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Chapter 530 That's a Light

The palace was in a mess, and the qualities of a so-called Tianhuang noble could not be seen.

The quilt looked a little dirty, especially the top piece, which became dirtier as it went up.

There was even a circular black mark on the pillow.

Clothes were thrown randomly on the bed, and Yang Xuan even saw a chicken bone.


Yang Xuan was a little surprised when his eyes moved.

The ground turned out to be quite clean.

This isn't right!

For noble people, the sleeping environment is very important. In this case, shouldn't it be better to make the bed fresher?

Are you so full that you go to work on the ground?

And there is no broom here. How did the prince make the floor so clean?

"I'm a little embarrassed to put my foot down."

"It's okay, I'll do it again later."

"Isn't it easy?" Yang Xuan walked in, knelt down on the side of the desk, looked at the unknown layer of dirt on the table, smelled the stench, and felt like nauseating.

The prince glanced at the case and said, "After being imprisoned for a while, I realized a truth."

"I'm all ears." Yang Xuan turned sideways.

"People only live by eating, drinking and urinating."

The prince said it very seriously.

"Your Highness... you have lived a thorough life." Yang Xuan didn't know whether he was defending his laziness or whether he had truly understood the true meaning of life. But being able to say these words showed that the prince's mentality was really different.

Another person would be cold-faced and ignore you at all.

"He asked you to come?"

"No one else has this right, right?"

"Yes, I asked nonsense."

"I...right, I should call myself a minister."

"Do you think I would be happy if I called myself a minister?" The prince smiled and said, "If I wasn't used to it, I would be more willing to call myself me."

"Your Highness is open-minded."

"What did he ask you to do?"

"Just to accompany His Highness."

The prince looked inside the palace and said, "There is no room for two people here."

The bedroom is not small!

"Actually, I think it's okay for three or five people to live there."

"I can tolerate everything, including the smell of sweat and feet. What I can't tolerate is smelling other people's breath!"

"Other people's mysophobia is more about their aversion to dirt..." Yang Xuan looked at the dirty bed and table, "your mysophobia is your sense of smell, as expected of your highness."

He is indeed the son of a false emperor, even his disgust is different.

"I haven't talked to anyone in a long time."

"Then, please do as you please, Your Highness, today."

Yang Xuan is here to be an audience.

The prince glanced outside the palace door. Two guards were standing there, looking devoted to their duties.

"He took Gu's woman!"

The prince had a smile of unknown meaning on his lips, and the bodies of the two guards trembled.

"Do you want to kill them?" Yang Xuan asked.

"What about you?" The prince smiled horribly, "Aren't you afraid of being killed if you find out about those things?"

"I did before, but not now."


"I'm eating soft food now."

"Yes, Zhou's son-in-law, if he dares to silence him, Zhou Zun and his son will dare to confront him."

"It made you laugh."

"You're welcome."

The prince smiled and said, "Then what do you want to hear?"

"Actually, I don't want to hear anything. It's best for the two of us to sit here and be in a daze. After that, I'll go back and you can continue to think about how to sleep peacefully at night."

"You put it like that, but there are more people to talk to."

"Can't you bear it? Maybe the King of Yue will come in next time. How about the two brothers chatting together?"

"I have nothing to say to him." The prince coughed dryly, and the two guards outside the door trembled.

"At the beginning, Aye was just a son of the clan, and Aweng was just a prince. The filial emperor's status was stable, and everyone thought that he would definitely succeed to the throne."

Yang Xuan wanted to block his ears, but after hearing about filial piety to the emperor, he held back.

"The year I got married..."

Can't you just get to the point?

Is it none of my business that you get married?

"Honour to the Emperor, that is, Gu's great-uncle gave me a big gift, and he also said it himself, a good son and a good wife."

It's a pity that he was tricked by your grandfather and me.

"When they got married, Aweng and Aye were both there. Aye was very kind that day and kept asking about her situation."

Did you fall in love with this at the wedding?

The royal family is a big gossip!

The prince said sarcastically: "At that time, I really thought he was kind and caring."


Yang Xuan smiled silently.

"After they got married, he would send rewards every now and then, and he would ask Gu to take her to have dinner with her every now and then."

The prince asked, "What do you think this is?"

Yang Xuan thought about it seriously, "Lao Wang next door."

"I don't understand this, but I think it's not a good thing to say." The prince said, "Then there will be palace changes."

You should be more detailed!

Yang Xuan always wanted to know what happened that year in his dreams.

But he couldn't ask.

"After the palace change, he became the prince. The first thing he did was to find an orphan to talk to."

The prince said with a smile: "He asked Gu if he likes beautiful women. Naturally Gu likes them, who doesn't like them?"

