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Chapter 505

Hundreds of people drove carts, carried burdens, supported the elderly, and carried children on their backs, and followed dozens of Tang troops to slowly evacuate.

Someone looked back at the village, wiped away tears and said, "Those Liao dogs will definitely burn down our house."

An old man sighed, "If it's burned, let's burn it. We'll build a shed later and survive this year."

A woman said in confusion: "In previous years, a large army came to protect us. What happened to Mr. Huang this year?"

"I'm afraid Xianggong Huang is getting old."

"Old man, last time I saw Xianggong Huang and his people coming for inspection. Apart from looking at the sick ones, they were very energetic!"

"Why is that?"

"Is it because Beiliao is getting stronger?"

"It should be so!"

"If this is the case, can we still farm outside the city in the future?"

"I'm afraid I won't be able to plant anymore."

"When the Northern Liao people came, they burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil. They killed the men, took away the women and food, and burned down the village. Alas! Everything was gone."

"Then why don't you go to the city?"

The old man shook his head, "We have been farming for generations, how can we make a living in the city? Do business? Work? There is no way for us to survive!"

"What should we do?"

The old man looked blankly into the distance, "Where is your Majesty?"

Everyone was silent.

A man who looked a bit vulgar took a sip and said, "His Majesty spends all his time playing with his daughter-in-law! He doesn't even care about the world."

The emperor's acquisition of his daughter-in-law was widely rumored among the people, and there were many versions.

"The prince has been relegated to the cold palace."

"In order to seize his daughter-in-law, His Majesty dealt cruelly to his son."

"Isn't it enough for all the beauties in the world to be favored by him? They have to climb ashes!"

"That's enough!" Seeing the excitement of some young people, the old man stopped gossiping.

He turned around and looked at his home that was already blurry, and murmured: "Where is home? Without home, there is no soul. Who will protect us!"

Three thousand riders were stopping at the edge of a village.

Han Shu sat on the horse and gently stroked his beard, "The walls are strong and the wilderness is clear. I would rather move all the people into the city than send troops out of the city to intercept us. This is not Huang Chunhui's usual response. What happened?"

The deputy general next to him smiled and said, "Maybe I'm timid."

Han Shu shook his head, "Others will be timid, but Huang Chunhui's sick tiger will not. Usually when we come to harass, Taoxian will respond tit for tat.

Keeping the walls strong and clearing the country will only frustrate the military and civilians. If things go on like this, why fight?

We went straight to Taoxian County to show off our power, and after several attempts, the morale of the soldiers and people in the city was completely gone, so we immediately attacked the city and we should be able to knock it down with one blow."

"Xiang Wen, Huang Chunhui is a famous general, doesn't he know these principles?"

"Of course he knows, so I am also quite puzzled. What is... wrong with him?"

More than ten horses came galloping.

"Peaceful and stable."

"What did Xiao Li find?"

"More than a thousand enemy troops came out of Taoxian County and headed east. The general led the army to pursue them, and asked the villain to report to Xiangwen."

"Qianyu, Xiao Li should be able to defeat the enemy. However, you must be careful in everything. I am very pleased that he is so cautious. Let's go and have a look."

The three thousand cavalry roared away.

On a big tree in the village, a young man slipped down sneakily. When he saw the Beiliao people walking away, he spit at their backs and cursed: "You bitch slave, wait until Yeye goes to join the army, I will kill you and so on."

The whole family!”

Looking at his burned home, he couldn't help crying: "My home is gone, my home is gone!"

Xiao Li always felt that he was lucky.

The first battle after joining the army was to wipe out a rebel tribe. He was behind, and his comrades in front were killed heartily, while those behind him picked up some soup.

Everyone had lost their energy, but Xiao Li searched among the corpses like a ghost. When he pulled out a corpse, the 'corpse' of the tribal leader lying underneath suddenly came to life.

Xiao Li subconsciously punched the leader and knocked him out.

Everyone watched in stunned silence as he grabbed the tribal leader.

In that battle, the greatest credit went to Xiao Li.

He felt that he was very lucky that day.

But such good luck continued to appear in subsequent battles, and Xiao Li gradually understood one thing.

I am a lucky person blessed by God.

Adhering to this confidence and calmness, he was successful in his subsequent military career.

As soon as a person relaxes, he will naturally change his mind and use his eight points of abilities to make twelve points.

This year is a crucial year for him. Ning Xing is inspecting him. According to his own judgment and Shangguan's analysis, as long as he can make contributions this time, his promotion is a certainty.

And the credit does not need to be great, just clearing out a few villages is enough, and it would be even more flattering if he went to the city to show off his power.

But, what’s in front of me is Yang Gou!

The new famous general of the Tang Dynasty.

If you can kill him, or capture him alive.

That credit...

Not just a promotion!

But it will soar!

It is possible to upgrade to three levels in a row!

Whether they are civil or military officials, whether they are loyal or arrogant, in the subconscious of every official, promotion and gaining greater power are their goals in life.

