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Chapter 804 leave you a house with a fire

Helianfeng died, Helianchun ascended the throne, and Lin Ya rose... This was a situation that the Tang Dynasty was happy to see.

Some people in Chang'an even said that they should take advantage of the situation and launch the Northern Expedition, defeating the Northern Liao Dynasty in one fell swoop, an old rival that had been a headache for the Tang Dynasty for many years.

But some people say that if the Tang Dynasty raises troops, will the Northern Liao Dynasty unite into a group?

All political disputes were gone. He Lianchun and Lin Ya shook hands and made peace. Just like Helianfeng did during the southern expedition, Northern Liao united as one...

Once such a situation is formed, He Lianchun will be eager for Datang to send troops.

He will be looking forward to it in Ningxing.

Li Mi, if you don’t come, you will be my grandson!

Therefore, Chang'an's view is to wait and see what happens and then lie down.

The emperor is lying flat in the pear garden, why should everyone fight?

As for Northern Xinjiang, his views were a bit complicated. From Yang Xuan's point of view, he hoped to launch a Northern Expedition. But he was convinced that as long as he dared to lead an army to go on an expedition, the puppet emperor of Chang'an would dare to send troops to cut off his retreat.

Therefore, no matter how many ideas I have, I can only hold them back.

But if you want to say there is peace between the two countries, it is a bit humiliating.

This is Yang Xuan's understanding.

"Since the beginning of the Chen Kingdom, Bei Liao has been invading the Central Plains continuously, and it has never stopped. Helianfeng was defeated, and Bei Liao was fighting internally. Why do you want to pray for peace? This matter is quite simple..."

Yang Jia, who had just been rejected by Yang Xuan, felt a chill in her heart.

Yang Xuan pointed to the side, "See, there is a door there. You can carry it over and I will agree to this."

Yang Jia took a look and saw that the place was empty, "There is no door there!"

"Yeah! There's no door!"

Yang Xuan said sarcastically.

"Master, sit down!"

The loyal dog Wu Da returned from killing the enemy and found that his master was standing. He kicked the guard who was following Yang Xuan and then sent him to the horse with a flattering smile.

Yang Xuan took advantage of the situation and sat down.

Jiang Heer came over and said, "Mr. Sir, drink some water."

Even when Qingqi went on an expedition, as a personal secretary, Jiang Heer not only had to take on paperwork, but also made beds and quilts and served tea.

No, the chase was still going on, and she had already brought a cup of hot tea over here.

This secretary is so capable!

Yang Xuan took the tea cup and took a sip.

Lift your eyes.

There were dozens of people standing behind him, but only Yang Jia and Zhan Juan were in front of him.

One person is sitting, two people are standing...

This is wrong!

After all, Zhan Juan was a veteran in serving Chang Ling, so she stood decisively on the side.

Avoiding facing Yang Xuan directly.

This is not considered rude.

But Yang Jia, as the representative of the negotiations, cannot avoid it, otherwise it will be rude and lose face to Daliao.

But you can't let Yang Xuan look up at you while he's sitting!

Yang Jia hesitated for a moment and slowly squatted down.

Just squatting opposite Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan looked down at him and felt that there was a giant monkey squatting in front of him.

"How about Changling?"

This question is for Zhan Juan to answer.

Behind Yang Xuan, Lin Feibao waved his hand. Apart from the Qiu Long Guard, only Wu Da and Pei Jian remained, as well as Jiang He'er.

As for the old thieves and the others, they have long since been hunted down without a trace.

Zhan Juan said: "The princess has been busy with political affairs recently. She doesn't have much time at home every day. She just reads books at home."

She dug out of her arms and took out a letter.

Jiang Heer came over and said, "Give it to me."

Zhan Juan looked at her dissatisfied.

Jiang Heer took the letter and checked it over with a familiarity, "Lang Jun, there is no way."

Yang Xuan took the letter and opened it.

——Zitai, when we parted ways, I probably never thought that we would not be able to see each other for a long time. Are you okay?

I'm very well!

Yang Xuan wanted to laugh, but then he thought about it and sighed.

