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Chapter 808

"Such heavy snow!"

Lin Qian entered the study of her in-law Sun Xian and saw him dazed in the study holding a book in his hand. She laughed and said, "Are you in a daze after eating enough?"

Sun Xian shook his head, "I didn't have breakfast."

"Why? Have a bad appetite?"

The relationship between the two was very close, so Lin Qian didn't hesitate and sat down directly.

Sun Xian patted his bulging belly, "Before I was thirty, my lower abdomen was slightly bulging. After I was thirty, my lower abdomen changed every day. At least several thousand kilograms of oil and water passed through my belly."

But strangely enough, the more this happens, the more I can eat and drink."

"Then you today..." Lin Qian looked at her lower abdomen, which was slightly flat, and couldn't help but feel ashamed, feeling that she had failed to live up to the delicacies she had eaten.

Sun Xian said: "I'm happy."

"But there's a happy event?" Lin Qian poured herself a cup of tea and took a sniff.

Sun Xian pointed outside, "Look."

Lin Qian looked sideways.

The snow in the yard had been cleared, but soon it was covered with another layer.

"Such heavy snow."

He repeated his previous words again.

Sun Xian said: "Earlier, the steward of Zhuangzi outside the city came and said angrily that more than ten families in Zhuangzi were crushed by snow."

"Just give each family some food." Lin Qian took a sip of tea, "After all, those farmers can make you money every year."

His body suddenly shook. "You mean... a natural disaster?"

"If you haven't woken up yet, I will regret that I was blind and got married to you." Sun Xian tapped the eucalyptus with his fingers, and there was a look of gloating in his eyes, "Northern Xinjiang is so big, this snow will hit you

, you said, how many people will be displaced? How many people will die of cold and hunger?"

"This is a natural disaster!" Lin Qian's eyes were filled with joy.

"It's also a man-made disaster!"

Sun Xian said: "The food war caused me heavy losses and it broke my heart. But Yang Gou became more and more proud. This snow disaster is the retribution for his perverse behavior."

Lin Qian sighed, "I feel sorry for the people."

"Who says it's not the case!" Sun Xian said calmly: "I heard that someone was preaching in the countryside, and what they said was that Yang Gou was doing the wrong thing, so that God brought disaster."

Lin Qian was happy, "It's going to be lively now. However, many people may die of cold and starvation."

Sun Xian looked at him, "Are you distressed?"

Lin Qian shook her head, "I feel sorry for the fact that so few people have died...the more people die, the more fields will be freed up. I just need to take some nourishment."

Sun Xian raised his glass.

Lin Qian raised his glass.

"Why not another three years!"

Yang Xuan and Ning Yayun developed metaphysics.

Helianyan is waiting.

"Mr. Lang."


Yang Xuan looked at the sky and felt that the snow would not stop for a while.

"Ru'an sneaked into the sacrifice site of the big drum god and heard someone say... It was Lang Jun who acted against the will, so God punished him. Only if you devoutly believe in the big drum god, the more people who believe in it, the happier God will be.

The smaller the natural disaster will be."

"Isn't this right!" said the old thief: "Shouldn't it be to encourage the people to cause trouble?"

Yang Xuan glanced at Ning Yayun, she was still a master of metaphysics in this matter.

Ning Yayun shook her head and said, "Be pious at the beginning and don't mix it with other things, otherwise you will be exposed accidentally.

Wait until those believers are convinced, then slowly guide them, tell them about their sufferings, and then guide...

When all those sufferings are attributed to Zitai, even the calmest person will go crazy."

"Step by step." Yang Xuan smiled, he had seen such methods in the scroll.

Those young men and women coaxed a group of old people around. Aunts, grandpas, uncles, uncles... are more kind than your own son.

Once you become addicted to enjoying the pleasure of being warmly received by others, they will care about your body thoughtfully, whether we have a magical health product here, or something...

Even the somewhat vigilant old man cannot save face.

Many times it is not the liar who is cunning, but the willingness of the person being deceived.

Because they need the feeling of being cared for. Even if they know that the people who talk sweetly are liars, they still want to be deceived for a while longer.

Ning Yayun asked: "Where?"

"There is a spot just outside the city where there are a lot of people."

Yang Xuan said: "Using the army will make the people angry, and they feel it is coercion. The only way to control the immortal is to use the immortal. I'm sorry for the trouble, Master."

People who encounter natural disasters are already angry, even if it is unreasonable, they feel justified. Once officials or the army appear at this time, they are like sparks, which can easily ignite the atmosphere.

Yang Xuan somewhat understood that this was his first year in charge of Northern Xinjiang, and some people wished that they would not be able to see the flowers blooming in the spring next year.

Because, by next year, after overcoming the difficulties, his foundation in Northern Xinjiang will become stronger and stronger.

They panicked!

Yang Xuan smiled.

Ning Yayun said: "I can just go ahead with this matter. However, I need a helper."

He Lianyan said: "I am willing to lead the way."

I went with the old god for a visit. I guess the old god was in a better mood, so he casually gave me some of the secret skills of metaphysics.