Xiao Li was excited.

"Get out of the way!"

He took his elite troops with him and prepared to attack the Tang army.

Ahead, the Taoxian cavalry opened a passage.

In Taoxian County, the name Yang Xuan represents legend.

The magistrate of Taiping County, a place where prisoners were exiled and a place where birds did not poop, was just lifted up by him.

He led a death camp composed of prisoners, and it was actually able to compete with the Vashe tribe. There was a lot of discussion among the army at first, and they all thought that the young county magistrate was a talent.

Then came Chenzhou.

In Chenzhou, Yang Xuan and the Chenzhou army actually changed Liu Qing's forbearing attitude and attacked frequently, and even faced off against the three major ministries without losing.

This is the attitude of a big boss.

As for the Southern Expedition, everyone in Taoxian County was looking forward to it, hoping that Yang Xuan would be able to show off his power in the Southern Zhou Dynasty.

As a result, Yang Xuan lived up to expectations, and the left army attacked so sharply that Zhang Huan, the governor of Southern Xinjiang, was full of praise.

It is said that Zhang Huan personally invited Yang Xuan to southern Xinjiang and promised Yang Xuan's future.

But Yang Xuan refused without hesitation.

This boss is very powerful, but it is just a rumor. Today, everyone wants to see it.

The grace of this famous Tang Dynasty general!

"Get out of the way!"

The middle channel appears.

The enemy troops rushed in.

He ran into Yang Xuan's guard head-on.

When facing a battle, the warriors must be at the forefront.

Here is Zhang Xu, and opposite is a tall and fierce soldier.

The one who used it turned out to be Ma Shan.

The cost of horse-drawing is high, and the techniques are difficult to learn, so they must be passed down.

Therefore, this warrior has a provenance at first glance.

Ma Shan stabbed Zhang Xu in the chest like lightning.

The iron rod hit the horse pole hard.

The flexible pole bends, bounces, and then rebounds.


When Xiao Li saw this, he couldn't help but feel happy.

Killing enemy warriors can boost morale.

The iron rod was jerked upwards.


The horse's pole was bent to the limit and hit the owner's head violently.

The warrior felt a buzzing in his head and subconsciously tightened his grip on his horse, preparing to sweep across.

As long as Zhang Xu parried, he would have a chance to escape.

The iron rod whizzed through the air.


His head was like a fruit, exploding instantly.

Red and white stuff splashed everywhere.

Zhang Xu's eyes turned red and he shouted, "Wan Sheng!"

The horse fell to the ground. The flexible and unbreakable pole was completely broken at this moment.

This person...

Both the enemy and ourselves are looking at Zhang Xu!

How come we have never heard of such ferocious men, no, such fierce generals?

Dozens of horned dragon guards followed Zhang Xu and rushed in.

Suddenly there was a bloody storm ahead.

The Northern Liao army continued to block this gap, and even launched continuous counterattacks.

"It is indeed the strongest army in the world!" Han Ji looked forward and said sincerely in admiration.

"If this were not the case, how could Northern Xinjiang focus on defense?" Yang Xuan felt that it was really not easy for Huang Chunhui.

Northern Liao was so powerful that it was a miracle to use a corner of Northern Xinjiang to compete with Northern Liao. It was also the result of the Tang Dynasty's martial arts practice for many years. But Northern Xinjiang not only had to compete with Northern Liao, but also had to resist the pressure from Chang'an.

This is what internal and external troubles mean.

Huang Chunhui was able to withstand it not only by his ability, but also by his tolerance.

But this time he decided not to endure it.

This has both good and bad consequences for Northern Xinjiang.

The good thing is that there will be fewer constraints.

The disadvantage is that there will be less support from Chang'an and more open and covert attacks from Chang'an.

But no matter what, it is a good thing for Yang Xuan.

Huang Chunhui's move will gradually turn Northern Xinjiang into a military group, and this group will step by step become the opposite of Chang'an. This is something Huang Chunhui cannot control.

In other words, if Northern Xinjiang continues to develop like this, sooner or later it will become a vassal town divided by one side.

But, isn't this exactly what I want?

Boss Yang is in a pretty good mood.

At the front, Zhang Xu and his men kept charging and fighting, suppressing the enemy troops bit by bit.

"These people are so brave and brave, but they are just sergeants in the Chenzhou Army?"

The soldiers in Taoxian County were a little confused.

Look at Yang Xuan again, standing in the middle, holding a horizontal sword, surrounded by guards.

Not even a drop of blood was stained.

A sergeant was busy fighting and asked: "Damn it, why are there so many fierce soldiers under Yang Shijun's command? No, they are fierce generals?"

Another sergeant wiped the blood from his face and gasped: "Inspiration!"

"What inspiration?"

"Think about it, who are the Taiping Death Battalion?"

"Thugs, murderers, liars... a group of scum, no, a group of unruly gangsters."

