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Chapter 758 Power Monster

Liu Qing leaned over and looked at Yang Xuan, his hand stopping in front of his forehead.

"What did you say?"

He just felt like there was a buzzing in his mind.

The little boy is trying to trick me.

No, he was just teasing me.

The dog said it!

It’s time to clean up!

Suddenly, a thought flashed through his mind like a flash of lightning.

"Huang Linxiong and those dozens of big men cooperate with each other tacitly and cultivate to achieve success. These people cannot be used except by nobles. Who are they?"

The so-called noble person will naturally not be a powerful person or a high-ranking official.

A majestic figure appeared outside the door.

Hand over.

"Lin Feibao, the commander of the Qiu Long Guard, has met Liu Gong!"

The noise in Liu Qing's mind disappeared.

The whole brain went blank.

Instinctively he said: "The Qiu Long Guards, honor the emperor's guards back then."

"Exactly. Your Majesty ordered us to lie dormant in Chang'an City, waiting for your husband to appear."

The Horned Dragon Guards were scattered in Chang'an City, waiting for Lang Jun to appear. That child...

Liu Qing breathed rapidly, "Your surname is Yang!"

Yang Xuan nodded, "It was before."

"Yang Lue!"




"Where are the others?"

"The mirror searched all over the world, but he took refuge in the Southern Zhou Dynasty."

No wonder he is so eager to be promoted and wants to control everything in Northern Xinjiang.

Yang Xuan stood up. He knew that Liu Qing needed time to digest the news and would most likely have insomnia tonight.

He turned around and went out.

Lin Feibao took out a sign and Liu Qing took a look at it.

Qiu Longwei!

The three words were vigorous and powerful. By chance, he had seen the calligraphy of "Filial Piety to the Emperor", and these three words were exactly "Filial Piety to the Emperor" in his own handwriting.

He thought of Yi Niang!

That woman had an extraordinary temperament. He had occasionally thought about it, but could not figure it out. Now that everything was revealed, he suddenly realized it.

Isn't that the female official in the palace?

Only the female officials in the palace have such temperament.


Yang Xuan didn't look back, "Mr. Liu, turn around and read."


Liu Qing's body was shaken.

Hand over.

My nose felt sore inexplicably and I opened my mouth.

"I have met His Highness!"

Yang Xuan stood outside the door, looking at the dull clouds and blue sky, "Finally it has begun."

After going to the Yamen later in the evening, Liu Qing returned home, still absent-minded. His old wife suspected that the woman had come to seduce him again, so she hurriedly asked her attendants.

"No, even the flies around Alang are male."


The old wife felt relieved and prepared some delicious food for Liu Qing.

"Bring me the wine!"

Liu Qing was half drunk.

Zitai, Prince...

Cao Ying, Yiniang.

Yang Lue.

Lin Feibao.

He sat on the bed, looked at his wife Zhuang in front of the dressing table, and said: "A man was bullied and wanted revenge. I just happen to be able to help him. Do you want to help?"

"Of course I have to help." Mr. Zhuang said as he took off his headdress.

"If you fail, you will be implicated."

Liu Qing touched the jade pendant on his waist, thinking about the current situation in his mind.

The emperor still has a righteous name, Chang'an's army is hoarding... Bei Liao is staring at northern Xinjiang.

It’s difficult!

Mr. Zhuang put the hairpin in the jewelry box, stood up and came over, frowning and saying: "In the past, you would not hesitate when encountering such things. Why today? Could it be... that woman?"

"How could I not help? It's just..."

"It's just that you are worried and don't know the success or failure of this matter, so you ask me! How many years have you been having this problem? Can't you change it?"

"If things fail..."

"Then what's the point? If you don't do anything wrong, you'll live your whole life, and if you do something, you'll feel happy. If things fail, things will fail. Don't people always fail in life?"


Don’t we always fail in our life?

"Be honest with your conscience!" Mr. Zhuang sat down.

