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Chapter 60

Early the next morning, Yang Xuan went to Taipingfang.

He was a county captain at the moment and could only have a few followers, so he took Wang Laoer and the old thief with him.

Zhao Guolin, who had just been promoted to bad coach, wanted to accompany him, but was delayed because of a case.

"so many people."

The old thief was amazed.

"A lot of meat." Wang Laoer looked at those people with a silly smile.

People are coming and going in Taipingfang today. From the white-haired old man to the young man, everyone's goal is the big house.

"Give way!" The old thief opened the way, panting from exhaustion.

When they could see the door of the house, they saw several men in their twenties and thirties standing outside the door, all with their hands behind their backs and talking gracefully.

"Brother Wang, are you ready?" a man asked casually.

The other man was probably Brother Wang. He put his hands behind his hands and looked up at the door, "I got it."

He walked slowly, and his companions looked on with smiles.

In just three steps, Brother Wang stood still, tapped his forehead with his fingers, and chanted with a smile.

"Southern Kingdom..."

A poem comes out and the companions recite it collectively.

"They're so excited!" Suzaku said.

"Get out of the way!"

At this intoxicating moment, someone came out holding the handle of the knife.

The old thief cleared the way and said, "Wannian County law enforcement officers, please get out of the way."

Brother Wang's interest was broken up and he couldn't help but feel slightly angry. He glanced sideways at Yang Xuan and sneered, "Who is it? It turns out to be Yang Shaofu. It's a pity that this is a post house in Southern Zhou Dynasty, but it is not under your control."

Yang Xuan had no intention of chatting with these people and said: "Get out of here within ten breaths."

Brother Wang was furious, "You bitch slave!"

Yang Xuan said calmly: "Pump!"


The old thief slapped her away, and she was so happy that she slapped her away.

Except when he was in the tomb, he had never had the chance to smoke the noble young master!

He wished he could go to visit his parents' graves and tell them over and over again so that they could be overjoyed.


Yang Xuan pulled out his horizontal sword and slapped these men in heat with the back of the sword.

Then he walked to the door and knocked.

Brother Wang and others retreated in embarrassment. He pointed at Yang Xuan and cursed: "Yeah, I will definitely make him pay the price."

Everyone was furious.

Someone inside the door asked: "What's the matter?"

Yang Xuan said: "Yang Xuan, the captain of Wannian County, was ordered to protect the princess."

The door opened a little, and a man looked at Yang Xuan carefully.


Nian Ziyue is sitting in the pavilion reading a book.

She lowered her head slightly and placed her hands on the page of the book. Her long hair on her temples moved gently in the wind. Occasionally she would turn her head to think, and her aura-filled eyes would be glazed over.

There were dozens of people accompanying this trip, headed by Zhang Jing.

The tall Zhang Jing had arranged the security of the house and walked over with long legs.


Nian Ziyue raised his head and said angrily: "It's too noisy outside."

Zhang Jing's face was cold, and her beautiful eyebrows became more sinister, "Those crazy bees and butterflies can't get rid of, I don't know who in Chang'an is in charge of this matter, they should be beaten away with sticks."

Nian Ziyue put down the book, raised her hand and stretched out her waist, "Oh! I'm so tired from this journey, I just want to go for a walk."

"There are too many people outside." Zhang Jing has a heavy responsibility and naturally does not dare to slack off.

Someone came, "An official came outside the door. He said he was the county captain of Wannian County and was ordered to protect the princess."

Nian Ziyue said lazily: "Go and deal with it. If you want to see me... just say I'm tired."


Zhang Jing turned around and went to the front yard.

After she left, Nian Ziyue wrinkled her nose and said, "I'll sneak out later!"

Zhang Jing arrived at the front yard and saw three people coming from Yang Xuan, so she asked, "Who is Mr. Yang?"

"Sounds like a young woman." Suzaku opened his poisonous tongue.

