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Chapter 760 What a good group of labor

Liao Jin left.

He abandoned his official position and followed Palace Master Chang Ning away.

"That's Lang Jun's aunt."

Yi Niang hugged A Liang and said softly, "When he was in the palace, His Majesty loved her very much. It's a pity that Liao Jin, a fool, ruined her life."

Yi Niang probably wanted to say that all men are bad, but looking at Yang Xuan, she finally held back.

As soon as Liao Jin left, the space behind Jiedushi's mansion became vacant.

"Renovate it." Yang Xuan explained the matter and went to inspect it.

The autumn harvest is approaching, and the Northern Liao scouts are ready to take action.

Even a small group of horse thieves are watching, waiting to grab a handful after the wheat harvest.

Without food, horse thieves are just beggars!

Yang Xuan rode his horse and walked slowly on the official road with hundreds of riders.

"It's a good harvest this year."

The sunshine is good, and farmers are harvesting everywhere in the fields on both sides of the official road.

Even the children are helping and the dogs are running around as if they are very busy.

Yang Xuan dismounted and walked over.

"It's the deputy envoy!" a farmer said happily.

The farmers straightened up one after another, and Yang Xuan smiled and said: "When harvesting, even if the emperor comes, he still has to help with the sickle."

Wu Da handed over the sickle, and Yang Xuan bent down, holding a handful of wheat straw with his left hand and waving it with his right hand.


The sharp sickle easily cut through the wheat stalk, which shocked Yang Xuan.

This is too sharp!

"Who bought this?" he looked up and asked.

Wu Da said: "It was sent by the King of Guards from Chang'an, saying that it was made by the King of Guards himself."

The old thief said: "I looked for someone to look at it, and they said it was a hundred steel makings."

Smelting steel to make a sickle...

Yang Xuan continued to harvest.

Until a field is harvested cleanly.

Lifting his waist, he found that the farmers around him were looking at him.

"Deputy is good at farm work!" said an old farmer: "We can tell at a glance whether we have done this or not."

Yang Xuan said: "In the countryside, when I was six years old, I worked in the fields with the adults. After I was ten years old, I was just like the adults, harvesting, beating, and doing everything. So I know! Every grain of food is hard-earned. , cherish it.”

"The deputy envoy was also born in a poor life?" Someone was surprised.

More miserable than you!

Yang Xuan asked with a smile: "This year's harvest is good, do you dare to plant more next year?"

The farmers were silent, and a woman who was more courageous came out and said: "There is no place to go if I don't use my strength, so it is better to farm..."

"Strength can still be used on women!" someone said obscenely.

Then he was chased by the old farmer beside him carrying his shoes.

Yang Xuan smiled and said, "Continue."

The woman said: "I am just worried about the Bei Liao people in the north. The deputy envoy wants to ask, will the Bei Liao army go south next year?"

"I want to ask if our Northern Xinjiang Army can resist the invasion of the Northern Liao Army, right?"

Yang Xuan turned around with a smile, "I won't answer this question, let the soldiers do the talking!"

He pointed to a team leader who was accompanying him.

Zhao Yong did not expect that the deputy envoy would ask him to answer, so he said loudly:

"If the people of Northern Liao want to trample the crops in Northern Xinjiang, they must first trample over our corpses!"

Yang Xuan nodded, "Raising troops for a thousand days, using them for a while, the people have worked hard to feed the Northern Xinjiang Army, so how should the Northern Xinjiang Army repay them?"

"Kill the enemy!"

"Defend your home!"

The soldiers shouted loudly.

Yang Xuan's heart moved and he thought, the ideological education in the military must also be stepped up!


The sound of horse hooves came from the front, and a group of scouts were galloping towards Taoxian County.

Uda led his men to intercept, "The deputy envoy is here!"

A team was being brought over and they saluted, "Deputy envoy, a team of rangers from the Northern Liao Army in Neizhou has arrived."

Yang Xuan was thinking about giving these farmers some reassurance, and said with a smile: "I have nothing to do, let's go!"


Hundreds rode away.

The farmers are sluggish.

"The people from Beiliao are coming!"

Someone is dripping.

An old farmer shouted: "Hurry up and transport it away, don't leave any for the people of Bei Liao."

"Hurry up, don't wait for the Beiliao people to come, no one can escape by then!"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and the farmers began to be busy harvesting frantically.

The children who were noisy also followed the adults to work and tidied things up sensibly.

Even the dogs that followed their owners to the fields became much better behaved, gathered together, and looked north.


That is the dream demon of Northern Xinjiang!

"Quickly, transport it back!"

Carloads of wheat were pulled back.

But there are still many in the field.

When the cart came back, it brought many old people with it.

"Aweng, why are you here!"

"I'm not old yet."

The old people also joined the harvest team.

Everyone looked serious, and even the most joking people kept silent.

No matter what year, northern Xinjiang is inevitably invaded by the Northern Liao cavalry, and it is impossible to prevent them. These Northern Liao people are targeting farmers.

