false emperor did not hide his animal nature at all, but the King of Yue liked to pretend that he was a good person.

Therefore, King Wei was relieved.

"Drink!" King Wei raised the wine jar.

Yang Xuan shook his head, "I can't drink anymore."

His ability to drink is not good, so encountering two wine jars is a disaster.

Li Han held him down, and King Wei personally began to drink.

Therefore, Yang Xuan was carried back later.

"Madam, Mr. Lang said he was very drunk and fell asleep in the study."

"Why did Zitai drink so hard?" Zhou Ning asked with a frown.

Jiang He'er said: "King Wei and Li Langjun jointly poured it in."

"Did King Wei have something happy happen to him?"

"Say it's time to make peace."

Zhou Ning nodded.

After a long time, he said: "Beast!"

If you force your own sons to behave like this, why did you give birth to them in the first place?

She touched her belly and said, "My baby is very lucky."

When he woke up the next day, Yang Xuan felt a splitting headache and his mind was empty.


The person next to him handed him a glass of water, and Yang Xuan took it and drank it.

"One more drink."

Yang Xuan drank three glasses of water in a row and was suddenly startled, "Where am I in the study?"

Who is that next to you?

"Mr. Lang, it's time to get up."

Jiang Heer asked.

"Are you taking care of me?"

Yang Xuan said in confusion.

"Yes!" Jiang He'er said, "Huahong and the others have to be busy serving the lady."

Yang Xuan felt something was wrong.

Zhou Ning is not that kind of person!

Why did you leave Jiang Heer in the study?

A man and a woman alone live in the same room.

He glanced at Jiang He'er. The weather was hot and the girl was wearing a little thin clothes. When she turned her back to carry the pot, her buttocks were tight, her waist was tightened, and her thighs were straight.


Yang Xuan was a little speechless.

Why doesn’t this girl have any scruples?

Jiang Heer rubbed the towel and handed it over.

Yang Xuan wiped his face and lay on the bed without thinking about it.

The memory of last night gradually appeared in my mind, which had been in a state of amnesia before.

King Wei was as happy as if he was relieved, and his glass was dry.

With his wife and children gone safely, he has no worries anymore.

What will this guy do?

Yang Xuan couldn't calculate it, and he didn't want to calculate it either.

The King of Yue had the post of supervising the army in southern Xinjiang, but the King of Wei had nothing.

Why didn't he seek this position?

Yang Xuan patted his forehead, feeling that he had thought too much.

With Huang Chunhui here, King Wei would have to hold back no matter how many thoughts he had.

Lao Huang looks like a sick tiger, but a sick tiger can also kill people!

Li Han seemed to have composed a poem last night. While composing the poem, he was cursing the royal family, saying that men steal and women prostitute.

If Prince Liang hears that bastard, Jubi will beat him half to death.

Yang Xuan was even thinking about whether to send someone to reveal the news to King Liang: Your grandson said that the royal family is a bunch of beasts.

"Mr. Jun, rinse your mouth."

Jiang Heer came over carrying a clay pot.

I brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth, then lay down, and my whole body calmed down.

Outside the window, the morning sun is just emerging, you can hear the chirping of birds, and you can also hear various sounds faintly.

"Mr. Lang was drunk last night. He will probably lie down in the morning and don't make any noise."

The auntie was scolding the noisy maids outside.


The girls have clear voices and are as lively as deer.

Yang Xuan was lying on the bed, seemingly awake but not awake, feeling very comfortable.



Jiang He'er was sitting beside the couch.

"Are you still getting used to it here?"

"It's a bit desolate here. It's not like Southern Zhou where everything is green. However, there are many people at home and there are many people in the state, so it's lively."

"You still like to be lively? Didn't Aye ask you to be a lady?"

"Ladies are all coaxers."

"What kind of statement is this?"

"I'm just pretending!"

"Pretending?" Yang Xuan didn't know much about women.

"Yes!" Jiang Heer was sitting with his hands on his chin, but now he slowly straightened his posture, his expression was calm, gentle, but also a little solemn.


It’s really a bit ladylike!

"Pfft!" Jiang He'er suddenly laughed, covering his stomach and said, "I can't pretend for long, hahahaha!"

"So what are you like at home?"

"I can do whatever I want at home."

"What a great day!"

"Yes! They all say that a woman is most comfortable before she gets married."

"What about after you get married?"

"They say that after a woman gets married, she suffers, serving her parents-in-law and the whole family. These things are nothing.

After giving birth to a child, you have no freedom at all. You have to take care of the child when it cries, you suffer a lot when the child is sick, and you have no one to control... Your husband still makes trouble with you from time to time."

"Then don't marry!"

"You will suffer even more if you don't get married. The glares from your family will make you want to escape." Jiang He'er looked at Yang Xuan and asked curiously: "Mr. Lang, will you make trouble with your wife after you get married?"

