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Chapter 857 Countless Living People

Refugees are pouring in.

"Can't enter the city!"

Outside the city, the soldiers shouted, "Go to the camp!"

Groups of refugees were driven to camps outside the city.

Yang Xuan stood outside the gate of the camp, with more than a hundred guards behind him. He just had a cold face and made the refugees behave well.

"From now on, Lang Jun, just stand at the top of the city if you have nothing to do. It will work!" Wang Laoer praised.


Wang Laoer covered the back of his head, "Why did Tu Gong hit me?"

Tu Chang glanced at Yang Xuan and said, "You must respect Mr. Lang."


Wang Laoer didn't care. Tu Shang pulled him and said in a low voice: "Mr. Lang is becoming more and more majestic now. Don't make a fuss like before, and be more respectful."

Wang Laoer shook his head, "No."

"What not?"

"Not respectful."

"Then how did you deal with noble people before?"

"If you don't like it, leave."

Tu Shang: "..."

If you don't like it, just leave. This seems to be a no-brainer, but Tu Shang feels particularly free and easy.

But this is not a long-term solution!

The refugees entered the camp.


A group of young people shouted behind the case.

"Is this the official?" An old man came over and saluted.

"They are all students," said the sergeant next to them.

The old man was panicked, "Oh! Scholars? Those are the stars in the sky! How can they hang out with people like us?"

The sergeant smiled and said: "The deputy envoy said that it is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. Let them come into contact with the black and white good and evil in this world and learn how to do things."

The old man stepped forward and the student asked: "Name."

"Zhao Er."



"How many people are there?"

The old man turned around and said, "Seven mouths."

"Come and register together."

After the registration was completed, each person in the family received a wooden sign with their name, place of origin, and a number on it.

"Separate men and women!"

When we got inside, several women and several men were yelling.

"Go faster."

A family of seven is divided into two places. A boy is two years old, and the woman is hesitant about which place to send him.

The woman in charge roared, "Such a young baby has not even grown up, so naturally he will follow my mother to the woman's side."

The woman's face turned red and she carried the child over.

Walking along, someone led him into the wooden house.

There was a woman in the wooden house and several large wooden barrels, which looked full of hot water.

"Take off!"

The women are very vicious.

The woman hesitated for a moment, then slowly took off her clothes and took them off for the child as well.

Immediately, someone used a hook to pull out her and the child's clothes.

"Hey!" the woman shouted.

"You need to take it to cook!" the woman in charge shouted: "After washing, there are clothes waiting for you!"

"Come here!" said the woman holding a long-handled wooden spoon.

The woman walked over with the child in her arms.

"Hair untied."

The wooden hairpin was pulled out, and her long, somewhat tangled hair was hanging loosely.

The child's hair is a little dull and yellow.

"First, scrub the child's whole body."

A wooden spoon ladles water and pours it over the child's head.

The woman smelled the medicine and was startled, "It's medicine!"

"Rub it quickly!"

The woman in charge was roaring.

The women hurriedly scrubbed and washed.

After washing, each person was given a set of coarse cloth clothes.

"Get dressed and go out."

The woman and the child were dressed, but the child's clothes were a little too big. After going out, a steward shouted: "This side of the letter A."

"This side of the character B."

The woman remembered that during the previous registration, the scholars said that her family had the character "Yi", so she hurried over.

She was a little flustered, thinking that her husband had gone somewhere, where were her father-in-law and the others? And her two children...

"Follow me."

She followed behind with her baby in her arms.

Walking all the way inside, we reached an area where we saw hundreds of people standing together.

"Aniang! Aniang!"

Hearing the familiar voice, the woman looked up and saw her eldest son jumping around in the crowd and waving.

The woman happily hugged the child and said, "Da Lang!"

"Mom, new clothes!" the eldest son said happily.

The whole family changed into coarse clothes and looked much better.

The man muttered, "I don't know why the bath is filled with medicine!"

"Who's mumbling?"

A steward glanced at this side with a sharp look, "The so-called great epidemic comes after a great disaster. Those are medicinal concoctions boiled from medicinal materials. After being washed, they can kill the evil spirits on your body. Do you understand? Wash it.

After that, you can survive."


The man was a little shy and couldn't put the knife into its sheath, "It must have cost a lot of money."

The steward said: "Of course, some people advised everyone to rush to the river and bathe. But they were flatly rejected. They said that the refugees had traveled a long distance and were weak. If they went to bathe like this, what should they do if they got sick? Although the medicinal materials cost a lot of money,

It’s a small amount of money, but as long as the people are there, everything is there.”

Everyone couldn't help but be grateful.

