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Chapter 570 In the early morning, my house opened a door

"Mr. Sir, my wife has given birth to a little man!"

Seeing Yang Xuan rushing out of the ancestral hall, Jiang Heer shouted.

"I know, I know!"

Yang Xuanyuan closed the door, turned around and ran away.

The calm posture was gone.

All his cultivation and his reserve were forgotten at this moment.

I ran all the way outside the delivery room.

Yi Niang held the baby in her arms and looked at the child tenderly. After hearing the footsteps, she raised her head and smiled, "Mr. Lang, he is a little man."

Yang Xuan shouted towards the delivery room: "A Ning, An Ning!"

Zhou Ning said tiredly: "It's okay!"

Yang Xuan felt relieved, then took the child and looked at it carefully.

"What a handsome child!"


"When he grows up, he will definitely be a man that all the ladies will flock to!"


"It's a baby!"

The inner court sent someone to inform.

"God bless you!"

Yang Lue prayed devoutly.

Tears well up in my eyes!

"I've suffered a lot from you these past years!"

The same is true for Lin Feibao.

Lang Jun has an heir, which is an important event.

Han Ji felt that Yang Lue was a little strange, "Who is this person from Lang Jun?"

The old thief shook his head and said, "Old friend."


Han Ji smiled, but did not continue to ask.

Many times, it is most natural to let things happen naturally.

"Has Mr. Lang chosen a name?" Yang Lue asked.

"Go and ask." Lin Feibao ordered people to go to the inner courtyard and ask.

"Name?" Yang Xuan was stunned for a moment. The names he had been brewing since he found out about Zhou Ning's pregnancy flashed through his mind, and finally one appeared.


"Qi, what a good name!" Yi Niang praised.

Zhou Ning was drowsy inside. Suddenly the door opened a little, and then Yang Xuan came in with the child in his arms.


"You...how did you get in?"

"The child's name is Qi, Yang Qi."



Yang Xuan handed the swaddling clothes over.

"Open, open the door." Zhou Ning thought for a while and felt full of vitality and vitality.

"Where's your nickname?"

The child's first name cannot be called at home. Of course, he can be called Dalang or something like that.

But Yang Xuan said that he wanted to give the child a nickname.

It must sound good.

Yang Xuan said: "A Liang."

"Aliang means sorghum, the staple food..." Zhou Ning smiled and said, "It sounds good."

"That's right! I'm sure I can get a nice nickname." Yang Xuan said proudly.

"A Liang." Zhou Ning called softly.

Wang Laoer is back.

Someone just happened to come from the inner courtyard.

"The young man's name is Qi, and his nickname is A Liang."

Everyone was overjoyed.

"Qi! What a good name!" Han Ji stroked his beard, his face glowing red.

Wang Laoer was covered in dew, and he trembled like the former King Wei, "Mr. Han, tell me."

Han Ji smiled and said: "Qi, originally means to open the door. To open, to open the door. When the little man was born, purple energy came from the east. Purple energy coming from the east means opening. It's a good sign, you can see that you are a blessed person!"


"I want to take a look." Wang Laoer was a little curious.

"The child cannot be exposed to the wind at this moment." Han Ji said, "We will see it later in a few days."

"Sanchao Xi'er." said the old thief.

Giving birth is a dangerous thing, and the mortality rate has always been high. You can't be happy after giving birth, but you still have to see what God wants. If you are not careful, either the adult or the child will fall ill.

Therefore, we have to wait for three days. If the mother and child are safe within three days, it is a good sign, indicating that God is not ready to accept the child. At this time, the midwife must be invited to bathe the child.

"Old thief, do you think the young man is as handsome as the husband?" Wang Laoer went to the kitchen and ordered a bowl of buns and squatted beside him to eat.

"It must be!" The old thief sighed, "Back when Lang Jun was still a young man, we worked hard together in Chang'an. At that time, a bad handsome man from Wannian County could make Lang Jun bow his head. I didn't expect it! There was such a thing!

