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Chapter 772

Han Ji set off with more than ten riders.

"Lang Jun asked Lao Han to do this, aren't you afraid that he will be killed?"

The old thief squatted on the ground, pulling at the withered grass, "But Old Han was in high spirits. I admire this skill of flattery."

Elsewhere, He Lian Yan was hiding under a tree, with Jie Long behind him, "Madam, your husband is asking Mr. Han to take risks!"

He Lianyan shook his head, "Didn't you see that Han Ji was so happy?"

"Are you just pretending?"

"No, Han Ji doesn't have that ability."

Han Ji's acting skills are not as good as those of the old thief.

He was indeed very happy at the moment.

He took more than ten riders with him, as if they were on a sightseeing tour, pointing and pointing along the way.

Until he met more than a hundred Northern Liao soldiers.

"He is a scribe of the Tang Army!"

The scribes were the staff.

"Look at the fires burning the wasteland!"

The fire and smoke from burning wasteland can be seen from a distance, but the area is very wide, so scouts must be sent to investigate.

"They ran away!"

Han Ji was the first to turn around and run away.


It is only natural that more than a hundred cavalry chase and kill more than ten cavalry.

Han Ji looked back while riding his horse away.

to the edge of the camp.

Only then did the Northern Liao scouts retreat.

Yang Xuan stood under the wooden house, quietly watching the reactions of his confidants.

"Old Han, you looked even more embarrassed when you ran away than the second child." The old thief laughed strangely.

"Hahaha!" Han Ji was not angry, but laughed.

"Mr. Han was in such a sorry state just now!"

"No, I used to look at Yun Dan's demeanor, but I didn't expect that he would be so embarrassed. It's really cool."

Han Ji came to Yang Xuan.

"Xiao Hongde came to Neizhou, and I need to test his response to see what his methods are. But if I raise the Yang-character flag, the Northern Liao army will be frightened. So, I want you to try it and be a

Now it seems that the bait must have worked."

Yang Xuan looked at Han Ji and said, "You used to be cool and elegant. You looked good, but you were not very down-to-earth. You were also alienated from your brothers.

To be honest, for me, the best way is to have my subordinates check and balance each other. But seeing you alone, it is inevitable that I will feel sympathy..."

Han Ji was an outlier in his inner circle and could not fit in for a long time.

"Actually, I quite enjoy the feeling of being alone." Han Ji said, "However, since Lang Jun gave me a chance, let's get close to them."

Later, Han Ji got together with the old thief and others. The old thief and others made fun of him for escaping in embarrassment earlier, and he made fun of the old thief for being ignorant and incompetent, which was very lively.

He Lianyan appeared behind Yang Xuan at some point, "Does Mr. Lang want Mr. Han to get in among the old thieves?"

"You can just ask me to let Han Ji be a spy."

"Actually, Jin Yiwei can do it too."

"You are wrong. I let Han Ji hang out with the old thief and the others, not to monitor anything."

"Checks and balances?"

Yang Xuan's current stall is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more civil servants under his command.

When there are more people, they will naturally form gangs, but Yang Xuan does not interfere in this.

"The original civil and military officials in Northern Xinjiang were also divided into several factions. Compared with them, the people around me were scattered."

Without a joint effort, his inner circle would be exhausted and subsequently fall apart.

"Mr. Lang can disperse those factions of officials."

"If we break up, others will join forces again. The officialdom is dangerous, and we must join forces to feel safe and to seek greater benefits for ourselves. This is human nature and cannot be changed."

Yang Xuan stretched himself and said, "I'm fine tonight."

That night, nothing happened.

When Yang Xuan got up in the early morning, he was in a daze for a while.

It was a bit cold, but the smell of burning grassland was still there. As he smelled it, Yang Xuan fell into a trance.

The whole person felt empty and extremely peaceful.

Ever since he took charge of Northern Xinjiang, he rarely had such quiet moments, so he cherished them very much.

"Mr. Lang."