"It's so noisy!"

"It's noisy too!"

"That is, if there is no quarrel between husband and wife, then they are not called husband and wife."

Yang Xuan felt a little better, so he got up and went to find Zhou Ning.

Jiang Heer packed up the bedding and went out to look for bonuses.

"Bonus, bonus, bonus!"

Huahong was squatting by the well cleaning the pen washer, and said angrily: "Mang Jun is not going to Zhoushe today, so you have some leisure time. Are you here to laugh at me?"


Jiang Heer squatted beside her to help, "Hey! Huahong."

"What are you doing?" Hua Hong felt better when someone helped him with the work.

"You said that after getting married, your husband will always make trouble, so what's the point of getting married?"

The bonus is silent.

"Hey!" Jiang He'er bumped her with his shoulder, "Does the husband always make trouble to the wife?"

Huahong remained silent.

"You're not interesting enough!" Jiang He'er was annoyed. He turned around and was about to scold him when he said in surprise: "Why is your face so red? Even the roots of your ears are red!"

Huahong washed the pen carelessly a few times, stood up, took two steps, turned around and said, "Are you really not aware or are you pretending not to know?"

Jiang Heer frowned, "I don't tell lies!"

This guy is just heartless.

"That...must make a scene."

"Why?" Jiang He'er couldn't believe it.

Huahong blushed, "Do you understand the affairs between men and women?"

Jiang Heer nodded sharply, and then his face suddenly turned red.

I actually mentioned this matter to Lang Jun.

So shameful!

Yang Xuan is at Zhou Ning's place at the moment.

"It is said that between husband and wife, teeth and tongues are bound to bite each other. It seems that we haven't had many quarrels yet, right?" Zhou Ning asked.

"Do you want to quarrel?" Yang Xuan said with a smile.

"I don't want to." Zhou Ning enjoys this kind of married life.

Yang Xuan thought of what King Wei said last night, "King Wei said that my father-in-law is now quite effective in Zhongshu and has suggestions for military matters."

"Is this the benefit brought by the Southern Expedition?"


"Zitai, he moved!"

Zhou Ning suddenly stiffened and slowly looked at his lower abdomen.


Yang Xuan was also frightened, but quickly calmed down, "This is fetal movement, the baby is greeting you!"

"Really?" Zhou Ning gently stroked her lower abdomen. She was originally a doctor, and she had read many medical books after she became pregnant, but she forgot all about it when the situation came to pass.

"Mr. Lang, there is someone in the state who wants to see you. He says he has something to do."

"Then I'll go over first."

After Yang Xuan left, Aunt Guan came in.

"My stomach moved a little earlier." Zhou Ning was still in a state of disbelief.

"That's fetal movement." Aunt Guan smiled and said, "It's the first time you're pregnant, so you'll be a little surprised."

"Zitai knows it."

Aunt Guan was surprised, "Did Mr. Lang go to inquire in private? You are really thoughtful."


When Yang Xuan arrived at Zhoushe, Lu Qiang and Cao Ying were both there.

There is also a messenger.

"Huang Xianggong summons."

Yang Xuan immediately set off with his people.

Tao County.

“The weather is hot and it’s excruciating!”

Liao Jin was sitting in the lobby, with sweat visible on his forehead.

"But I feel comfortable."

Huang Chunhui sat there, still with his eyes drooped, as if he was dying.

He moved and said, "Some people say that liking the heat and hating the cold is a symptom of running out of oil, but I have lived like this for more than ten years. The doctor has died, but I am still alive."

Liao Jin smiled and said: "It can be seen that my husband's lamp still has more oil."

"Not much more."

Huang Chunhui said quietly: "Beiliao Rangers appear frequently. It seems that He Lianfeng has settled his family affairs and is ready to provoke."

"But the court is not allowed to attack. This is strange." Liao Jin said.

"Southern Xinjiang has a great victory. If Northern Xinjiang wins another great victory, it will overshadow Southern Xinjiang's edge."

"Zhang Chumao?"

"He doesn't have the ability." Huang Chunhui said contemptuously.

The two were silent.

This matter is obviously the emperor's check and balance method.

If Northern Xinjiang is too proud, then lift up Southern Xinjiang and suppress Northern Xinjiang.

"Aren't you tired?" Liao Jin asked confusedly.

"How can you get tired of controlling the world?" Huang Chunhui also answered in a confused manner.

"Sir," a sergeant said outside the door.

"It's a scout." Liao Jin said.

"Come in."

The sergeant came in and said: "Ms. sir, more than ten thousand cavalry from the Northern Liao Dynasty have appeared ten miles away from Taoxian County and are raiding the villages in that area."

"Have they all been withdrawn?" Huang Chunhui asked.