It was as if I heard Suzaku saying disdainfully in my ear, "Scumbag!"

Zhan Juan saw her and thought that Yang Xuan was indeed very fond of the princess.

——My father passed away and the new emperor ascended the throne. I originally wanted to read books and write poems at home, but the disputes in the court became more and more intense. If my father was here, I would not do anything.

He Lianfeng had great righteousness and had been in charge of Northern Liao for many years, but Lin Ya's various methods were of no avail. If the prince's pig teammate hadn't poisoned him, there is no way He Lianfeng could have survived Lin Ya's death.

He Lianchun's identity is a bit embarrassing, considering that he is He Lianfeng's imperial uncle, his succession to the throne is somewhat unfair.

——But that is Daliao after all, and it is the country that my father cares about deeply. I can't just sit back and watch.

After Helianfeng passed away, Changling turned out to be the closest person to him in the world.

This thing is really embarrassing!

Yang Xuan witnessed the move of the Northern Liao Prince with his own eyes. That night, all of He Lianfeng's children and grandchildren were killed by the Prince.

Only one daughter, Changling, is left.

——I am now assisting Emperor Zuo in the court, and I have many affairs every day.

Yang Xuan raised his head, "What is Changling's status now?"

"Princess." Zhan Juan said.

"Princess?" Yang Xuan looked at Lin Feibao.

"That's the emperor's aunt." Lin Feibao said.

"Are you sure?" Yang Xuan hasn't studied the status of the royal family yet.

Lin Feibao nodded: "OK."

"Uncle Huang has found an aunt for himself?" Yang Xuan wanted to laugh, but he didn't think it was funny.

Zhan Juan said awkwardly: "Your Majesty is too senior."

He Lianchun is Changling's great-uncle. According to tradition, Changling should continue to maintain her status as a princess.

But the princess's participation in politics was a bit unworthy, so He Lianchun found an aunt for himself very generously.

"Uncle Huang is grand!"

Yang Xuan praised sincerely.

When Yang Xuan called He Lianchun his uncle, Yang Jia reminded him, "That's Your Majesty."

Zhan Juan glanced at him, shook her head slightly, and signaled him not to offend Yang Xuan for such a trivial matter.

Yang Xuan changed his sitting position, took a sip of tea, and inhaled the air filled with the smell of blood.

"What a great day!"

He sighed with emotion before saying: "When the emperor's uncle was in trouble, if it weren't for me, he would have died in the hands of horse thieves.

Even if he is here, if I call him uncle, he will respond.

Who do you think you are?!

Dare to say anything!"

Yang Jia finally couldn't bear it any longer and stood up just as he was about to speak.

Yang Xuan pointed at him, "Get out!"

The loyal dog Uda draws his sword.

He smiled ferociously and said, "Yeah, it just so happens that I didn't kill enough people today!"

Yang Jia smiled and retreated to the side.

Yang Xuan lowered his head.

The letter comes to an end.

——Zitai, when can we meet again?

This bitch is not authentic!

But, at least she didn't lie, and she didn't mention any nonsense about peace in her heart.

Yang Xuan attaches great importance to this.

Whether you beg or threaten, just don't fool me.

He shook his head slightly.

Back to the top.

——Zitai, help me find Yang Jia.


Yang Xuan smiled bitterly.

This was also the reason why he suddenly turned against Yang Jia.

Changling is smart, but after all, he has less experience, and he lacks battlefield experience, and he also lacks experience in playing games with one or several political groups.

Yang Xuan asked, "Over at Ningxing, Changling has been a little tired lately?"

Zhan Juan nodded, "Yes. The princess is planning something recently."

These Changling Tombs were not required to be kept secret, so Zhan Juan could speak freely.

"When you come out, will you wait quietly or openly?"

"It's quietly."

Yang Xuan sighed, "Changling! Even the Tang Dynasty took advantage of this."

He stood up and said, "Zhan Juan."

He walked in front, Zhan Juan folded her hands in front of her lower abdomen and followed behind.

The two gradually walked away.

