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Chapter 765

For these two nights, Yang Xuan slept alone.

In the middle of the night, a slight voice came from outside, "Lang Jun, the time has come."

Yang Xuan opened his eyes and said, "I understand."

Get up, wash up, and then eat a dry biscuit without adding anything.

This is his breakfast.

Then he changed into full official uniform.

"We also need to offer sacrifices at home," he continued.

"Don't worry." Zhou Ning said, "The incense and candles are all ready."


Yang Xuan turned around and saw that A Liang had also changed into a serious robe, looking very restrained.

Even when he walked out of the house, Yang Xuan still remembered A Liang's appearance.

Cute and funny.

"Mr. Lang!"

Han Ji and others were waiting outside the door.

"Are you all ready?" Yang Xuan stood on the steps and looked at his subordinates.

This is the day he has been waiting for.

Han Ji bowed and said, "Okay."

Yang Xuan did not ride a horse, but walked.

Liu Qing and others followed behind.

Cao Ying is also there, and this time he will wait until the sacrifice is completed before going back.

"Old Cao!"

Liu Qing waved, and Cao Ying stepped forward and walked side by side with him.

"Do you want to come to Tao County?"

Cao Ying shook her head and said, "I will do whatever I want."

Even if he wants to challenge a brick, he still has some awareness.

Liu Qing smiled and said, "That's fine."

Is the old man testing me?

Cao Ying felt like she was seeing a ghost.

"You feel like you are a veteran, and you are suddenly being taught a lesson by a newcomer, don't you feel comfortable?" The old thief came up and finished the last attack without showing any expression.

Cao Ying was not good at planning, but good at handling affairs, so after Han Ji arrived, he completely broke up with the profession of counselor.

Now in Chenzhou, with Lu Qiang above and Zhen Siwen below, Cao Ying's life is not easy.

"It's all for the great cause!" Cao Ying said calmly.

"My heart feels sour!" The old thief has been ridiculed by Cao Ying countless times in the past. Now that he has the opportunity, there is no reason not to retaliate.

If Cao Ying was in the past, he would immediately retort when he heard this, but today he was silent.

Later, the old thief came over looking for an opportunity and told Yang Xuan about Cao Ying's reaction.


Cao Ying is a veteran and is loyal to him, which can be regarded as a cornerstone of his great cause.

But Cao Ying's shortcomings are equally prominent: she is a bit narrow-minded and thinks too highly of herself.

Liu Qing asked: "Did you deliberately leave him in Chenzhou?"

"Yes!" Yang Xuan nodded, "Lu Qiang is suppressing him at the top, and Zhen Siwen is fearless at the bottom. His life is not easy."


Yang Xuan nodded, and Liu Qing looked back at the silent Cao Ying, thinking that this person was lucky enough to meet the generous Zitai.

After hard work, there is a rainbow!

Walking out of the alley, every household on both sides of the street came out. There was a table in front of the door with various incense burners placed on it.

A home can be without anything but an incense burner.

The incense burner is like the thing where ancestors ate.

I would rather starve to death than let my ancestors have nothing to eat.

This is a deep-rooted culture in the Central Plains.

"I've met the deputy envoy!"

The people saluted.

Yang Xuan nodded, and his heart suddenly moved.

When they were in Xiaohe Village, Yang Ding and Wang always talked about gods. They seemed pious, but at the end of the year, they really worshiped their ancestors.

The anniversary of Ye Niang's death, the Ghost Festival, the major solar terms, the New Year... are all dedicated to the ancestors.

What the people of the Central Plains believe in deep down is not gods, but ancestors.

In other words, the belief of the Central Plains people is their ancestors.

Where are the ancestors?

The ancestors are on the mountain, in the tomb, on the tombstone, in the ancestral hall, on the tablet...

As long as the mountain is still there, as long as the tomb is still there, as long as the ancestral hall is still there, as long as the tablets are still there... then, even though we are thousands of miles away, our soul is still caring about our hometown.

