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Chapter 909: The Lord's Perspective

Yang Xuan had just returned from Chenzhou and had not yet arrived in Tao County. He was going to inspect the farm. When he heard that someone wanted to become a brother of the opposite sex with him, Yang Xuan couldn't help but was startled. Han Ji said: "Looking arrogant!"

He Lianzheng suddenly felt his body shake, "Lang Jun, he is from Shegu!"

"Shegu people?"

Yang Xuan thought of the bitter cold land further north."

The Shegu people have been fighting fiercely with the Northern Liao people recently, and it is said that they won more than they lost!"

He Lianzheng whispered, the enemy of my enemy is my friend!

Yang Xuan rode over and asked: "Sign up," Asibao said: "The third son of the Khan of the Shegu tribe, Asibao," the third son of the Khan...

Yang Xuan thought a lot in his mind, "Why did you come to Northern Xinjiang?"

Asibao said: "I came to Northern Liao for business and heard that Northern Xinjiang is lush and lush, so I came to take a look."

"You don't need to use the Khan's son to do business. You are here to spy on Bei Liao's reality!"

Han Ji sneered, and Asibao said sarcastically: "Yes," Han Ji wanted to ask again, but Yang Xuan waved his hand, "You want to become a brother of the opposite sex with me, why?"

This is because you want to form an alliance!

From the current point of view, the Shegu people are just a little bug, a bit fierce. Although they have more wins and fewer losses, this is when Bei Liao has not suppressed them with all their strength. Bei Liao's goal is still the Tang Dynasty and Northern Xinjiang. If He Lianchun Now that we have figured it out, what will happen if we gather an army to attack the Shegu people?

Yang Xuan thought of Nantong. Over the years, whenever Xiao Tang gathered a small army to deal with Nan Tong, Nian would shout to Beiliao: Dear, there is no money there.

Northern Liao sent troops to contain the situation, and Xiao Tang had no choice but to withdraw his troops.

Therefore, Xijiang Chun dared to gather a small army to attack the Shegu people, and the embankment of thousands of miles away was destroyed in the ant nest!

Win over them, encourage them, fool them... that's it!

The eighth son of Shegubu Khan does not mean that I do not have two brothers under my head.

It's my turn to inherit the Khanship. Is it worth wooing such an idle leader?

Yang Songcheng turned around and said, "Get a box." What does that mean?

The guards stared at me warily.

Two strong men went to carry a wooden box and said, "Open it!"

The box was opened, and the sunlight shone in the box. The reflected light made everyone squint slightly. The tiny pearls were randomly placed outside. I can say a hundred more. They are so precious!

Yang Songcheng smiled heartily, "When you met him, you felt that he was a generous person and worthy of making friends. You are always stingy with your friends, so that box of beads is your meeting gift!"

Isn't that person too arrogant?

Bian Jing knew the value of the box of pearls left in Taoxian County, but Yang Songcheng firmly gave it to me.

I looked at this person carelessly, and when I saw that my eyes were intense, and he seemed to be a bit cunning, my heart moved slightly, "Put it away." After the two guards came down, they put the box away, and Tongshi untied the horizontal knife on his waist. He handed it over with the scabbard, "That's your sword, give it to him!"

Did Lang Jun give the sword to this god? ...Wang Laoqi glared at me, and the old thief stretched out his hand to cover my mouth, "Shut up!"

"The rest of my hands... smell so bad!"

The old thief laughed dryly, "I washed my hands one after another."

Yang Songcheng took the horizontal knife and smiled heartily, "What a knife!"

Tongshi smiled, "Since I'm here, I'll follow you to Taoxian County to have a look."


Yang Songcheng was also polite and dismounted and followed Tongshi."

How is Shegubu doing now?"

The Shegu tribe is too far away, and the tribe is internally closed. There is no way to deploy people in Western Xinjiang, so the understanding of the Shegu tribe in Northern Xinjiang can only be through the Northern Liao. "You are in a bitter cold land, and your main occupation is fishing and hunting. Although life is a bit hard, it has been like this for generations and we are used to it. When people from Northern Liao came, they said they wanted to pay taxes. We thought Northern Liao would protect our children, so let’s pay it!

Bian Jingguan's eyes lost the heat and looked like murderous intent, "Beiliao has sent troops and officials to harass us.

