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Chapter 577

The army marched all the way.

Han Ji looked back and said, "It's so vast and boundless as far as the eye can see!"

Yang Xuan said: "The Tiger Control Division has a large population. At the limit, Zhang Zhuo can even form an army of 50,000 people. Our army is 15,000, and he is 50,000. Zhang Zhuo is ruthless, but he likes to be suspicious."

"People who are suspicious will be indecisive." Han Ji smiled.

The old thief said: "Lang Jun, after all, we have an army of fifty thousand."

"The strength of the Yuhu Division is the strongest among the three major divisions, and Zhang Zhuo is arrogant because of this, and is at odds with Tanzhou." Yang Xuan talked about Tanzhou, the biggest variable in this battle.

"Zhang Zhuo's envoy should set off now." Han Ji said: "It takes three days from the Tiger Control Department to Tanzhou. The envoy will not spare the horse power. In this way, it will take more than two days to reach Tanzhou.

He Lianrong will send troops immediately after hearing the news and arrive in three days... In this way, our army must break through the Yuhu Department within five days."

Otherwise, once the Tanzhou reinforcements arrive and are attacked from both inside and outside, even Yang Xuan will have to kneel down.

"Among the three major Khans, Zhang Zhuo is the most resourceful. I am sure that he will stick to it," Han Ji said.

The old thief smiled and said, "Didn't Mr. Han say that he is not proficient in the art of war?"

Han Ji said calmly: "This is human nature."

Jiang Heer muttered, "Human nature is the ugliest."

"Are you ugly too?" Yang Xuan thought the atmosphere was too serious, so he made a joke.

Jiang Heer shook his head, "I am..."

"You are an undefeated heroine who has conquered the world!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone laughed and the atmosphere became relaxed.

"The second brother is back." Tu Shang saw Wang Lao Er and said happily: "The second brother is now more and more like a general."

"Langjun! Langjun!"

Wang Laoer was cheering.

"Calm down!" Tu Chang, who had just praised his general's demeanor, looked a little embarrassed.

Wang Laoer carried a bunch of heads to show his merit.


Yang Xuan smiled and said: "Settlement later!"

Jiang He'er came over, and as soon as he got close to Yang Xuan's ear, he thought of what happened last time, quickly moved away, and said: "If Wang Laoer becomes a general and kills tens of thousands of enemies in one battle, Mr. Lang will have the money to give him


Yang Xuan was startled, "Yes!"

If he kills tens of thousands of enemies in one battle, he can go bankrupt.

Jiang Heer covered his mouth and snickered, "Wang Laoer can become the richest man in Northern Xinjiang by killing enemies."

Tu Shang coughed dryly and said, "The second brother is a good boy who knows how to behave."

Wang Laoer threw the head to the fat elder and came over and said: "When I went there, the royal court was gathering people and it was noisy. I approached the royal court, and those people were frightened, and the screams were like the old thieves entering.

It’s like being in a brothel…”

Everyone glanced at the old thief.

The old thief smiled through gritted teeth.

"When I withdrew, I saw countless cavalry gathered in the royal court, overwhelming a large area."

"It's pretty fast." Tu Shang said, "It shows that there are quite a lot of elites."

"Expected things."

The army continued to advance.

When they approached ten miles from the royal court, a large number of knights appeared.

You Qi stopped in front and looked at Tang Jun from a distance.

"Are we going to attack?" Han Ji asked.

"There's no rush." ​​Yang Xuan said: "At this moment, Wang Ting is waiting for our army to attack. Let's set up camp first and let them wait."

The old thief took the pamphlet and asked: "Lang Jun, what kind of military art is this?"

Yang Xuan dismounted and said, "Whatever your opponent expects you to do, don't do it."

Han Ji realized, "The royal army is waiting nervously, but it finds that our army has set up camp, and its morale will be reduced."

The old thief suddenly realized, "Just like a prostitute in a brothel, she waits and waits with great interest, but the female prostitute never returns... she has lost all interest."

"It's obscene, but the meaning is right." Yang Xuan felt that sooner or later the old thief would lose his waist in the brothel.

Jiang He'er and He Lianyan followed Yang Xuan and patrolled the camp together.

"What do you think Zhang Zhuo will be thinking if he can't wait for our army to attack?" Jiang He'er asked.

He Lianyan said: "Big disappointment."

"No." Yang Xuan nodded to the saluting sergeants and said, "He will be happy."

After the Royal Court army was assembled, the fence was reinforced outside, and the herdsmen were driven back to their homes and were not allowed to come out.

The entire royal court was waiting for the arrival of Tang Jun.

"Not here yet?"

A sergeant muttered, "I'm afraid if I come, I'm afraid if I don't come. When will this day end?"

The companion next to me asked: "Why are you all afraid?"

"That's Yang Gou, the invincible Yang Gou. He's coming, can you not be afraid?"

"Then why are you afraid of not coming? Shouldn't you be glad?"

