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Chapter 537

After leaving Wang's house, Yang Xuan asked Zhang Xu, "Do you know the censor?"

"I know, but I don't know." Zhang Xu said honestly.


After arriving home, Yang Xuan found pen, ink, paper and inkstone.



"I said, you write."


Jiang He'er was sitting on her knees, the girl's waist was straight and straight, and she was actually quite big.


The weather was hot, so Jiang Heer opened his collar a little. Boss Yang looked down from a high position and saw some scenery. He couldn't help coughing twice and said: "There is a lot of smoke and dust from smelting ore in the world. Many craftsmen are injured in the heart. In severe cases, they are bedridden and there is no way to save them."


After writing, Jiang Heer asked curiously: "Does Mr. Lang want to impeach those Ministry of Industry officials?"

"Not me."

Jiang Heer pulled up his clothes, and Boss Yang saw the scenery in the depths, and couldn't help but sigh at the word "changing with each passing day."

"Who is that?"

Yang Xuan didn't say anything.

Jiang Heer went out.

"It's so hot!"

She stretched her chest and glanced down.

The body trembled.

His face was as red as a piece of red cloth.

"So many! Lang Jun saw them all!"

Censor Xie Yu has been troubled recently.

"You have been impeached three times this year, and all the memorials have been returned. It's early autumn, do you just want to get away with it this year?"

Shangguan's beating made him quite uneasy.

Who might be impeached?

Nowadays, he cannot afford to offend even the biggest factions in the court.

Liang Jing's group is the emperor's spokesperson. How dare he provoke him?

The Zuo Prime Minister's faction seems to be indifferent, but for many years he and the abbot of the country have carried it on without saying a word and have not fallen down. This is not something he can mess with.

Finally, there is the aggressor and his group. If he dares to provoke him, he will have to be careful about being scolded later.

"We are out of luck, and Your Majesty doesn't care!"

Xie Yu was full of complaints.

It was extremely hot at noon, so he simply walked out of the imperial city to relax.

"He's coming."

"That's good, there's no need to send the news to his home."

Several big men were arguing, which attracted Xie Yu's attention.

"Uncle Wu's lungs are in bad condition, and the doctor said he can survive for two months at most."

"Nonsense! I looked fine a few days ago! I just can't breathe. Besides, Uncle Wu is in good health. Why did he become like this in just one year?"

"The doctor said that when Uncle Wu was smelting ore in Chunyu's workshop, he was enveloped in smoke every day and breathed into his lungs. The lungs were blocked by the flying dust, making it difficult for people to breathe. Gradually, the lungs became damaged, and this person became ill.

It’s over!”

"Is there no cure?"

"The doctor said that unless the lungs and intestines can be cleaned, how can the lungs and intestines be cleaned? Choking water? The person has passed away before the lungs and intestines can be cleaned."

"Damn it! Chunyu doesn't have an explanation?"

"That's nonsense! It's because I'm sick and it has nothing to do with the Chunyu family."

"It's not just Uncle Wu, let those people join forces to make things bigger!"

"It's noisy. The fifth uncle was framed last time and was beaten up by the officials in Chang'an County. He almost went there on the spot."

"Is there any royal method for this?"

"The king's laws are made by them! If you tell them about the king's laws, isn't that nonsense?"

"Then what should we do? Are we just going to watch Uncle Wu's misfortune?"

"What can we do? If there is a relative in the family who is an official, we can at least talk to His Majesty. Your Majesty is kind and will probably make decisions for us."

"Hey! If there were relatives in our family who were officials, Fifth Uncle wouldn't have to go to Chunyu's family to take drugs."

Several big men sighed, and one of them suddenly said: "There are many workshops in the Ministry of Industry!"

"How can those officials care about this!"


Several big men left.

Xie Yu stood there and suddenly clapped his hands, "Hey! Isn't this done?"

Zhang Linxing entered the brothel and never came out.

"Old thief, you said it for half an hour!" Wang Laoer became a little impatient.

"It's usually at this time!" The old thief squatted diagonally across from the brothel, looked at those thighs, and wiped the corners of his mouth, "Think about it, go in and chat, chat a few words, then take off your clothes, then put on clothes, chat a few words

, rest for a while and then come out, half an hour, it’s fine.”

"What's wrong with him taking off his clothes and putting on his clothes again?"

"You're the one with the problem!" the old thief said, "Isn't this just taking off your clothes, tossing around for a while, and then putting on your clothes?"

"Old thief."


"How come what you said is the same as the one in Lianhua Ji!"

"Nonsense! I have read countless people..."

"You only look at the thighs."

"Thighs, they are beautiful!"

"Come out."

Zhang Linxing came out and looked a little weak at his feet.

The madam sent him out and waved, "My husband is always here!"