"Is Changling plotting against Lin Ya?"


"But she needs to make Lin Ya think that the most important thing for her and the emperor's uncle at the moment is our offensive in Northern Xinjiang?"

Zhan Juan looked up, with admiration in her eyes, "Yes."

"The fall of Nangui City is supposed to be negative news and has damaged the emperor's uncle's prestige.

If it were me, I would probably send troops to recapture Nangui City.

But the emperor's uncle was obese and had an unstable footing, so he was unable to go on an expedition.

Changling is a woman and can only make suggestions..."

Yang Xuan turned around, "Changling is trying to turn a bad thing into a good thing!"

Zhan Juan suppressed the turmoil in her heart, lowered her head, and remained silent.


Yang Xuan was a little impatient.

Zhan Juan nodded, "The princess said that with your keen eyesight, you might be able to see through her and His Majesty's plan."

Yang Xuan pointed at Nangui City, "I'm very curious as to why Bei Liao didn't launch a counterattack immediately after losing Nangui City. It wasn't until early winter, a season when it's difficult to send troops, that they launched a counterattack.

I thought it was due to Ning Xing's confusion. Only after seeing you waiting did I know that this was intentional."

Zhan Juan lowered her head, "You put it like that, I feel like I'm not even wearing any clothes."

These words are somewhat charming.

Yang Xuan didn't look at her, "Over at Ningxing, Changling and the emperor's uncle got the news that Nangui City was lost, and they were determined to turn bad things into good things. So they plotted against Lin Ya, and they didn't take action until now.

It would be great if we can defeat it, but if we can't defeat it, it has nothing to do with Ning Xing's layout.

But, this is a bloody human life!

Changling has finally learned to regard all the people in the world as nothing!"

Zhan Juan raised her head and said, "Is this the case for you too!"

Yang Xuan nodded, "That's what I am."

He turned around and continued walking.

Zhan Juan followed and suddenly felt that if Yang Xuan was in Ningxing, he and the princess would join forces...

Zhan Juan felt that there was more saliva in her mouth... The picture was too beautiful to think about.

"The so-called peace talks are false. As for letting me see Yang Jia and Changling, what do you mean?"

Zhan Juan followed him, "What the princess means is that she is a woman after all and has never experienced battle. But since she is involved in political affairs, she will feel uneasy if there is no decisive counselor by her side.

I wanted to ask the emperor's uncle to take a look, but as you know, the emperor's uncle and the princess are said to be an alliance, but if there is a chance to make the princess his chess piece, the emperor's uncle will not hesitate.

The princess has been thinking about it for a long time, but you are the only one who can reassure her."

Yang Xuan stopped and looked north.

The north wind is so strong that those who blow it can't help but shrink their necks.

"Tell Changling."

"Say." Zhan Juan took out the charcoal pen and paper, making Jiang He'er who was following behind roll his eyes playfully.

Yang Xuan saw it, smiled, and then looked north with his hands behind his hands.

"If she's tired, come to Northern Xinjiang. Rain or shine, I'll leave her a room with a fire!"

Ning Xing.

The north wind brought the first snow.

The snow was not heavy, and it melted as soon as it fell to the ground, gradually submerging the ground.

Changling is in his princess's mansion.

In the study, she was wearing a big cloak and sitting by the window. She was holding a book in her right hand and holding her chin in her left hand, looking at it quietly.

Puff puff puff!

The sound of footsteps came.

A maid appeared outside the door and said, "Princess, there is someone from the palace."

Changling opened the wooden box on the eucalyptus table. Inside was a stack of bookmarks made of leaves. She took a piece and placed it in the middle of the page she saw, closed the book, stood up and said: "Go to the front yard, let Shen Tong also



Shen Tong was originally a member of Helianfeng. After Helianfeng died, Helianchun ascended the throne. As an emperor and a courtier, Shen Tong simply resigned and returned home. It was not until Changling raised a flag to participate in government affairs that Shen Tong

Come and vote.

When we arrived at the front yard, Shen Tong was already waiting.

"The eldest princess."