"Who said that?"

"Deputy envoy!"

The man sighed: "Deputy Yang is compassionate."

"In order to obtain these medicinal materials, we mobilized the entire northern Xinjiang to collect herbs, process them... and rushed to various places to purchase them. We spent countless money and used countless people.

Someone complained, and the deputy envoy said that they are all from the Tang Dynasty. If one side is in trouble, all parties will support it."

"When one side is in trouble, all parties will support it."

As the man read these words, the old man said: "I have lived for most of my life. The government has treated us as cows and horses, and I also feel that I am cows and horses. I never expected that I can still be a human being after I grow old."

"Let's go and eat!"

The steward took them to another place.

There are rows of earthen stoves with clay pots on them, cooking food. There are wooden barrels and basins on the table, which contain the prepared meals.


Families line up together, with the elderly, women and children in the middle, and follow the line slowly.

When she got to the front, the woman saw that the wooden basin contained vegetable soup. Apart from the vegetables, she actually saw... What was that?

The eldest son shouted: "Mom, these are sheep bones!"

"It's beef bones!" The woman who was cooking said with a smile: "The deputy envoy said that boiling beef bones can nourish the body, and with some vegetables, it is no worse than delicacies from the mountains and seas."

Each person received a bowl of vegetable soup and a piece of cake. When it was the woman's turn, the woman who was cooking looked at the child and said, "Poor child." She gave the woman an extra piece of cake and replaced it with a larger bowl.

, I gave her a bowl of vegetable soup with a lot of content, and there was actually a piece of meat in it. After that, she ate according to the area.

The woman fed the child first, and when she saw that the child was eating deliciously, she couldn't help but laugh, "Why, they say that refugees are worse than beggars, but when they come to Northern Xinjiang, the food they eat is better than at home!"

The old man said nothing.

The man didn't say anything either.

After dinner.

Then I heard someone shouting: "The deputy envoy is here."

The whole family stood up quickly.

The woman turned around with the child in her arms and saw a group of men approaching with a young man surrounded by them.

The young man's eyes are deep, his expression is calm, and he is looking forward, showing his majesty.

The young man came over and saw the child in the woman's arms. He reached out and touched the child's cheek and asked, "Are you full?"

The woman nodded, "I'm full."

Actually not full.

The young man said: "What will you do?"

The woman said: "The family is farming at home!"

The young man smiled, and for some reason the woman felt happy.

"That's good. Stay here for a few days and then go to the north to farm. You won't be able to catch up this year, but you can open up wasteland and be exempted from taxes for three years. After three years, it will be enough to accumulate some wealth."

The woman's eyes shone, "Really?"

"Bullshit, of course what the deputy envoy said is true."

The father-in-law came out and saluted, "Deputy envoy, I am a little panicked."

"Oh! You said."

"I heard that the Beiliao people in the north are very fierce! Let's go to open up wasteland..."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

A group of officials behind the young man were laughing.

The young man just smiles.

An official next to him said: "I'm afraid you don't know yet! We just captured Jianshui City, and now the people of Beiliao are trembling, begging us not to fight. What are you afraid of? They are afraid of us!"


Everyone was stunned.

The official smiled and said, "You haven't heard this news since you were in the north?"

The old man said: "When I'm at home, I only know how to live on the farm, and I don't even know the news about the county!"

This is the current situation.

The official said: "The deputy envoy led the army to destroy Jianshuicheng and guarded it under Chengyang City, the capital of Neizhou. He made them kneel down and worship. The enemy troops at the top of the city were shocked and did not dare to speak. Do you understand?"

The young man looked at the refugees and said, "Stay here with peace of mind. Now, we are a threat to the people from Northern Liao."

He was escorted away.

"Is this Deputy Ambassador Yang?"

someone asked.

"Yes" said a sergeant.

The old man slowly knelt down.

"Thank you, Deputy, for surviving!"

A crowd of refugees knelt down.

"Thank you, Deputy, for surviving!"

Yang Xuan stood there, looking at these people, and suddenly felt a little emotional.

"What do you mean by domination and control over the world? In fact, isn't it just to find a way to survive for your own people?"

Han Ji said: "The saint is selfless."

"Don't mention saints to me." What Yang Xuan dislikes the most is sanctifying people. "I have said that whoever wants to call himself a saint or have others call him a saint must first stop eating, drinking, and urinating."

"Langjun, saint is just a title."

"I just can't hear such a title." Yang Xuan said, "Speaking of myself, I also have various desires in my mind, not all of which are public. If you cover up your desires, is this what you call a saint?"

"Some well-educated people..."

"Come on! The so-called learned people are just achievements in a certain field.