"That's right."

"Ke Gu said he was not happy."

So Lao Wang next door was very happy.

"So he said that Mr. Liang looked quite like an old friend of his."

This reason... was so clumsy that it made Yang Xuan want to vomit.

"At that time, I foolishly asked who I looked like."

Like his first love back then?

"He said that there is someone missing around him."

The prince smiled and said: "Gu understood it instantly. At that moment, Gu's whole body felt weak. He wanted to roar, but when he looked at him, there was murderous intent in his eyes. Gu, he didn't dare."

Poor baby.

"I hesitated for a moment and said, can other women do it?"

Yang Xuan wanted to laugh.

"He said, OK. It was very refreshing.

But Ke Gu slapped himself, knelt down, and said that Liang and Gu had no friendship. Gu was upset every day when he saw her and couldn't study. He begged Aye to deal with him for the sake of the child.

My child, I am so grateful, I shed tears of gratitude."

The prince raised his head and said with a smile: "At that moment, I burst into tears."

Yang Xuan said cautiously: "But for losing?"


"Why is that?"

"Just because I saw the murderous intent in his eyes dissipated."

The bodies of the two guards were shaking like chaff.

Yang Xuan was controlled by the Zhou family, so the false emperor did not dare to silence him. But what about them?

Yang Xuan coughed dryly and said, "Get some water."

The two guards ran away as if they had been granted amnesty.

"You are soft-hearted." The prince said with a smile but not a smile: "If you commit suicide alone now, the Zhou family will not be able to protect you!"

"Is Your Highness willing to bear it?" Yang Xuan said lightly: "For countless nights, His Highness must have thought about committing suicide. When alone, it is most likely to have random thoughts and go to extremes.

At that time, His Highness refused to take action. Now that you have seen the light and there are people around you to listen to your talk, if you want to die, I will continue."

Go away, nephew!

Yang Xuan suddenly felt his scalp numb.

He glanced at the prince, who was immersed in emotions and unable to extricate himself.

Who is it?

The guard outside the door had already run away.

Yang Xuan pretended to be casual and quickly glanced above.

No one.

There's really no one.


Yang Xuan suddenly saw a corner of clothes moving on the beam.

A chill ran down his spine.

The door to the palace was originally closed, and there was no other way in or out.

So, how did this person get in?

It should be time to open the door.

In other words, after the door opened and he came in, the prince looked at him.

At this moment, a person came in quietly and hid on the beam.

This kind of cultivation!

Yang Xuan felt that there was no problem in killing him instantly.

He was shivering all over.

The person who can achieve this level of cultivation in the palace is definitely an old dog.

So, he was talking nonsense with the prince, why did the old dog send people here?

Kill the prince and frame it for me?

"Gu, I am not afraid of death." The prince said: "Gu, I just want to see this world again."


Yang Xuan was perfunctory, but he was thinking about this person's purpose.

If it was a frame-up to kill the prince, then it must not be just for him.

The Zhou family's son-in-law assassinated the prince. This is a treacherous act that is inevitable in any dynasty or generation.

Maybe the false emperor would dare to send troops to suppress it.

Another advantage of this matter is that it can affect Northern Xinjiang.

Just when Huang Chunhui and the emperor fell out, a northern Xinjiang governor assassinated the prince.

What do you want to do?


Huang Chunhui and the Zhou family join forces to plot rebellion!

Old dog, you are quite sinister!

So, how to protect the prince?

Yang Xuan moved his butt towards the prince without leaving any trace.

He suddenly wanted to slap himself.

Since this man can sneak in quietly, if he wants to take action, can I stop him?

Yang Xuan coughed dryly, "Hey! Is the water here?"

The reluctant voice of the guard came from outside the door.


The guard brought in two cups of tea.

"Tea?" The prince's eyes lit up.

Yang Xuan coughed dryly, "Hey!"

The guard looked at him.

"I think it would be better if my entourage was here."

Guard: "..."

"The rules also depend on the timing." Yang Xuan hinted: "The safety of His Highness is more important."

The guard shook his head and said, "No outsiders are allowed to enter here."


Yang Xuan suddenly lay down, "My stomach hurts."

"A medical officer has been invited?" the guard asked.

"There is medicine for my illness, it's with me."

When the guard saw that he was sweating profusely, he went out to ask for instructions.

"Myrrh, I have to leave the palace to find someone to prepare the medicine."

The guards found the leader of the team.

"What did he discover?" the leader said suspiciously: "No one who knows the rules would do such a thing, but he took the risk..."

The guard whispered: "His Highness is talking about the past where he lost his head."

The leader felt a chill running down his body, "What the hell! Are you trying to kill us? Give it to him!"