Shen Tong, who is in his fifties, has a black beard and hair, has a smile on his thin face, and is very affable.

"Princess, Lin Ya is hosting a banquet today."

Shen Tong followed beside Changling.

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Shen." Changling smiled.

"Being able to see the princess standing in the court makes all the hard work worthwhile."

A chamberlain is waiting.

Changling recognized that this was the emperor's chamberlain, "What's the matter?"

The chamberlain said: "Your Majesty has summoned you."

The still fat Emperor He Lianchun of the Liao Dynasty sat there, still looking like a mountain of flesh.

Compared with when he was in Tanzhou, he is much whiter now.

"His Majesty."

The chamberlain came in and said, "The eldest princess is here."

The emperor raised his head, and the slightly drooping flesh on his cheeks trembled, "Please come in."

Please is used here, not let her in.


Changling came in and said, "Your Majesty."

The emperor raised his head and said with a smile: "Changling is here, sit down."

Changling sat down and a maid served tea.

The emperor pointed to the teacup and said, "This is tea from the southern part of the Tang Dynasty. It is better than the tea from the Liao Dynasty."

Changling took a sip and found that it was indeed more pure.

The emperor said slowly: "Nangui City failed. I wanted to make people fight back, but you said that you can turn bad things into good things.

Five days ago, I sent 20,000 troops to reinforce Neizhou.

Today, the 20,000 troops quietly returned to the mountains outside the city according to your plan.

Next, what are you going to do?"

He thought for a while and then said: "Lin Ya sent more than 10,000 people into the city yesterday to protect herself. If you want to surprise him, you have no chance."

Changling bowed slightly and said, "Your Majesty, Lin Ya's success depends on the army."

The emperor nodded, put the memorial in his hand on the eucalyptus table, picked up the teacup but did not drink it, just warmed his fat hands.

"There is Lin Ya's army outside the city, and 20,000 of them are in the camp in the north of the city. Those 20,000 troops are one of Lin Ya's bases. If something goes wrong, they can enter the city at any time to confront His Majesty's army..."

The emperor nodded.

motioning for her to continue.

"Nangui City was lost. His Majesty pretended to be anxious and wanted to send reinforcements, but he was worried that Lin Ya would take advantage of the situation and attack... After a while, he sent 20,000 troops to the south for reinforcements.

And I also sent my confidants Yang Jia and Zhan Juan to the south early to make a gesture of seeking peace with Yang Xuan..."

Changling looked at the emperor: "Your Majesty, there are 20,000 less troops here. Lin Ya can rest assured."

"So he hosted a banquet for his subordinates tonight." The emperor took a sip of tea, and the warm tea entered his stomach, and he sighed happily.

"Tonight, he will be very proud." Changling raised his eyebrows. "But what if tonight the 20,000 troops heading south raid the military camp outside the city?"

The emperor slowly raised his eyes and looked at Changling.

Changling narrowed his eyes slightly.

"You're taking a risk."

"The 20,000 troops originally belonged to my father. After his father passed away, Lin Ya bribed General Chen Song and got the 20,000 troops. If I try to seize them, what can he do?"

"But what if it fails!"

"I have been planning this for a long time, and all my methods, both overt and covert, were to confuse Lin Ya. I even asked the Eagle Guard to take action and kill the spies who followed the 20,000-strong army. The rest is just up to God's will."

The emperor said with a cold face, "What do you want the army for?"

Changling said: "If I were unarmed, I would be a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!"

The emperor held the tea cup. "You want to have your own way?"

Changling sat up straight, "What can an army of 20,000 people do? Conspire to rebel? It can't be done. So, what is your Majesty worried about?"

The emperor sneered.

Changling said coldly: "If your Majesty does not allow it, I will take my leave. I will leave for Northern Xinjiang tomorrow."

After she finished speaking, she didn't even stay for a moment, got up and left.

The emperor looked at her back with a sharp look in his eyes.

Just when Changling reached the palace gate, the emperor spoke.

"When will we do it?"

Changling looked at the sky outside the palace.


This chapter has been completed!
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