Killing farmers, burning and trampling crops, burning down villages... all are to weaken the strength of Northern Xinjiang.


The sound of horse hooves came intensively, and the farmers stiffened and slowly raised their heads.

The women have pale faces. Once the Northern Liao people come, the men will be killed and the women will be kidnapped, and their lives will be worse than death.

fantuantanshu rice ball exploration book

"Come on, big man!" the women were calling their children.

An old farmer listened attentively and said, "Shh!"

Everyone was silent.

The old farmer closed his eyes.

"It seems...happy?"


The sound of horse hooves is getting closer and closer.

A big flag flutters in the wind.

"It's Yang Ziqi!"

"The deputy envoy is back!"

Hundreds of horses returned, Yang Xuan reined in his horse, pointed forward, "Second brother!"

"Here!" Wang Laoer appeared, with two elders behind him carrying bulging sacks.

Yang Xuan said: "Drag it over!"

"Take orders!"

The heads were tied up with ropes, and Wang Laoer started galloping with a team of guards.


The sound of horse hooves was brisk, dragging a bunch of heads behind them, like a happy parade.

A half-grown boy ran to the side of the official road, turned around and shouted happily: "Aye, it's a human head!"

The busy farmers came running over one after another.

The war horse passed right in front of us, and a series of human heads behind them were rolling in the dust, each one of them grinning.

A human head hit the bulge on the ground, jumped up suddenly, and then fell heavily and hit the ground. Several teeth flew to the ground and were trampled into the ground by the following horses' hooves.

This is the Northern Liao Ranger who had just made the farmers fearful!

Burning, killing, looting, and committing all kinds of evil!

But at this moment, their heads are rubbing against each other repeatedly on the land of Northern Xinjiang.

The farmers slowly looked at Yang Xuan.

The woman exclaimed: "Deputy envoy, you do what you say!"

Yang Xuan rode his horse and came slowly.

The farmers couldn't help but bow their heads and salute.

“No need to be polite!”

Yang Xuan nodded and said: "Let them drag these heads around to give the people reassurance."


The sound of horse hooves spread everywhere, along with those unrecognizable human heads.

They brought with them the will of the Lord of Northern Territory: whoever comes will die!

Chang'an and Beijiang fell out.

Bao Dong was running around with people.

You can see him in the fields, streets and alleys. Today he is a farmer, tomorrow he is a businessman, and the day after tomorrow...

In a certain brothel, Bao Dong, a prostitute, was cursing in the lobby, "What a dog, I said I didn't kill the deputy. Chang'an is not happy and is going to cut off our money and food!"

Several prostitutes were taking a rest. Hearing this, the madam said with a sad face: "What should I do?"

A prostitute said: "Chang'an has been thinking about changing the governor to someone who is obedient, but it doesn't work for him who is obedient."

"No, that Zhang Chumao was useless last time. He led the army on an expedition, but was defeated by the Bei Liao forward in one blow. Bah! It's faster than that!"

The madam glanced at him and thought that these people were the benefactors of the brothel!

The time between undressing and dressing up is almost negligible. So, how many customers can a female prostitute receive every day?

But the practical problem interrupted her thoughts, "We don't have enough food in northern Xinjiang. If Chang'an doesn't provide it, what will we eat?"

"As the dog said, you know how to play in the pear garden all day long. What do you think the world is?"

"Think of it as your daughter-in-law!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

If an emperor's moral conduct fails, he will become the laughing stock of the world. What maintains dignity is only power and the fear of imperial power for thousands of years.

Bao Dong successfully aroused dissatisfaction with the emperor and immediately fled.

He went to the Jiedushi Mansion and reported to Yang Xuan the reactions of the people everywhere to the current situation in northern Xinjiang.

"Most of them are angry, and some have complaints against the deputy envoy. Those people are mostly worthless."

"People just want to live a stable life, and they will follow whoever can give them a stable life," Han Ji said.

This is an eternal truth.

He glanced at Bao Dong. He used to do both the publicity thing and the publicity thing, but now that Bao Dong has entered the Jiedushi Mansion, this part is gone.

There is never too much power, but Han Ji reminded himself not to let power obscure his reason.

After Liao Jin left, the atmosphere in the entire Jiedu Dynasty changed suddenly, and the attitude of civil and military officials towards Yang Xuan became more and more respectful.

Yang Xuan took a sip of tea and said, "Chang'an will no longer be provided with food. How big is the gap next year with the current cultivated land in northern Xinjiang?"

Liu Qing shook his head, "It's very big!"

I feel so bad!

Han Ji said: "There is still more land to be opened. But the people are worried."

"I know that it is hard work to open up wasteland, and we have invested seeds and energy. If the bamboo basket is empty, the whole family will be hungry!"

Yang Xuan squinted his eyes, "The place where we can open up wasteland is in the north, which is far away from the protection of the city. Once the Northern Liao people come, they won't be able to escape. The farmers' concerns are roughly the same as these two."

