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Chapter 558 Lao Tzu is here to be domineering

Wei Tang, the governor of Xuanzhou, was from a good background and had good abilities, so his official career was smooth.

After the directors finished in the morning, Wei Tang and Sima Ma Zun drank tea together.

"There was a saying in the previous dynasty that if you have misfortune in your three lives, the county magistrate will be attached to Guo; if you do evil in three lives, you will be attached to the provincial capital of Guo; if you are full of evil, you will be attached to the capital of Guo." Wei Tang laughed and said: "This is the case in Xuanzhou. Taoxian County, where it is governed, is not far away.

Jiedushi is stationed there, and there are so many mothers-in-law there that I have a headache."

Ma Zun said: "Isn't it? But in comparison, the Tao County magistrate is even worse."

There are two levels of mother-in-law above the magistrate of Taoxian County, Xuanzhou and Jiedushi Yamen.

"Hahahaha!" Wei Tang nodded him with his finger, "You are really good at comforting people."

Ma Zun said: "Last year, my husband was ill. He didn't go out much throughout the winter. For the first time, he didn't go to Chang'an to attend the imperial meeting. Spring has begun, and I haven't seen my husband show up. Sir, I can't do this, my husband."

I'm afraid I'm going to retire."

"It's hard to say." There was a coldness in Wei Tang's eyes, "If my husband becomes an official, the Jiedushi Mansion will be in turmoil. Some people will be promoted, some will be demoted, and some will retire."

One emperor and one courtier, this principle is applicable everywhere.

"Your Majesty, Deputy Envoy Liao has a good impression of your Majesty. If your husband becomes an official, your chances are not small!" Ma Zun said with a smile.

If Ma Zun takes office, he, Ma Zun's deputy, will also have the opportunity to have a glimpse of the position of governor.

Each carrot is in a pit. When someone moves above, each carrot hopes to move up a level collectively.

"It's hard to say." Wei Tang put down the water glass, "Don't forget about that man from Chenzhou!"

"Yang Xuan's momentum has been too strong in the past two years, but he is still young after all!" Ma Zun said with a smile: "The envoy is different, he has enough resume, qualifications and experience. If you want to enter the Jiedu envoy's mansion, if you are missing one of them

Same, that means he is lame."

"Your Majesty!"

I have a small official to see you.

"What's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, someone is coming from Chenzhou."

"Oh! Let him come."

The person from Chenzhou is a petty official.

"I have been ordered to come here." The clerk stood up straight, causing Wei Tang and others in the hall to frown slightly.

"Say!" Wei Tang said calmly.

The clerk loudly said: "Your Majesty ordered me to tell you that Decheng County is adjacent to Wangu County in Chenzhou, and there are six villages between the two counties whose ownership is unknown.

The envoy checked the records of previous years and found that four of the six villages originally belonged to Decheng County.

This time the flood submerged those six villages, so Jun asked people to go to Decheng County to inform them, but Decheng County stood by and watched..."

After taking care of Lu Jiao and others, Yang Xuan immediately sent people to Decheng County to urge them to provide disaster relief...Wangu County has already opened warehouses and distributed food to six villages.

But the rules of officialdom belong to whomever belongs to them. Disaster relief and emergency response can be overridden, but it cannot last long.

Ma Zun chuckled, "I know those six villages. Wangu County robbed them back then. Doesn't it mean that Wangu County doesn't belong to Chenzhou now?"

The clerk said: "Xuanzhou also robbed it!"

When it was necessary to control the population growth, Xuanzhou would also say that those six villages were under his control.

Ma Zundan said: "That's nonsense!"

There is no need to litigate verbally on this matter, and this is Xuanzhou, not Chenzhou.

"Yang Shijun's prestige is in the wrong place!" Wei Tang said dullly: "Go back and tell him that Chenzhou will take care of that place himself!"

Next time when population and taxes are needed, Xuanzhou can just shout again. With a stroke of a pen, the six villages are ours.