One day.”

"This is a good thing." Cao Ying had been silent for a long time. Now when she spoke, Han Ji asked, "What does Mr. Cao have?"

"Just happy." Cao Ying knew that Han Ji wanted to ask if she had held back some poems.

"By the way, I heard something." Wu Da made some cakes, which were still hot. He turned them over in his hands and sucked in a cold breath. "It was said that the wife was having trouble giving birth, so the husband went to the ancestral hall to pray. Hey! That's true.

It's amazing. As soon as the husband prayed, he was born."

Han Ji is staring at Cao Ying.

Cao Ying's eyes lit up, "Sure enough, it's the ancestor's protection!"

What does Lang Jun’s ancestral protection have to do with Lao Cao?

Seeing how excited he was, it was as if he had discovered that Lang Jun's ancestors were gods.

Something doesn’t seem quite right here!

Take a look at Yang Lue. He is majestic and has an extraordinary temperament. He is the one in the upper rank at first glance.

Such a big man with extraordinary temperament quietly appeared in the Yang family, and Cao Ying and others were very familiar with him.

Cao Ying, Yiniang, Da Han, Huang Linxiong... these people seem to have known each other for a long time.

Cao Ying came over.

"What are you thinking about?"

Han Ji's heart moved, "I'm thinking that since Lang Jun has an heir, his inheritance will also have an heir in the future. But I'm just wondering how big this inheritance can be."




In the early morning, the sweepers in Lin'an City appeared.

The door to the Yang family opened.

A servant came out and stretched himself.


The two laughed broadly.

The servant said: "I didn't sleep at all last night."

The man sweeping the floor asked: "But she gave birth?"

"Give birth."

"What happened?"

"Tell me about the joy of Nongzhang."

"Nongzhang, what do you mean?"

"That's my son!"

"Your Majesty gave birth to a son?"

Yang Shijun has a daughter-in-law.

News spread quickly.

When Yang Xuan went out, he found that the city was filled with joy.

"This is……"

The old thief went to ask and came back and said: "When the people in the city heard that the emperor was pregnant, they spontaneously celebrated. Many merchants put up signs saying that it was a discount."

This can be considered as having fun with the people.

When they arrived at Zhouli, Lu Qiang smiled and said, "Congratulations, envoy."

"Thank you." Yang Xuan smiled, still full of energy even if he didn't sleep all night.

He Lianyan came in and said, "Mr. Lang, there is news about the Tiger Control Department."

"Say it!"

He Lianyan was ordered to guard the kitchen last night, but he also stayed up all night and looked not as energetic as Yang Xuan.

"Khan Zhang Zhuo of the Tiger Control Department went to Tanzhou and brought many gifts."

Han Ji said: "Recently, I, Chenzhou, have become more and more active in the grassland. After the destruction of the Jibo Department, the Yuhu Department will definitely be in danger. Zhang Zhuo is stubborn and feels that the power of the Yuhu Department can compete with me, Chenzhou, but no one can

You know, this is just a dream."

"No, I was singing songs when passing by the graveyard to embolden myself," Cao Ying said.

You have to go against me... Han Ji glanced at him and said, "Zhang Zhuo is going to Tanzhou. I thought he was going to ask for help."

"Maybe it's just a visit." Cao Ying's eyes were bloodshot, but she was quite excited.

This guy is deliberately quarreling with me... Han Ji glanced at Yang Xuan and found that Yang Xuan's eyes were narrowed, as if he was unaware of the undercurrent between the two of him.


Somehow, Han Ji suddenly noticed that Yang Xuan had more majesty on his body.

What does it feel like?

Yang Xuan said: "Zhang Zhuo feels guilty."

The words were spoken softly, but everyone heard the message of confidence.


It is a kind of disdain.

Yang Xuan stood up.

The three of them stood up unconsciously.

Yang Xuan said: "In the early morning, my house opened a door."

Everyone thought of the child named Yang Qi and couldn't help but smile knowingly.

