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Chapter 791

"Mr. Lang is out."

A guard sent the message 'on purpose'.

"Where have you been?" Han Ji asked with a smile.

"Went on a reverse journey."

Han Ji stood up and said, "This is a big day."

He called his daughter and wife over and said, "I'm going out. You two are not allowed to go out at home."

Jiang nodded, "I understand."

Han Ying was a little distracted, "Where are you going?"

"Her husband calls."

The guard's manner of sending the message was very poor, but it was just right, letting Han Ji know that the lord had taken action for his family affairs.

In the past few years, he has been thinking about Yang Xuan, and Yang Xuan is also thinking about him.

It was not until Yang Xuan took charge of Northern Xinjiang that the mutual thinking between the two came to an end.

Then there's the waiting.

It's like two men and women who like each other, waiting for each other to speak first.

This metaphor is a bit disgusting!

Han Ji smiled and went out immediately.

Standing at the door of his house, he asked: "Where are the people from Jinyiwei?"

More than ten people came out and said, "I've seen Mr. Han."

"Come with me."

Later, a carriage slowly drove out of the alley, with several guards in golden uniforms guarding the carriage.

Walking slowly all the way.

It's a bit cold in Taoxian County in late autumn. Before winter, people will take advantage of this time to go shopping.

No matter how late it is, just squat at home and move less if you have nothing to do, so that you can eat less.

Wodong Wodong, in this era, has the smell of hibernation.

There is a bell hanging under the horse's neck, swinging with each step.

This is also a reminder to ask people in front to get out of the way.

Lin Xi stood on the side of the street, holding a roasted lamb leg in his hand, gnawing on it and looking ahead.

A man came over and said as he passed by: "Here he is. In the carriage."

Lin Xi tore into a piece of mutton with all her strength, her cheeks kept rising and falling while chewing, which was very ferocious.

Then he said: "Fragrant!"

The carriage came slowly.

Lin Xi stepped back, his body hidden in the shadows.

Three guards, one in front and one on each side.

Including the coachman, even four guards are quite a lot. When the elders of Chang'an go out, they only have more than ten people.

There are gradually fewer people on the street.

Lin Xi looked up, and at some point, the sky turned gloomy. It looked like it was going to rain.

The rain in late autumn in northern Xinjiang can chill people to death.

Lin Xi sniffed, "What a pity."

If there are more people, it is better. If you kill a few people and cause chaos, you can just run away.

The carriage gradually approached.

Lin Xi suddenly smiled.

"You deserve to die too!"

He dropped the gnawed lamb leg bone on the ground.

In an instant, more than ten people suddenly rushed out from both sides of the carriage.

A big man stretched his bow and nocked an arrow, then let go, and the arrow missed and penetrated the carriage curtain.

The others surrounded and killed them from all sides, and they seemed to be in good order.

"Death is certain!"

Lin Xi smiled.

Even if that arrow didn't kill Han Ji, he wouldn't be able to escape the subsequent siege.

Be quick!

The assassins rushed forward, a few entangled the guards, and the rest rushed to the side of the carriage.

An assassin grabbed the car curtain and pulled hard.


The curtains were torn apart, and the inside of the car was clearly visible.


On the second floor of a restaurant on the street, a man stood by the railing and clapped his hands.

In an instant, more than ten men appeared on both sides.

These men were holding small crossbows made by Taiping Workshop specially ordered by Yang Xuan. Someone shouted: "Fire the arrow!"

Only at this moment did the assassin shout, "This is a trap!"

Immediately, crossbow arrows came in densely, and five people fell immediately.

The men worked in pairs, drew their swords and charged forward to kill them.

They cooperated tacitly, and what's even more terrible is that they even had hidden weapons.

Lin Xi felt cold all over. He looked up at the man diagonally across from him and said in a voiceless voice: "Han Ji?"

It turns out that this person discovered Wang Zun’s plan early on!

He calmly went to Nilu, met Zhang Sui calmly, and responded appropriately, vividly portraying an angry and helpless father.

We laid a trap, but who would have thought that the trap would catch us.

Han Ji!

As expected, he was a counselor that made Wen Simiao extremely jealous!

We underestimated him!

At this moment, Lin Xi wanted to vomit blood.

All the plans have come to nothing.

What's even worse is that if you don't succeed this time, you will alert the snake. Next time you think about the layout, it will be much more difficult.

He thought of Wang Zun's opinion of Han Ji along the way: he was talented, but too arrogant, so he suffered a big loss. As for his talent... he was too bold and dared to suggest that Wen Simiao take action directly without fear of being defeated and the clan destroyed.

Therefore, this person is talented but too frivolous.

And frivolous people often think highly of themselves.

People who have a high self-esteem are most likely to get carried away...I am just waiting for the moment when they get carried away to take action.

