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Chapter 568

"Those people are scattered everywhere on weekdays and exchange letters. If there is business going to other places, they will first visit their local counterparts.

According to the rules, any business done here must give the other party 20% of the benefit.

Of course, some people generously refused to accept the offer and instead treated him to food and drinks, including accommodation.

This kind of people have a wide network of friends, they have friends all over the world, they eat wherever they go."

The old thief was a little envious, but he didn't realize that Yang Xuan didn't look very good-looking. "I also wanted to be such a person at the beginning, but my family's property is underground. Once I enter the tomb, it is as deep as the sea. From then on, my friends are just passers-by."

He Lianyan asked: "Have you ever heard of the name Guo Shenghe?"

"I've heard of it."


"Be a man of all nations!"

The old thief said: "When the villain passed by his hometown, he also wanted to visit this person, but the nobleman he wanted to visit that time had a noble status and gained a lot. The villain thought that the benefits of 20% were too much, and he was reluctant to give up.

Give it to him and leave."

Yang Xuan left.

"Mr. Lang looks unhappy." The old thief was puzzled.

"Give it! Give it!"

Two sergeants came out carrying the corpse.

The old thief avoided it and asked casually: "Who is this person?"

"It seems to be called Shenghe."

Sai Mengchang was killed.

Yang Xuan just thought about the consequences and then put the matter aside.

The world is big and the mother-in-law has the biggest child.

"Is the delivery room ready?"

Yang Xuan asked in the backyard.

Aunt Guan said: "It's already done."

"Take me to see it."

"Mr. Lang, this is a taboo in the delivery room..."

"That's where my wife gave birth. What's taboo? Lead the way!"

The delivery room was not far from the bedroom. As soon as he opened the door, Yang Xuan smelled a damp smell.

The walls also look quite old.

"Mr. Lang, this slave has been rectifying it for a long time..." Aunt Guan subconsciously expressed her merit for herself, and the figure of Yi Niang appeared in her mind.

There are two giants in the family, Yang Xuan and Zhou Ning.

In the backyard, Yi Niang represents Yang Xuan, and Aunt Guan represents Zhou Ning.

Although Yi Niang does not fight for power and gain, Aunt Guan is a little jealous of her for some reason. Therefore, at this moment, she unconsciously expresses her merits for herself.


Yang Xuan said with a cold face, "Do it again!"

A woman stood outside the door, respectfully saying, "I would like to teach you that I have delivered more than 20 babies in the Zhou family. Those delivery rooms are not as good as this one."

The experts have spoken.

Yang Xuan turned around, "Do you know that moisture is conducive to the growth of external evils?"

It is ridiculous to say that germs are nonsense, and others will regard them as crazy. At this time, external evil means this.

"External evil?" The woman was stunned, "You haven't, have you?"

"You delivered more than 20 babies, how many survived?"

The woman said proudly: "Eighty percent of the children delivered by slaves lived to be one year old."

This success rate is already very impressive.

Yang Xuan said: "This is my wife and my child. What I want is to be foolproof!"

The woman said: "I will do my best."

"Listen to my orders!"

Yang Xuan said: "Get lime water, repaint the walls several times, and open the doors and windows to dry while the sun is good.

Secondly, the things on the bed, scissors and other items, and your clothes should all be boiled in boiling water.

Third, your hair needs to be wrapped in a boiled cloth, do you understand what I mean?"

The woman looked at Aunt Guan with a look of humiliation as her professionalism was questioned!

Yang Xuan said: "Follow it!"

Aunt Guan then went to look for Zhou Ning.

"Madam, does Mr. Lang still know medical skills?"

Zhou Ning said: "I suddenly heard that Chen Huagu, a famous doctor in Chenzhou, claims to be his disciple."

"Go and ask, slave."

Auntie Guan was gone for more than an hour, and when she came back, it was as if she had seen a ghost.

"How?" Zhou Ning smiled.

"Chen Huagu said that if the trauma to his hand was more than 30% to 40%, he would die. After Lang Jun taught him some methods, it is now at most 10%.

The army is now also using Lang Jun's method, and it is said that the casualties of wounded soldiers are 80% lower than before.

Madam, your husband is actually a miracle doctor?"

Zhou Ning smiled, "I don't know what other abilities he has. But he will use them when needed."

"Mr. Lang is here."

When Yang Xuan came in, Aunt Guan stood up and saluted, "I've met Mr. Lang."

Why did this woman's eyes change when she looked at her, becoming more respectful and awe-inspiring.

Yang Xuan said: "It's time to go."

The woman who had been taking care of Zhou Ning a while ago said, "I'm afraid the delivery will take another two or three days."

"It's going to be a walk these days, which is good for production." Yang Xuan helped Zhou Ning up, "It's a lot heavier."

"Zitai dislikes it."

"What do I dislike? You are suffering for us. If I dislike you, then I am worse than a pig or a dog."

Yang Xuan helped her go out and down the steps.