This is the root of the Central Plains!

The roots are there, and the cohesion of this nation is there.

When the roots are gone, the heart is also scattered.

"The major affairs of a country depend on military service and sacrifice." Yang Xuan had never understood this sentence so deeply.

Paying attention to war can ensure the security of homeland.

Paying attention to sacrifices can tie the hearts of the entire nation to this land. No matter where they go, they will never forget this land or their ancestors.


Yang Xuan understood.

"This is a brilliant statement!" Liu Qing's eyes flashed, "In the service of military service and sacrifice, these words are sincere."

The sound of neat footsteps came from behind.

Puff puff puff!

The earth seemed to be trembling.

Rows of sergeants lined up neatly and followed Yang Xuan and others with steady steps.

The formation was very long, with those in front following Yang Xuan, and those behind still waiting to set off in the school grounds.

Outside the gate of Xinxue Xinshan, Ning Yayun and a group of disciples were waiting.

"The deputy envoy is already on his way."

"The deputy envoy is coming soon."

Disciples kept passing on news.

Zhong Hui was in a daze, "That boy, I still remember how he looked when he entered the Imperial College. He was just a silly young man. I didn't expect that! In a blink of an eye, he became the Lord of Northern Xinjiang."

Who would have thought!

When she saw Yang Xuan, Ning Yayun said: "Everyone is standing still."

Yang Xuan came over and asked, "Are you ready?"

Ning Yayun nodded, "Everything is ready."

The professors stood on both sides, Yang Xuan walked in first, followed by Ning Yayun and others.

Just like the stars circling the moon.

Countless soldiers lined up in neat formations and slowly walked to the mountain gate.

"Array up!"

Jiang Cunzhong shouted.


Everyone stamped their feet vigorously, and the gate outside the mountain gate said in horror: "It's like the earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking."

The array was silent.

The people who came to offer sacrifices stood on both sides, holding incense in their hands, waiting for the sacrifices to begin.

Yang Xuan has arrived outside the Martyrs' Shrine.

Wei Tang, the governor of Xuanzhou, is standing on the left front holding a tablet, opposite is Sun Ying, the governor of Fengzhou, and below is Zhen Siwen, Sima of Chenzhou.

Originally, the Sima from various states came to worship, but Wei Tang had offended Yang Xuan and was always worried about being misled, so he came in person.

Sun Ying wanted to come to understand the current situation, and by the way, he also wanted to express his attitude to Yang Xuan. Last time Cao Ying went, he decided to support Yang Xuan, but many times in officialdom, verbal support is not enough, and people are lost.

Only when people arrive do they appear serious.

So after receiving the order, he also came.

Only Chenzhou sent Zhen Siwen honestly. As for Cao Ying, he was stranded in Taoxian County for some reason.

Yang Xuan stood up and asked: "Is the time coming?"

Ning Yayun closed her eyes and pinched her fingers, "It's still a little worse."

The sky is still hazy.

It's too early.

Yang Xuan stood up straight and waited quietly.

Behind him are Taoxian civil and military officials.

On both sides are the metaphysics professors and disciples. Today, they will conduct the sacrificial ceremony.

Outside the mountain gate, countless soldiers stood neatly according to wartime formations.

The people on both sides were silent, and coughing could be heard occasionally.

Even the wind stopped, and the branches and leaves of the street trees spread out quietly.

Zhao Yong was in the formation. He made many meritorious deeds in the battle to conquer Nangui City. Shangguan said that he should accumulate more meritorious deeds and the next stop would be Brigade Commander!

He knew that the Shangguan's concern for him came from the deputy envoy's concern for him.

He could do nothing but swear to himself that he would serve as the vanguard of the deputy envoy in this life, and he would not stop until he died!

A ray of morning light suddenly appeared from the east.

It shines on the city of Taoxian County.

It shines on the array.

The armor reflects the morning light, and the entire array is glowing. Looking at it, it seems like an army of gods from the sky.

