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Chapter 906 I am not a ghost

Lin Ya, who is far away in Ningxing, is having breakfast at the moment. As a powerful minister, when there are major events in the court, he can choose not to go. Therefore, as usual, the officials at the Yamen are attending to the affairs at the moment, but this powerful minister can

I had a leisurely breakfast. The breakfast was very rich. The lamb was grilled and sizzling. The cheese was on the plate, with scones and other meat dung on the side: eating meat is good!

This is the cognition of the grassland peoples, even from the tribal form to the national form. It has always been like this: the foreign races in the north envy the Central Plains culture, but when it comes to physical fitness, they always belittle the Central Plains people, saying that they eat too plainly, so they are weak.

The sharp knife cut open the barbecue easily, and he put it into his mouth with the tip of the knife. The hot barbecue was charred on the outside and tender on the inside. The juice burst out when he took a bite... After taking a bite of the cake and another piece of cheese, Lin Ya squinted slightly and enjoyed it.

Food, two maids stood on the side, with respectful expressions. The decoration in the room was simple, with a complete tiger skin hanging on the wall, as well as a pair of bows and arrows and a long knife. Lin Ya suddenly felt unhappy on her thin face.

look up.

Footsteps came from outside the door, and then someone said: "My lord," Lin Ya put down the knife, "come in," an official came in and said respectfully: "My lord, someone just proposed to promote two generals in your majesty's line.

"Lin Ya asked: "How many followers are there?"

The official said: "Quite a few."

"Where is Changling?"

"The eldest princess has something to say."

"Zi Tong?"

Lu Qiang picked up the big knife and forked a piece of meat, "Reason."

"Your Majesty is said to be a god with his troops," Lu Qiang suddenly sighed, "I faced the young man from Chenzhou in Tanzhou and made great achievements. Now, how can I say that he is a god with his soldiers?"

I took a bite of the meat, squinted my eyes, and suddenly said sarcastically: "I was implying that if Chen Shui's raid on Taiping is successful, I can build up my prestige." The official said, "We don't have Han Ji either."

"Han Jiyi..." Lu Qiang took a sip of milk and said fiercely: "Han Ji is steady and has never failed in his attacks. Taiping is a business center, but Lin'an is the seat of Chenzhou. When we had the dispute, I asked Han Ji to fight for the raid first.

Sure enough, Chen Shui, a fool, turned to fight for Taiping. Don't look at Taiping. This is the place where Zhou Jian first started. The death camp is fierce. It is not easy to seize the city. However, Lin'an is the same as Taiping.

For a long time, Yang Xuan is good at martial arts...Han Ji, I trust me!"

These words made the analysis of l's raid clear and vague.

The official asked: "Ms. sir, can we ask for some cash this time?"

"It's slow," Lu Qiang said calmly: "When the good news about Pei Yi comes, I will take advantage of the situation and take action."

The official said worriedly: "But Chen Shuiruo also succeeded..."

"I am the emperor, and I am a minister. If I am willing to count the merits of the two as equals, why would I do it?"

Lu Qiang smiled again and said: "The emperor is named Xian!"

Han Ji knew what he was carrying. The emperor gradually gained a firm foothold with the help of the little eldest princess, which was a waste for Pei Yi.

In political affairs, the emperor has no natural advantage. I am wresting power from Lu Qiang step by step. Lu Qiang's smallest advantage now is military affairs. This is also the confidence that I can compete with the late emperor. The emperor is naturally willing to show off his strength.

, to win over thieves who use the means to divide, and gradually eat away at Pei Yi's advantages.

That raid was an opportunity. Han Ji remembered Pei Yi's instructions before leaving. He will win one by one!

There is no room for victory!

At this moment, Han Ji saw Re Mo. He won, so don't go back. That battle went smoothly from the end to now. It was so smooth that Han Ji wanted to shout and vent his long-term pressure. My subordinates have not yet

After retreating from the city, the follow-up troops have already arrived. With only one assault, they can break through the hasty defense of the defenders. The next step is to sweep, cut up the defenders, set fire to it, have a carnival... with the enemy's head

To show off my reputation, just when I was trying my best to suppress my ecstasy, this little flag made my eyes flash: "It's Lin Ya!"

A sergeant shouted, "Stay safe!"


Han Ji vaguely heard that no one was calling him. When I turned around, I saw Jiang He looking panicked, "Be careful, retreat!"

Han Ji looked up and couldn't see the white line clearly yet. It was two thousand riders.

I also have two thousand riders!

Why enter?

I looked at my subordinates.

Under the intimidation of this small flag, everyone said with fear: "Be careful, retreat!"

Jiang He also lost the courage to fight Zhou Jian. It seemed that Zhou Jian's two thousand cavalry were not running for a long distance. The men and horses were exhausted, but Han Ji's men were the same. We rested for a day when we were about to leave the mountain.

It's wrong to go out at night and rest, it's to wait for work!