Outside, Jiang Heer was pressing his hair and yawning.

"I'm awake."

Yang Xuan sat on the bed that still smelled of fresh wood, coming out of his trance and feeling a little annoyed.

It was such a wonderful feeling, as if I was the only one left in the world. The world was empty but full of vitality.

Jiang He'er came in, Yang Xuan stood up, and she started to make the bed.

After washing, the old thief who was on duty last night came to report.

"Last night, several groups of Bei Liao people approached, but they withdrew after being discovered."

"This is a precursor to taking action."

"Yes." The old thief looked at the boss expectantly, "Mr. Lang, I beg you for your help."

Now that he has a place in the army, I think his ancestors were very happy underground. But he is still a little away from the general's goal... no, there is a long way to go.

Have to work hard!

"You haven't slept all night, aren't you sleepy?" Yang Xuan asked.

The old thief pointed at his own eyes, "It's a skill passed down from generation to generation. Even if you don't sleep for three to five days, nothing will happen."

"A thief...does he have to be able to meet noble people?" Yang Xuan was a little curious.

"Of course it has to happen. Generally speaking, there is a gap of ten and a half days between the time you discover a noble person and the time you take action.

The main thing is to observe and figure out the identity of this noble man.

If it is extremely expensive, you have to prepare more things, otherwise, those mechanisms can kill people.

Once you enter the cave, it’s best to go all the way down in one breath. This process takes several days and nights, so you can only endure it..."

"Can't you come out to rest?"

"No, once it comes out and you are not sincere, the noble person will be angry."

"Your Excellency... shouldn't he be eager for you to leave as soon as possible?"

"Hehe!" The old thief smiled, "If it is passed down from our ancestors, once a stranger comes down, the nobles will be able to detect it.

We must take advantage of the opportunity when the noble man has been asleep for a long time to attack. Otherwise, if we wait for the noble man to wake up completely and continue to go down, we will lose our lives.

Therefore, once you take action, you will not sleep until you see the noble person."

"There are quite a few rules."

Yang Xuan felt that he had learned a lot.

"Thank you for your hard work." He smiled.

The old thief smiled flatteringly and said, "Serving your husband is as sweet as wine."

"Go and rest!"

Yang Xuan waved his hand.

The old thief was stunned and said, "Lang Jun, if you take action in such a small battle, isn't it killing a chicken with a knife? I am willing to help."

Yang Xuan shook his head, "Zhou Jian!"

The majestic Zhou Jian stepped forward and said, "Deputy envoy."

Yang Xuan pointed outside, "My flag cannot appear. This battle, you go."

Anyone who can be introduced by Huang Chunhui twice is naturally extraordinary.

Today, Yang Xuan wanted to see how good he was.

There was something special in Zhou Jian's eyes, "Take the order!"

Of the five hundred horses, he only wanted three hundred.

"Courage is not bad!"

The sun is out, and the people who are exposed to it are slightly warm, but when the wind blows, it is still a bit chilly.

Jiang He'er had just had breakfast at this moment, holding a bowl with a large lump of steamed dumplings in his hands.

Yang Xuan made breakfast alone. He had most of the small pot of buns and gave the rest to Jiang He'er.

This behavior is somewhat similar to the living habits of young masters and their personal maids. When the master eats the leftovers, the maid continues to eat.

I still feel honored.

Yang Xuan didn't have that disgusting habit, so he filled most of the pot into one pot and gave the rest to Jiang He'er cleanly.

"Why are you eating now?" Yang Xuan asked.

Jiang He'er took a bite of the steamed dumplings and said with an unclear expression, "My hair...is sticking up."

Yang Xuan glanced at the top of her head. Her hair was now smooth.

He Lianyan was shaking her hands, trying her best to help Jiang Heer smooth her hair.

But you shouldn’t throw your hands away from me!

Misunderstanding is inevitable if others see it.

Yang Xuan shook his head, "Do you want me to rub it for you?"

He was just joking.