Yang Xuan was in charge of Northern Xinjiang, and Wang Zun said that Han Ji must be very proud at this moment, feeling that his life has reached its peak.

Since then, they have been planning to assassinate Han Ji.

The assassins were all scattered across northern Xinjiang, and it took more than two months to do it one after another.

Just in time, Yang Xuan broke through Nangui City for the third time and refused to leave.

Han Ji, the staff member of the first person to open Xinjiang, was proud.

Wang Zun decisively decided to take action.

In order to cover this operation, he also brought Zhang Sui here and used him to draw the attention of the Jin Yiwei.

This series of means can be said to be seamless.

However, Han Ji saw everything.

Behind the railing, Han Ji sneered, "Idiot!"


The sound of horse hoofbeats was heard, and Zhang Xu came with the dragon guards.

Lin Xi saw Yang Xuan and said, "Damn it, Yang Gou can win people's hearts again."

Behind me came a reminder from my companion, "It's time to go."

Lin Xi took a deep breath and said, "I am defeated and unwilling to accept it!"

Yang Xuan came and pointed at the two remaining assassins, "Abandon your sword and save your life, or commit suicide!"

The two assassins stabbed themselves to death without hesitation.

"Killing yourself is like killing a chicken. It's so uncomfortable to not die for a while!" The old thief shook his head.

Upstairs, Han Ji handed over his hand and said, "I have met Mr. Lang."

Yang Xuan raised his head and said, "Get the wine ready."

Han Ji smiled freely and said, "Already prepared."

The two smiled at each other, and Yang Xuan entered the restaurant. Immediately, Wuda's people began to control the situation, and the Qiu Long Guard occupied an important position.

"It's hard to go shopping freely with so many people shouting at each other when you go out."

Yang Xuan was a little emotional.

Han Ji came out to greet him and said with a smile: "If I become the Supreme, I'm afraid I won't even be able to get out of the palace gate."

"I can't live with that kind of life!"

When Han Ji heard this, his eyes flashed, "Lord, please!"

For the first time, Yang Xuan didn't ask him to change his story.

The two entered the room.

The food and drinks have arrived.

Yang Xuan sat down, "How did you find out?"

Han Ji sat down and said, "When Zhang asked someone to come to marry him, I met Zhang Sui once. He is a mediocre person, but he comes from a good family. It is appropriate for him to live a life of wealth and wealth."

"Poor parents in the world don't want to take advantage of it, they just want their daughter to live a safe life. I think you have been thinking about this for a long time!"

Yang Xuan thought of A-Liang. He would probably be troubled by A-Liang's future marriage.

"I have been thinking about it for a long time." Han Ji said with a smile: "Zhang Sui is not very courageous, which is one of the reasons why I chose him. People who are not courageous do not dare to take risks. In this way, I have a stable position, and he will not dare to treat me harshly.


Yang Xuan was also moved by this thought, thinking that if A Liang's future father-in-law was so resourceful, he would have to tell the boy to be careful of his father-in-law's methods.

"Fortunately, I was exiled, and Zhang Sui fell out. Fortunately, Ying'er is fine. I thought, this will be it from now on, and we let go."

Yang Xuan felt that Zhang Sui's biggest mistake was coming to Northern Xinjiang this time. No matter who caused the temptation or threat, the consequence of not agreeing would be to be suppressed at most.

Han Ji will not suppress, he will...


"Zhang Sui is afraid of me. Even if he really doesn't know that I am in Taoxian County and is the husband's confidant, then he should know it after meeting Ying'er.

After knowing this, he should run away... run immediately, as far away as possible.

But he couldn't stay, and even made me look affectionate to disgust me..."

Han Ji took a sip of wine and suppressed his nausea, "I know that someone must be instigating and planning something behind this. After thinking about it, there is nothing in me that they can like. Only one thing..."

Han Ji pointed to his temple, "My brain. But my brain is used by Lang Jun, so the identity and purpose of the person behind it will be revealed. This is to take away Lang Jun's wings."

At this moment, Han Ji was shining brightly.

Yang Xuan sighed: "You should tell me."

Han Ji smiled and said: "Mr. Lang has been hiding something from me, just like a veil. I think, I have to find an opportunity to lift this veil. After thinking about it, the only way is to make a clean break with the past..."

"You think I will be suspicious of your past?"

"After all, I have been in the circle of the powerful in Chang'an. If one day someone comes to see me and says, come back! To be honest, I think I might be tempted. In this case, it's better to cut them off!"

In this way, he is an innocent man.

"You are so thoughtful..." Yang Xuan looked at him and thought to himself, Lao Han was showing off his sincerity.

When Han Ji first came to his side, he was cautious for a while. At that time, Han Ji always felt that he couldn't do anything.

After arriving in Taoxian, Han Ji's talent gradually emerged, and his plans were far-reaching and ruthless.

A great talent needs a big pond, otherwise it won't be able to splash around.