Liu Qing was not hesitant, but was shocked by the news and needed someone to explain it.

At this moment, the ideas in my mind gradually became clearer.

He put his arms around his wife's slightly bloated waist.

We are an old married couple, and we only have sex once every ten and a half months. The last time we had sex was three days ago, so Zhuang felt weird, "You..."

"I am happy!"

After a while, Mr. Zhuang gasped, "Have you taken the rejuvenation pill?"

"Fart! Watch the trick!"

After a long while, Mr. Zhuang gasped, "Continue!"

"Ouch! My waist!"

After a while, Liu Qing lowered his head and said, "I'm sleepy."

Zhuang was angry, "Did you get ripped off by that woman?"

Liu Qing, "I have worked hard today!"

"I told him."

Yang Xuan summoned Cao Ying and Yiniang to talk about the matter.

"Liu Qing is on Lang Jun's side and has long been regarded as a ally by Chang'an, so there is no need to worry that he will fall out. However, it still depends on whether he is afraid." Cao Ying scratched her head, "After all, it can happen if you are not careful.

The ending of the whole family being executed."

"The pseudo-emperor and his son are ruthless. They have never stopped purging His Majesty's people in these years. If this fails, the entire Northern Xinjiang will be in turmoil." Yi Niang was a little happy, "This is a certificate of surrender!"

When Yang Xuan ordered her and Cao Ying to submit a surrender certificate, they went to kill the He family's guard commander.

This trick is really useful.

The two of them couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when they thought about this.

"Liu Qing, I'm sure." Yang Xuan said, "I was thinking about Han Ji. After thinking about it for a long time, I finally felt that I was too eager. Where he is, wait a little longer."

"What Lang Jun said is true." Cao Ying said, "Han Ji will wait a moment."

Yang Xuan nodded, and then Cao Ying left.

Yi Niang looked at Yang Xuan and said, "Mr. Sir, please don't overwork yourself. You must know that many things must be done step by step. There is no need to rush."

"I know." Liu Qing also said it today. In the past, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

"There are some complaints from Lao Cao," Yi Niang said.

There are so many things!

Yang Xuan rubbed his eyebrows and said, "I will talk to him."

"He doesn't have any bad intentions, he just thinks too highly of himself." Yi Niang reminded her vaguely.

"I know."

Yang Xuan returned to the bedroom and Zhou Ning had already fallen asleep.

He carefully touched it from the edge. It was slightly cold in the morning and evening, so he lay down and covered himself with a thin quilt.


After a busy day, I feel relaxed and relaxed now, so comfortable.

The wife next to me is pretending to sleep.

Yang Xuan closed his eyes and thought about the current situation.

Chang'an's suppression was a bad thing for Northern Xinjiang, but for him, it was a timely blessing.

The more severe the suppression, the more the soldiers and people in northern Xinjiang hate the puppet emperor.

He was a little excited.

Turn sideways and reach out.

"It's late at night!" Zhou Ning stopped pretending and opened his eyes.

"It's such a good day and such a good night! An Ning, shouldn't you do something?"

"do what?"

"Give Ah Liang a younger brother or sister or something."

"But it's too late!"

“Don’t be afraid of being late for a good meal!”

"It's really late!"

"What's the meaning?"

"It's coming."

Yang Xuan was dejected.

The wife's relatives came and went to bed.

When he woke up the next day, Yang Xuan stretched out his hand and touched the void, and his heart was also empty.

He didn't open his eyes, "Aning!"


Zhou Ning sat in front of the dressing table, "It's time to get up."

"If Liang can't afford it, I can't afford it!"


Early in the morning, A Liang's shouts were full of life.


Zheng Wuniang let A Liang in, and Fugui was wagging his tail outside. He wanted to follow the little master in, but was blocked by the threshold and spun around anxiously.


Ah Liang is a loyal person, so he turned around and called him.

Zheng Wuniang put Fugui in. As soon as he came in, Fugui started to behave, ran to the bed, raised his two paws, and wanted to get on the bed.

