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Chapter 718 Watching a good show

The messenger was driven out of the hall as if being expelled.

Han Ji said: "I'm afraid the princess's situation is not good."

"Not that much."

Yang Xuan said: "Anyone who underestimates her will pay the price sooner or later."

Han Ji asked: "Has Lang Jun experienced it?"


At first, Changling pretended to be indifferent and was hijacked by Boss Yang for a while. Later, he showed his extraordinary skills and made Boss Yang scared.

"What is He Lianchun's intention?" Han Ji was wondering.

Yang Xuan knew... Changling was involved in political affairs. It would be okay if she sided with He Lianchun, but Changling had never had a good impression of He Lianchun.

After ascending the throne, He Lianchun not only had to face the counterattack by Lin Ya and others, but also had to deal with Changling.

The so-called marriage is a warning to Changling.

Using Yang Xuan to attack Changling, He Lianchun's method was very clever.

However, He Lianchun didn't understand Changling. This woman, when she decided to do something, even if there was an abyss ahead of her, she still dared and could still walk through it step by step.

Or die on the road.

Or just go all the way to the end and never look back!

Literary youth often represents stubbornness.

And you can’t afford to offend a capable and well-educated woman!

Nan He comes in.

"Mr. Lang, there is some dissatisfaction in the army."


From the moment he walked to the stage, Yang Xuan had been waiting for someone in the army to make trouble.

"Lang Jun's training methods are said by some to be harsh treatment of soldiers."

"Who takes the lead?" Yang Xuan asked.

"Kong Rui, Huang Zhang." Nan He said: "Kong Rui's family has many civil servants, but he is different. Huang Zhang comes from a powerful family."

"I know." Yang Xuan smiled.

Kong Rui came from a good family, and most of his family members were civil servants, but he was a weirdo who liked to dance with guns and sticks.

He originally joined the army in Chang'an and came to Northern Xinjiang six years ago. He achieved success in several battles and was promoted step by step. Now he has more than 10,000 people under his command, and he can be regarded as an elder in the Northern Xinjiang army.

Huang Zhang was his lieutenant and came from a powerful family in northern Xinjiang.

"What does it mean to be powerful? There are many people in the fields, and there are many businesses. But just having these in abundance is like a child holding gold in a busy market, it will only attract covetous eyes.

Therefore, powerful people will try every means to get their children to serve as officials or join the army.

Only when there are officials and warriors in the family can the fields, people and businesses be preserved.

It's just that I'm a little confused. What if one generation is cut off and there are no officials or military men in the family?"

Kong Rui was inconsistent with his background and looked rather rough and arrogant.

The gentle Huang Zhang smiled and said, "Marriage!"

Kong Rui slapped his thigh, "Wonderful! How could I not have thought of that!"

Huang Zhang smiled, "How could the general not think of this?"

Kong Rui laughed like a rough man, "Hahahaha! What a good idea! What a good idea!"

Huang Zhang looked at him, "It's time to practice."

Kong Rui stood up and said, "Let's go take a look."

On the school field, more than ten thousand soldiers lined up.


Kong Rui nodded, and his men began to practice the formation.

Huang Zhang stood beside him, watching the changes in the formation, and said: "When the battle comes, the change of formation is the first. When two armies face off, whoever changes the formation quickly and accurately has a greater chance of winning.

That person made some inexplicable arrays and stances, and just wanted to replace what we have been practicing for many years. It can be described as arrogant."

Kong Rui snorted coldly, "He is showing off his power. Anyone who practices his methods will be his."

"Jiang Cunzhong and Zhang Du took the lead to follow."

"The three of them have been friends for many years. Why did they call themselves...the Three Heroes of Northern Xinjiang?" Kong Rui sneered.

"Many people are waiting and watching."

"After the great victory, Deputy Ambassador Liao took over Northern Xinjiang, and no one was dissatisfied. But God is not discerning. Deputy Ambassador Liao was assassinated. If the person who took action was not the Eagle Guard of Northern Liao, I would have doubted him!" Kong Rui looked rough and arrogant.