Ning Yayun shook her head, and Yang Xuan asked: "How about... let Zhou Jian follow you?"

Pei Jian from behind stepped forward.

Ning Yayun shook her head.

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "There are all people here that I can use, you can do whatever you want."

But why does this sound like a brothel madam bringing her girls to the show?

Ning Yayun shook her head again, "What is A Liang doing at home?"

Yang Xuan laughed and said: "When he came out in the morning, he threw himself into the snow and scared the whole family. Now he is probably under the control of his mother-in-law."

"That's good."

Ning Yayun mounted her horse, but the direction was wrong. Yang Xuan asked: "Headmaster, where are you going?"

"Your home."

Yang Xuan: "..."

The Yang family was behind the Jiedu Envoy's Mansion. Ning Yayun came to the alley and flicked her tail, "It's not bad for a few good hands to squat."

When he arrived at the door of Yang's house, he knocked.

The door opened, "Ah! It's Headmaster Ning. Lang Jun is out."

Ning Yayun said: "I'm here to see Aning."

Zhou Ning got the news in the backyard, "Is there something wrong with the headmaster?"

The servant girl who delivered the message said: "Headmaster Ning said he wanted to go out of the city and wanted to take the young man with him."

Aunt Guan said: "Madam, it's cold today!"

At this time, another servant woman came and said, "Madam, Langjun sent his second brother to send a message and said that he should just let the headmaster take him."

Zhou Ning smiled and said: "I know."

Since Ning Yayun wanted to take A Liang out of the city, she must have a reason. Although she believed deeply in Ning Yayun, Zhou Ning was still worried and asked Zheng Wuniang to prepare something.

Zhou Ning personally carried A Liang to the front yard.

Ning Yayun stood in the front yard, looking like a fairy.


Ning Yayun turned around and said with a smile: "A Liang."

He came to Yang's house from time to time to see A Liang, and they were quite familiar with each other.


A Liang stretched out his hand, and Zhou Ning said angrily: "My heart is so wild."

Ning Yayun took A Liang and said: "Some people outside the city made incense, which is quite good for the child's soul. I take A Liang there, which can be regarded as a bath for his soul."

Zhou Ning was stunned, "Master, do we really have such secret skills in metaphysics?"

She has been in metaphysics for a long time, and has been immersed in the vast collection of metaphysics books for a long time, but she has never seen it!

"You!" Ning Yayun smiled, "You only remembered looking for medical skills at the beginning, and you just passed those books. Our metaphysics has been passed down for so many years, even a group of pigs will become immortal pigs in the world in more than a thousand years. Immortal pigs

Is the secret skill you have developed good enough?"


How could I have swept myself into it?

Ning Yayun coughed dryly and said, "Let's go!"

Zhou Ning covered her mouth to hold back laughter, "Headmaster, I have developed a metaphysics."

You bunch of pigs, don't drag me into this.

Ning Yayun laughed dryly, "I'm a pig for a day."

Zhou Ning’s eyebrows stood up, Ning Yayun hugged A Liang and disappeared with a swish.

All the way out of the city, there were guards waiting outside the city.

"Where are those people?" Ning Yayun asked.

"Just nine miles northwest, it's called Mahuang Village."

Ning Yayun nodded, hugged A Liang, "Let's go and take a look."


Ah Liang shouted excitedly.

There is quite a lot of snow on the ground. In this kind of weather, most people will not go out and stay at home and in the village.

Mahuang Village is quite large, with hundreds of households and a total population of several thousand.

In other words, when the Tang Dynasty was just founded, the population of several thousand was almost the size of a county.

Snow covered the ground, and the village cleared a road leading to the entrance of the village. Other than that, the entire world was completely white.

There is an open space in the village. Usually when something important happens, Muramasa Konghu will convene people to announce it here.

At this moment, the open space was crowded with people.

Everyone raised their heads, their eyes were burning, and their breathing was rapid.

All eyes were directed towards the wooden platform in front.

This is a temporary wooden platform with a statue of a god placed on the eucalyptus table.

The statue looks quite ferocious, dressed as a military general, holding drumsticks in both hands, and a big drum in front of him, as if he is beating the big drum to urge his subordinates to advance.

More than a dozen men in green shirts were kneeling around the statue, chanting scriptures.

The chanting was very low, but everyone could hear it clearly, as if someone was whispering in your ear.

In front of the wooden platform, two middle-aged men stood apart with their eyes lowered, as if they were in trance, and seemed to be communicating with the gods.

The two people's mouths moved slightly, and they were conversing in an unnoticeable manner.

"Old Ma, this deal seems to be worth it," said the thin man on the left.

"Jianyun Guan said that this is a land of barren mountains and rivers. The people in the land of barren mountains and rivers are very ignorant, so it is a good place to preach.

Hey! Old Deng, this time I gave you half of my wealth to get the opportunity to preach here.

How did your poor Qingfeng Liangxiu persuade the superiors?" the old horse on the right said softly.

Lao Ma's name is Ma Jinyan, and Lao Deng's name is Deng Dan. They came from a place called Zhenchao Mountain.

