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Chapter 719

Kong Rui and Huang Zhang knew what their almost provocative behavior would bring... In order to maintain his prestige, Yang Xuan's best way was to beat them in public.

He was beaten, but he didn't dare to kill him.

Who wouldn't do it if a beating can lead to a future?


Punch me!

Kong Rui and Huang Zhang were so eager to be beaten that they were a little confused when Yang Xuan asked the generals of the Northern Xinjiang Army to gather together and said that they would let everyone watch a good show.

What about beatings?

The generals gradually gathered together, and the news reached Liao Jin.

He leaned on the bedside, and someone beside him was reporting.

"...The officers in the army were a little unconvinced. They felt that Chen Zhoujun was good, but they were not bad either. Why did they need to change the training method? Moreover, the method was quite hard and could be called purgatory... Therefore, Kong Rui and the others came forward.

Many of the soldiers below applauded it..."

Liao Jin waved his hand and shut up.

"I lay down, and Yang Xuan took over many affairs, the first of which was the Northern Xinjiang Army. But he didn't move..."

The entourage said: "Yes! He has been busy reading documents with Liu Sima and others recently, saying what Pan's family background is."

"Kong and Rui are stupid!"

The attendant was shocked, "This..."

Liao Jin beat his thigh several times, but still felt nothing, "Although I'm lying down, Yang Xuan still has to respect me for many things, so it's inevitable that his hands and feet are tied up.

It's not easy for him to interfere with the Northern Xinjiang Army at the moment, that's why.

It was a provocation for Kong and Rui to take action, and it was only natural for Yang Xuan to take action.

These two idiots gave him the opportunity to take action, which was beyond stupid."

The entourage said: "But this matter... is difficult! Even the brothers in the army are quite dissatisfied."

"Look!" Liao Jin looked at his thigh with a lonely look in his eyes, "Look at his wrist."

Followed by silence.

Liao Jin rubbed his thighs, "I once complained that my legs were not as flexible as when I was young, but occasionally I think about it. If I walk slower, I look more majestic, and I can think slowly...

When a person gets old, when doing something, he will think about it before and after, think about all the possibilities, and think about the worst possibility several times...

I think this is immature.

But looking at Yang Xuan and Kong Rui's provocation, I must think carefully about the motives behind this matter, the possible means of these two people and those behind them, and then think about the consequences of this matter.

, what is the worst result, how should I deal with it... maybe deal with it."

Zhongcheng... is old. The eyes of the entourage are full of melancholy.

Liao Jin suddenly smiled, "If my legs and feet were intact, I would probably scold Yang Xuan at this moment.

Hey! Young people, don’t be impulsive when doing things, think carefully and think before and after.

But he just left. I bet that he left within a quarter of an hour at most after receiving the news."

The attendant said: "In less than a quarter of an hour, I almost went there as soon as I received the news."

"Look, young people are so impatient. When something happens, they wish they could fly over. As for any difficulties, put them aside for now... It's great to be young."

Liao Jin gradually lowered his head, as if he was about to take a nap.

The entourage retreated quietly.

"Tell me those people."

Liao Jin suddenly spoke and his followers stopped, "What do you mean by Ah Lang... to teach Yang Xuan a lesson?"

Liao Jin lies down. If he wants to continue to exert influence, he must check and balance... The first thing is to check and balance Yang Xuan's power.

"I also thought... When I couldn't sleep at night, I also thought that my life has been wasted like this? Shouldn't the last days be crazy? It's like a candle, it is the hottest when it burns to the end."

Liao Jin shook his head, "But this is Northern Xinjiang! Tell them not to follow the trend and make trouble."

The generals of the Northern Xinjiang Army are gathering.

On the school field, more than 10,000 soldiers were a little uneasy.

Also a little impatient.

Ru'an came, walked to Helianyan's side, and whispered something.

He Lianyan's eyes were calm, and she walked to Yang Xuan's side later.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but follow this legendary woman.

The niece of the current Northern Liao Emperor has followed He Lianchun to Tanzhou since she was a child. In Tanzhou, she was in charge of He Lianchun's confidential affairs. As He Lianchun's representative to the outside world, she traveled around and controlled three major ministries...

Later, he turned back and became a mysterious person next to Boss Yang. He was mysterious because the outside world couldn't figure out He Lianyan's authority. Some people said that he was in charge of secret spies, but a deputy envoy of Jiedu didn't need any spies.

Yang Xuan usually takes He Lianyan with him when he goes out. It can be seen that this charming woman who makes men fall in love at first sight has become his confidant.

"Lang Jun, someone is secretly working together to instigate the generals to oppose Lang Jun's training methods..."

"In this clear sky, all kinds of monsters and monsters are out. Are you watching?"

"Ru'an's two disciples are following." He Lianyan said.