Underneath the face, there is a delicate heart.

"Yesterday when Nan He came, we didn't give him a good look. I'm afraid that man will have to respond."

"Are you scared?"

Huang Zhang smiled contemptuously, "What are you afraid of?"

"Don't forget, your family is from a wealthy family. He killed many people in Dengzhou, and among them, the wealthy family was the most numerous."

"That's Dengzhou. He can do whatever he wants in other people's places. This is Northern Xinjiang, where powerful people control countless fields, people and businesses. He dares to offend powerful people in Dengzhou. Do you want him to try it in Northern Xinjiang?"

Huang Zhang said reservedly, and then, with some worry, "General, you are in some danger."

"I am a meritorious person in Northern Xinjiang." Kong Ruitan said calmly: "This time it's not just us who are dissatisfied with his training methods. When we step forward, those brothers are watching! If he touches me, he will also touch those brothers. Northern Xinjiang

The army is the foundation of Northern Xinjiang. If he dares to touch me, I will capture him without mercy. Look at his excitement!"

"I heard..." Huang Zhang smiled, "I heard that the general is going to Chang'an?"

"Your information is quite good." Kong Rui said with a smile: "My family originally wanted to get me back to Chang'an before the war, but I didn't expect that I was stuck at Luo Cai's place. It just so happened that I had made a great contribution in this battle, so I went back

You can still get promoted.”

"That's why the general can offend him without restraint."

"What can he do to me?" Kong Rui said reservedly: "We have been together for many years, and we are not outsiders..."

"My cousin is very beautiful." Huang Zhang said with a smile.

"Yes! I can't put it down." Kong Rui seemed to have forgotten that he had previously asked Huang Zhang for advice on how to survive. "Someone in Chang'an has spoken. If you can cause him some trouble, it's best to make the matter bigger. After it's done,

, Chang’an is offering heavy rewards! Do you understand what that means?”

Huang Zhang's eyes became more intense, "Guo Zhang?"

"As long as you understand." Kong Rui lowered his voice and narrowed his big eyes slightly, giving people a cold feeling, "If you get him, you will be rich, do you understand?"

Huang Zhang nodded, "Thank you so much, General, for guiding me. I will be rewarded generously in the future."

"You and I are all on the same road." Kong Rui smiled, "He has just come to Taoxian County and has not yet established a stable foothold. It is a good time to take action. Let's take the lead in attacking. Those brothers are not satisfied... Now, you know that I

What are you waiting for?"

"Wait for him to do it!"

"Yes, if he doesn't take action, how can those brothers find opportunities to attack? If he doesn't take action, where will the credit go from the two of us? Well!"

"When it comes to this, the subordinate knows the thoughts of those people better than the general."

"Tell me."

"Those people have much more seniority than that person. When that person was still the county magistrate in Taiping, they had a high status in the army. Now that person has changed and become the deputy envoy of Jiedu, those people are quite dissatisfied.

In addition, Liao Zhongcheng is lying down, and that person is almost in charge of northern Xinjiang. General, tell me, what would you think if a subordinate becomes your superior one day?"

"Hahahaha!" Kong Rui smiled happily, "Of course I am sincerely happy."

"Ho ho ho! General, you are joking."

"Do you think I can joke?"

Huang Zhang was startled.

Kong Rui patted him on the shoulder, "Once this is done, I will go to the Ministry of War, understand?"

Huang Zhang secretly rejoiced, "That's the place where warriors are in charge. Congratulations, general."

He knows that his investment is worth it.

When Kong Rui entered the Ministry of War, he naturally didn't care what position he would get in the army in the future. He wouldn't be able to become Kong Rui's superior officer.

In this way, there was no conflict of interest between the two. Instead, they became allies because Huang Zhang gave his distant cousin to Kong Rui as his concubine.

This relationship, from superior to subordinate, suddenly turned into an alliance.

Fate is so wonderful!

"Yang Gou is domineering!" Huang Zhang sneered, "Many powerful people in Northern Xinjiang hate him. If he can succeed this time, the Huang family's status in Northern Xinjiang will reach a higher level."