"Then, next, I, Chen Zhou, should also open the door. No matter what is outside the door, I will never look back and move forward without hesitation!"

Yang Xuan left.

Lu Qiang's face flushed, "Do you know what your Majesty means by these words?"

Cao Ying said: "Chenzhou's hibernation should end."

"Yes!" Han Ji stroked his beard and smiled, "Chenzhou has been dormant for too long. Now, it's time to open the door."

Zhang Zhuo arrived at Tanzhou City.

"These are some of Ben Khan's thoughts."

There were many gifts, but the steward who accepted them looked calm, as if the gifts were all rubble.

Then he was taken inside.

He Lianrong, who had lost one hand, remained calm and asked, "Why are you here?"

Dogs should squat until their owners call them.

Zhang Zhuo was angry in his heart, but he smiled and said: "Your Majesty, Chenzhou has been sharpening his sword recently...Chenzhou's army has frequently attacked, and last time it approached the royal court."

Someone comes with a dog-beating stick, as the owner, do you care?

"I heard that Yang Xuan focuses on farming and does not send troops during farming. This is the rule of the Central Plains Dynasty. No matter how stupid he is, he will not choose this time. So, the so-called approach is just a scout."

Helianrong was a little impatient.

"Yes. However, spring plowing is almost here." Zhang Zhuo said.

"An Xin, if we find the Tang army attacking, someone will come and report it." He Lianrong said.

"Envoy, can you send me a post..."

He Lianrong seemed to be smiling but not smiling, "Back then, the Emperor's uncle once said that he would send a large army, but your three major ministries unanimously rejected it. You only said that you could compete with Chenzhou. Now, why have you changed your mind?"

He Lianchun had planned to garrison the grassland back then. Firstly, he could directly focus on Chenzhou. Secondly, he could slowly disintegrate the three major departments and eventually annex them.

But the three major departments could not see the danger in this, and they all refused.

Now that Zhang Zhuo has changed his mind, isn't he worried about being annexed by Tanzhou?

Helian Rong said calmly: "Let me think about this matter."

Zhang Zhuo immediately resigned.

Outside the gate, Xiao Manyan looked at him with subtle eyes.

Zhang Zhuo handed over his hand and went out immediately.

Xiao Manyan came in and said, "Your Majesty, this person is cunning, so be careful."

"He wants to invite Tanzhou to garrison the grassland, what do you think?" He Lianrong asked.

Xiao Manyan said with a smile: "This is to drive the tiger away and swallow the wolf."

"Oh! Then, wouldn't it be good for me to garrison the grassland in Tanzhou?"

"Of course it's not good." Xiao Manyan said: "The foundation of our army is in Tanzhou. If it is stationed on the grassland, it will be a fish out of water. If it is cut off from supplies, it will become an isolated army. Therefore, this matter cannot be done. "

"Well!" He Lianrong said: "If the three major departments are here and they restrain each other, then it's okay. Now the Tiger Control Department is the only one. If we garrison, our army and the Tiger Control Department will be suspicious of each other. Chenzhou Once we send out troops and our two armies join forces, Yuhu Department will become a drag on our army."

"Together we are strong, but suspicion leads to chaos." Xiao Manyan nodded, "But how should Chenzhou respond if he sends troops?"

"How many troops can he send?"

"After Yang Gou took over Chenzhou, he cheered up Chenzhou's army. The southern part of the town is on the side, so he has to leave part of the army to guard the nest. So, the most he can dispatch is more than 10,000, and it will not exceed 15,000."

"Fifteen thousand, why should I be afraid?" He Lianrong smiled.

"Your Majesty's wishes..."

"The three major ministries are a scourge, and it would be great if they could be eliminated." He Lianrong's eyes became more sarcastic, "Chenzhou sent troops, Tanzhou sent troops. However, don't worry, wait until the Chenzhou army fights with the Yuhu Division.

Our army takes action again, taking it by surprise and giving Yang Gou a fatal blow!"