The defenders in the city are still in chaos at the moment. If they want to attack as a whole team, it takes less than a quarter of an hour. If they just wait for a quarter of an hour, can they defeat Lin Ya?"

Stay tuned!"

Jiang He's expression turned darker and darker, and he was even scared!

But what if I withdraw it?

Judging from this raid, Northern Xinjiang was completely unprepared.

Some people now say that Chen Shui's side will probably be able to break through Taiping City. If Chen Shui succeeds, I will win. The emperor will lose his prestige and then take advantage of the situation to suppress Lu Qiang's momentum: it is a trend of one going down and the other going up."

It's useless to keep your body, just waiting for the opportunity!"

Jiang He urged.


Where people are, opportunities are there!

go back!

Zhou Jian's subordinates are tired from afar, so they must chase us. But... Han Ji thought of Lu Qiang!

Eighteen years later, I am a senior general in the army. I am brave and courageous, but I have no courage or strategy. It is a good thing that a person has no ability, but knowing how to conceal and be humble, good things can also turn into bad things. At this time, I know how to conceal and do it bravely.

Yun, I was so proud, and my subordinate seemed to be smiling and quite friendly to me, but one day he found out something about me, and he smiled cruelly and made me reprimanded... Eighty sticks!

I can take eighty sticks and take it seriously. But when the first stick hit me, I knew I was wrong. It was meant to kill me.

I struggled hard, but it was the tendons that bound me.

Just when I closed my eyes and waited to die, Lu Qiang came. Seeing that I was hit, Lu Qiang asked why.

Pei Yi shouted in despair: "Unjust!"

Then there was a counterattack. Lu Qiang personally asked about my matter and looked at my injuries. He immediately became angry and took Han Ji's subordinates. How could a warrior be humiliated by a fool?

Those words will be remembered by Han Ji for the rest of his life!

It was the Right Prime Minister who gave me my seventh life!

At this time, how can I retreat?

Han Ji suddenly roared, "Lin Ya is tired from far away. Warriors, follow me and kill this beast!"

I raised my long knife low and rushed out first, "Follow me!"

Han Ji roared, "For the sake of my husband, kill the enemy!"

Kill the enemy!"

Jiang He stood firm for a moment. Han Ji turned around, his eyes about to burst, "Kill the enemy!"

Kill the enemy!"

Jiang He was shocked, "Kill the enemy!"

Seeing Han Ji rushing toward the enemy alone, a sergeant rode out and said, "Kill Pei Yi!"

"Kill Lin Ya!"

Jiang He lowered his sword and shook it, "Don't forget your kindness, kill the enemy!"

The warriors of the Northern Liao Dynasty shouted, with flushed faces, and followed Han Ji to attack, "Kill the enemy!"

Jiang He roared, and then quietly turned his horse around before everyone else rushed over."


A lone rider running in the opposite direction, a lone rider running in the opposite direction!"

Kill the enemy!"

Han Ji turned around and saw that all his subordinates were following him. He felt very happy, but then he saw Jiang He who was escaping far away. "Dog thief!"

Han Ji's eyes were red and he said from a distance: "Lang Jun, Lin'an City is still in the hands of your army!"

The old thief said angrily, a puff of smoke can be seen in Lin'an City at this moment, just where the city gate has retreated a little: that means that the enemy's breakthrough has not gone deep: and, at this moment, the sporadic defenders have come out.

,"Who is it?"

No one asked, "It's the Duke!"

At the top of the city, a sergeant stretched his arms and shouted, "Long live!"

"Long live!"

The defenders who had just escaped could not help shouting, "It's the Duke!"

Yang Xuan stumbled and ran inside.

All the way to the city.

Looking at this small flag, Yang Xuan burst into tears, "My lord!"

Zhou Jian looked at the enemy troops rushing towards him from the small flag, and said with some surprise, "The enemy troops actually fled, but they were very brave."

Wang Laoqi said: "Lang Jun likes brave enemies the most," Yes!

The braver the better!

The braver he was, the calmer his screams were when he raised the pole. Yang Laoleng was in a happy mood, but he couldn't help but be a little disappointed when he saw that the defenders were not gathering slowly. At that time, he was gathering his troops to flank the enemy.

, what are you waiting for?

Yang Xuan was, after all, a versatile man in both civil and military affairs. This person was capable of governing one side, but he had to be supplemented by young generals, so that resources would not be wasted. "Send the order, attack from a pincer!"

The flag is waving."

The Duke of the State is attacking you from a pincer attack!"

A general shouted: "Assemble!


The defenders finished gathering, and the enemy troops were getting slower and slower. Han Ji couldn't see Zhou Jian clearly yet. I saw Pei Yi's dusty appearance, and I was ecstatic, "The enemy troops are tired, and the soldiers are gathering in front, looking for opportunities to attack."

Lin Ya!"

I was the first to rush over and stabbed Zhou Jian.

Then they rushed back to the other side's camp, and Yang Xuan came with the hundreds of cavalry that had just been assembled. I saw Zhou Jian slashing and killing among the enemy troops with ease, and He Lin and Tu Chang beside him.

