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Chapter 879

Yang Xuan thought about how to communicate with Wang.

He had saved Wang Xianer in the past, but his kindness was offset by his recommendation to the Imperial Academy, and Yang Xuan was not prepared to mention it again. So he could only start with the smelting incident.

Wang Douxiang was obviously in a good mood when the matter of smelting was mentioned. Yang Xuan originally wanted to take a roundabout way, but suddenly felt a little stupid.

Wang Douxiang is half the head of the Wang family, and he is the lord of Northern Xinjiang. The two of them have countless things to do every day, and they are both used to doing things in a straightforward style.

Moreover, this is not a prayer, but a mutual benefit.

Thinking of this, Yang Xuan laughed.

Then, he said directly: "Wang, are you willing to join forces with me?"

No beating around the bush, straight to the point!

This is the way a true superior speaks.

Wang Douxiang was startled, looked at Yang Xuan carefully, and suddenly smiled, and said very gently: "Yang Songcheng gathered the Chunyu family, the Zhao family besieged the Zhou family, and the Wang family took action, which made the lips and teeth cold."

Yang Xuan nodded.

"When it comes to joining forces and allies, it must mean that the opponent is extremely powerful and will continue to attack in the future."

Wang Douxiang also expressed his views very frankly, "In fact, after Yang Songcheng and others took action once, it would be difficult for them to take action a second time.

You have to know that if they dare to besiege the Zhou family again, then the world will be in chaos.

The opponents of the Yang family, the enemies of the Chunyu family, and the enemies of the Zhao family will be afraid, and then they will join forces and even take risks.

Zitai, you have to know that the last time Yang Songcheng took action, it was because he felt that northern Xinjiang would not be able to survive the drought.

So, what will happen to Northern Xinjiang after this time?"

Northern Xinjiang will naturally prosper.

In this way, Yang Songcheng did not dare to take action again.

Yang Xuan took a look at the tea and said, "Good tea!"

Later, he left the Wang family.

"Mr. Lang, how are you?" Han Ji came up to greet him.

Yang Xuan shook his head, and the old thief sneered, "This is arrogance!"

"It's not arrogance." Yang Xuan knew more about the Wang family than Han Ji. "Back then, the five surnames in the family were at the height of their power, but the Wang family was the first to break away. This was not just about being unwilling to be the queen, but more about being obsessed with flowers and adding fuel to the fire.


"Be prepared for a rainy day!" Han Ji glanced at the Wang family gate.

Zhou Qin said yesterday that the benefits of forming an alliance with Yang Xuan were not obvious for the Wang family, but the disadvantages were obvious. Therefore, he judged that the Wang family would not agree.

Ginger is still spicy!

But Yang Xuan did not regret coming to such a trip, and it was not a bad thing to let Wang know his plan.

When the situation changes drastically, his words today can hardly move Wang.

Come step by step.

A carriage came over surrounded by more than ten guards.

Yang Xuan led the horse and saw a somewhat familiar guard.

"Yes..." The guard also recognized him and handed over his hand, "I have met Deputy Ambassador Yang."

This was a guard Yang Xuan met when he left Yuanzhou and traveled with Wang's motorcade.

Yang Xuan nodded.

There was a soft buzz in the carriage, and the curtain moved and then fell down.

Yang Xuan recognized the woman's voice and did not move.

The carriage came slowly.

Yang Xuan lowered his eyes slightly, thinking about what would happen next.

If you want to find a way to meet with Zhao Sanfu, there is also Huang Chunhui.

Thinking of Huang Chunhui, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

Seeing the current situation in northern Xinjiang, I think Huang Chunhui will be happy!

Something moved in the corner of his eye, Yang Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly, and saw the carriage curtain opened a little, and half of a woman's face came into view.

The woman squinted at him, and a wrinkle could be seen in the corner of her eyes.

Yang Xuan lowered his head.

If he were an old thief, he would most likely smile obscenely!

The corners of Yang Xuan's mouth curled up.

Then he got on his horse and said, "Let's go for a spin."

He hadn't been to Chang'an for a long time, and he needed to buy something for his family.

Over there, the carriage entered Wang's house, the woman got out of the car and went to the backyard.

