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Chapter 736 Your Majesty, Confused

"Go quickly!"

King Wei stood at the entrance of the alley, holding a hammer in his hand.


The plainclothes guards mounted their horses and drove away.

"If you give it away, I won't give it away."

Li Han stood to the side, hidden in the shadows.

King Wei looked at him sideways and said, "Your Aye has broken his leg and is now a useless person. Prince Liang is so cruel, just like my own Aye. It is said that you are the one who decides most things in Prince Liang's house now.

Is it okay to send a few guards to Northern Xinjiang?"

Li Han leaned against the wall and said lazily: "There are many people staring at me, especially that beast. He wishes he could find something to do with me and send me to prison.

If he finds out that I sent people to Northern Xinjiang, the emperor will know about it the next moment.

Then, in a fit of rage, he exiled me to southern Xinjiang..."

King Wei turned around and said, "Be careful!"


Li Han suddenly stopped him, "If Zitai loses, then of course there is no need to say anything. For Zhou's sake, he has to be exiled. What if he wins?"

King Wei turned his back to him and said in a deep voice: "What do you want to say?"

"You also know Zitai's temperament, and he is the one with clear grievances. Those idiots in the court are probably still thinking that even if everything fails, it won't matter. Just like Huang Chunhui and Liao Jin, do Zitai still dare to fall out?

But I always feel that Zitai is afraid that he will fall out."

"Probably, there will be a memorial at the meeting, and everyone below the emperor will be criticized."

"I always feel like it's more than that."

"The king has nothing to do with that."

"Hey!" Li Hanqi exerted force on his back, leaned against the wall, and the person bounced over, "If Zitai can control Northern Xinjiang, that bitch of the King of Yue will not be able to be arrogant in front of you."

It is common sense that southern Xinjiang cannot compare with northern Xinjiang.

"I hope it won't be used." King Wei left.

Li Han smiled and said, "I hope so! However, I always feel that those people think of Zitai as too kind. A person who can invent Jingguan and a person who can invent poles, could he be a philanthropic person?"

When I got home, Li Han's confidant came over.

"Xiao Langjun, the few people who were watching the mansion before left after King Wei's guards set off."

Li Han sneered, "Someone is going to intercept King Wei's guards. In this case, my people will go to Northern Xinjiang!"

He turned around and ordered: "Three of you, go to the south. After ten miles away from Chang'an, take a detour to the north. Remember to separate and keep running. Whoever can reach Northern Xinjiang before Tian Xiao and others will receive one hundred thousand coins!"


"Tell Zitai that thunder is coming!"

Mirror stand.

In Zhao Sanfu's check-in room.

He was sitting on his knees behind a table, and a thin man was kneeling in front of him.

"A group of people will set out later to seek information from Northern Xinjiang. You should follow them, break away from them halfway, and rush to Northern Xinjiang quickly. Tell Yang Xuan... the storm is coming, take care!"



Thunder rumbled outside.

It rained heavily.

Zhao Sanfu walked outside the duty room, looked at the rain curtain, and whispered: "Back then, we stood at the top of Chang'an City and swore to protect the lights of thousands of houses.

As time has passed, you have become the deputy envoy to Northern Xinjiang who is feared by the emperor, and I have become a being who can compete with Wang Shou.

We are all working hard, but I often feel at a loss, looking at everything in front of me, power, wealth, wine and beauty...

I am persisting, and I hope you will also... try your best!

Zitai, you must hold on!"

Under the same sky, Liang Jing was drinking.

While he was pouring himself a drink, the maid tried to come in, but he shouted and scolded her to leave.

When a staff member wanted to report something, he threw a wine glass at him and made him run away with his head in his arms.

"No one is allowed to come near."

"Take orders!"

It's quiet outside.

Liang Jing picked up the wine bottle and started drinking.


He put down the empty wine bottle and let out a long breath.

Looking at the north with drunken eyes.

"Brother, I know you look down on me.

When I was just the concubine's brother, you and I got along quite well.

When I become the emperor's loyal dog, you think I have fallen. But brother, I have to fall!"

Liang Jing let out a wine belch and flicked the wine bottle off the eucalyptus table.

"My sister seems to be favored in the palace, but she has no heirs after all.

How long can the emperor's favor last? Your Majesty is in good health, but time is not forgiving.

The last time I went there, I saw that the bags under his eyes were much bigger. If you were here, you would definitely say it was kidney deficiency.

Haha! After he left, the only one who could succeed him was the King of Yue.

When the King of Yue came to power, the first thing he did was to kill us brothers and sisters.

I know it, and my sister also knows it, but what should I do?

Even if I want to go back to Shu, it would be better to hang out with those evil young men all day than to fight with a group of sanctimonious hypocrites in Chang'an.

It can’t be done! He doesn’t allow it!

