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Chapter 630 Loyal Dog

The news that Huang Chunhui vomited blood has reached Ningxing for a while.

When the news first came, many ministers were very excited and clamored for an immediate southward expedition.

Everyone wants to go to the South Expedition. After all, that colorful world is too tempting.

"I'm not just thinking about that colorful world, I also have to think about that behemoth."

He Lianfeng had just finished practicing his sword skills. He threw the long sword to the guard and took the cloth to wipe his sweat.

"Your Majesty, the Emperor Taishu would like to see you."

He Lianfeng nodded.

Then look ahead.

The Emperor's uncle's bloated body looked like a mountain of flesh, and the accompanying chamberlain looked a bit small.

"I really don't know how he can bear such a body."

Compared with the emperor's uncle, the physically strong emperor looked majestic and heroic.

"His Majesty."

The emperor's uncle saluted and looked heart-wrenching, He Lianfeng said: "That's all."

The emperor's uncle raised his head and said, "Someone went to the minister to give me some advice..."

"Southern Expedition?"



"The world of flowers touches people's hearts. When they go south, they have money, food, beauties, and countless things they covet."

"What do you think!"

"The sick tiger seems to be dying, but he has been dying for many years. Over the years, those guys who thought he was not far from death have died and rolled away. He is still in control of Northern Xinjiang in Taoxian County."

"So, do you think the news that he vomited blood is true or false?"

He Lianfeng looked at his chosen successor with calm eyes.

The outside world was making a fuss about this, but the emperor was watching the show.

The emperor's uncle moved his fat body and said, "There are many conflicts between Huang Chunhui and Chang'an, and they even had a falling out last time. If it is fake that he vomited blood, then Chang'an will take advantage of the situation and let him become an official. Therefore, I think that he vomited blood is real."

Chang'an had long regarded Huang Chunhui as a thorn in his side. After hearing that Huang Chunhui vomited blood, some officials in Chang'an suggested that the emperor should be considerate of the old minister and allow Huang Chunhui to come to Chang'an to support him.

The emperor wished he could kill the Huang Chunhui clan and support them, but it was just an excuse.

It was through the news that Huang Chunhui vomited blood that this thorn in his side was removed from Northern Xinjiang.

"They are all a bunch of hungry wolves. When they see a crack in Northern Xinjiang, they want to sharpen their heads and get in. Money, food, women, these are the foundation of strength. I also want to seize that beautiful country, but I still can't.

You have to consider it carefully..."

Helianfeng walked slowly, "Huang Chunhui is like a candle, burning to the bottom at this moment.

He thought about spending the last part of his life burning for the Tang Dynasty and Northern Xinjiang.

The so-called news of vomiting blood must have been spread intentionally by him.

A bunch of idiots, they really thought Taoxian County was in chaos right now."

The emperor's uncle smiled and said: "Yes! It's just news of vomiting blood. If Huang Chunhui can't control it, all these years in northern Xinjiang will be in vain."

He Lianfeng nodded, "He is just provoking me from a distance. I am not going to die soon. Now we are in the northern Xinjiang with a strong army. Do you dare to come and fight?"

"That sick tiger! Just thinking about it makes me fascinated." The emperor's uncle looked at the south and couldn't help sighing.

"I admire such heroes." He Lianfeng did not hesitate to praise his opponent, "He knows that he is not going to die soon, so he must be doing his best to assist Liao Jin in controlling Northern Xinjiang. If I ignore it, I will wait until he retires.

By that time, Liao Jin had already taken control of northern Xinjiang, and if he wanted to attack again, it would be very difficult!"

The emperor's uncle said: "Your Majesty wants to conquer the south?"

"Huang Chunhui put on a decisive battle stance, and even set up a situation that I couldn't refuse. I clearly knew that this situation was risky, but I had no choice but to jump...Huang Chunhui!"

The emperor said the name softly, "When Pei Jiu died in Chang'an, I thought that Northern Xinjiang could be conquered in one go, but I didn't expect that Huang Chunhui stood up and used his tenacity to wear down the fighting spirit of my army.