Yang Xuan turned sideways and reached out to touch its head.

Fugui stuck out his tongue and licked his hand, his tail wagging more and more happily.


A Liang was also lying beside the bed, looking at him curiously.

One person and one dog, lying side by side, is very interesting.

Yang Xuan touched his head and said, "Good morning, Ah Liang!"

Ah Liang was climbing, making a squeaking noise.

Hold the edge of the bed with both hands, try your best to open your lower legs, put them on the edge of the bed, and use your small body to exert strength.


Ah Liang was trying hard with his forehead, but his strength was too weak and he couldn't go up.

Yang Xuan waved his hand to signal Zhou Ning not to come to help, and he just watched his son climbing hard.

Many people say that children look older at the age of three. Whatever the nature of a three-year-old child, it is generally difficult to change it in the future.

He wanted to see his son's temperament.


Ah Liang tried hard again and again, but to no avail.


His little face turned red.

At this moment, Fugui ran up behind him and bumped into him hard.

A Liang exerted more force and flipped it over.

Then he rolled around happily on the bed.

Yang Xuan glanced at Fugui and smiled, "Okay!"

There is no lack of perseverance, which makes him very satisfied.

He will conquer the country, and by the time A Liang arrives, there should be no large-scale wars in the world. What A Liang needs to do is to maintain the status quo and change the Tang Dynasty bit by bit.

Fugui's help reminded him of Cao Ying and others.

"One hero and three gangs!"

Yang Xuan got up and said, "Here comes someone."

"Lang Jun." Yan Xiao came in.

Yang Xuan pointed at Fugui and said, "Let the kitchen cook a good meal for Fugui in the morning."

Zhou Ning finished dressing up, "Zitai, didn't you say that rich people eat whatever they eat? Why is that?"

When I was in Xiaohe Village, the people in the village raised dogs, and they basically made dog food from leftover food eaten by people, plus some miscellaneous things.

But many times, there is not enough food for people, so dogs roam around the village looking for food.

Yang Xuan said: "Any meritorious service must be rewarded!"

His son will definitely need someone to help him in the future.

Gradually it will gain its own power.


Yang Xuan inexplicably thought of the relationship between the empress and the filial emperor.


He leaned over and picked up A Liang, and said, "We two need to be well."

He just expressed his feelings, but A Liang shouted loudly, "Okay!"

Yang Xuan was startled and kissed his cheek hard, "Okay!"

The father and son laughed at each other.

One is happy and the other is innocent.

Zhou Ning came over and asked, "Why are you so happy?"

Yang Xuan couldn't explain it clearly, but he felt an indescribable joy.

He hoped that this emotion would last until the day he died.

He held his wife's waist and whispered: "Many times, people have to learn to make choices. I don't want to be a monster controlled by power."

Zhou Ning looked at him, "Then don't do it!"


The family of three laughed happily in the morning light.

In a village more than ten miles away from Taoxian County, Princess Ningcheng walked out of the farmhouse where she stayed last night.

The maid followed, "Princess, let's rest for another day!"

Princess Ning Cheng shook her head, "I have been resting for a long time. I have been resting for these years. It's time to go and see that idiot."

The maid smiled, "That's Liao Zhongcheng."

Princess Ning Cheng shook her head, got on the carriage, "Let's go!"

In the morning, Yang Xuan went to the Jiedushi Mansion first.

"Zitai is here."

Old Liu had a calm expression on his face.

But, why is there a bruise on the bridge of my nose?

"Mr. Liu, the bridge of your nose..."

Liu Qing sighed: "I bumped into the bed last night."

Last night, Mr. Zhuang suddenly became jealous and forced him to talk about his relationship with that woman. Finally, he scratched him a few times and accidentally hit the bridge of his nose with his forehead.

That shrew must have done it on purpose!

Liu Qing touched the bridge of his nose and blinked in pain.

He coughed dryly and said, "Zitai, it's time to talk to Zhongcheng."