Xiao Manyan smiled and said, "Your Majesty had used soldiers before, and my subordinates heard that he acted vigorously and resolutely, but this time he was much more cautious."

"Yang Xuan said it was a dog, but in fact it was a tiger." He Lianrong said: "If you want to capture the tiger, you have to be foolproof. The most important thing about this matter is the news. Secret spies were sent to Lin'an to find out the news. Once

As soon as I know that Chenzhou's army is dispatched, I will report it."

"Before the war, intelligence comes first." Xiao Manyan said: "We can use the Eagle Guard, but Chenzhou can't command the people on the stage. We will win this first battle."

"It is said that He Lianyan, the niece of the emperor's uncle, is now in charge of Chenzhou's spies." He Lianrong smiled scornfully, "He Lianyan is a famous beauty in Daliao, and Yang Gou uses her to keep secrets like this.

He must be her guest. Mixing the affairs of men and women with official affairs is the beginning of decline."

"Are you talking about the late emperor's beloved concubine?"

He Lianrong nodded, "Back then, the late emperor loved that concubine, who loved hunting, so the late emperor ordered her to take charge of the palace. Who knew that woman was so ambitious that after winning people's hearts, she actually launched a rebellion. Although she was

It has calmed down, but the late emperor has aged a lot after this incident, and he has lost his enterprising spirit."

He looked at Xiao Manyan and said seriously: "Woman, just have fun."

"Just have fun!" He Lianrong murmured.

Xiao Manyan thought of a past incident of this envoy.

It is said that He Lianrong liked a noble girl and pursued her crazily. The noble girl refused to welcome him, which made him crazy. Just when he thought the noble girl was deeply in love with him, he bumped into the noble girl and several people.

A scene of a man fooling around. He rushed to fight and was severely beaten by several men.

Your hatred for women probably started at that time, right?

But there are good and bad people, so how can we generalize?

Xiao Manyan sighed.

"Let the spy set off immediately."

"Yes. Your Majesty, how will Zhang Zhuo deal with it?"

He Lianrong stood up and walked out, opening his mouth:


Spring is here.

All things revive.

Dots of green can be seen on the grassland, and the horses smell the smell and are reluctant to leave. It is not until the owner urges them again and again that they neigh dissatisfied and move forward slowly.

A caravan arrived outside Lin'an City.

"We are from the Tiger Control Department."

The leader of the businessman is called Yelujue, he is slightly fat and rather slippery.

After inspecting the goods, the sergeant gave a routine warning, "After entering the city, act according to the rules. No fighting, no cheating or abduction."

"I know, I know, this isn't our first time here." Yelujue said with a smile.

The caravan enters the city.

After walking for a while, Yelujue slowly turned back.

On top of the city, He Lianyan and more than a dozen of his men were watching the passing caravans.

"The sexy fox is here, so he noticed something."

The subordinate said: "Chenzhou wants to send troops, and there is not much that the coquettish fox can do."

"She can take care of Yang Gou."

Someone whispered.

"This beauty, it's a pity that Yang Gou is cheap."

He Lianrong said: "Be careful. After settling down, take turns to keep an eye on the prefecture and the military camp."


At the top of the city, He Lianyan said: "Cheer up, everyone. If those people enter the city, the first thing they will keep an eye on is the state house, followed by the military camp. I will keep an eye on these two places."

Jielong asked: "Madam, there are many people in those two places. If you just find something suspicious..."

Helian Yan said calmly: "We'll talk about it after we take it!"

Everyone bowed their hands.

"Take orders!"

He Lianyan stood at the top of the city, looking in the direction of Zhouli from a distance.

"The husband has an heir, and everyone has a head to succeed. But if you want to get ahead, you have to make meritorious deeds."

Jielong said: "If my wife is willing to seduce her, even if I come, my husband will not be able to stop her."

Helian Yan said calmly: "Do you think I am someone who relies on my body to get to the top?"

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