"There is some trouble." Liu Qing said: "We can't let the army protect their farming, right? That would be outrageous, and if the army is scattered, it will be easy to be attacked by sneak attacks, and it will neglect training..."

Han Ji said: "Those powerful people have said that they are going to see the deputy envoy's jokes next year. They will sell less food..."

"There is always a way."

Yang Xuan said: "There are some idle people in northern Xinjiang who can't find anything to do. Gather these people to open up wasteland."

"Yes, but it's still not enough." Han Ji said.

Yang Xuan took a sip of tea and said, "We will eliminate the old and the weak in the army and use 20,000 people to open up wasteland!"

"The army is opening up wasteland?" Liu Qing said: "There is no precedent for this! It will affect morale!"

"There is no precedent, then I will give this Tang Dynasty one!" Yang Xuan's eyes were calm, "Follow it!"

Nan He stood up and said, "Take the order!"

Everyone looked at each other and Han Ji said: "Twenty thousand troops are opening up wasteland. How many acres of land will we get? How much harvest will we get?"

Everyone's eyes lit up, and something was wrong with the way they looked at Yang Xuan.

Unlike another world where military reclamation appeared early, the army in this world is arrogant. In troubled times, if there is no money or food, they will loot and capture prisoners to farm the land.

Farming by the army does not exist!

Yang Xuan continued: "In addition to building roads, the prisoners also participated in reclaiming wasteland."

He stood up and pointed to his head, "Everything has more solutions than difficulties. You have to open your mind and don't be restricted by so-called precedents."

Everyone stood up and said, "Take orders."

Yang Xuan looked at everyone, "In a while it will be a good time to burn wasteland. Governments in various places must properly organize and manage wasteland reclamation matters. They can only encourage, not suppress. Anyone who hinders wasteland reclamation will be captured and severely punished!"

"Take orders!"

The promise was suddenly accepted, and Yang Xuan went out.

As he walked, he said to Jiang He'er beside him: "Record."

Jiang He'er took out the booklet and charcoal and looked at him sideways.

"Using the army to cultivate land is called... farming!"


Jiang He'er glanced at Yang Xuan, the girl's eyes became brighter, and then she recorded these two words with all her strength.

In another world, since the time of Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty, farming has become a weapon to feed the army. And it was Boss Cao who promoted this method.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when the Three Kingdoms were divided, the warlords killed so many that their eyes were red. It could be said that their bones were exposed in the wild, and there was no rooster crowing for thousands of miles.

The population is pitifully small, and the grain farmers pay for farming each year cannot feed the army at all.

In order to obtain food and to ease conflicts, Cao Cao ordered farming, and this was how Cao Wei suppressed Wu and Shu.

Nan He went to the army and conveyed Yang Xuan's order, and then Jiang Cunzhong and others began to eliminate the old and weak.

Yang Xuan went to the Xinshan Gate of the Imperial College to inspect.

"I've seen the deputy envoy." Menzi saluted.

"Is the head teacher here?" The autumn wind blew, bringing laughter. Yang Xuan looked over and saw Ning Yayun and a group of professors talking at the construction site.

If you take a closer look, aren't those running around carrying the wood the disciples of metaphysics?

Yang Xuan went over and Zhong Hui spotted him first, "Zitai is here."

An Ziyu smiled and said: "Liao Jin is gone. Now he is very busy. Hey! He looks more majestic."

In Ning Yayun's eyes, Yang Xuan's attitude remains the same, "Zitai is still the same, but when you look at him, you can't help but add a hat called Lord of Northern Territory to him.

Immediately, the power of the Lord of Northern Territory is also rooted in your hearts, and you will naturally feel that he is more majestic."

The ruler turned and whistled on the fingertips, An Ziyu looked at Ning Yayun calmly.

Ning Yayun coughed dryly, "I am the same way."

"Headmaster, Si Ye, why did you let the disciples come too?" Yang Xuan asked as he approached.

Ning Yayun flicked her tail and said, "Practice, practice, practice, but the purpose of everything is to cultivate the mind. If you want to cultivate the mind, you must first endure hardship."

"How do you say this?" Yang Xuan asked. His eyes twitched when he saw those delicate female disciples also carrying wood.

"Life is born to be miserable!"

Ning Ya's rhyme is concise and concise.

Yang Xuan nodded, "All life is miserable!"

The two of them smiled at each other, and Yang Xuan said: "The autumn harvest is here, and it's time to offer sacrifices. Let's grab a place to offer sacrifices here first."

Autumn harvest sacrifices are the rules of Northern Xinjiang.

There was no way to go back to Lin'an, so Yang Xuan ordered a memorial tablet to be built. The scope of the sacrifice this time was wider, including the soldiers who died in the entire northern Xinjiang.

Ning Yayun looked at the teaching assistants.

What a great workforce!


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