"Yes! But then I will be worried, not knowing when he will come. It's like knowing that I will be unlucky, but not knowing when."

More than ten riders came back.

"The Tang army camped ten miles away."

There was a sigh of relief in the king's tent.

But then, everyone looked a little weird.

"Isn't he in a hurry?" Someone said: "The envoy to Tanzhou is already on the way. The reinforcements from Tanzhou will arrive in five days at the earliest. No matter how confident Yang Gou is, he will not dare to face the attack between the two armies. In this way, he

What does it mean to be carefree and leisurely?"

"He is tired from the distance. If he launches an attack, it will not last long." Someone said proudly: "So, he can only camp and rest."

Zhang Zhuo coughed dryly and everyone fell silent.

Zhang Hao stood at the back and looked at him quietly.

"Since he is here, he will launch an attack sooner or later. We have a rest today, but what about at night? Yang Gou uses his troops cunningly and unpredictable. We need to send more scouts out to keep an eye on the Tang army's movements..."

Someone said: "Khan, the Tang army's scouts are fierce."

"Yes! That Wang Laoer and his scouts, when they saw us, their eyes lit up, as if they had seen a treasure, they were so fierce!"

"Don't be afraid of casualties!" Zhang Zhuo said: "We have fifty thousand warriors, and if we go forward one after another, we can crush the Tang army!"


Everyone looked a little unnatural.

It is said that there is an army of 50,000, but the troops and troops belong to everyone. Whose troops should be sent out first?

Zhang Zhuo saw this in his eyes and did not explain, but said: "Let's all disperse! By the way, we will kill the sheep today and reward the whole army!"

It is a rule to eat well before a war.

As a result, the sounds of cattle and sheep, as well as the smell of blood, continued to be heard in the royal court.

The women came out, skinning, cutting and trimming...

Zhang Hao got a leg of lamb and hurried home.

He forgot to say hello and went straight in.

A knife suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

"It's me!"

The chapter number stops.

Zhang Yue looked at him and slowly sheathed the knife.

"Eat!" Zhang Hao put the leg of lamb on the table and said, "Yang Xuan's army is ten miles away, and there will probably be a battle tomorrow."

Zhang Yue sat down.

Zhang Hao packed up his things and took out a piece of clothing, "Don't worry about money or anything else. Carrying it will be a disaster. You changed into this man's clothing. I sewed two grains of silver into the corner. It can be used in critical moments."


When my mother was still alive, she always made clothes for them, saying that if she passed away one day, she would be able to wear them for a lifetime.

After his mother left, he took over the needle and thread and made clothes when he had time.

Zhang Yue was silent.

"I'm going, be careful!"

The chapter number is out.

Zhang Yue looked at the piece of clothing and slowly raised her head to look into the void.

"Auntie, tell me, what should I do?"

"I despise him! He makes me feel ashamed and angry. But he has always taken care of me. I sometimes feel soft-hearted, but when I think of that beast, my heart becomes cold. I wish he could die with that beast!"

Two lines of tears fell from her eyes, "Mommy, the Tang Dynasty has sent troops. You once said that the Tang Dynasty was incompetent, so you were robbed and became the excrement of that beast.

I know you want to die, but you can't let go of us brothers and sisters, so you have been suffering. That day, you went out well, but when you came back, you turned into a corpse.

I looked at those scars, but I didn't dare to cry.

I know that if he howls, that beast will become even more proud and do unbelievable things.

Auntie, I was thinking later that maybe it would be better for you to go earlier, which would be a relief.

But I hope you can still live until now.

Now that I think about it, I am very selfish. These days are torture and hell for you. If it weren't for us, you would definitely not want to stay in this world for a moment..."

"Quick, Khan is ordering his troops!"

The sound of footsteps came from outside.

Zhang Yue wiped away her tears, stood up, and changed into men's clothes. She stretched out her hand and pinched her clothes. The sides of the clothes bulged out, and there was silver inside.

Her mother was robbed because of the war, so she has been instilling these concepts: when the enemy comes, women will be the first to be unlucky. Therefore, they must blacken their faces and wear men's clothes...

Many of the armies of this era were similar to beasts.

"I want to kill that beast!" Zhang Yue took a deep breath, "But there are so many guards around him that I can't even get close."

The chaos in the royal court continued until dark.

After dark, there were more sounds of horse hooves around.

"He's a scout from the Tang Army!"

There was a shouting outside, followed by the sound of horse hooves.

"They're gone!"


One night, Tang army scouts came more than ten times, each time causing chaos in the royal court for a while.

When he woke up in the early morning, Zhang Zhuo kicked the woman next to him down.

Then he naked, picked up the whip and walked over.

The woman curled up into a ball and watched him walking over blankly.


Chapter Number was outside the tent, listening to the woman's miserable howl, with a calm look on his face.

Zhang Li came and said softly: "Back then, I heard your mother's screams, which were even worse than hers."

Zhang Hao stood there calmly, motionless.


Zhang Li smiled.

"Bitch slave!" Zhang De came and said contemptuously.