Liu Qing, who came after hearing the news, said: "The evacuation has been completed a long time ago, it's just those crops, it's a pity."

"If the crops are gone, we can still plant. As long as the land is there and the people are there, that's fine." Huang Chunhui coughed dryly, "If the people are gone, then there is really nothing."

"Ms. sir, let's attack!" Liao Jin's eyes were bright, "Let's just say that the enemy is attacking and our army is forced to do so..."

"Do you know how many other people's spies there are in Taoxian County?" Huang Chunhui said calmly: "There are no less than ten or twenty people on the stage. There are also spies from a family with five surnames, spies from Southern Xinjiang, and spies from Northern Liao."

"Damn!" Liao Jin took a deep breath, "That's all, bear with me."

The emperor strictly ordered Northern Xinjiang not to provoke.

"Provocation, now Beiliao is provoking." Liu Qing sneered: "The checks and balances are too obvious. Sir, you can't be passively beaten after all!"

"What's the hurry?" Huang Chunhui coughed again, and Liao Jin quickly asked someone to get a cup of hot water and handed it over.

Huang Chunhui took a few sips of hot water and said, "Isn't it time for the little boy to come too?"

Liao Jin pointed at Liu Qing and said, "Look at Old Liu, his old face is so full of smiles."

Liu Qing said with a smile: "After that little brat's southern expedition, the name of the Tang Dynasty's famous generals resounded throughout northern Xinjiang, and he didn't even say he came to see my husband, how rude!"

Huang Chunhui smiled and said, "You feel a little disappointed that he didn't come to see you, right?"

Liao Jin said: "He is also the governor of a state now, and Chenzhou has a lot of things to do. Besides, he can't come to Taoxian without my husband's order."

"Ms. Sir," the disciple came to report, "Mr. Yang of Chenzhou wishes to see you."


The three of them looked at each other.

Yang Xuan came in and saluted.

Then stood.

Logically Huang Chunhui should let him sit down.

But Huang Chunhui said nothing.

Three old ghosts were looking at him.

Yang Xuan felt like three knives were scraping back and forth on his body.

Can't move yet.

Huang Chunhui coughed dryly, "How?"

Liao Jin said: "I am more calm than before. I look a lot more restrained."

Liu Qing said: "You are more gentle and elegant, you are more majestic...and you are more heroic, so you don't have a little lady chasing you?"

Huang Chunhui couldn't help but smile.

Yang Xuan was teased, and regardless of Huang Chunhui's silence, he sat down and said, "It's very hot along the way. A cup of cold tea or cold water will do. Don't tell me that my husband doesn't even have ice here."

Huang Chunhui said lightly: "What if not?"

"If not, I will take people to build an ice cellar when I get back and make it a big one."

"When I die, I can just put it inside and become immortal!"

These words are so witty that people can't help but smile.

After finishing the gossip, Huang Chunhui nodded, and Liao Jin said: "Over in Bei Liao, He Lianfeng has taken care of his family affairs. Now that he has no descendants, this man has less to worry about. The Liao army has been harassing frequently these days, making everyone everywhere miserable.


Yang Xuan was a little puzzled, "The most taboo thing about defending a city is that you don't attack?"

Liu Qing scolded: "Baby, are you able to comment on my husband's plans?"

Yang Xuan quickly stood up and apologized.

He did it on purpose.

I want to see if Huang Chunhui is really depressed.

Huang Chunhui glanced at him with his old eyes, and Yang Xuan felt that he was being seen through.

"Chang'an ordered, be careful and don't provoke!"

"Isn't this nonsense?" Yang Xuan was stunned and then angry, "If you are going to be outside, you will not accept your orders. Chang'an doesn't understand this truth? Does the war in Northern Xinjiang have to ask Chang'an for everything? Ridiculous!"

The three of them looked at him quietly.

Yang Xuanmeng was startled, "Southern Xinjiang!"

Huang Chunhui smiled and said: "How?"

Liao Jin nodded, "The younger generation is formidable, much more powerful than I was back then."

Liu Qing stroked his beard and said proudly: "I said that Zitai must be able to see through the checks and balances inside, otherwise he would not be worthy of your respect."

The old man said a lot of good things for him.

Yang Xuan pretended to be stunned.

"Stop pretending." Huang Chunhui joked: "They are all famous generals of the Tang Dynasty. If you pretend to be scared, those people on the grassland will burst into laughter when they see you like this."

These words.

There is something in the words!

"How are the last three major movies?"

"Very honest."

"Then, can we make them dishonest?"

Yang Xuan's heart skipped a beat, "If my husband wants them to be dishonest, then even if they are quails, they will have to jump up and down."


Huang Chunhui raised his eyes, and there was a sharp look in his old eyes.

"I want you to destroy one of the three major departments!"


This chapter has been completed!
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