This kind of thing is common in officialdom.

The clerk said neither humble nor arrogantly: "The envoy said that if Xuanzhou refuses, then let the villain ask..." He boldly raised his head and looked at Wei Tang, "Is there any justice in this world?"

Wei Tang shook his head contemptuously, "Get out!"

Yang Xuan took charge of Dingyang Village and mobilized the Wangu army to come to the disaster relief.

The floods have long receded, and the victims have received food. They have had two full meals and their strength has returned.

"Don't be lazy after eating the food given by the envoy!" An elder burped, "The envoy is moving things, how can we still sit and watch the fun? That is our home, follow the envoy,

It's tidied up."

Excluding the old and the weak, almost two thousand people joined in.

Yang Xuan was clearing away the mud with a shovel. He was well-educated, strong, and relaxed.

Lin Feibao and others were working outside him, vaguely surrounding him in the middle.

"Your Majesty, I'm here!"

Yang Xuan straightened up, thumped his backhand, and said with a smile: "Hurry up, clean up your home, and there will be time for spring plowing when you turn around!"

"Yes!" Several old people were let in, Yang Xuan winked, and Lin Feibao and others dispersed.

"Your Majesty," an old man said with a smile, "Where are we from?"

The old man next to him said: "Of course it's Chenzhou."

Yang Xuan said: "Whether it is Chenzhou or Xuanzhou, first of all, you are the common people of the Tang Dynasty! But officials of the Tang Dynasty cannot just sit back and watch the people suffer and ignore them!"

"Well said!" said the old man: "You have us in your heart!"

"If I don't have you in my heart, will you still have me in your heart?" Yang Xuan said with a smile: "Friendship is mutual. I gave it to you, and you gave it back to me. In this way, who can be the enemy of the government and the people?"


The officials and the people are enjoying themselves here, and old thieves come quietly.

"Mr. Lang, I noticed something is wrong with some people."

"What's wrong?"

"Those people who gathered together before were all strong men. Some people were worried that they wanted to cause trouble, but the guards over at Uda found that those people had calluses on their hands for using knives."

Yang Xuan asked the old man next to him, "Do you recognize those people?"

The old man looked at the men gathered in the distance and said, "They came here a few years ago, and they are said to be refugees. We don't care about them here, and they have settled here."

"Have you ever farmed?"

"No, even if I go hunting in the mountains, I've only seen him a few times."

"Take it!"

Yang Xuan gave the order decisively.

The old thief said: "I beg you, little man."

This guy is addicted to being a famous general.

Yang Xuan nodded, and the old thief left with a red face.

"Old thief, and me!"

Wang Laoer ran and turned back, "Mr. Lang, do these heads count for money?"

Yang Xuan said with a dark face, "It doesn't count!"

If you don’t even know your specific identity, how can you kill someone indiscriminately?

The old man was confused when he heard this, "Your Majesty, is there something wrong with those people?"


The old thief mobilized more than two hundred soldiers to surround him.

Before they even got close, the group of people started running away.

"I have already prepared an ambush, hahahaha!" The old thief took out the booklet and turned to that page. "Lang Jun said, drive first and then besiege. Leave a hole when driving, and the enemy will be overjoyed when they see a chance of survival.

If you look too far, you will have no fighting spirit. When the encirclement appears, your morale will plummet. Our army will win!"

Dozens of men were surrounded in the middle.

Lin Feibao is here.

"Take it!"

Rows of long guns were approaching, and more than a dozen men rushed over with roars and were stabbed to death by random shots.

The rest kneeled down and asked to surrender.

"Mr. Lang, I asked, he is a secret spy from Northern Liao Dynasty!"

"Damn it!" Yang Xuan scolded: "Northern Xinjiang is very strictly controlled, and those secret spies can't find a big place to stay. I didn't expect it! This three-in-one area has become their stronghold."

"Your Majesty!"

The clerk who went to Xuanzhou came back.