The majesty of the emperor does not allow anyone to disobey, not even his children and grandchildren.

What can I do?

What can you do?

Huang Chunhui has become an official. If you show your loyalty to His Majesty, it will not stop at this moment!

I know that you are stubborn at heart, but this is a matter of losing your head!

After Liao Jin was assassinated, this is your last chance.

All you need is a memorandum. Let Your Majesty deal with Northern Xinjiang, and there will be no disaster today!

Hey! At worst, I can go to southern Xinjiang to serve as deputy envoy to Jiedu for a few terms to contain Zhang Chumao. Then I can become His Majesty's confidant.

How good?

How nice!

How wonderful!


Liang Jing looked outside and patted the table, "Great future!

Great future!

Brother, I want it,

You don’t want it, you don’t bother to want it!

Ha ha ha ha!"

In a Taoist temple in Chang'an.


A servant girl was outside the quiet room.

A voice came from the room, "What's going on?"

"Letter from Northern Xinjiang."

"I don't want to see it!"

"Princess, I bravely opened it and looked at it. Liao Zhongcheng said, in the next life, I will be Princess Shang!"

Indoors, there was a bang.

The maid opened the door, and a grey-haired woman was sitting on her knees inside, tears streaming down her dull face.

"Prepare the carriage."


"He can't do it anymore. That stubborn old guy will only regret all this when he doesn't do it anymore. I'm going to Northern Xinjiang!"

That day, there was a carriage and more than ten guards.

The palace received the news.

Princess Ningcheng, who had not been to a Taoist temple for many years, went on a trip.


Northern Xinjiang!

On the road from Luoyang to Chang'an, a group of carriages and horses walked slowly.

The mission of this trip was completed successfully, and Qin Jian was quite happy.

Go back, this is another qualification!

Qualifications are a symbol of ability for officials.

It is also an essential part of promotion.

Han Shitou was in the carriage and didn't say a word since he left Gongling.

Qin Jian heard the officials accompanying him talking privately, saying that Han Shitou was as cautious as a stone, no wonder it could be used by His Majesty for many years.


Qin Jian was somewhat envious of Han Shitou's determination.

If it were him, he would never be able to do it.


Several horses came galloping.

"Where is Young Inspector Han?"

The car curtain opened, and Han Shitou's sharp voice came, "What's the matter?"

As soon as he dismounted, he trotted over and said at the side of the carriage: "Your Majesty is summoning you urgently!"

"But..." Han Shitou stopped talking after he started speaking. This caution made the people around him avoid him consciously.

The visitor looked around and whispered: "The deputy envoy of Northern Xinjiang, Yang Xuan, was selling the captured grain. His Majesty was furious and sent people to Northern Xinjiang..."

This is the emperor's plan for northern Xinjiang!

Whenever there is such a big event, Han Shitou must be by his side to serve him.

Han Shitou's eyes were calm, "Who went?"

"Tian Xiao, a Hanlin scholar, and two old monsters, the two principals of the mirror..."

"Your Majesty is determined to win."


Han Shitou changed his horse and galloped along with a few followers.

In the palace, the emperor has been in a good mood recently.

Han Shitou arrived in a hurry and saw that the emperor was dancing with his concubine.

Pas de deux.

The two looked at each other lovingly and held hands...

Han Shitou came in.

"The stone is back."

The emperor still held the imperial concubine's hand, with something strange in his eyes, but obviously, his body did not allow him to do so frequently now.

"Your Majesty, your trip is going well..."

Han Shitou told what happened.

The emperor nodded frequently. After hearing about the birds, a stern look flashed in his eyes, but it quickly dissipated.

"You're here just in time. Keep an eye on the mirror. If there is any news about Northern Xinjiang, send it to you immediately. Also, keep an eye on the North Korean affairs regarding Northern Xinjiang."

"Yes." Han Shitou looked disgraced, and the emperor secretly approved, "Go! Rest for two days first."

"No." Han Shitou moved his body and said, "I'm not tired, slave."


The emperor smiled.

Han Shitou went back to change his clothes, and several of his confidants took turns reporting on recent events.

After listening, Han Shitou asked: "What's going on over there in Northern Xinjiang?"

A confidant said: "Yang Xuan returned to the city from the south and seized a lot of grain. He was fighting with the powerful people over the price of grain. When he came back, he smashed the grain out and one guy lowered the grain price by 30%.

Those powerful people suffered a loss and naturally refused to give up, and then they wrote to Chang'an..."


Han Shitou waved his hand.

The confidants resigned, and Han Shitou leaned against the wall, soaking his feet in the hot water.

Sigh softly.

He said silently: "Your Majesty, please protect me!"

He knew very well that if the emperor failed this time, his young master would not hesitate to take advantage of the situation and open up the relationship between Northern Xinjiang and Chang'an.