Yang Xuan squinted his eyes.

He Lianyan turned around and nodded slightly to Ru'an.

Ru'an disappeared outside the school grounds.

Nan He came over and said, "Mr. Lang, except for one person who is in bed to recuperate, everyone is here."

Yang Xuan took a look and said, "The man lying in bed..."

Nan He said: "I have been bedridden for more than ten days."

Yang Xuan was suddenly startled, thinking how could I become suspicious?

Isn't this suspicion?

However, he was relieved immediately.

As a boss, the managers of the branches below have different ideas, and it is normal to be suspicious. If you are not jealous, that is stupid.

The generals were whispering.

Until Yang Xuan walked to the front of the high platform.

This is the first time that the deputy envoy to Northern Xinjiang has made an appearance in the military since taking up his duties.

The generals gathered together and looked at Yang Xuan.

"Leading the army to fight, most of those present today have experienced more than me."

Yang Xuan's opening remarks elicited mixed reactions from everyone.

But they all felt that Deputy Ambassador Yang was timid.

"To raise an army for a thousand days and to use it for a while, it is not only the mission of the army, but also the nature of the army. The army must drill and sweat more on weekdays, so that it can bleed less in wartime!"

This is so insightful!

The generals couldn't help but their eyes lit up.

A group of sticks... Boss Yang looked at the reaction of the generals and said: "But how to drill is a science. Some people say that the Northern Xinjiang Army has been practicing according to the original method for decades, why should it change? This makes sense!



Kong Rui was startled and glanced at Huang Zhang, wondering whether the deputy envoy wanted to take the opportunity to show his goodwill to everyone?

If so, wouldn’t we have made wedding clothes?

He looked at the generals, and sure enough, most of them were smiling, obviously very satisfied with Yang Xuan's gesture.

There is no first in literature, no second in military affairs.

Even if you are a famous general of the Tang Dynasty, when it comes to training, we will not piss you off!

This is human nature!

There was a look of disappointment in Huang Zhang's eyes, followed by panic.

He couldn't help but look at Kong Rui angrily.

Yang Xuan relented, and all the generals were happy. Kong Rui would go to Chang'an before he was in trouble, so all Yang Xuan's anger could only be directed at him.

I seem to have been sold!

Huang Zhang clenched his fists.

"But everything is moving forward. In the fights many years ago, with bronze swords and wooden sticks on both sides, they rushed without any rules. A fierce general could break up a group of soldiers.

Time has changed, and gradually, the art of war is advancing, and the methods of training are also changing...

Nowadays, the array is more flexible and tighter. A strong general can rush into the array, but it is difficult to move forward in an indomitable way! This is progress!"

Yang Xuan said slowly: "Some people say that when it comes to the art of war and training, no one will accept it!"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"I am the deputy envoy." Yang Xuan stretched out a finger, "Under my training, the death camp became the Taiping Army that frightened the three major grassland tribes. Under my training, the Chenzhou Army became the first in northern Xinjiang.

One army.

Wait, why are you dissatisfied?"

The generals looked angry.

Before they could get angry, Yang Xuan waved his hand, "Don't accept it? Pull it out and run around!"

He waved his hand and five hundred Chenzhou troops marched forward.

Yang Xuan pointed to the five hundred Chenzhou Army, "The most powerful of the Northern Xinjiang Army, pull out five hundred of them!"

The generals became excited.

After a dispute, Zhang Du's Xuan Jiaqi and Jiang Cunzhong's subordinates were left alone.

Five hundred officers and soldiers of the Northern Xinjiang Army formed an array.

Opposite Chen Zhoujun.

"How to compete?" someone asked.

Yang Xuan said: "Stop!"

Kong Rui said: "Is that the array? Deputy envoy, I think that standing like this is useless..."

Yang Xuan remained silent.

The two teams of soldiers stood there, looking at each other.

Chen Zhoujun wants to support Boss Yang, but on the other hand, he wants to support the original old rules.

The generals were a little contemptuous at first.

"What's the use of standing? If standing can be useful, then there is no need to practice all day long. From morning to night, stand first."

"There is also such a drill method in the army. When practicing formations, the soldiers have to stand. But he... stands all the time!"

Time passes.

The generals muttered less.

They are looking both ways.

The five hundred men of the Northern Xinjiang Army were shaking a little at this moment, and their eyes were not right, and their look of patience was obvious.

Look at the other side again.

Not moving at all.

That look!

The sharpness reminds me of the blade of a horizontal sword.

Sparkling and frightening.

The sun is shining brightly, making people feel hot all over.

The generals couldn't stand it anymore, but if Yang Xuan didn't move, they couldn't move either.

No, they can move, at least they can move their hands and feet.

But the soldiers standing on both sides could only remain motionless.