A maid greeted him, "Madam."

The woman asked calmly: "I saw a young man outside with many servants earlier. Who is he?"

The maid said: "It's Deputy Envoy Yang of Northern Xinjiang."

"Yang Xuan?"


The woman asked, "What is he here for?"

"I don't know."

The woman was Wang Douluo's wife, Mrs. Cao. After returning to the house, a female steward came to report, "She said she came to look for Mr. Erlang. After talking for a while, she left."

Mr. Cao pondered, "He doesn't have much contact with Mr. Wang. If he wants to express his thanks for Mr. Zhou's affairs, it won't be his turn as a junior. So, he's here to show his good will? That's all, I don't care about this matter."

The female steward looked left and right, Mrs. Cao waved her hand, and after everyone had gone out, the female steward said: "My family said that the husband was too impulsive this time. In fact, it is not a bad thing to just sit back and watch the Zhou family perish.

Alang said that some people must be worried about losing their lips and teeth, but once the Wang family is destroyed, Yang Songcheng and others will have no enemies, and there will no longer be any barrier between them and the emperor. Unless he wants to rebel, he will not take action against the Wang family."

"As General Zuowuwei, Aye has a high prestige in the army, but he doesn't know the twists and turns in the court. If the Wang family doesn't take action, he will become a lonely ghost from now on. My husband is also in the court. Will be isolated."

Ms. Cao suddenly sighed, "Aye's thoughts have become increasingly difficult to guess over the years."

The female steward said: "By the way, madam, General Wei Zhong of Youwu Guard posted a message yesterday, and we are hosting a banquet today..."

Mrs. Cao looked at the post blankly, "Aye will go too, right?"

"Alang will definitely go."

Mrs. Cao nodded, "Go!"

Yang Xuan led a group of people around Chang'an City and bought a cart full of things.

"Mr. Lang, I'm hungry!"

Wang Laoer saw a wine shop and turned around and said.

Yang Xuan looked at the sun and saw that it was not yet noon.

"Pack it down."

Uda went to negotiate. As soon as he opened his mouth, the owner of the wine shop was very happy and just said he would treat him.

"Xiao Laowu, don't you want to make money?"

The Hu Cake owner next door glanced at Ouda and made fun of the wine shop owner.

The owner of the wine shop said happily: "Yes, I will lose money today."

The Hu Cake owner glanced at Wu Da again, wondering who this person was who could actually make the stingy Xiao Laowu willing to treat him.

Wu Da went out, leaned forward and said, "Mr. Lang."

Yang Xuangang bought a child's play mask, handed it to the guard, and then walked over.

"Bring out all the food."

Uda said.

Xiao Laowu agreed and was very busy.

Yang Xuan said: "The buns, pancakes, and wine should be less. In addition, only vegetables and meat are served."

It had been a long time since I had Hu cakes from Chang'an. Yang Xuan thought of the time when he and Zhao Sanfu were eating Hu cakes in a shop owned by a Hu man in Chang'an, and the Hu girl came over to ogle them.

At that time, I was young, frivolous and happy with life.

Xiao Laowu didn't have Hu cakes here, so he told the shopkeeper of the Hu cake shop next door: "Just make them and deliver them."

"Aren't you worried about being kicked out by your wife when you go home?"

The shopkeeper of Hu Cake Shop knew that Xiao Laowu's wife was fierce, so he found it strange.

Xiao Laowu just ignored it.

Later, after eating and drinking, Yang Xuan got up and Wu Da went to pay the bill.

"I told you I would treat you to a treat!" Xiao Laowu refused to accept it.

Could it be that my reputation can exempt me from the bill... Yang Xuan was a little curious, "Why are you doing this?"

His favor was in Northern Xinjiang, not in Chang'an. A Chang'an businessman invited him to dinner for no apparent reason, which was a bit strange.

Xiao Laowu's thin face had a brighter look, "My brother is a businessman and travels all over the country.

The last time he sent a batch of goods to Northern Xinjiang, when he returned, he was robbed by thieves in Qianzhou as soon as he left Northern Xinjiang.

He went to the local area for help, but the officials didn't care.