"What did Wei Tang say?" Yang Xuan asked.

"He said, get out!"

Tao County.

Liao Jin hurriedly entered the Jiedushi Mansion.

"Is your husband here?"


Liao Jin turned around and said, "Come in."

A middle-aged man carrying a wooden box curiously entered the state gate.

Huang Chunhui is taking a nap.

It was still cold in northern Xinjiang in early spring. There were several charcoal pots placed in the lobby, but because the door was not closed, cold wind blew in from time to time.

"Ms. sir."

Liao Jin comes in.

Huang Chunhui raised his head and said, "Old Liao!"

"Ms. sir, I have found a doctor."

"I'm not sick." Huang Chunhui smiled.

"Let's take a look!" Liao Jin advised.

When the doctor came in and saw Huang Chunhui, he knelt down first.

"Hey! Why are you kneeling down?" Huang Chunhui coughed dryly.

The doctor stood up and said, "I am old, and I still remember that when the news of Prime Minister Pei's death in Chang'an came, the northern Xinjiang was in chaos, and the Northern Liao took advantage of the situation to launch a massive attack. It was Xianggong and those people who blocked them.

It has been difficult to get married these years! We all know it.

I originally thought that my husband was in good health, but looking at it, I knew that my husband had been struggling to support himself these years.

My husband is doing this for the sake of Northern Xinjiang... People say that doctors are like parents, so I just cut out my own liver and gallbladder, and I will do whatever it takes to cure my husband!"

Immediately the doctor began to diagnose and treat the patient.

After looking, hearing, asking, and doing some operations, the doctor smiled.

"Although my husband's body bones are damaged, the foundation is still there. Just take some decoctions and take care of yourself, and you will naturally look better."

"That's good." Huang Chunhui nodded.

The doctor prescribed medicine and then left.

Before leaving, the doctor said: "My lord, take care."


Liao Jin wanted to follow him out, but was stopped by Huang Chunhui.

"Spring has begun. It seems that there will be more spring rain this year. It will calm down in Beiliao. But it is calming down now because it is ready to go. We need to send more manpower to investigate."

"Yes." Liao Jin now took over most of the affairs.

"Why do I seem to be listening to politics behind the curtain?" Huang Chunhui made a treasonous joke.

But no one laughed.

Liao Jin wanted to go out again, but Huang Chunhui stopped him again.

"Speaking of which, you are getting old, so you don't want to get married or have children? At least you will have someone to offer incense to you after you die."

Liao Jin's wife died young, and the surviving child ended up in prison for corruption. According to the methods of Yang Songcheng and others, he will never be able to survive in this life.

Therefore, Liao Jin is a loner.

Liao Jin smiled and said, "I've gotten used to it over the years."

"She was the crown prince in Chang'an, and you were the general in Northern Xinjiang. How many years have passed, and she has refused to bow her head, and neither have you. Such stubbornness has cost you your life!"

"If you make a mistake, then you make a mistake! I have already thought it through, this life is a life! No matter how you live it, you will live it. What is important is that you live a good life! Don't let the years go by!"

"I have gone to Chang'an to write letters."

Huang Chunhui looked at him, "I'm getting old, and I'm afraid I'll have to go underground to see the late emperor before long.

I can't bear to see you lonely all your life.

At the beginning, it was unusual for you and her to be in love with each other.

Later, you were unruly and stayed for five years. But five years later, she became the crown prince... You were so angry that you married a wife and had children, but your wife passed away long ago. Now that there is no one around you, why don't you renew your relationship?


"Mr. Sir!" Liao Jin said numbly: "There is no need to mention this matter again."

"I mentioned it." Huang Chunhui smiled as proudly as a child, "I sent people to Chang'an last year to look for her. Ask her if she has ever thought about you. If so, then take her here.


Liao Jin took a deep breath and suppressed the turmoil in his chest and abdomen, "Mr. sir, what's the use of taking this?"