The woman and Mrs. Guan came out, watched Yang Xuan carefully observe Zhou Ning's feet, and spoke to her in a low voice.

"My husband is so considerate."

"It's gentleness."

"It's all the same!"

"It's different." The woman said, "I saw it a lot when I was delivering babies to those families. Some men were so frightened when they saw that their wives were about to give birth that it didn't work. Some were indifferent and only asked about the children. Such as Mr. Lang.

He can be called a woman’s caring person.”

Yang Xuan supported Zhou Ning and walked slowly in the yard.

"Tell me, what could it be?"

"As long as it's not a monster." Yang Xuan joked.

"I still want a son."

Zhou Ning was a little worried about gains and losses.

Yang Xuan held her somewhat swollen hand and said softly: "Okay, it must be my son!"

"You know how to coax me!" Since becoming pregnant, Zhou Ning's mood changes have been a bit erratic. She is like a child at the moment. "Do you think you are a god? You can give birth to whatever you want."

Yang Xuan smiled and boasted: "I let it pass at the beginning."

The couple bickered softly, and Zhou Ning's mood gradually relaxed.

"Zitai, tell me, what do you want him to learn in the future?"

"It depends on what the child likes."

"Just don't care?"

"It's not that I don't care, I just need to guide them."

"If it were a daughter..."

"Then I'll pamper her!"

"I'll tell you."

Zhou Ning's due date is getting closer and closer.

Yang Xuan only went to Zhoushe once a day to have a face-to-face meeting and to reassure people.

"If you have something to do, please look for me behind the scenes!"

Lu Qiang said with a smile: "Just go ahead. If it's not a big deal, I won't look for you."

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "I hope God will protect me and nothing big will happen these days."

He left the state.

Suddenly my body shook.

Diagonally opposite, a tall man opened his bamboo hat and smiled at him.

Yang Xuan took a deep breath and turned around to go home.

The man put the bamboo hat on his head and followed quietly.

"Mr. Lang, someone is following you."

Zhang Xu said.

"Don't pay attention, don't bother."

After entering the house, Yang Xuan said: "Zhang Xu."


"There is a big man behind, the one wearing a bamboo hat, take him in."

Zhang Xu agreed, wondering who that person was that made Lang Jun so cautious.

When he walked out of the door, he saw the big man walking slowly.

"Mr. Lang said he would let you in."

The big man looked at both ends of the alley, pushed down his bamboo hat a little, and then followed him in.

As soon as he entered the house, several horned dragon guards vaguely surrounded the big man.

The group of people walked forward.

Yang Xuan entered the lobby and ordered: "Be on guard around you!"

"Take orders!"

The people of the Qiu Long Guard dispersed and asked the servants to stay away from the hall.

The big man was just brought in.

Yang Xuan turned around.

The big man opened his bamboo hat.

Kneel down.

"Yang Lue, I have met Lang Jun!"

"Yang Lue?"

The Horned Dragon Guards turned around and took a closer look.

"It's...it's him!"

Zhang Xu said with tears in his eyes, "You are here."

We had only met each other once in Southern Zhou Dynasty. We thought we would have to wait for another opportunity to meet again, but we didn't expect that Yang Lue would come to Datang.

"stand up!"

Yang Xuan came over to help him up, "Why are you here?"

Yang Lue is the number one target for arrest by the Mirror. Once discovered, he will fight to the death.

"After I learned that my wife was pregnant, I set out on my journey from southern Xinjiang. Although I was in danger several times, I was able to escape the danger. This shows that the unborn young man must be an extraordinary person."

He calls himself old man!

Yang Xuan looked at Yang Lue's gray hair and felt a little regretful in his heart, "You shouldn't take risks!"

Yang Lue smiled and said: "At least I have to come and take a look to see if it's right."

"How's it going over there?"

"After we parted ways with Lang Jun last time in Southern Zhou Dynasty, I led them to rob the house and raise the banner of rebellion. Now I have three thousand troops under my command."

"Have you ever been surrounded and suppressed?"

"After the defeat of the Southern Zhou Dynasty, there was chaos for a while. I didn't have the largest number of troops. The officers and soldiers only focused on chasing down the big bandits. In addition, I didn't attack the city but only looted, so I didn't pay much attention to it."

"Be careful!"

Yang Lue gathered a group of troops, and Yang Xuan immediately thought of southern Xinjiang.

"How is it over there at Nanjian?"

Yang Lue sneered and said: "Zhang Chumao is just mediocre. The King of Yue did not dare to blatantly interfere in the affairs of southern Xinjiang. Instead, he allowed a general to show up."


"Shi Zhongtang."

"Shi Zhongtang is a noble concubine. Logically speaking, he is a sworn enemy of the Yue King and Zhang Chumao." Zhang Xu thought this matter was a bit strange.

Yang Lue said: "But the puppet emperor and his concubine brothers and sisters all supported him, and gradually he was able to compete with Zhang Chumao."

"Checks and balances!" Yang Xuan thought of the pseudo-emperor's best and favorite method.