Later, when he was desperate, he wanted to go back to northern Xinjiang to borrow some money from an acquaintance, so that he could at least return to Chang'an.

At the checkpoint, the sergeants saw that he was embarrassed and asked why. He said that the sergeants asked him to wait.

He didn't know why, but he was very hungry, so he was given food and a place to stay.

After a sleepless night, when I woke up, I found that all the belongings had been taken back.

My brother was surprised and happy. When he asked, it turned out that those sergeants had asked the superior officer for instructions after hearing about his experience yesterday.

The superior officer sent cavalry to kill the thieves that afternoon.

My brother wanted to give me money as a reward, but he didn't accept any money.

The sergeants and the deputy envoy said that although Northern Xinjiang and Chang'an were at odds, they were both from the Tang Dynasty after all.

People of Tang Dynasty are one family!"

He held up his hands and said seriously: "Since we are a family, how can we spend our own money to eat when we come to Chang'an? I'll treat you to this meal!"

Yang Xuan has always attached great importance to public opinion propaganda in Northern Xinjiang.

Northern Xinjiang and Chang'an are at odds, but his eyes are not on Northern Xinjiang, but on the Tang Dynasty. For him, all the people of the Tang Dynasty are his own people.

Therefore, Yang Xuan was criticizing Chang'an's absurdity and shamelessness in public opinion, and at the same time he was promoting the close family ties of the Tang Dynasty.

It sounds a bit schizophrenic, but it is also a helpless move.

If we blindly promote Northern Xinjiang, as time goes by, the soldiers and people in Northern Xinjiang will feel that they are a country.

But what I didn't expect was that I met a beneficiary today.

My publicity is not in vain!

Yang Xuan was very pleased.

He waved his right hand behind his back and walked out immediately.

"Deputy, move slowly!"

Xiao Laowu sent Yang Xuan away and said happily: "When my brother comes back later, I will tell him about this. He will definitely be happy."

The shopkeeper of the Hu Cake Shop next door had just made a huge amount of Hu Cake. He was very tired and came out and said, "It turned out to be Deputy Ambassador Yang. Hey! He didn't say a few words just now. What a pity."

Xiao Laowu went in and quickly cleared away the bowls. When he walked to one of the tables, he found a small bundle on the mat.

He picked it up and chased after it, shouting outside: "Deputy Envoy Yang, something has been lost!"

But Yang Xuan has long since disappeared.

"Look what it is?" the shopkeeper of Hu Cake Shop said.

Xiao Laowu unpacked the baggage.

Inside is a bunch of copper coins.

This is roughly the cost of this meal for Yang Xuan and others.


When Yang Xuan returned home, the guard who stayed behind said: "The Wei family, the general of Zuo Wuwei, has sent a message saying that we are hosting a banquet for some senior generals today, so please come."

Wei Zhong... Yang Xuan's heart moved, "Prepare some gifts."

He was about to find out what happened back then, so that he could know who among the guards in Chang'an today could win over and who was his enemy.

Because the emperor "lived in seclusion" in the pear garden, except for the important ministers in the court, the warriors became more and more low-key.

This is what Wei Zhong is like.

Yang Xuan entered the house and prepared to take a nap.



Yang Xuan got up, got dressed and came out.

Ning Yayun stood outside, carrying the qin on her back and holding the tail in her hand.

"When I came back earlier, someone was watching me. I just went out to take a look, but that person simply ran away."

That shouldn’t be said specifically!

"It's a foreigner!"

Ning Yayun shook her tail and left.

Yang Xuan was startled.


"Jianyun Temple?"

Yang Xuan no longer felt sleepy.

Jianyun Temple, Chang Sheng, the owner of the temple, is in Chang'an City at this moment.

It is said that Chang Sheng's cultivation level is unfathomable, and I don't know whether Lao Shuai Guo is his opponent.

Time passed, and in the afternoon, Yang Xuan fell asleep.

"Mr. Lang, it's time to set off."

Wang Laoer and the old thief entered the backyard.

Yang Xuan yawned, "Where did the second child go?"

"The old thief took me to see his thighs."

Looking at Wang Laoer with tears in his eyes, Yang Xuan was curious, "Why are you crying?"