, we can only retreat. This person may seem inconspicuous, but in my eyes, he is a rare figure in this world, a figure that I have to respect!"

The emperor's uncle smiled and said: "It's a pity that Li Bi doesn't like people like this."

"It's not that he looks down on him, but he only has himself in his eyes." He Lianfeng pointed to his own eyes, "The emperor only has power in his eyes, but Li Mi has a particularly strong desire for power, and the country and the country are nothing in his eyes.

It’s just a plaything.”

"Your Majesty, then...the Southern Expedition?" He Lianchun asked.

"I still have to think about it."

A war like this can never be decided with just a few words, and requires many considerations.

"Inquiring about information, training the army, collecting food and grass...many things can be done. However, whether to march south, I still have to look at the other side. Let's see how Li Mihui responds, and see how Taoxian County responds."

The emperor's uncle agreed, "I will make you be careful in your words and deeds."


The emperor looked at him and suddenly said quietly: "I don't actually think about the army fighting, but I want to continue like this. The world is peaceful, isn't it good?"

"Of course it's good." The emperor's uncle didn't know what the emperor meant, so he could only deal with it cautiously.

"But I'm a little worried." The emperor stood with his hands behind his hands and looked to the south, "That Central Plains! Even if it falls, it only takes a few decades to stand up again. Then, it will soon be able to dominate the world. This

His true identity is what worries me."

"I am a little indecisive!" the emperor laughed at himself, "After Li Yuan and Li Mi took over the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty seemed to be blooming with flowers, but in fact it was gradually empty inside, and the seeds of civil strife continued to grow...

Logically speaking, this is a rare and good opportunity, but I am always worried. In this Central Plains, whenever there is a crisis, some people will always stand up.

They are either impassioned or impassioned, or they work with their heads down and their eyes bright, trying to revive this big country.

These people are called Huang Chunhui and Song Zhen... The more people like this, the more intimidating the Tang Dynasty will be."

The emperor's uncle was silent.

The emperor turned around and looked at him, "Lin Ya and others have been eager to take action recently and are instigating the Southern Expedition. The Southern Expedition is not just a war, but also a mobilization of the government and the opposition.

Whoever sends more troops will be the vanguard... Everyone has their own calculations. Lin Ya hopes to consume the troops loyal to me, so she keeps making noises. You have to keep an eye on them and suppress their arrogance."


The emperor's uncle now also has some ministers in his hands. Although his voice is not loud in the court, it is enough to cheer for the emperor, punch Lin Ya and others in the cold, or dig a small hole.

"Don't think about your own small circle or about preserving your strength. The so-called strength is all given by me. I can give it and I can take it back. Yeah!"


The emperor's uncle knew that this was beating.

"His Majesty."

Here comes Helian Hong, with long hair reaching her waist, swaying gently as she moves.

The thin lips kissed, "Some interesting things seem to have happened over there in Tanzhou. He Lianrong has sent people to Ningxing. At the moment, the person is waiting for the emperor's uncle in the East Palace."

The emperor beat the emperor's uncle, and He Lianhong immediately provided an assist.

So considerate!

But the emperor's uncle knew that this was just a coincidence... If the emperor really wants to beat him, there are many ways!

He lowered his head and said, "He Lianrong has some friendship with me."

When you speak, you must be 70% true and 30% false.

The emperor was silent.

After a long time, he said: "Go!"


The emperor's uncle resigned.

He Lianhong nodded slightly. After he left, the emperor asked: "What is Changling doing?"

He Lianhong said: "After the princess returned to the palace, Liu Xiang asked for a meeting, begged, and behaved in all kinds of ugly ways..."

"I will judge on my own, no need for you to elaborate!"

The emperor said coldly.


He Lianhong continued: "The princess refused, and Liuxiang returned in despair."

The corner of the emperor's mouth raised slightly, "Is she angry with me?"

Helian Hong was silent.


The emperor snorted softly.

He Lianhong said: "I don't dare to speak nonsense."

Earlier, I said that Liuxiang was full of ugliness, and you said that I talked too much. Well, now that I am silent, you can figure it out for yourself.