Zhang Linxing smiled and said: "Next time I come, will you be willing to serve me?"

The old bustard smiled and said, "If you are willing, I will give it a try."

"That's it!"

Zhang Linxing staggered away, and the madam said disdainfully: "It's done as soon as it's done. You're still mumbling in the room, which is in vain delaying Lianxiang's business."

The old thief and Wang Laoer happened to pass behind the madam.

"Old thief, why is he muttering in the house?"

"Afraid of being embarrassed if I come out."

"What's the meaning?"

"Just take off your clothes and then put on your clothes."

"I don't understand."

"You'll understand when you get married."

Zhang Linxing slowly walked out, recalling the taste of the prostitute just now, and thinking about how to write a message to the King of Yue.

Suddenly, he thought of Yang Xuan.

"That dog raised by King Wei is so courageous. It dares to confront the abbot and the others. It will probably die badly in the future."

In Zhang Linxing's eyes, the only reason why Yang Xuan dared to go against the abbot and others was because of King Wei.

Naturally, he regarded Yang Xuan as a dog raised by King Wei.

He had not told the King of Yue about this matter. If he had, the King of Yue might have told him that Yang Xuan was not King Wei's dog. On the contrary, King Wei was under his command.

Otherwise, King Wei would be like a lonely ghost in Chenzhou with no place to take him in.

Some people say that King Wei can still go to Taoxian.

Taoxian County is where the Northern Xinjiang Jiedu Envoy is stationed. Huang Chunhui's sick tiger is there. King Wei went there and could only smile bitterly when facing the sick tiger.


Zhang Linxing sighed and said contentedly: "The king is the legitimate son. If the prince is deposed, who else will he be?"

He felt that he was an old minister of Conglong. When the king of Yue came to power in the future, he would inevitably hold an important position.

"Should I go to the Department of Husbandry or the Department of Personnel?"

"No, you can go to the mirror!"

Zhang Linxing was thinking about this happily. When he passed by an alley, someone waved, "Hey!"

Zhang Linxing subconsciously turned to the right.

One hand grabbed his collar and pulled him in.

Zhang Linxing saw a thief-like man and a silly man.

The thief man grabbed him by the collar, and the silly man punched him.

Encountered less evil!

This was Zhang Linxing's last thought.

Then a punch.


"Use a knife!"

"You can only use the knife after you've knocked him unconscious!"

"Then why not just move?"

"If you stab him directly, he will struggle."

"I can suppress him!"

"The smell of blood will be all over your body, and you will need clothes when you go back!"

"You are right!"

After an unknown amount of time, a hawker came in carrying a bamboo basket and saw Zhang Linxing sitting against the wall with a strange smile on his face. There was a big hole in his neck and a large pool of blood under his body.

"Killing people!"

"Your Majesty, Yushi Xie Yu Jianyan, the world's smelting workshop..."

Xie Yu's suggestions were unanimously approved and implemented very quickly.

A clerk came to Wang's smelting workshop.

"Hey! The Wang family is actually masked?"

Wang’s smelting craftsmen all wear ‘masks’

Chunyu's workshop was not so lucky. When it was discovered, a group of craftsmen complained about their heartfelt problems.

The Ministry of Industry's workshop was also found.

This matter just exploded.

Several dying patients lay down in front of the imperial city.


said the emperor.

So everyone from Chunyu to the Ministry of Industry began to clean up those patients.

But Wang was praised.

"Have a conscience!"

Zhang Wuniang is packing things.

Yang Xuan sent someone to tell him that he was going to go back the next day.

"There's nothing!" her father gasped.

"Aye, a broken family is worth a million dollars!"

Zhang Wuniang picked up the jars and jars.

"The kitchen knives have to be taken away, as well as the kitchen knives, bowls and chopsticks... Hey! It would be a pity not to take away this big jar of water!"

Knock knock knock!

Zhang Wuniang heard the knock on the door and ran to open the door.

The door opened, and two stern-faced clerks came.

Zhang Wuniang quickly put the kitchen knife behind her and said nervously: "I've seen the official."

A petty official looked at the dilapidated house, covered his nose and said, "Are you really big?"

"Yes! Guan Ye!"

"have a look!"

The two clerks walked in, frowning all the way.

When he saw Zhang Da, he tried hard to sit up.

"No!" A clerk pressed his hands and said with a straight face, "Where did you work before?"

Zhang Da said in panic: "In the Wang family, the villain is wrong, and the villain's illness is his own fault and has nothing to do with the Wang family.

The villain shouldn't beg for money. The villain doesn't dare to ask the official to spare the villain's daughter. The villain is willing to work as a cow or a horse..."

The clerk coughed dryly and said, "The court is aware of this matter, and Mr. Wang is willing to compensate me with some money. This matter is over."