Yang Xuan cupped his hands and said, "That's right Yang."

Zhang Jing stopped, three steps away from Yang Xuan, "The princess has just arrived in Chang'an, but she is surrounded by people outside. There are even some people singing poems and singing, which is extremely unbearable. May I ask Mr. Yang, is this the way to treat guests?"

But you are not guests!

Yang Xuan couldn't help but said, "Two things. One, I won't come here on weekdays."

"Best." Zhang Jing raised her head slightly.

"Secondly, before the princess goes out, someone must look for Yang. Without Yang, if anything happens to the princess..." Yang Xuan looked at Zhang Jing, "You will bear the responsibility on your own!"

Zhang Jing also didn't expect Yang Xuan to not be squatting in the house, looking for an opportunity to meet the princess, "Of course."

Yang Xuan said coldly: "It's not natural, I just ask you, can you do it?"

Zhang Jing nodded, "Yes!"

"That's good."

Zhang Jing sneered, "But what about those wild bees and butterflies outside? I dare to ask Yang Shaofu, maybe they can be dispersed? Can they be dispersed?"

Yang Xuan nodded, turned around, "Open the door."

Zhang Jing reminded him, "Once someone rushes in, it will not be our fault."

You talk too much... Yang Xuan shouted: "Open the door!"


The door opens.

The people outside were stunned at first, then overjoyed.

Brother Wang stepped forward and held his hand, "Wang was very happy when he heard that the princess was here, and he wrote a few poems here..."

Most of the people present came to watch the excitement and beauties, but as for the very few people...

"It's all old snakeskin!" Suzaku shouted, "Have you ever heard of magnanimity?"

Yang Xuan shook his head.

"Fang Xing! My legs feel uncomfortable if I keep having people around all day!"

Yang Xuandang walked out first.

Zhang Jing ordered from behind: "Be alert!"

The accompanying guards were lined up in a row, ready to block those old snakeskins who drank too much.

That's right, there are a few brave men carrying wine bags staggering over.


Yang Xuan slapped one over and cursed: "You shameful thing, go back!"

The few remaining drunkards came up cursing.

"Second brother, don't break your limbs."

Boom boom boom!

It fell in a circle on the ground.

But this guy actually specializes in slapping the drunkard in the face, and the drunkard on the ground sprayed blood and teeth all over the floor.

Yang Xuan stopped and looked at Brother Wang and others in front of him.

These are the big troubles.

They have status and some talent. They are not reckless, but they are as annoying as flies.

Zhang Jing said: "Whenever I have something to do, I compose poems outside the door, which makes me vomit."

Brother Wang's expression did not change.

He is indeed an old snake skin!

Yang Xuan walked over slowly.

Brother Wang and others were not afraid, they just stood there with their arms folded and sneered.

"If you have the skills to look for bees and butterflies, why don't you join the army and serve the country?" Yang Xuan asked.

At first glance, Brother Wang and others were from the upper-class families. These people had no worries about food, clothing, or even official positions. However, after many years of wealth, their bones had been rotten by wine and beautiful women.

"The Tang Dynasty now has many foreign enemies. The hot-blooded men in Chang'an City are gearing up and want to go to the frontier to serve the country. But there is such a group of people who just do nothing all day long and write some erotic poems that make people feel depressed.


This is a slap in the face!

Brother Wang and others' faces turned red, but most of the people present were silent, obviously agreeing with these words.

Brother Wang pointed at Yang Xuan, "A small county captain dares to speak so brazenly. Do you think poetry is easy to compose?"

Yang Xuan stepped forward.

"Glow-in-the-dark cup of fine grape wine. If you want to drink, please drink Pipa immediately."

A sharp frontier fortress breath hit my face.

Zhang Jing stopped behind him.

In front, some of Brother Wang's companions slowly backed away and looked at Yang Xuan in surprise.

Brother Wang's cheeks trembled and he managed to hold on.

Yang Xuan came over holding the handle of the knife.