Whoever moves loses!

Sweat soaked through the clothes from the inside out, and the wet marks were growing.

The sweat on my face was flowing freely, and my whole body was itchy, but I couldn't scratch it.

Someone's body started to shake.

It's from the Northern Xinjiang Army.

More and more people are shaking.

Some people's eyes were blank, apparently their souls were about to leave their bodies.

On the other side, it remained motionless.

That look in his eyes was still sharp.

Station not working?

This idea is wavering.


Someone from the Northern Xinjiang Army fell down.


The second person falls.

The generals gradually changed their colors.

They couldn't stand it anymore, but Chen Zhoujun's five hundred people still maintained their original appearance.


Among the five hundred people opposite, some kept falling down or sitting down.

The generals gradually looked solemn.


A general fell down.

This face!

Where is the face?!

Those five hundred people remained the same.


The opponents are falling faster and faster.

The rest of the body swayed like a candle in the wind, but still persisted stubbornly.

This is the Northern Xinjiang Army!

But, the way they looked at the man on the high platform changed!


Huang Zhang fell to the ground and then got up with difficulty, his face was bruised and he looked extremely embarrassed.

He looked at the five hundred people and thought, if he encountered such an opponent on the battlefield, who would he be?

A kind of panic arises spontaneously.

A kind of regret also arises spontaneously.

I'm afraid I've found the wrong opponent!

The five hundred people looked like sculptures, motionless.

Yang Xuan took a step forward, "Is that enough?"

No one answered!

He growled: "Is that enough?"

No one spoke.

Yang Xuan's roar echoed over the school grounds.

"What does it mean to have a will as strong as iron? What does it mean to have a command as strong as a mountain? What does it mean to be united as one? Do you understand?"

"You don't understand anything!"

Yang Xuan pointed at himself, "The training method I taught is the top art of war... What is the art of war?"

The old thief took out a pamphlet and charcoal.

Even Tu Shang closed his eyes and listened intently.

"The best art of war is the method of drill. With a strong army in hand, the opponent can sneak attack, divide his troops, and outflank...The enemy comes from many ways, but I only go from one way."

The amount of information in this passage is too great. The generals are savoring it, and those with high understanding have closed their eyes and are listening intently.

"The so-called art of war refers to various methods devised by subordinates who are not strong enough. To defeat the strong with the weak, this is the art of war, but it is more helpless."

With a strong army in hand, what kind of strategy is there? Just make no mistakes and push through step by step.

"What does it mean to remain unchanged for decades? The only thing that remains unchanged for decades is underpants!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Then, contemplate.

A group of sticks, Yang Xuan waved his hand, "Have a rest!"

Chen Zhoujun began to move his body.

"Bring in another five hundred people!"

Five hundred Northern Xinjiang troops were brought.

"Leave the city."

Yang Xuan led everyone out of the city until they reached a big river outside the city.

"Move forward!"

Yang Xuan gave an order.

Uda sent Maza and said, "Master, sit down."

Yang Xuan sat down, with a group of generals behind him.

The generals were much more respectful at this moment.

Behind him are arranged according to rank.

Kong and Rui are also there.

But, his eyes flickered.

The two groups of sergeants walked towards the river.

Puff puff puff!

He Lianyan leaned over and said, "Aren't you going to save face for them, Mr. Lang?"

Yang Xuan shook his head, "Face is given by others, but you lose it yourself!"

Kong Rui found that the confidants around Yang Xuan looked strange, as if they were gloating about his misfortune. From the beginning to now, no one looked nervous or worried.

This discovery made his heart skip a beat.

Puff puff puff!

We are already treading water ahead.

But it still doesn't stop.

What does this mean?

On the left is Chen Zhoujun, with steady steps.

On the right is the newly arrived Northern Xinjiang Army. At this moment, their feet are gradually stumbling.

The water reached my waist.

Chen Zhoujun on the left is still moving forward.

The Northern Xinjiang Army on the right is moving slower and slower.

The water flowed to his chest, and Chen Zhoujun on the left continued to move forward.

The Northern Xinjiang Army on the right hesitated, and many stopped and moved their hands to maintain balance.

Chen Zhoujun on the left continued to move forward...even if he was floating, he was still struggling to move forward.

Most of the Northern Xinjiang Army on the right stopped, or even retreated.


Yang Xuan stood up and looked at this scene with his hands behind his hands.

Turning around, he asked, "Are you convinced?"

This was the most superior art of war, but Yang Xuan gave it to these generals without hesitation.

Logically speaking, these people should kneel down and call Master.

However, some people actually stood up to provoke and oppose... What kind of mentality is this?

Either stupid or bad!

The generals were sincerely convinced and knelt down.

"I'll wait and be convinced!"

This chapter has been completed!
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