Achievements are achievements and have nothing to do with character.

But there is a very strange thing. Almost every successful person will flaunt his character.

I was confused, can those achievements transform people? Can they also destroy people's desires?"

Yang Xuan sneered at this.

Back in the city, Yang Xuan went home first.


Ah Liang is now running more nimbly, with the swordsman on the side and Fugui on the back.

The swordsman turned around and roared, Fugui shrank, and then barked at it.

The swordsman was furious and knocked Fugui down with a single swoop.

Then he opened his mouth, and his sharp teeth covered Fugui's neck.

Wealth is still clamoring.

"So brave!" Yang Xuan couldn't help but praise.


A Liang went over and patted the swordsman on the back. The swordsman opened his mouth angrily.

"Woof woof woof!"

Fugui became more and more proud and challenged the swordsman.

"It turns out I have someone to rely on!"

Yang Xuan went over and picked up A Liang, "What did you play today?"

Ah Liang said: "Reading."

Yang Xuan was overjoyed. When he entered the room and saw Huahong and Yanxiao cleaning up the torn papers on the floor, he asked, "This is..."

Yan Xiao said: "The young man is reading a book!"

Is this reading a book?

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "Ah Liang is good."

He put down A Liang and went to find Zhou Ning.

A Liang walked over, picked up a piece of paper, and sat down, "Swordsman!"

The swordsman came over and blocked his back.

A Liang slowly fell down and leaned against the swordsman.

Fugui walked to his feet and lay down.

Ah Liang just looked at the piece of paper.

He didn't know what was written on it, but he knew that Ye Niang would like it as long as he read it.

The child didn't have any thoughts, he just instinctively wanted to make Ye Niang happy.

But after just watching for a while, Liang's eyes started to tremble.

Close your eyes, your mind goes blank.

When Yang Xuan and Zhou Ning came in, they saw their son sleeping against the swordsman and Fugui lying at his feet.

The two sat down opposite each other across the desk.

"The drought in the north this year is a bit serious."

Yang Xuan looked at Zhou Ning's belly, which was still not bulging at all. "Stop the business at home for the time being and focus on purchasing food."

Zhou Ning held his tortoiseshell eyes, "We are already purchasing, but some places prohibit the flow of food into northern Xinjiang."

Yang Xuan smiled, "Let them write it down."

Zhou Ning smiled, "Are you trying to settle the scores?"

"I can ignore other things, but not this kind of thing."

"By the way, there isn't much food on the market these days."

Yang Xuan said: "Those powerful people have learned to be smart. If they don't fight a food war with me this time, they will resort to stupid methods and not sell food.

They think that if they don’t sell food, they won’t be able to get through Northern Xinjiang? What a bunch of idiots! Don’t they know what warriors will do when they face a desperate situation?”

Zhou Ning asked: "What to do?"

Yang Xuan pointed his finger like a knife and swung it down.

Zhou Ning was startled, "You want to take action?"

Yang Xuan shook his head, "There's no need now. I mean, those idiots really think that Northern Xinjiang has to rely on them to support themselves. After the harvest, I'll see if they can laugh."

Wang Zun's people go out every day to inquire about news.

"There are a lot of refugees coming."

"Where are the powerful men?" Wang Zun asked.

"Still no food sold."

"Okay!" Wang Zun looked at the letter in his hand, "Chang'an has said that he will be killed while he is sick. As long as there is a shortage of food in Northern Xinjiang, Chang'an will definitely launch an attack. When the time comes, Northern Liao will not let this go.

This is a good opportunity, so both sides take action together to destroy Yang Gou!"


"Ningzhou is gathering an army."

Xiao Hongde stood at the top of the city and looked into the distance with some melancholy, "I thought the army would attack immediately, but Ning Xing said that it depends on the drought in northern Xinjiang this year. If Yang Gou can't hold on anymore, the army will go south."

Zhao Dora asked: "Why is Xianwen so melancholy?"

"In the past, Daliao could attack whenever they wanted, but now, why do they have to wait for Northern Xinjiang to weaken before they dare to attack? Why?"

No one can answer this question.

"Enemy Scout!"

someone shouted.

A group of Northern Xinjiang Army scouts appeared in the distance.

The team leader suddenly lifted the reins, and the horses neighed.

The subordinate reined in his horse and looked at Chengyang City quietly behind him.

The war horses neighed, the long wind blew the flags, and the hunting sound was heard.


The team is drawing their swords.


There are many long knives.

Pointing directly at the city head.


The captain was sitting upright on his horse and said coldly: "I'll let you wait for a while longer!"

(End of chapter)

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