"When Yang Jijun was the county magistrate, he could make those tough bandits bow their heads. Now he has dozens of tough soldiers under his command. What does it mean?"

"Yeah! Ouch!"

Zhang Xu beat an enemy general to death. When he looked forward, he saw two Liao army sergeants in front of him exclaimed. Although they did not dare to run, they did not dare to attack.

"Hahahaha!" Zhang Xu laughed and beat the two enemy soldiers to death with an iron stick.

"General, I can't stop it!"

His subordinates were a little flustered.

"No need to rush."

Xiao Li said calmly: "It only takes a quarter of an hour, maybe even faster! Tell the brothers, you are about to make a contribution!"

"The resilience of the Northern Liao Army is good." Yang Xuan praised.

Han Ji was observing, "It seems like we are going to win?"

Zhang Xu led the Qiu Long Guards to advance forward. The Taoxian cavalry just started to watch the show, and then spontaneously followed them, approaching Xiao Li's banner step by step.

"That's almost it."

Yang Xuan stretched his neck and felt that he should kill a few people to get familiar with the smell of blood.

"Wan Sheng!"

Someone in front beheaded a general, holding his head high and cheering.

Then he was killed with an arrow.

But the situation of the Northern Liao Army was over.

The soldiers of Beiliao were waiting for Xiao Li's order.

Since you are defeated, retreat.

However, more than 2,000 cavalry surrounded Yang Gou and more than 1,000 cavalry could not win, which made people feel frustrated.

The morale of the Tang army's officers and soldiers was as high as a rainbow, and all the grievances felt during this period were gone.

"This is wrong!"

Han Ji didn't have much research on the art of war, but he knew how to figure out people's hearts. "The enemy's army is already in decline, but they refuse to evacuate. Why?"

Yang Xuan said calmly: "No matter what he does, I will remain unchanged to cope with all changes!"

Xiao Li suddenly laughed, "Is it almost done?"

Before he could finish his words, smoke and dust suddenly appeared on the right side of the Tang army.

A large flag fluttered faintly in the smoke.

"Han Xiangwen!"

Someone cheered.

"We must win!" The Northern Liao army, which was retreating step by step, burst out with amazing will and charged forward regardless of life and death.

"It's the enemy!" The soldiers of the Tang Army were shocked.

The smoke and dust gradually faded away, and the number of enemy troops could be clearly seen.

"Three thousand!" someone shouted!

Three thousand!

The Tang army was currently defeating the enemy at the pass, and three thousand enemy troops joined in...

Needless to say, even Yang Gou had to kneel down.

what to do?

A group of people looked at Yang Xuan.

On the opposite side, Xiao Li shouted: "Don't let Yang Gou escape!"

"It's now time to be rewarded for your meritorious service, sons and daughters, follow me!"

A veteran general, with his hair and beard trembling, excitedly led his men forward.

"Yang Gou didn't run away!"

Some people were surprised, "Is he going to carry it hard?"

"What is Yang Gou thinking?" Xiao Li was a little confused.

"General, if he flees, let's follow him and pursue him. Over there at Xiangwen... look, Xiangwen has turned to outflank him."

Han Shu led his men to make a beautiful detour while galloping, and directly outflanked the rear of the Tang army.

"He just knows that he can't run away, and he wants to fight against the trapped beast."

Xiao Li said calmly: "Tell me, your majesty is watching us, Yang Gou must die today!"

Daliao needed good news to boost the morale of the people who were somewhat depressed due to the palace change.

Yang Gou's head couldn't be better.

"Withdraw!" Han Ji felt that something was wrong.

Yang Xuan said: "Wait a little longer."

"What are you waiting for?"

"Wait until the enemy troops are in place."


"No, the back."

Han Shu led the army from behind to complete the outflank, and someone under his command said: "Xiang Wen, the leader of the Tang army in front is Yang Gou!"

"Oh!" Han Shu looked carefully and said with a smile: "I said there were birds landing on the tent this morning and chirping. It turned out to be a happy event!"

He turned around and shouted: "My sons, capture Yang Gou alive!"

"Capture Yang Gou alive!"

His subordinates cheered.

But someone noticed that Han Shu had not turned around and could not help but follow his gaze and slowly turn back.

Behind, there was a lot of smoke and dust.

Two thousand Chenzhou troops came on horseback.

The leader is none other than Nan He!

Han Ji was surprised, "Lang Jun, this is..."

"He Lianrong has been forcing the Three Major Ministries to take action. I am going to Taoxian County with two hundred horses this time. How many of the three major ministries among the grassland merchants in Lin'an are the informants of the Three Major Ministries? When they hear the news, some of them will definitely be moved."

"So Lang Jun ordered Nan He to lead the army to follow behind?"

"I originally wanted to trick the three major troops, but I didn't expect that the first one to be tricked was the Northern Liao Army. As a cook, I made a dish, but unexpectedly, several guests came." Yang Xuan smiled and said: "

Hope they like this dish!”


This chapter has been completed!
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