"Don't blame me!" Huang Chunhui drooped his eyelids, "If I go, you will take over. With His Majesty's temperament, it is impossible to use her to contain you. Therefore, either she dies or she comes. Or, you can still only be

Deputy Ambassador, do you understand?"

"It's time to come." Huang Chunhui smiled and said, "Maybe early summer will be here."

Liao Jin just remained silent.

At first, he was young and promising, and wanted to make a career in the army, but the guards in Chang'an rarely had the opportunity to go to war. So he took the initiative to come to Northern Xinjiang.

But the Shangguan refused.

Liao Jin drowned his sorrows with wine and happened to meet Princess Ningcheng, who was disguised as a man.

After drinking, the two had a conflict and got to know each other.

Then came the reunion of the golden wind and jade dew.

This relationship made Liao Jin forget his frustration until Ning Cheng mentioned getting married.

At that time... I was very high-spirited and just wanted to marry my sweetheart with my unparalleled achievements, but I ignored her secret sadness.

That year, Liao Jin said goodbye to his sweetheart and came to northern Xinjiang.

For a period of five years, I will definitely go back and be your consort!

Once you become a prince-in-law, you can no longer be a general. Therefore, Liao Jin wanted to fulfill his lifelong wish before then.

When he arrived in northern Xinjiang, he fought bravely, but he was still far from achieving unparalleled achievements.

In the past five years, he has also gone back, vowing to come back.

At the end of the five-year period, Liao Jin secretly prepared to return to Chang'an.

But a letter brought bad news.

Princess Ningcheng became a monk.

——The heart is looking outward and not in love with the world of mortals.

From then on, Liao Jin stayed in Northern Xinjiang.

You become a monk and I join the army.

How arrogant he is, if Ning Cheng doesn't want to, then why should I be sentimental!

From then on, Chang'an gained a female crown, and Northern Xinjiang gained a man who gave up on women. Later, his parents persuaded him many times, and he wanted to show off to Ning Cheng, so he married a wife.

But later he discovered that marrying a woman he didn't like would be a mistake for others!

"My lord, Yang Xuan, the governor of Chenzhou, has arrived in Taoxian."

The clerk interrupted Liao Jin's memory.

Huang Chunhui was surprised, "Why is he here again?"

The clerk said: "Mr. Yang said that he would go and do some business first and come back later to see my husband. Then I would like to see my husband..."

"What do you want me to do?" Huang Chunhui sneered, "It must not be a good thing!"

The clerk said: "He said, please prepare some good wine and good food for me!"

Huang Chunhui laughed angrily and said to Liao Jin: "Look, look, I just said you shouldn't be too nice to him, but now I'm going to slap my nose on my face. I also want good wine and good food. Where is Lao Liu? I've found him."

, let him take care of that little brat!"

Liao Jin said: "I would like to know what he is going to do first."

Xuanzhou Prefecture.

Yang Xuan stood outside the door with a group of people.

"Mr. Yang." Menzi smiled and said, "I will go and report it now."

"No need."

Yang Xuan shook his head, and the old thief behind him said: "Lang Jun, what are the rules for today? How about the villain go in first to clear the way?"

Clear the way?

This is wrong!

Menzi was a little flustered.

"No need."

Yang Xuan said: "Fight in!"

Menzi wanted to stretch out his hand, but then retracted, "Yang Shijun, come here, come here!"

"I won't hit you!" Yang Xuandang walked in first.

"Here comes someone!"

Amidst the shrill screams from the door, a group of subordinates rushed out.

"It's Chenzhou Yang Xuan!"

"He's here to cause trouble!"

Yang Xuan came in aggressively with his men.

An official and several petty officials blocked the road and sneered, "This is Xuanzhou Prefecture, not Chenzhou. Please respect yourself!"

Yang Xuan slapped his hand.

The official covered his face and turned around several times.

Wei Tang happened to come out and shouted: "Domineering!"

Yang Xuan raised his head and straightened his clothes.

"That's right, I'm here to be domineering today!"

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