Wang Laoer felt that since Helian Yunshang didn't stink, he couldn't say that there were other women who didn't stink. So today, the old thief took him to Pingkangfang to see her thighs, and he started the 'Thousand Miles and a Thousand Miles Thread'

The results were tragic.

The smell of the brothel was particularly strong. The fishy smell made him lose interest in dinner.

The old thief chuckled and said, "It's just a hobby."

In the past, Yang Xuan would say that he led Wang Laoer into trouble, but this time he said: "This hobby is not bad."

Old thief: "..."

He didn't know that Yang Xuan and Zhou Ning, as well as Yi Niang and Tu Chang, had all given birth to Wang Lao Er and tied him up, threw him on the bed, and then asked the bride to be a domineering king.

So, go for it!

Let the second child have an idea!

Yang Xuan immediately took people to the Wei family.

When they arrived at Wei's house, Wei Zhong went out to greet him personally.

"Deputy Ambassador Yang!"

Wei Zhong looked at Yang Xuan with a complicated expression.

"Wei Gong!" Yang Xuan cupped his hands.

Turning the corner of his eye, he saw a boy on the right glancing at him.

Beautiful features, quirky...

Linger, you are naughty again.

Yang Xuan smiled and said, "How dare you go out to greet Duke Wei?"

"It should be."

Wei Zhong took him in.

There are already many people sitting in the lobby at this moment.

There was a veteran sitting on the left side above, with a deep look on his face. He glanced at Yang Xuan, his expression not moving at all.

Sitting on the right was a general with a long face, a fair forehead, and a dark underside. He glanced at Yang Xuan and said in a deep voice: "Deputy Ambassador Yang?"

Wei Zhong smiled, "Deputy envoy to Northern Xinjiang, Yang Xuan!"

He pointed to the veteran general, "General Zuo Wuwei, Duke Cao."

Yang Xuan saw the veteran hand over his hand and returned the favor.

Cao Minfan... seemed to have been Zuo Xiaowei's general back then! That night, Zuo Xiaowei also didn't move.

Wei Zhong pointed to the general on the right, "General Qian Niuwei, Duke Qi."

Qi Xun!

This man was the general of Qianniu Guard back then, and now he is the general of You Qianniu Guard... You Qianniu Guard is the imperial guard, and the position of general cannot be held except by confidants.

In other words, this person is Li Mi’s confidant!

Qi Xun did not surrender, and Yang Xuan also ignored him.


A servant came in and said, "Duke Xing is here."

Xing Guogong Zhao Song!

It was he who led the three masters to besiege the Zhou family that night!

Logically speaking, since you invited me, you shouldn't invite Zhao Song, your sworn enemy. What does Wei Zhong mean by this?

Does he want to create conflict?

Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes, but Wei Zhong was startled, and then looked at Yang Xuan calmly.

Nod slightly.

This is not Lao Wei’s handiwork!

Zhao Song, did he come uninvited?

Yang Xuan walked in and sat down.

"Wei Zhong, I haven't seen you for many years. I said I would come to see you today. Why, you have a guest today?"

Old Wei still has a good impression of me... Yang Xuan felt relieved and felt that the nail he had planted was still solid.

Zhao Song came in.

The majestic body blocks the light.

The arrogant eyes turned.

Set on Yang Xuan.

"Yang Xuan!"

Yang Xuan looked at him, "Zhao Song!"

Zhao Song laughed wildly, "Hahahaha!"

The father-in-law's enemy is here... Yang Xuan picked up the water glass and took a sip, "Old dog!"

Zhao Song's laughter stopped suddenly and he said angrily, "Come out, I will let you know what a warrior is today!"

He is the military governor of Hanhai. In terms of rank, he is higher than Yang Xuan. In addition, he also has the title of Duke and the prestige of the Zhao family.

Therefore, there was undisguised arrogance in Yang Xuan's eyes.

Yang Xuan looked at him.

He opened his mouth and said:

"Zhou Jian!"


Outside the door, Zhou Jian appeared and stood beside Zhao Song.

Yang Xuan pointed at Zhao Song.


It’s hard to turn my neck when I’m tired of typing, so I strongly request a vote!

This chapter has been completed!
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