Yue Er came with Yue Sanshu. As for his son Yue Dashu, they were on the other side. Teachers and students from the school organization also came.

"Aye, look!" Yue Sanshu pointed at the glowing array.

"Stop talking." Yue Er shouted lightly, raised his head, and couldn't help but froze.

The shining army!

The people were whispering.

The eyes that looked into the mountain gate were full of awe.

That deputy envoy is amazing!

The first ray of morning light appeared.

Ning Yayun just said at this time: "Honor God!"

Yang Xuan stretched out his hand, took the three sticks of incense, stepped forward, held the incense in both hands, put it close to his forehead, and bowed.

He said loudly:

"The major events of a country are determined by military service and sacrifice. Over the years, countless soldiers have defended the country and guarded the border, and died on the battlefield, which is admired by future generations. Xuan, deputy envoy of Northern Xinjiang Festival, prays to heaven today..."

The surroundings were very quiet, and Yang Xuan's long voice could be heard all the way outside the mountain gate.

He bowed again, "Metaphysics built the Martyrs' Shrine as a resting place for the loyal souls who died in the war in Northern Xinjiang..."

Next, it is time to plead with God for mercy.

Yang Xuan looked up, and his past battle experiences suddenly appeared in his mind.

What is protecting Northern Xinjiang?


The deputy envoy suddenly interrupted his prayer, and everyone was shocked.

Ning Yayun coughed dryly and reminded Yang Xuan to hurry up, otherwise the time would not be right.

Sacrifice pays attention to the induction of heaven and man, and what celestial phenomena will be at what time. These must be calculated by Ning Yayun. Acting at the best time can shock people's hearts.

Only in this way can the sacrifice be valuable.

But Yang Xuan suddenly stopped, what to do next?

Ning Yayun frowned and glanced at Liu Qing.

Liu Qing shook his head and signaled not to disturb.

He believed that Yang Xuan must have his own considerations.

Yang Xuan is thinking about it.

What dominates this land?

Is it a god?

If it is dominated by gods, then why does this land frequently suffer from wars?

The soldiers and civilians outside also noticed something was wrong.

"Why did the deputy stop?"

"This would offend the gods!"

Yue Er was also anxious, "If you offend the gods, disaster will come later!"

God is a judge in the hearts of countless people.

Whoever does good will expect blessings from the gods. Whoever does evil will worry about disasters from the gods.

Yang Xuan thought about it and felt that this concept could be extended to the plot of Qingtian. The people are suffering, the people are tired, they do good things but have bad luck, and they do bad things but everything goes smoothly...

People feel that the world is unfair, so they place their hope in gods to judge.

Just like hoping for a blue sky to appear.

But the stability of Northern Xinjiang today does not come from gods, but from thousands of people. It is they who work hard and provide food and tools.

These are the thousands of soldiers who are not afraid of life and death to protect their home and country.

Who are the gods?

It's them!

Yang Xuan's mind suddenly shook.

He woke up immediately.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Today the soldiers and civilians of Northern Xinjiang gathered outside the Martyrs' Shrine."

Han Ji winked, and the petty officials began to relay Yang Xuan's words one by one.

Finally, a small official with a loud voice stood outside the mountain gate and shouted: "Today, the soldiers and civilians of Northern Xinjiang gathered outside the Martyrs' Shrine."

"The northern border is what it is today, all thanks to the hard work of all the people."

The people outside were stunned.

This kind of sacrificial hall has always been managed by the superiors. The common people just watch the opera, and they are not even qualified to watch the opera. Therefore, it is surprising that the common people in the city are also participating in the sacrificial ceremony today. At this moment, Yang Xuan's words are even more

It's shocking.

An old man said: "This...is this our business?"

The clerk shouted: "It all depends on the soldiers sacrificing their lives!"

In the array, countless soldiers suddenly raised their heads.

A pair of determined eyes were full of pride.

It is they who are defending this land and their homeland!

"Countless soldiers fought bloody battles and sacrificed their lives for the country."