"Yes, it is checks and balances!" Yang Lue said: "If the Southern Zhou Dynasty were not weak and sent troops at this moment, Southern Xinjiang would definitely be in chaos."

Yang Xuan felt that this situation would not be peaceful, "I know Shi Zhongtang. This man can endure and kill decisively. During the Southern Expedition, he once drove the people of Southern Zhou Dynasty to attack the city with ants. Zhang Chumao is incomparable to him. But

With the King of Yue here, we can suppress him."

"Yang Lue!"

Someone went to notify Lin Feibao.

Yang Lue turned around.

Lin Feibao walked in slowly.

Two old friends met.

Give the other person a hard hug and then slap the other person on the back.

Peng Peng Peng!

Yang Xuan felt that he would vomit blood on the spot if he was slapped like this by the two of them.

"Aren't you leaving?" Lin Feibao let go of his hand and asked.

"There are troops over there." Yang Lue used this reason to evade.

In fact, everyone knows that unless Jingtai gives up the pursuit of him, Yang Lue will not be able to appear in the Tang Dynasty with such arrogance.

Of course, there is another way.

The banner of rebellion is raised!

"Get some rest first and help Yang Lue wash away the dust later."

Yang Xuan knew that these people had a lot to say, so those who were interested left first.

Yang Lue and Lin Feibao talked and asked for a long time.

"Now Lang Jun's prestige in Chenzhou is getting higher and higher." Lin Feibao said happily: "As soon as the time comes, we can launch a banner of rebellion!"

Yang Lue sat side by side with him, "Huang Chunhui is still there, but this person has too much prestige. If he is here, I can't act rashly."

"Lang Jun also said this." Lin Feibao said with a smile: "His Majesty once said that if you, Yang Lue, return to the army, you will become a general in a few years. It seems that you have not delayed in these years."

"I know all the military manuals by heart and practice them all the time in my mind," Yang Lue said with a smile.

"I'm afraid Huang Chunhui's body won't last long. It's Liao Jin. Lang Jun's wish that he go. Then he plans to go to Taoxian County."

"Control Northern Territory!"


Yang Lue lamented: "I didn't expect to see this day."

"It's not far away." Lin Feibao said: "When Northern Xinjiang is in hand, it will be the time when the prince transforms into a dragon."

Yang Xuan has recently acquired a lot of production knowledge and feels that he is half an expert.

But the birth still appeared in a way that caught him off guard.

After revealing his pregnancy, Yang Xuan had an extra bed placed side by side with the original bed. In this way, even if he accidentally turned over at night, he would not have to worry about being crushed or hitting Zhou Ning's belly.


In the middle of the night, Yang Xuan suddenly heard a sound.

He opened his eyes subconsciously, "Aning!"

Zhou Ning whispered: "It hurts!"

Yang Xuan sat up, lit the candle first, and then leaned over. Seeing Zhou Ning frowning and holding the quilt with both hands, his heart tightened, and he turned around and said, "Here comes someone!"

Hua Hong, who was on night duty outside, had already heard the commotion and was waiting for the call.

Then the woman came too.

"My wife is about to start. Get ready. A few people will help her down."

"No need."

Yang Xuan helped Zhou Ning sit up and dressed her. Then, he carefully helped her down, her inner breath almost reaching the extreme, lest Zhou Ning move more.


"Yeah!" Zhou Ning endured the pain.

"Be patient and keep walking."

"Mr. Lang also knows?" The woman was stunned.

Yang Xuan helped Zhou Ning walk in the yard.

"It hurts!" Zhou Ning had tears in his eyes.

"Be patient." Yang Xuan's whole body was numb, not because of fear, but because of fear.

Yi Niang asked the woman, "How is it?"

"My wife is a doctor after all. Although doctors don't heal themselves, my wife knows how to take care of her own body. I think she should be fine."


Yi Niang went to the front yard.

Lin Feibao and others are ready.

"How?" Yang Lue asked.

"I'm afraid I might have started." Yi Niang put her hands in her sleeves, her body tall and straight, her expression calm, as if she was in the East Palace back then, "Watch your surroundings."

Lin Feibao nodded, "Don't worry."

Yi Niang turned around and said, "This time, whoever dares to come, kill and speak!"

What everyone thought of was the poisonous wine sent from the palace.

That time, Emperor Xiaojing chose to drink it.

This time.

"Even if the god comes, we will kill him!"

Lin Feibao immediately dispersed his people to protect the entire house.

Yi Niang turned around and went back.

She walked slowly step by step, taking her time.

That year, Yang Xuan's biological mother took action, and so did she.

Go find the guards first and put them on alert.

Then, she went outside the delivery room.

Guard those two lives.

Back then, she protected Yang Xuan when he was born.


"I will protect the little man when he is born."

She looked at the still dark night sky and clasped her hands together.

"If your Majesty is alive in heaven, please open your eyes and see that your grandson is about to be born."

In the night sky, the stars twinkle, as if people are blinking.

This chapter has been completed!
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