Not long ago, Zhenchao Mountain internally selected some people to come to Northern Xinjiang. It was called missionary, but in fact it was a trick to encourage the people to cause trouble. This was originally a hard job, but someone who came to Jianyunguan said that after the event was completed, the people who participated

, the materials for cultivation since then have been managed by Jianyun.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Zhenchao Mountain was originally a vassal of Jianyun Temple, and with such generous benefits, it attracted everyone to flock to it.

Ma Jinyan gave half of his wealth as a bribe, and then he got the chance.

Deng Dan smiled bitterly, "I signed the IOU."

"You're really good at it." Ma Jinyan smiled.

Deng Dan coughed dryly and said, "There are experts in Jianyun Temple, saying that there may be natural disasters in northern Xinjiang this year and next year. If there are natural disasters, we will be useful. Old horse, we must hurry up and mobilize these people."

"I know." Ma Jinyan said: "Not long after Yang Xuang took over Northern Xinjiang, his footing has not been stable, and the people's hearts have not yet completely surrendered. It is best to take advantage of this opportunity. If you miss it, the risk is too great."

"This heavy snow is an opportunity. Look, it's still falling."

"Old Deng, send someone to the entrance of the village to take a look."

"What are you worried about?"

"After all, Yang Gou is a famous general. I am worried that he will send out troops."

"You idiot, the army is coming, how big is the noise?"


"Don't worry, how can the local officials go out at this time? When the snow stops, we will leave and change places to preach.

Yang Gou is a famous general, but this is a natural disaster, let alone a famous general. Faced with such a natural disaster, the emperor can only issue an edict to punish himself and beg the gods for protection."

"Hey! Old Deng, tell me, is it useful for this emperor to pray to the gods?"

Deng Dan said disdainfully: "There is a ball! The emperor boasted about what kind of emperor he was.

In times of great disaster, everyone in the world will look at him.

Aren't you God's illegitimate child? Come! Tell your father, let's stop this natural disaster first!

But when will the emperor’s prayers be useful?”

"The Emperor, the Emperor, is a liar!"

"No, I said, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and get ready to agitate. Let's leave as soon as we're done, and watch from the side as Northern Xinjiang turns into a mess. It makes me happy just thinking about it."


Ma Jinyan said, "Ahem!"

The disciples stopped chanting scriptures.

Ma Jinyan said: "You have to be pious so that I can communicate with the gods."

The villagers were refreshed.

"Old immortal, what do the gods say?" someone asked impatiently.

"Yes! Yes! Did the gods promise to stop the heavy snow?"


Ma Jinyan coughed twice, and everyone closed their mouths.

Ma Jinyan was very satisfied with his deterrence and said calmly, "The gods have said that Northern Xinjiang is a good place. The weather has been good for many years and should have continued. But just this year, someone went against the grain and made the gods angry..."

In the distance, Ning Yayun hugged Ah Liang and pointed to the village with a smile, "Ah Liang, look."

Ah Liang felt a warm current on the back of his spine constantly moving through his body. He felt very comfortable. He clapped his hands and said, "Play!"

Those eyes were full of joy, dark and not a trace of impurity could be seen.

The seven emotions and six desires are superfluous things in the eyes of children.

Human beings are born pure, but they are polluted by the world of mortals.

Ning Yayun was happy and said with a smile: "Okay, let's go play."

"... Heaven and earth have their own rules. The gods in heaven rule, and the kings on earth rule. Emperors, generals, prime ministers, governors, magistrates... these are the rules."

Ma Jinyan said these words very smoothly.

Someone asked: "Old Immortal, can we poor people become officials?"

Ma Jinyan glanced at the man and said, "Yes."

The man was happy, and Deng Dan said calmly: "The next life."

The man was stunned.

Outside the village, Ning Yayun hugged A Liang and said softly: "Look, this is deceiving people."

Ma Jinyan said: "In this life, you are in difficulty because of the evil you did in your previous life.

As long as you devoutly believe in the gods, the gods will naturally wash away your sins.

The more pious you are, the greater your blessings will be in the next life."

The villagers were very excited.

Deng Dan asked: "What is the most pious?"

Ma Jinyan said: "There are people who are rebellious in the world, and the gods are not happy. Whoever can eliminate this great harm to the gods should be promoted to immortality!"

Muramasa Konghu's eyes turned red, "Old god, who is the trouble?"

Deng Dan smiled, "This person's surname is Yang and his given name is Xuan!"

"Deputy Ambassador Yang?"

"Yeah!" Seeing the villagers' hesitation, Deng Dan said: "Yang Xuan rebelled against the emperor and made the gods angry. Wait, do you want to follow his perverse behavior and become a beast in the next life?"


Ma Jinyan said: "The gods are here, who dares to disobey?"

The sound of chanting scriptures suddenly rose up and was very loud.

The villagers were frightened and knelt down one after another.


From the periphery, children's shouts suddenly came from the outside.

Which milk baby?

Deng Dan looked dissatisfied.

I saw a free and easy man holding a child, nodding and smiling, "Okay!"

This chapter has been completed!
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