They were both born from prairie girls, and they were natural enemies of the Zhang Hao brothers. Since childhood, the two brothers and sisters had been bullied by them.

Zhang Hao smiled and said: "Brother."

"Bitch!" Zhang De reached out and slapped him.

Zhang Hao covered his face and smiled in apology.

"As expected, he is the son of a bitch, hahahaha!"

The two of them laughed.

Zhang Zhuo dropped the whip and said, "Take him out!"

If a woman is granted amnesty, she rolls up her outer garments and runs away.

Everyone is used to seeing it and turns a blind eye.

"The Tang army should also be up." After everyone had arrived, Zhang Zhuo said: "When the Tang army moves, it will definitely be thunderous. Therefore, for the first battle, I want you to cheer up. Whoever retreats before the battle will have his whole family killed! Whoever is brave

Don’t be afraid of death and get a big reward!”

Outside the king's tent, boxes of money piled up like mountains.

"Defeat Yang Gou, this money is what you have been waiting for!"

Wang Zhan shouted.

Being an official for thousands of miles is only for wealth, and the same is true for joining the army.

The eyes of those brave men became brighter and their breathing became more and more prosperous.

"Not bad." Zhang Zhuo said with a smile: "The morale is like a rainbow, just waiting for Yang Gou to give it a try."

Zhang Lei said: "Aye, I am willing to lead the army to fight!"

Zhang Li stepped forward, "My child is willing to go!"

For them, it doesn’t matter who their mother is, what matters is who their father is!

Zhang Zhuo said happily: "It will be a good story for father and son to go into battle together. You can lead the army to help in the battle later."

Zhang Hao took a step forward, hesitated to speak, and finally came back sadly.

In the eyes of everyone, anyone can lead an army, but this idiot who can't shoot as well as a child can't!

That year, Zhang Hao fell off while learning to ride a horse and broke his thumb.

Yang Xuan ate a lot for breakfast, and Jiang Heer was counting beside him.

"One piece."



"Lang Jun, you ate five cakes!" Jiang He'er's eyes widened, "You didn't eat that much in the past."

Yang Xuan stood up, "Do you know why?"

Jiang Heer shook his head.

"I'm going to kill someone soon. I won't have a good appetite after killing someone, so I'll eat more now."

Jiang He'er seemed to smell the strong smell of blood.

Yang Xuan walked out of the tent.

Outside, the generals have already gathered.

"The enemy's scouts are very dense," Nan He said.

"Zhang Zhuo is worried about my surprise attack, and even more worried about my surprise attack, so he is a little nervous." Yang Xuan said: "Are the so-called famous grassland generals so at a loss?"

Han Ji said: "He only needs to think about Vashe and Jibo tribe, what famous generals, and only the fear is left."

"Don't underestimate the enemy!"

Yang Xuan was surrounded and moved to the front.


He nodded slightly.

The army assembles.

"Set off!"

Jiang He'er watched the army move slowly and couldn't help but praise: "This is the invincible army!"

After seeing the Tang army set off, the tiger-controlling scouts began to retreat.

Wang Laoer went back and forth several times, killing him until he was covered in blood.

"Lang Jun, the enemy's rangers are attacking in thousands."

Yang Xuan said calmly: "Tu Gong."

Tu Gong held his hand and said, "Don't worry, Sir!"

Tu Shang set out with a thousand cavalry.

As the army marches, fighting can be seen in the distance.

If you have good eyesight, you can even see the shadow of the gun.

"No reinforcements?" Jiang He'er looked nervous.

He Lianyan shook his head, "This is a time of competition of wills. Whoever sends reinforcements first will have a lower morale."

"Then why don't you send more troops?"

"We have 15,000, and there are 50,000 over there. In this way, one thousand versus thousands is common sense. If you can defeat them, then tell the people in the Tiger Control Department that even 15,000 can easily defeat you!"

"Understood." Jiang He'er looked at Yang Xuan, "So, are there so many ways to fight? How did Lang Jun learn it when he was originally an Orion?"

"I learned it through killing." He Lianyan whispered: "Most famous generals have a heritage, and Lang Jun is a famous general who broke the rules."

"No wonder grandma is always a little afraid when she mentions my husband."

"What about you Aye?"

"Aye mentioned Mr. Lang with respect and admiration." Jiang He'er felt that it was a bit embarrassing to say this. "Aye is a man who knows all his plans, and he is not that incompetent person."

"Haha!" He Lianyan said with a smile: "No matter how talented you are, you are still from Northern Xinjiang!"

Jiang Heer suddenly exclaimed, "It seems to be over!"

Ahead, the enemy rangers began to withdraw.

Tu Shang rode his horse and led his army back.

He rode to the front.

When he rushed to the front of the army, he threw out the bloody spear in his hand.

The spear was stuck on the ground, its body still trembling.

Tu Shang handed over his hand.

"The enemy is defeated!"

Tang Jun was silent for a moment.

Then cheer:



This chapter has been completed!
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