Since Kong Rui chose to be honest, Huang Zhang had to reciprocate and tell his plans.

With the rise in status, Huang's voice in Northern Xinjiang will become much stronger in the future.

Kong Rui patted him on the shoulder, "What he did is what those people in Hu Nong did. Prisoners, do you know that? They stand all day long and whip anyone who moves."

He incorporated this trick into the army and felt proud of himself, but no one knew that he relied on dozens of big men to fight."

"And Mo Dao from last time."

"Speaking of Mo Dao, he holds the Fengzhou iron ore in his hand and can make weapons as much as he wants. Damn, whoever it is, he can also make it."


More than ten people rode into the school grounds.

"It's his guard." Huang Zhang whispered.

"This is for inspection, I'll handle it."

More than ten guards went up to the high platform, and the leader held up his hands, "May I ask General Kong, why don't you stand in line?"

After ordering all the Northern Xinjiang Army to learn the array, Yang Xuan transferred a group of instructors from the Chenzhou Army and distributed them to various places. The instructors who could be assigned to the Kongrui Department were standing aside with a look of shame on their faces.

This is so obvious and shameless!

The guards were the most loyal to Yang Xuan, so someone shouted: "This is against orders!"

Kong Rui smiled, "The training methods of the Northern Xinjiang Army have lasted for decades. There have been small changes, but there have never been such big changes."

In the guard's heart, Boss Yang is a god, so the guard said naturally: "Lang Jun's art of war is the best in the world!"


Kong Rui smiled and said, "Then, let Chen Zhoujun continue to practice the methods of the deputy envoy, and we will practice the methods of Huang Xianggong and Liao Zhongcheng, and we will be fine."

No matter how stupid the guard was, he still sensed the danger.

This is to sever the relationship between the Chenzhou Army and the Northern Xinjiang Army!

Moreover, Kong Rui also pulled Huang Chunhui and Liao Jin out...

The guard stared at him, "I hope you can always smile so happily."

Kong Rui smiled, "Life is born with suffering, why don't you laugh? I will laugh until my hair turns gray, and laugh until the moment before I die!"

The guard turned around and hurriedly mounted his horse and left.

Huang Zhang said softly: "The general's words are well-founded. If he uses his power to suppress others, he will first fight with Huang Xianggong and Liao Zhongcheng to win or lose. If he doesn't come... his prestige will plummet. Then, how to control the North

Jiang? It’s just that the general offended him this time, but he was a little cruel..."

Kong Rui's eyes were very big, and now they were narrowed down to only a slit. His bright eyes flashed through his eyes, "How can you seek wealth when everything is stable? Wealth can be found in danger!"

"A Liang!"

After Yang Xuan returned from Dengzhou, he has been busy getting close to his son recently. After more than ten days of hard work, now A Liang will call him Aye and stretch out his hands for him to hug him.


A Liang stretched out his hand, and Yang Xuan took it. He kissed him first, then put his forehead on his forehead and looked at his son seriously.


Ah Liang seemed to like this game very much and shouted happily.


Zhou Ning came out and saw Yang Xuan holding the child and coaxing him, "Give it to me!"

"I'll coax you some more."

Yang Xuan is very determined.


When A Liang cried so hard that she was out of breath, Zheng Wuniang was so distressed that she forgot about her dignity and said, "Mr. Lang, come here!"

"Mr. Lang, someone is looking for you."

Not long after Boss Yang returned home from the Jiedushi Mansion... He angrily handed the child to Zheng Wuniang, then stretched out his hand, "A Liang will definitely be reluctant to let me leave."

Grandma was carried over by Zheng Wuniang. When she saw Aye reaching out, she twisted her little body, threw herself on Zheng Wuniang's shoulder, and pointed her butt towards Aye.

"This kid is quite angry!"

Yang Xuan went out in disgrace.

Nan He and several guards were outside, looking grim.

"Is this...the sky falling?" Yang Xuan said with a smile.