Further than ever!

Only in this way can we completely win over the hearts and minds of the soldiers and civilians in Northern Xinjiang.

But, can it?

The false emperor still holds great righteousness, and the people sent this time are very complicated. They are from the official, from the stage, and from the palace. They are a three-pronged approach. This is to suppress Yang Xuan from a legal perspective and from an authoritative perspective.

what to do?

Han Shitou sat there calmly, remaining motionless until the basin of water cooled down.


It was getting dark, so Han Shitou wiped his feet and put on his shoes and socks.

Got up and walked to the bedroom.

Kneel down before an idol.

He said piously and silently:

"We are willing to use our own lifespan to exchange for the little master to survive this disaster safely!"

The idol is dull.

Han Shitou slowly raised his head.

His expression was solemn.

"The gods should be useful! Let us burn the useless gods!"

This summer, the people in northern Xinjiang are very happy.

"I've met the deputy envoy!"

Yang Xuan took people on a tour, and when the people saw him, they felt joy and happiness from the bottom of their hearts, which made him quite comfortable.

"How much food has your family collected this year?"

Yang Xuan asked cordially.

The person he was questioning was an old man. The old man counted on his fingers for a long time. Yang Xuan stopped the entourage from interrupting and waited patiently.

"There are so many!" The old man lost count and his eyes were a little dazed, "I can eat them for a long time!"

"That's good!"

The powerful people couldn't hold on any longer, so a large amount of grain flooded into the market and was sold at a price that was 30% lower than the market price.

People purchase rations based on their household registration and population. According to Yang Xuan's estimation, if they save more, this year to next will be the happiest year.

However, possible disasters were not taken into account.

After all, people have limited money.

At the last moment, Yang Xuan quietly asked people to take action and purchased the grain from many powerful people.

Businessmen from Northern Xinjiang began to deliver news to Northern Liao.

Food, as much as you need.

The merchants of Beiliao took action without hesitation.

The prosperity of all kinds of smuggling made Wang Laoer very unhappy, because when he was traveling with scouts, he had to first identify whether the caravan was a real caravan or whether it was a disguised Northern Liao scout.

Food keeps pouring into the warehouses in northern Xinjiang, and money keeps flowing out.

Yang Xuan’s instruction is, just buy it!

Buy as much as you can!

Liu Qing was so worried about this that he spent all day arranging resources in the Jiedushi's house. His old wife thought he had someone outside, so she came to the door with a servant and a big wooden stick, which was widely reported as a joke.

"Deputy envoy!"

A petty official caught up and said, "Zhongcheng, please ask the deputy envoy to go."

Liao Jin had been silent all this time, but now he suddenly spoke. Yang Xuan knew that the critical moment had come.

He went to Liao's house alone.

Han Ji, the old thief and others continued their inspection.

After walking a few steps, Han Ji said: "Old thief, take a few brothers to have a look."

The old thief looked at him and said, "Mr. Lang didn't give any orders."

Han Ji said: "Lang Jun feels fearless, but I believe that in everything, it is better to be careful, especially at such critical times."

The old thief was startled, "What do you want to say? What is the important time?"

Han Ji shook his head, "Many things cannot be said until they are revealed. I can only tell you to wait, Lang Jun is playing chess, a very big game!"

The old thief took a deep breath at the chess game that made even Madman Han so cautious.

He won't complain that your husband didn't tell him. For many things, the fewer people know about them, the better. It's not that he doesn't trust you, but that the matter is too important.


The old thief turned around and said, "Second brother, go home and ask your wife what to have for dinner."

Han Ji said calmly: "Yesterday, the number of guards in the backyard increased by five. Peace of mind."

The old thief looked back and said slyly: "There is only one thing that can make Mr. Lang so cautious..."

His body was hot with excitement, and Han Ji said: "Our people are watching from all four gates at the moment, just waiting for the messenger from Chang'an."

Han Ji said enthusiastically: "The day when Lang Jun takes control of Northern Xinjiang is coming!"

Yang Xuan arrived at Liao's house.

Liao Jin saw him in the main hall for the first time.

Very formal.

Tea, good quality.

Liao Jin waved his hand and the servant stepped back.

"Breaking the south and returning to the city, seizing a huge amount of grain, selling it to suppress the price of grain, the powerful have suffered a lot of losses, and the people are cheering for you... So, have you ever thought about Chang'an's response?"

Yang Xuan took a sip of tea and said, "When Zhongcheng was first injured, doctors came and went frequently, but recently, doctors have not come. I can't ask, but I know that the government has not purchased any medicinal materials recently."

Liao Jin touched his unconscious leg, "I never thought of hiding it from you. This leg is useless. Gradually, my waist is no longer strong... The doctor was at his wits' end and said, if this continues, I will eventually be covered in wounds all over my body.