But a jade hand stretched out in front of his eyes.

"Thank you, sir." He Lianyan was very polite.

"I'll give it a try." Yang Xuan kneaded it with a serious look on his face.

It feels good in hand!

The key is, slip!

He touched it so smoothly that he forgot about time.

Han Ji came over and looked at him intently, "Zhou Jian went out and brought three hundred cavalry. Some people said he was showing off. What did Lang Jun think?"

Boss Yang touched his jade hand and blurted out, "It's not moist enough!"

Zhou Jian attacked with three hundred cavalry.

"One hundred riders on the left wing, one hundred riders on the right wing! Use the horn as an order!"


Everyone was startled, thinking that we only have three hundred riders! Do you want to break up?

There are at least a thousand enemy troops who dare to come to northern Xinjiang to stir up trouble.

"Obey the order!"

Zhou Jian did not give his subordinates a chance to question.

The three hundred cavalry were divided into three teams and dispersed.

The old thief saw it from behind and couldn't help being shocked.

"What does this mean?"

His military literacy was unable to understand Pei Jian's decision.

The three hundred cavalrymen searched and advanced all the way.

Xiao Yan is also approaching with a thousand riders.

Last night, several waves of scouts approached the camp. When they came back, they swore that there were at most a few hundred riders inside, excluding those who were clearing up wasteland.

He originally wanted to raid at night, but Jin Chi strongly suggested a raid in the morning.

——The enemy has discovered our scouts and will definitely be on guard at night. It is better to go there in the morning and catch them off guard.

He followed the advice.

Jin Chi was not happy because he knew that if something went wrong, he would be the culprit.

As an official, a thousand words are worth less than a moment of silence... These are the words of a certain senior.

Jin Chi was still puzzled at that time and asked: If you don't talk much, how will you do things?

You have to communicate with your colleagues to do things.

The senior looked at him meaningfully and said, "These days, when everyone has become a human being, who is still working?"

These words he chewed over and over again during his later career, and they became more and more interesting to him.

But yesterday he violated his own rules and spoke.

He originally thought that Xiao Yan would object, so he took the opportunity to withdraw his suggestion. In this way, he could be regarded as fulfilling his duty.


Xiao Yan, who looks rough and arrogant, turns out to be a good person.

I'm stupid!

Someone in front shouted, "We found the enemy, more than a hundred riders!"

The depression in Jin Chi's heart dissipated instantly, and he shouted: "Kill him!"

Defeat this enemy force and take advantage of the situation to attack the camp. The matter is settled.

And his advice will become the biggest highlight in this battle.

Jin Chi glanced at Xiao Yan, worried that he would reject it, so he drew his sword and rushed out first, "Kill!"

I will kill first and show later!

After a great victory, do you still dare to deal with me?

Thousands of Beiliao Rangers rushed forward.

"Five riders are heading toward the camp. The rest, follow me."

The five cavalrymen broke away from the group and galloped towards the camp.

Pei Jian led his men to turn and fled to the left.

"This is to lead us away from their camp!" Jin Chi shouted.

Xiao Yan also noticed it, "Pursue for two miles!"

Pei Jian fell behind and slowed down his horse. When his pursuers came up, he turned around.

A horizontal knife caused a bloody storm among the pursuing soldiers.

If Yang Xuan were here, he would definitely say that Pei Jian had hidden most of his strength.

After killing more than ten people, Pei Jian was covered in blood and continued to run away in embarrassment.

Under what circumstances will a defeated army turn around and fight?

Desperate times!

When you are desperate, you must leave part of your army to intercept the enemy and relieve the pressure on your subordinates.

Xiao Yan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly lit up.

Only at this moment did he decide that this was not a trap.

"Jin Chi, you lead five hundred cavalry to chase down the enemy, while I go to raid the camp."

Look, I've left the good job of hunting down to you, and I'm going to gnaw on the remaining enemy camp.

But in Jin Chi's eyes, it's not called Daying, but a village for farmers!