He didn't know Yang Xuan's identity before and felt that Liao Jin could share the pressure for Yang Xuan for a day.

But now that he knew Yang Xuan's identity, he felt that it would be better for Liao Jin to leave earlier.

When Liao Jin returned to Chang'an to recuperate, the soldiers and civilians of Northern Xinjiang would naturally regard Yang Xuan as the military governor, and his authority gradually gathered. Moreover, with Liao Jin's absence, Yang Xuan also had fewer constraints.

Everyone is happy isn’t it!

Yang Xuan shook his head, "Wait a little longer!"

"What are you waiting for?" Liu Qing said softly: "The sooner this happens, the better. Zitai, you must learn to kill decisively!"

The earlier it is, the more conducive it is for Yang Xuan to establish his authority. The earlier it is, the more conducive it is for Yang Xuan to control northern Xinjiang!

To fight against rebellion and control a force, one must learn to kill decisively...Brother Meng De from another world is a model.

"I grew up in the countryside. I remember everyone who was kind to me since I was a child. To this day, I still remember that my neighbor once gave me a piece of cake.

A great cause requires decisive action, but Liao Jin also helped me. Not to mention kindness, at least it was friendship.

If you have to sacrifice friendship in order to achieve great success, then..."

Yang Xuan pointed to his chest and said seriously: "I would rather go back to Xiaohe Village and become an Orion again!"

Later, he arrived at Liao's house alone.

In the early morning, the yard looked a little lonely.

Liao Jin was sitting under the eaves, with his back leaning against a wooden pillar.

The morning light shines in the courtyard, and the grass and trees gradually wither, just like his body at this moment.

The crisp chirping of birds on the roof brings a touch of life.

Liao Jin looked at the yard blankly, his mind filled with memories of the past.

"Alang, Deputy Ambassador Yang is here."


Liao Jin looked up and saw Yang Xuan standing in the courtyard.

"I've met Zhongcheng!" Yang Xuan saluted.

"Zitai!" Liao Jin smiled, "Why are you here?"

These words are a bit sour and a bit harsh.

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "The autumn weather is crisp and clear, I came to see Zhongcheng. It just so happens that I have to ask Zhongcheng for advice on some troublesome matters."

When the steward saw Liao Jin from the side, his eyes suddenly became brighter.

Immediately, Yang Xuan asked Liao Jin for advice on several official matters.

"An official took 100 yuan from the government and returned it ten days later. Some people said that they wanted to dispose of it, while others said that the money was small, and the man returned it on his own. It can be seen that it was just a borrowing, not a greedy one..."

It's a small thing.

Yang Xuan brought this matter out specifically to create a sense of superiority for Liao Jin - this kid is really worthless and can't even handle such things well!

I should teach him a lesson!

Liao Jin shook his head, "Don't be soft on this matter, be decisive, otherwise the officials below will climb up the pole. One hundred dollars this time, one thousand dollars next time."

This time it will be returned within ten days, next time it will be gone and never come back.

Don't start this way! Don't be soft..."

His face was rosy when he spoke, and his voice was as loud as a bell.

After asking a few questions, Yang Xuan said: "The autumn weather is refreshing, so Zhongcheng should go out and take a look."

"The autumn air is crisp..." Liao Jin was startled.

Since the injury, he has not even left the house, so he has sealed himself off.

"The leaves outside the city are turning red." Yang Xuan smiled.

Liao Jin squinted his eyes and watched him go out, a scene appeared in his mind.

That year, Chang'an.

It’s also autumn.

The girl stood under the tree, the red leaves falling...

People are more beautiful than red leaves.

"Prepare the car!"

Liao Jin went on a trip.

There is a forest outside the city. Every autumn, the red leaves fall, which is a scene in northern Xinjiang.

Just beside the official road.

Liao Jin's carriage slowly left the city and followed the official road.

At the same time, a carriage, escorted by more than ten guards, came towards Taoxian County.

This chapter has been completed!
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