Unable to move, I can only starve to death."

He looked up at Yang Xuan and said, "Once I can't stand it any longer, it will be a matter of course for Chang'an to send an envoy to Jiedushi. You are worried, so you gave Chang'an an excuse to take action."

"Yes, Chang'an has always wanted to do something, but couldn't find an excuse. This time I sold the seized grain, which is quite a bit of an invitation to buy people's hearts."

"People are coming from Chang'an and want to capture you. Aren't you worried that I will support them?"

"Zhongcheng, the current situation in Northern Xinjiang is very dangerous. Chang'an is infiltrating from many directions. Zhongcheng knows that many troops are gradually arriving in the surrounding areas of Northern Xinjiang. Without external pressure, the soldiers and civilians of Northern Xinjiang would not choose to stand with me.


Liao Jin's eyes flashed with pain, "I know it, so I just sit back and watch you give Chang'an an excuse.

But, do you know that if people from Chang'an come to Northern Xinjiang and return in vain, from then on, you will become Pei Jiu's second best and a thorn in the emperor's side.

You will never have a chance to reconcile with Chang'an."

Yang Xuan put down the water glass and said softly: "Zhongcheng, the Tang Dynasty is in danger.

It’s time for Northern Xinjiang to escape from the control of those idiots!”

"Bold!" Liao Jin changed his color.

Yang Xuan had thought about his various reactions before he came, and said calmly at this moment: "I said that I will be loyal to the Tang Dynasty in this life."

"But you are trying to separate Northern Xinjiang from the Tang Dynasty!"

"Northern Xinjiang is still the Northern Xinjiang of the Tang Dynasty!"

Liao Jin was startled.

Yang Xuan said: "But Northern Xinjiang is not subject to chaos!"

What do you mean by messing with life? I think there is something wrong with your will. I'm sorry, but I won't listen. I'll turn around and throw your will to my second son to wipe my ass!

"This is close to treason!" Liao Jin had never thought that Northern Xinjiang could be like this, and he didn't dare to think about it because he felt that it exceeded his cognitive bottom line.

"I said that I will be loyal to the Tang Dynasty in this life." Yang Xuan still used this oath to prevaricate Liao Jin.

Liao Jin's eyes were complicated.

This is the most critical time.

Yang Xuan relaxed all over.

"You come alone to show your honesty." Liao Jin spoke in a cold tone.

Yang Xuan nodded, "I can use means, such as house arrest, but I can put anyone under house arrest, but I can't take action against you and Mr. Huang."

Liao Jin took a real breath of cold air.

"I rarely have a moment of hesitation in my life, even when I decided to leave the woman I loved."

"I have put Zhong Cheng in a difficult situation." Yang Xuan said calmly, "You can also capture me and temporarily control Northern Xinjiang, and then choose a successor..."

But who can resist Chang'an's pressure?

Who has the ability and prestige to lead the army and people of Northern Xinjiang to resist Chang'an's suppression?

Apart from the two people here, there is no third person!

"You are sure that I have no choice!"

Yang Xuan said: "It's easy for Zhongcheng to capture me. Even if he can't capture me, he only needs to shout that I am a traitor. I don't think the soldiers and civilians of Northern Xinjiang will follow me at this moment."

He took a sip of tea and said calmly: "I hope Zhongcheng can control Northern Xinjiang for a long time, but things are not as expected. Once Zhongcheng returns, the first thing His Majesty will do is to clean up Northern Xinjiang. It's a cleanse!


The emperor's methods were ruthless and desperate. That was the case then, and it is even more so now!

A servant came in, and Liao Jin gave him a serious look. According to his instructions, no one was allowed to approach the lobby unless he spoke.

The servant glanced at Yang Xuan and said, "Alang, Deputy Yang's entourage broke in and said they had something important to report."

"Big deal!" Liao Jin nodded.

Han Ji came in with a calm expression.

He walked to Yang Xuan's side and saluted, "Lang Jun, the Chang'an messenger has arrived."

Yang Xuan raised his head, "What's the matter?"

Han Ji said: "Chang'an was furious and sent a group of people, headed by Hanlin scholar Tian Xiao, two directors of the mirror, and two old monsters in the palace... There were hundreds of people in the group, working hard, just two days behind the messenger.



Yang Xuan went around in a big circle, and the moment he planned finally came.

He looked at Liao Jin.

I reiterated again, "I swear to be loyal to the Tang Dynasty in this life, otherwise I will be shot through the heart by random arrows and die!"

He was looking at Liao Jin, waiting for his decision.

Liao Jin lowered his eyes.

Han Ji took a step forward, a stern look flashed in his eyes.

Yang Xuan raised his hand.

Han Ji stepped back.

Liao Jin sighed.

He raised his head, tears flashing in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, Hu Tu!"


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