Nan He said: "Lang Jun, Kong Rui still did not practice the formation according to Lang Jun's instructions today. And..." He pointed to an angry guard, "They went to ask, Kong Rui said..."

Seeing Nan He suppressing his anger, Yang Xuan smiled and said: "Being angry for others is the most useless thing. Say it!"

The guard said: "Kong Rui said that the Northern Xinjiang Army's training methods have not changed significantly for decades. The villain said that the master's military skills are the best in the world..."

Yang Xuan was not humble, because he had seen too many of the vast art of war and battle examples in the scrolls. In addition, with the experience gained from constant fighting over the years, he now had the feeling that he was standing in the clouds and overlooking the world.

Occasionally, he would tell himself: Hey! Come down and take the piss, and then he would come down and hide his edge.

But now he is the deputy envoy of Jiedu. With Liao Jin lying at home, he has the final say in the entire northern Xinjiang!

"This is provocation!" Boss Yang defined.

The guard said: "Kong Rui said, let Chen Zhoujun continue to practice the methods of the deputy envoy, and we will practice the methods of Huang Xianggong and Liao Zhongcheng, and we will be safe."

"It's not just provocation, it's sowing discord with sinister intentions." He Lianyan's charming peach blossom eyes were more vigilant, "Lang Jun, Kong Rui's family is quite powerful in Chang'an. It is said that Kong Rui was there before the war.

I will go to Chang'an to serve in the Ministry of War."

"Submit your name!" Yang Xuan said with a smile: "I've killed people, so I'll vote for you. Okay!"

He put his hands behind his hands and walked out, followed by He Lianyan, who continued: "His deputy general Huang Zhang is from a powerful family in northern Xinjiang. This time Lang Jun dealt a cruel blow to the powerful people in Dengzhou. Huang and some people criticized Lang Jun..."

"What did you say about me?" Yang Xuan asked.

Helianyan hesitated for a moment.

"Yan! You are a little too cautious. Am I a tiger?"

Helian Yan smiled charmingly, "Mr. Lang is not a tiger, he is... a tiger hunter.

Huang said that if Liao Zhongcheng falls and Lang Jun comes to power, Chang'an will definitely look for opportunities to cause trouble.

When that time comes, Lang Jun will definitely not bow his head, and Northern Xinjiang will fall into war because of this. In his words, he compared Lang Jun to a hero."

These words might create a trend and plunge Yang Xuan into a whirlpool.

Therefore, Helianyan was very angry.

She suddenly realized that something was wrong in the atmosphere.

So I looked around.

Lin Feibao looked calm.

The old thief looked calm.

Wang Laoer looked calm and was even eating dried meat.

It seems that I am the only one feeling angry!

When we arrived at the school grounds, the formation drill was over.

"He's coming."

Huang Zhang followed Kong Rui to greet him and whispered: "It's a one-time deal, that's it."

"I've met the deputy envoy."

The two of them led the generals in saluting.

Everyone knew that Yang Xuan came to investigate.

Someone is uneasy.

Some people are panicked.

Kong Rui was very calm.

Standing together with Huang Zhang, they seemed to want to advance and retreat together, and said calmly: "What Xiaguan said earlier was from the bottom of his heart. Not only Xianguan, but also many of the brothers in the army..."

"Not convinced?" Yang Xuan asked.

Kong Rui nodded, "Yes."

Then, take action!

The brothers from the Northern Xinjiang Army are all watching!

"Not convinced?"

Yang Xuan asked again.

There is a military law in the army. When a superior is angry, he can have his subordinates beaten.

Between being beaten by Yang Xuan and presenting a certificate of surrender to Chang'an, Kong Rui chose to submit a certificate of surrender to Chang'an without hesitation. He nodded again, "Yes."

"People always have to take a beating to realize that the world is big. Sitting in a well and looking at the sky will only make you stand still. Not convinced? Then, I will make you convinced!"

Everyone looked up.

What is this for?

Yang Xuan ordered: "Assemble all the generals in the army to come here. Chenzhou Army has 500 people in Taoxian County. Bring them all. Today, I invite you generals to watch a good show!"

This chapter has been completed!
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