"I promise you to say it!"

The emperor is domineering.

"The princess' temperament may seem gentle and demure, but deep down she is stubborn. If she sees something, it will be difficult to get her back. Since Your Majesty wants the princess to get involved in government affairs and contain Lin Ya and others, then you cannot control it too much, otherwise...


"Otherwise what?"

"Otherwise the princess will abandon her."

I don’t want to play anymore!

This is Changling's attitude.

Find someone to fight with Lin Ya and the others in the ring to contain the Emperor's uncle.

The emperor smiled and said: "When Changling was nine years old, she read in the palace every day and loved to compose poems. I remember that I passed by once and said that she was sad for the spring and autumn, and she was too full to eat. Then she got into trouble with me, and it lasted for two years.

Yue has not spoken to me. Women! They all have the same temperament."

These words also brought into play what Helian Hong had said earlier.

"Your Majesty, the princess' temperament...she will become more determined as time passes."

It's time for you to make a decision.

Otherwise, without waiting for you to make a decision, Changling will make up his mind not to get involved in this matter in the future. Who are you going to cry to!

The emperor needs help, but he doesn't trust anyone else.

Changling is a woman, and it is impossible for a woman to rebel or threaten his status... Emperor Wu is a special case, and it has been the same case for thousands of years.

"She is so petty, but I, as a father, still have to coax her." The emperor said with a doting look on his face, "That's all."


He Lianhong resigned.

Moving forward, a young man is waiting in front.

Hearing the footsteps, the young man raised his head, with a touch of worry on his handsome face, "Commander, your Majesty is not angry, is he?"

"Ling Xiao, don't speculate on His Majesty in the future!" He Lianhong said coldly.

The young man's name is Wan Lingxiao. He is young but has great cultivation. He is an Eagle Guard talent carefully cultivated by He Lianhong.


Wan Lingxiao followed her, "Your Majesty ordered us to keep an eye on Princess Changling. Are you dissatisfied?"

"There is no family affection in the eyes of the emperor, Ling Xiao, you must remember this sentence. All children, including the whole world, are the emperor's pawns."


Wan Lingxiao's eyes became more sad, "The princess is so talented, it's a pity."

"It's a pity!" He Lianhong said lightly: "If Changling does not get involved in the government affairs, it will become a dispensable clan in the future. Your Majesty's love is like mutton. It looks fresh in the morning, but in the evening

, there will be some smell. After two days, it will stink."

Wan Lingxiao's heart trembled, "Yes."

He thought for a while, "The princess gave His Majesty a cold face this time, but it was a bit too much."

Helian Hong shook his head.

"This is Changling's best way to deal with it!"

She left the palace and ordered: "I saw Changling's hairpin was quite exquisite last time, so I went to borrow it and said, I will wear it."

Someone behind him answered.

Changling's hairpins were different from those of ordinary people. They had a more literary atmosphere and were easy to identify. When Helian Hong asked for them, he gave them a few and said with a smile that they would be given to Aunt Hong.

The emperor's uncle returned to the East Palace.

"Why did He Lianrong ask you to come?"

The messenger looked left and right.

"Say!" the emperor's uncle said coldly.

Everyone present felt that they were the Emperor's confidant.

Very warm and considerate.

The messenger whispered:

"Your Highness, something happened to that batch of iron ore..."

The emperor's uncle said calmly: "What happened?"

"Your Majesty ordered the ores to be transferred. The first batch of ores was about to arrive in Tanzhou, and was encountered by Chenzhou scouts."

The emperor's uncle waved his hand and said, "Go back and tell He Lianrong to put this matter aside."

The messenger asked: "Those iron ores..."

"Yang Xuan crossed the border to Fengzhou for the ore and fought with the bandits. When he learned about this, the first thing he did was to seize the batch of ore."

That greedy boy!

It's a pity that I have accumulated all these years and made a wedding dress for Yang Gou!

The emperor's uncle looked south and thought of that young man.

"When he was in Taipei, Gu felt that he was a good young man who knew what to do. When he arrived in Chenzhou, he and Gu were on the same level. What if he went to Northern Xinjiang?"