"Don't laugh when you are lying drunk on the battlefield. How many people have fought in ancient times?"


Brother Wang stumbled away, covering his face with his sleeves and running away.

"Don't laugh while lying drunk on the battlefield. How many people have fought in ancient times." Zhang Jing murmured.

"They're gone!" the guard beside him said happily.

It's not a big deal to watch the excitement. The only headache is that these high-status bees and butterflies cannot be beaten or scolded.

Zhang Jing watched Yang Xuanyuan go away, then turned around and went to the backyard.

In the pavilion, Nian Ziyue raised her eyes when she heard the footsteps, and said somewhat worriedly: "But can't you persuade me to leave?"

"They're all gone." Zhang Jing entered the pavilion.

Nian Zi was surprised, "Are people from Chang'an so easy to talk to?"

"People from Chang'an are not easy to talk to."

"Who is that?"

"That Mr. Yang, with one poem he drove away those wild bees and butterflies."

After leaving Taipingfang, Yang Xuan immediately went to the Imperial College.

"Are you still coming to class?" Bao Dong couldn't help but be surprised when he saw him.

"I'm afraid I won't have time." Yang Xuan mainly wanted to say that he was afraid it would be difficult to come to class in the future.

He stood up and found that his classmates were looking at him.

"You have become a legend in the Imperial College." Bao Dong said enviously.

When we arrived at Ning Yayun's place, the sound of the piano was still lingering.

An Ziyu said with a smile on the side: "You have become a county captain, and now you can be considered a leader. Come back often when you have time..."

Woman! Can’t you tell the truth?

Ning Yayun coughed dryly and said, "Let's talk if we have anything to do later."

Yang Xuan cupped his hands and said, "Yes."

"I'll give it to you."

An Ziyu sent Yang Xuan to the gate of the Imperial College and said softly: "Chang'an City is divided by Zhuque Street, with Chang'an County on one side and Wannian County on the other. The five surnames in the family and the powerful people all dream of placing people in the two counties.

The students of the Imperial College are not willing to study in the two counties, not just because they are used to freedom...it is a whirlpool over there."

Yang Xuan said gratefully: "Thank you, Si Ye, for your teaching."

An Ziyu turned the ruler in his hand and said with a smile: "Yesterday, a student said something. Chun Yu was originally eyeing the post of Wannian County Captain this time, but unexpectedly, you took it away.

.Moreover, the matter of Yingyue Tower..."

"New grudges and old grudges!" Yang Xuan understood.

"Yes." An Ziyu patted his shoulder with a ruler, "Be careful, if anything happens... come back."

Yang Xuan thought there would be trouble, but he didn't expect the trouble would come so quickly.

"Someone ate ramen and died."

Han Ying shivered in the Yang family.

Yi Niang waved her hand to drive away the chickens and sneered, "It's none of my husband's business."

Cao Ying shook her head, indicating that this matter was not simple.

"say clearly."

His eyes were dark, and if you looked carefully, you could see a hint of murderous intent.

Anyone who hinders Lang Jun's great cause should die!

Even this businesswoman!

Han Ying sobbed, "Business went on as usual in the morning. Within half an hour, someone came to scold me, saying that my family had vomited and had diarrhea after eating ramen at home... Later, someone actually died."

Cao Ying squinted at her, not missing a possible subtle expression, "Have you sealed those ingredients?"

Han Ying nodded, "When the second person came to scold me, I asked Wang Shun to guard the ingredients and even the water in the water tank."

Cao Ying stood up and said, "If this is not the case, I will let you fend for yourself. But before that, you stay here and wait for my husband's instructions."

He turned around and said to Yi Niang: "This matter should be done sooner rather than later. No matter how late it is, there will be no evidence. Look at your home and look at her. If you don't obey..."

Yi Niang nodded, with a sharp look in her eyes.

Cao Ying changed her clothes and went out quietly.

This chapter has been completed!
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