To the east, a flash of purple appeared, and was immediately blocked by a dark cloud.

"This..." Yue Er took a look and thought, this is a bad sign!

Many people also discovered it.


Ning Yayun also noticed it and frowned slightly.

Yang Xuan ignored it, "Today, Yang Xuan, deputy envoy of Northern Xinjiang Festival, leads the civil and military affairs of Northern Xinjiang. The soldiers and civilians of Northern Xinjiang opened a Martyrs' Shrine here to enshrine the souls of heroes who died in the war for Northern Xinjiang in the past dynasties."

"It's a dark cloud!"

Someone whispered.

Yang Xuan heard it.

He did not move, but looked at Ning Yayun.

It's time for the next procedure.

But what about the gods?

Ning Yayun was a little confused.

Liu Qing was stunned.

Outside, the clerk finished talking.

"Where are the gods?" Yue Er said dullly.


What about the gods?

Countless people and even the soldiers were waiting for Yang Xuan's next words.

The clerk who delivered the message has gone back.

This means, no more.

If there is no deity in the prayer, what is being offered?

Outside, there was some uproar.

In front of the Martyrs' Shrine, Ning Yayun said helplessly: "Enter the spiritual throne!"

Wei Tang went in holding the tablet, and under the guidance of the professor, placed it on the tall desk.

Then came Sun Ying.

Finally, there is Zhen Siwen.




The memorial tablets of the soldiers who died in the Three Prefectures War are erected on the table.

Ning Yayun personally handed a tablet to Yang Xuan, "Zitai."

Yang Xuan took the tablet and took a look at the sky. It was still dark...the morning light was obscured by dark clouds.

Could it be that God is not satisfied with what I said?

Yang Xuan could not help but murmur in his heart.

He went in holding the tablet and placed it at the front.

Then, add incense.

Those soldiers who sacrificed their lives and their faces that were blurry in the past are extremely clear now.

Those resolute faces, or faces of fear, or faces of despair...

Without exception, they all fell in the battle to defend the northern border.

Their blood and flesh have brought peace to Northern Xinjiang today.

The so-called prosperous age must have countless people bleeding and dying for it.

To forget them is to forget the benefactor.

It means forgetting about bravery and forgetting one’s own roots.

In Chang'an, in the pear garden, the false emperor was enjoying himself.

In Chang'an, the dignitaries are enjoying themselves.

All over the world, powerful people are having fun.

They have forgotten the advice left by their ancestors.

The major affairs of a country lie in military service and sacrifice!

The key is to never forget your loyal soul!!!

Yang Xuan slowly walked out of the Martyrs' Shrine.

Looking at the dark clouds in the east, he stretched out his arms and raised his head and shouted:

"The soul comes back and protects my family!"

Liu Qing and others stretched out their arms and looked up at the sky.

"The soul is back, bless my family!"

Outside, Nan He knelt down on one knee.

The huge array knelt down on one knee.

He looked up at the sky, as if looking at his comrades who had died in battle.


"The soul comes back and protects my family!"

Countless people are shouting:

"The soul comes back and protects my family!"

The dark clouds in the sky suddenly shook.

A wisp of purple pierced the dark clouds and hit the Chung Martyrs Shrine directly.

It shone on Yang Xuan, who was standing outside the Martyrs' Shrine with his hands stretched out and looking up at the sky.

Ning Yayun was shocked, "This..."

Yang Xuan shouted, "The soul is back and will protect my country!"

Outside, a huge array followed their commander and shouted:

"The soul comes back and protects my family!"

The huge sound wave shook the heaven and the earth.

The world seemed to be roaring.

The purple light was like a torrent, easily destroying the dark clouds and throwing the light forward.

Everyone looked at Yang Xuan bathing in the purple air and felt horrified.

He did not mention the gods in a word, but the heaven and the earth responded to him step by step.

The metaphysician turned his head and looked to the east.

In the east, the red sun slowly rises.

The way is great!

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