If these hundreds of cavalry fled towards the main camp, then most of the camp would have the strength to resist the pursuing troops, so they needed to be careful.

But Pei Jian led his army to the left. What does this mean?

This is to lure them away and let the five cavalry inform the camp to respond.

In other words, the power in the camp is very weak.

Jin Chi gritted his teeth and said, "Take the order!"

The mission of this trip was to raid the Northern Xinjiang Reclamation Camp. This mission was taken over by Xiao Yan, so he made a fool of himself.

Hate it!

But the official level was so overwhelming that he had no choice but to lead five hundred cavalry in hot pursuit.

If this Northern Xinjiang army were allowed to escape, his trip would be empty-handed.

The two sides kept galloping and disappeared from sight in an instant.


Xiao Yan smiled and set off with his men.


Amidst the sound of horns, Pei Jian, who was fleeing, looked to the right and said, "Let's go!"

The hundred cavalrymen on the left wing circled back to the rear after hearing the horn.

Pei Jian slowed down and said, "Turn around!"

A hundred riders turned around and turned around.

"Opportunity!" Jin Chi said happily: "Surround and kill!"

The enemy turned around because they found that half of their pursuers were missing and wanted to rush to reinforce the camp!

After surrounding and killing them, they still had time to go to the camp to get a share of the pie.

The enemy general actually rushed over first.

Jin Chi shouted: "Capture the enemy general alive and reward him heavily!"

Capturing the enemy general alive and destroying the camp, these two achievements were enough to defeat Xiao Yan.

As for the future, with these two achievements in hand, he is expected to be promoted, so he naturally does not need to care about Xiao Yan.

With one man and one horse, Pei Jian rushed into the middle of the enemy army.

The light of the sword flickered, like the Milky Way pouring out.

The blood is like a river, intertwining with the Milky Way.

Spray after spray.

That knife was unstoppable.

One person, one horse, and ten breaths later, they rushed in front of Jin Chi.

Pei Jian on horseback looked at Jin Chi and said solemnly: "The first one!"

After Pei Jiu left, the Pei family has been silent.

Pei's swordsmanship has also been far away from the battlefield.

It appears again today and should be celebrated with a human head.


Jin Chi screamed and brandished his knife.

His eyes were full of dagger light.

Then, heads flew high into the air.

Seeing the enemy general reaching out easily, endless darkness descended.

Pei Jian raised the head, and the remaining enemy soldiers looked at him with fear in their eyes.


When you encounter an unbeatable opponent, the feeling of despair is indescribable.

Pei's sword skills have not been on the battlefield for a long time. The first time he appeared on the battlefield was against a group of pawns.

It can be said to be killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

Pei Jian held up the head and said, "Follow me."

"Wan Sheng!"

Pei Jian waved his hand, "Blow the trumpet!"


One hundred cavalry on the right wing appeared in front of Xiao Yan in a roundabout way.

"Destroy them!"

Xiao Yan shouted.

At the same time, I feel relieved.

There can't be only a hundred cavalry in a camp, so when these one hundred cavalry appeared, the last doubts in Xiao Yan's heart dissipated.

"Press up!"

he shouted happily.

The two sides strangled each other.

Although the Northern Xinjiang Army is tenacious, it is obvious that they are trying to hold on.

In just half a quarter of an hour, Xiao Yan was sure that he could defeat this Northern Xinjiang army.

He was convinced!


The sound of horse hooves came from behind.

He looked back.

More than a hundred riders are coming.

The leading enemy general raised his sword high.

There is a human head stuck on top of the horizontal knife.

The face is somewhat familiar.


On the sentry tower of the camp, lookouts were observing the battle.

The old thief and others were below. The old thief asked, "What's going on? Do you need reinforcements?"

The watchman didn't say anything, just looked into the distance.

"Hey! Talk! What about Zhou Jian?" the old thief asked.

The watchman finally woke up and lowered his head.


This chapter has been completed!
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