Like two killing gods, they killed all the enemies on Zhou Jian's right and left, "The Duke was stunned and brave!"

Yang Xuan shouted: "Slow down, flank the enemy!"

Pei Yi took the lead and charged into the enemy formation, and was immediately attacked by dozens of cavalry. Those enemy soldiers were fearful of death and used their bodies to attack He Lin and Tu Shang. They successfully slowed down our speed and allowed Zhou Jian to retreat.


That fighting method was very unfamiliar, which made He Lin feel shuddered, "Lang Jun has a big heart!"

More than ten tough soldiers surrounded Zhou Jian, do they think you are easy to bully?

Or maybe I think your strength is superior... Pei Yi was angry, "Old Seven!"


Wang Laoqi rushed out of the diagonal stab, one man at a time, and rushed past Pei Yi. Does he really know how to shoulder the well?

Zhou Jian looked at me and slashed my head with a knife, but blood splattered on his face, and he was stunned."


Wang Laoqi caught the head strangely, and then found that Lao Ling's expression was right, "I!"

Lang Jun, his face!"

Zhou Jian was a little angry. At that time, two elders came with sacks and blocked the remaining warriors. It was a trap!

Pei Yi shouted: "The enemy will be alive!"

Han Ji, who was being attacked by several sergeants, just closed his eyes and prepared to be stabbed, but he was kicked onto his horse, and then two sergeants mounted their horses and held me down."

Kill me!"

Pei Yi struggled hard, "Move again!"

A sergeant held me down and threatened, "If you move again, I'll piss you." Han Ji was captured, which slowly weakened the enemy's remaining courage, and Zhou Jian spurred his horse to turn around.

The fleeing enemy troops suddenly passed by on horseback from behind. No one saw me. They said they came to try to kill Zhou Jian, but they ran away screaming.

I am a ghost!

Zhou Jian shook his head and immediately mounted his horse.

Yang Gou is here, and I have been sitting in front of him during the fight, "Lang Jun!"

Yang Gou looked in front of me.

Zhou Jian turned around, and Yang Xuan came over and knelt down."

Shangguan has betrayed the great trust of the Duke!"

"stand up!"

Zhou Jian came over and said, "Shangguan is not guilty!"

Yang Xuan raised his head.

My response this time can only be said to be outstanding, and I found the bright spot: logically, there is a problem with scolding or handling at this time, and Yang Gou is in the front, talking to the old thief."

Are you going to take Yang Xuan?"

The old thief was not embarrassed, Yang Gou shook his head, "This is the old man who followed Lang Jun,"

"But Sir, rewards and punishments are clear."

The old thief felt that Yang Xuan was escaping from Jietan, "To be honest, Yang Xuan's performance today is faulty." Yang Gou felt that the old thief was thinking too little, "But after all, the enemy invaded the city," the old thief chattered.

Xiu, "He...is he eye-to-eye with Yang Xuan?"

Seeing the old thief's face turning slightly red, Yang Gou felt that he had touched on my sore spot, and the old thief almost jumped up, "Nonsense!"

Yang Xuan was thinking about his own official career at the moment. I was his assistant when Liu Zi was there, and I worked conscientiously and impeccably. At that time, I felt that I was the only one who dared to be an ordinary person, even if I was a minister in the Eighth Department.

Once you do it, that is self-confidence, "You have always felt that his best position is to assist!"

Pei Yi endured those words for a long time, "Yes!"

At this moment, Yang Xuan was despairing. Instead of being transferred, he went to work as an official in a prominent yamen in Taoxian County, where he lived a miserable life. "He is good at civil affairs, but good at military affairs. He can sit in a certain position, so he must be allowed to do so."

Wen Yunwu." Zhou Jian looked at Yang Xuan and shook his head slightly."

No one has ever told you privately that you would transfer me to Taoxian." Zhou Jian glanced at Han Tui and said, "Shangguan is willing to go to Taoxian!"

Yang Xuan said fiercely, "That suggestion moved your heart." Zhou Jian said, "There are no candidates to take over as the governor of Chenzhou. Everything is ready, but just when you were about to sign the document, you suddenly remembered that when you first arrived

"In Northern Xinjiang." I raised my head slightly and said, "When you were building the foundation in Taiping, it was Lin'an who gave you continuous support. Mr. Liu must have said how much help he had given you secretly without him."

There were many people around, and no one wanted to report that they had captured the enemy general, but they were stopped by Yang Gou, "Before you took over Northern Xinjiang, Chang'an was constantly suppressing it, and no one in Northern Xinjiang was ready to make a move. You can't say that he

You are surrounded by enemies on all sides, but at this time, Chenzhou is the most stable place."

"You know that not more than a dozen people came to Lin'an at that time and found him. They used inducements, threats, etc., but he agreed to them one by one."

"Get up," Pei Yi helped Yang Xuan, who was crying, and looked at me.

He smiled and said: "Leave Chen Zhou to him, you are worried!"

This chapter has been completed!
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