He turned around and said, "Go and tell me that I have something to do and see your Majesty."

The emperor's uncle invited the emperor again.

"Is there something going on in Tanzhou?"

The emperor's reaction was this.


Roshan knelt down, dust flying around him.

A wave of air rushed over. The emperor frowned slightly and waved his hand to block the wave of air.

"My lord, you are guilty!"


The emperor remained calm.

"When I was in Tanzhou, I sent people to Fengzhou... There is a small iron mine there, and I stocked up on it in the past few years..."

The emperor said calmly: "You told me back then that you were willing to surrender for the sake of Daliao. What are those ores? Hmm!"

A gentle sound, but like thunder.

The Emperor's uncle bowed his head, "Although I am willing...but I have some thoughts from time to time. I will die!"

Your Majesty, I was loyal to Daliao at that time and was willing to give up the opportunity to rebel for Daliao.

Occasionally, Ke Chen felt that he could save a little more, so he laid out the ore.

But, I’m just laying it out!

No swords and guns were built, and no men were recruited.

When it comes to deeds, one doesn’t care about one’s heart, and when it comes to one’s heart, no one is perfect.

Afterwards, the emperor scolded him, and when the emperor's uncle went out, his face was covered with cold sweat.

Liu Xiang was sitting at home, his wife and children were crying and urging him to find a relationship, but he smiled bitterly and said: "The princess can't do anything, who can help me?"

Wait to die!

The old wife’s eyes were filled with tears, “I want to be exiled!”

Liu Xiang looked at the family and nodded slowly.



The wails soared into the sky.

"shut up!"

Liu Xiang scolded in vain.

"It's so sad!" He could only smile bitterly.

"Hey! Where is the person?"

Outside the door, someone knocked on the door.

Boom boom boom!

"Where are the people?"

Menzi, who was packing his belongings in his room, cursed: "Yeah, I quit!"

Boom boom boom!

People outside roared, "We are from the palace, open the door!"

The door trembled.

Came out trembling.


Several servants looked at each other.

Nodding desperately.


The Liuxiang family came out.


"Open the door!"

The door slowly opened.

A chamberlain outside the door said dissatisfiedly: "The door won't open even if I call. Hey! Isn't this Minister Liu?"

Liu Xiang, "This is..."

What about the wolf-like guards?

What about the troops who ransacked homes?

Where did it go?

The waiter came in with a smile on his face.

"Ouch! Are you teaching your children at home, Minister Liu? That's right. Without such a strict family tradition, how can you be valued by His Majesty?"


Liu Xiang trembled and said, "These words..."

The chamberlain laughed and said, "Your Majesty ordered us to deliver a message. Recently! Some people impeach ministers without knowing what is going on. Your Majesty knows that Minister Liu is loyal, upright, and has a breeze on his sleeves."

But I was indeed corrupt back then! Liu Xiang: "..."

"Your Majesty said, is it enough for Minister Liu to rest at home? Enough is enough, so go back quickly. There are still many things waiting to be dealt with in the Ministry of Household Affairs. Don't take my salary and stop working!"


Then Liu Xiang numbly completed the procedure and thanked him.

He shook his hand, and with a movement of his hand, a silver coin slipped into the chamberlain's cuff. He then released his hand and presented it respectfully.

With a shake of his hand, the waiter estimated the weight of the silver ingot, and the smile on his face became even richer.

"Master Liu, let's take our leave."

"Good go!"

Liu Xiang sent the servant away and turned around.

The whole family looked at him dumbfounded.

"Husband, Your Majesty, you are wise!"

For the first time, the old wife felt that the emperor was so wise and powerful.

"Your Majesty asked me if I had rested enough, which reminded me of what the princess said." Old Liuxiang burst into tears, "It was the princess who took action, I..."

The old wife was stunned, "Princess?"

The princess seemed sad and careless, but all this was planned by her. I also complained that the princess refused to help, which was shameful! Shameful...

Liu Xiang knelt down in the direction of the princess's mansion.

"In my entire life, the princess is the only one who will obey me!"

This chapter has been completed!
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