The guard said: "If the palace is to blame..."

The leader said angrily: "He dares to do it. He's not afraid of being blamed. What the hell are we afraid of? I hope he makes a fuss. The bigger the fuss, the better!"

The guard was relieved. Just as he was about to go in and ask Yang Xuan who he wanted to call, the leader stopped him.

"By the way, what did His Highness say?"

The guard said: "It's better not to listen."

"Good brother!" The leader patted him on the shoulder, "If you break a taboo, I won't be able to run away until you are punished. Just tell me!"

The guard said: "This is all because His Majesty robbed his woman."

"It's okay!" The leader felt relieved, "I hope he won't say anything more fatal later!"

"This is a scandal, a shocking scandal!" The guard stared, feeling that the leader was a little too optimistic.

The leader shook his head, "Just go!"

The guards left, and the leader whispered: "I am worried about other things, but this matter... Your Majesty is not ashamed, you are afraid of nothing!"

The guard went in and asked Yang Xuan.

"The older one is called Tu Shang."

He originally wanted to call him Lin Feibao, but he was worried that there was an old friend in the palace who might be recognized.

Tu Shang is here.

He came in and gave Yang Xuan a pill.

Yang Xuan took it and smelled it, there was something familiar about it.

After taking a pill, serve it with tea.

That familiar taste!

Isn’t this a rejuvenation pill?

Yang Xuan, who has been a vegetarian for a long time and is very angry, eats this...

Tu Shang was standing outside the door.

Yang Xuan felt a little calmer.

The prince lost interest and remained silent.

Only then did Yang Xuan remember the mission and asked: "Your Highness, does he know medical skills?"

The prince looked at him with a strange expression, "You know better."

"My wife knows better too."

"Oh! How are your medical skills?"

"It just won't kill anyone."


How did this begin?

Yang Xuan spent most of his energy on guarding against the man above his head, and had to deal with the prince.

"Your Highness has been so healthy these years, presumably because of his proficiency in medical skills."

"You're saying that the reason why I'm not crazy here is because of my medical skills?"


"Of course not."

The prince said: "There is only a ray of light here during the day. Sitting alone in the light, as time goes by, I feel that the light is like a knife, cutting into the body and soul. Why don't you sit there and it will be dark all day long?

If it’s dark, people will go crazy.”

Yang Xuan can understand this.

"There were many women who were alone."

"Your Highness is so beautiful and blessed."

"Although Gu is in good health, he can't take care of everyone."

"Yes! After all, the rain and dew are numerous. If you try to catch the fish when the lake is exhausted, if you cut it down once and for all, it will be gone if you are not careful."

"Who says it's not the case!" The prince sighed: "Thus, those women who are not favored cannot sleep at night.

Gu heard that when they couldn't sleep at night, they would ask for a bowl of beans.

When I couldn't sleep, I would scatter the beans on the ground, and then I would search in the dark and retrieve them one by one.

I just searched and searched, and I forgot all my worries. I gradually became calm and fell asleep."

Yang Xuan blinked his eyes.

"I've tried it alone, and it works." The prince smiled.


Use it yourself.

"You mentioned medical skills."

"Your Highness has a good memory."

The prince smiled and said, "I haven't thought much about medical skills in these years, but I did have some experience back then."

"Want to hear the details."

The task has come.

Yang Xuan turned on the recorder mode.

"That day, he asked for the Liang family, and I was forced to agree."

How come this topic gets turned around so haphazardly?

"Gu returned home and tortured the woman who was following Liang. Only then did he learn that the two of them had met several times in private." The prince asked, "Do you know what this is?"

Yang Xuan glanced at the top of his head and said, "That's a ray of light."

The prince asked himself and answered, "This is humiliating the orphan."

Yang Xuan rolled his eyes and took the opportunity to glance above.

The corner of his clothes has disappeared.

It should have turned around.

"Everyone inside me is dead. At that moment, all I want to do is kill someone. But who can I kill?"

So, you can only be helpless and furious.

"The loneliness is unbearable."

Yang Xuan glanced outside the door, where Tu Chang was leaning against the door.

Could Lao Tu be able to hold this person back?

But as long as you resist, the guards will naturally swarm in.

"What would happen if it were you?" the prince asked.

Yang Xuan was silent.

"I want to kill him, but I can't."

"I want to kill that bitch, but I don't dare."

"There are many lonely women, and they are jealous of each other. Some people have given medicine to make their enemies infertile."

Yang Xuan's body shook.

The prince smiled.

"Gu, I took the medicine and watched that bitch drink it with my own eyes."

Thanks to the leader of "East China Sea Small Fishing Village" for the reward.


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