After speaking continuously, Zhang Da was a little out of breath. After hearing these words, he couldn't help but froze.

Zhang Wuniang, who was patting him on the back, was also stunned.


Zhang Da wanted to see God, but he was blocked by the roof and could only see a few rays of light coming in from the leaky gaps.

Very weak.

I used to have a headache just looking at it.

But at this moment, Zhang Da felt that these rays of light were so exciting.

This is light!

He wished he could praise God for his wisdom.

"Ahem! This eighteen hundred dollars is Wang's compensation. Keep it and make a pledge!"

Zhang Da was so happy that after seeing the document, he signed it without hesitation.

The two clerks left immediately.

Walking in the alley, a clerk suddenly asked: "Didn't we agree to deduct 500 yuan? Why only 200 yuan was deducted?"

"It looks a bit miserable and I can't bear it."

"You used to be so hard-hearted, why are you so soft-hearted today?"

"Looking at the father and daughter, they were like ants. I wanted to deduct the money as usual, but after seeing the girl's smiling face, I somehow changed my mind."

"Do you have a crush on her?"


"Why is that?"

"That girl smiled so cleanly, like..." The clerk looked up at the blue sky, "It was so clean that I felt a little ashamed of myself."

Zhang Wuniang happily counted the copper coins and said, "Aye, I can treat you later."

"What disease is it curing?" Zhang Da leaned on the bedside, "Yang Shijun invited the best doctors, and he also had the prescription. As he said, this disease is rarely cured, so we won't waste it.

Collect this money, and when we get to Northern Xinjiang, if my father is not dead yet, I will find you a husband. This money! It will be your dowry!"

Zhang Wuniang turned around and said, "Aye, don't say anything about death."

Zhang laughed and said: "Okay, don't tell me, as a father, I have to watch you get married and have children!"

Zhang Wuniang said curiously: "Ah, why is it one thousand eight hundred dollars? Isn't it said that noble people like to give round figures when giving money?"

"It's two thousand dollars." Zhang Da coughed, "My father is illiterate, but after working for the Wang family for several years, I often saw bills with the amount written on them.

Two thousand, my father still knows these two words!"

"That's still two hundred less!"

"Silly daughter, those two officials have to pay for their hard work. Two hundred dollars is very kind."

"But, that's our money! It's Aye's life-saving money!"

"Aren't our lives in the hands of nobles?

Live if you want us to live, and die if you want us to die.

Even if we don't give you any money, can we still make trouble?"


Zhang Wuniang felt a little depressed.



"I feel that this world is unfair!"

In the early morning of the third day, Zhang Wuniang helped Zhang Da to the agreed place.

"Aye, look, it's so bright!"

Zhang Da glanced at the east, the sky was foggy, "Where is the light coming from?"

"I feel so bright!" Zhang Wuniang smiled happily.

"I've seen the envoy!"

Inside the gate of the square, the servants of the square salute.

Yang Xuan came on horseback, followed by more than two hundred riders.

"I've met my benefactor!"

Zhang Da and his daughter knelt down.

"Hel up."

Yang Xuan dismounted and saw that Zhang Wuniang was carrying a huge burden that bent her waist, so she said, "Put the things on the cart. You and your daughter can get on the cart and follow the cart to Northern Xinjiang."

He was thinking about his wife's pregnancy and wished he could fly to Chenzhou immediately. Naturally, he couldn't travel with the big car.


The father and daughter got on the cart and slowly left Chang'an City.

At the same time, Wang Douxiang also finished practicing and was walking in the yard.

"Second uncle."

Wang Yu is here.

He looked a little unnatural.

"What's the matter?"

Wang Douxiang asked with a smile.

"Yesterday I went out to drink. On the way back, I bought some fruit to sober up. I met an acquaintance and called out my identity."

"It's common." Wang Douxiang smiled and said, "No need to worry about it."

"Yes." Wang Yu became more and more uncomfortable, "The fruit vendor heard that I was the son of Wang's family, and he didn't dare to accept money."

"Mostly relatives of the family!"

The Wang family was huge, with countless servants and hired people. The total number of relatives of these people was a huge number. It was common for the young man of the master's family to refuse to accept payment.

It's also flattering.

"No, the man said that his relatives worked in Chunyu's workshop. Chunyu didn't take the lives of the craftsmen seriously, but Wang took the initiative to give masks to the craftsmen, showing her conscience.

He said that just because of his conscience, he would not charge any money."

Wang Douxiang was stunned.

Wang Yu lowered his head and said, "Second uncle, I was wrong."

Wang Douxiang smiled bitterly, "I was wrong too. He said it was different. I have been wondering what it was. So that's it."

The way is different!

Don’t conspire against each other!

Wang Yu shook his head, "I understand now that he actually looks down on us!"


This chapter has been completed!
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