Mother has no doubt that Han Ji's role in his small circle is getting bigger and bigger, so it would be too much to isolate him anymore.

It hurts people's hearts.

Yang Xuan is a kind person, "I am taking action this time. Actually, I want to find an opportunity to tell you something."

Han Ji raised his glass and said, "My lord, please speak."

The word lord always reminds Yang Xu of Uncle Liu Huang.

"When you were in Chang'an, what do you think of the situation today?"

Today it refers to the emperor.

Han Ji said: "To be honest, if you don't respect the emperor, your Majesty will have no chance."

Yang Xuan smiled and said, "Tell me more."

Han Ji's eyes were filled with brilliance, "The Supreme Being was able to take over the East Palace, and now he has done a lot of credit. Later, he launched a palace coup and made Emperor Wu abdicate. Then he ousted the Supreme Leader from power...

This series of methods is full of viciousness. It can be seen that in today's eyes, only power is one's relative.

In my opinion, the source of the decline of the Tang Dynasty is him.

As long as he is around, the Tang Dynasty will never stop weakening.

I think this is... a foolish king!"

Lao Han dares to say it.

Yang Xuan said slowly: "So, what do you think these two people should do?"

Han Ji said without hesitation: "It's better to die early."

He was guessing Yang Xuan's purpose.

"To be honest, at first I thought Lang Jun was just an unruly young man.

If you are talented, you are also versatile in both civil and military affairs.

In this way, if fortune helps, I will not be able to get a position as an important minister."

"Then what were you thinking about at that time?" Yang Xuan ate a piece of mutton liver and felt old, shaking his head slightly.

The mutton liver must be tender and boiled in boiling water for a few times before it is cooked. Of course, if you are unlucky and encounter parasites, you can only blame yourself for being unlucky.

Han Ji had no appetite. "At that time, I was thinking, what does this young man want to do? Does he have any ideals in this life? I kept observing."

"Have you gained anything?" Yang Xuangai ate a piece of mutton face. It was very glutinous, but slightly fishy after being cold.

"Yes." Han Ji just wanted to drink, so he raised his glass and drank. "If he were an ordinary person, he would be normal in Chenzhou and Wangtao County, but he would not be anxious."

"Why?" Yang Xuan took a sip of wine.

Fortunately, it seems that Han Ji's taste is not much different from mine.

"It is rare for a man to be promoted so quickly. A normal person would not dare to have such ambitions unless he has a strong support like a noble concubine behind him.

But Lang Jun left the imperial concubine without hesitation. So, why did Lang Jun want to look at Tao County?

I observed carefully and found that Lang Jun actually wanted to rely on his own ability."

Han Ji sighed, "I think Lang Jun is a lunatic, but I am also an old lunatic, so it would be nice for two lunatics to get together, right?"

"That's right." Yang Xuan raised his glass, Han Ji raised his glass, and they took a sip.

Han Ji said: "Lang Jun's will is the strongest I have ever seen in my life. I often wonder what drives a young man to crazily yearn for Taoxian. For this reason, he is willing to take risks and sacrifice everything.

I'm thinking, why? Even if you are obsessed with power, you can't be like this."

"What did you think of?" Yang Xuan felt that he was a good listener.

"I have thought of the purpose!" Han Ji looked at Yang Xuan, "There is only one possibility. Lang Jun needs to seize power and control the army as soon as possible to achieve the purpose."

"Interesting!" Yang Xuan found it a kind of enjoyment to listen to others analyzing his own mentality like a rudimentary method. He raised his glass and said, "Continue."

Han Ji said: "I have thought about it for a long time and feel that it must be ambitious. So I happen to be dissatisfied with the Tang Dynasty, so why not make some big noise together."

"So you kept tempting me to rebel!"

"Yes. Lang Jun scolded me at first, but then he just couldn't refuse. I know that Lang Jun did it on purpose. This is a hint to me, let's discuss this matter later."

Han Ji's eyes were bright, "So, what does Lang Jun want? Northern Xinjiang? Now that Northern Xinjiang is in hand, Lang Jun is expanding to the north.

If nothing else happens, in ten or twenty years, Northern Xinjiang will become a behemoth!"

"Yes! In ten or twenty years, Northern Xinjiang will replace Northern Liao and become a behemoth dominating the north.

It's just that I can't wait any longer." Yang Xuan put down his wine glass.

Han Ji was so excited that he couldn't help himself, "What is Lang Jun's goal?"

He thought about it many times.

"But rebellion?"

"No!" Yang Xuan shook his head.

The huge disappointment and frustration made Han Ji feel that his heart was falling violently.

He turned his head and looked out the window.

The autumn sun outside seems to bring not warmth, but biting cold.

Life is meaningless anymore!

Yang Xuan spoke.

"Yes, revolt!"

This chapter has been completed!
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