We only have to pay taxes and refund tribute every year, so that's it. What I thought of is that these officials are even more greedy. They ask us to pay less this year and less next year. After more than ten years, the Shegu Department will be embarrassed.

If they were burdened with heavy burdens, they said they should pay more. Who would have thought that these officials immediately turned their backs on them and immediately took heavy responsibility and beat two people to death. "Isn't this an example of officials forcing the people to rebel?"

The prosperity of a country must start from the bottom, just like a seed, spreading the breath of prosperity little by little. "Come to the Shegu tribe to raise troops and kill these garrison troops. The encirclement and suppression here in Beiliao will be ended. That's it."

After more than ten years of fighting and killing, at the end of the day we lost less and won more, but now...has Duke Yang heard a word?"


"Shegu is full of ten thousand people, and ten thousand people are invincible!"


Bian Jing looked at me."

You once defeated more than 10,000 Northern Liao cavalry with a thousand cavalry!"

That was Bian Jingguan's proud battle. From this, he stood out among his brothers and won the favor and favor of the Duoji clan. "He is a warrior!"

Tongshi nodded.

Now, I will talk again.

Yang Songcheng reined in his horse and fell behind. Deji said loudly: "Yang Songcheng, he talks too little and shows off too little."

Yang Songcheng looked at the back of the Tong clan and said, "In my eyes, the Shegu tribe is just a rural tribe, how can it form an alliance with Northern Xinjiang?

If you tell us your strengths, how can I think highly of us?"

But this person of the Tong family... An old man heard that I had a falling out with Chang'an, and Northern Xinjiang seemed to be a country within a country. These people are heroes, and the heroes have their own thoughts. If I think he is a threat..." Bian Jingguan smiled heavily.

, "The Shegu tribe is separated from the northern Xinjiang by the small Bei Liao. If I feel that he is a threat, then this person's structure is small, which is enough to worry about!"

"Be generous, don't forget, Bian Jingguan, his eight brothers all hope that he will die on the road and never go back," Deji warned, "You will bring back Northern Liao and Northern Xinjiang

The truth and falsehood make us only regretful and sometimes furious!"

Deji looked at Tongshi and said in a serious voice: "If we can form an alliance, it will be Tianxiao's contribution. The entire Shegu tribe will be happy and his reputation will spread everywhere. Bian Jingguan, go ahead."


After the month, I feel that the way to show off should be more direct,"


Yang Songcheng frowned."

Does he want me to think you are a reckless person?"

"He's so outrageous that I feel ashamed!"

Deji felt that he was helping the wrong person, "That idea was wrong!"

After Yang Songcheng got off his horse, "Yang Guogong," Tong, who was thinking about the ancient people, turned around and said, "Yang Songcheng, what's the matter?"

Yang Songcheng said: "The people of Shegu love warriors the most. It is very exciting for you to meet the Duke today. You have brought the wine brewed by Shegu during your trip. We will camp later. Can you let the brave men under your command fight with each other to add to the fun?"

"Easy to say!"

The Tong family also wanted to know about the situation of the Shegu people. They camped in the morning, and a messenger from Tao County came. "A messenger came from Chang'an, saying that the killing of Dai was caused by bandits. His Majesty was furious after hearing the news, and ordered Xing Guogong Helian to lead the army.

Shark kill."

Did Helian do this?

Asking me to kill Shark would be a... "slap in the face!"

Yang Xuan laughed at Ge Li's sarcasm, "Helian turned to Asibao, and the emperor was filled with satisfaction, so he took advantage of it and slapped me, "Chang'an is indeed a pool of muddy water!

The messenger said: "Helian led his army to search for bandits, but was attacked by hundreds of people on the way. The soldiers around Helian suffered heavy casualties, and he himself was injured in the shoulder, and returned in embarrassment."

"Who did it?"

Tongshi asked, of course Chang'an's messenger knew it, and knew it and could tell it, but Lao Liu's messenger knew it, "Madam will send someone to inform you, and let you take the message."

Is she about to give birth?

It’s still early!

Tongshi's heart tightened, "Tong Shilang wrote a letter, mentioning this matter, saying, people say that my son-in-law is half a son, no one ambushed your son, you deserve to die!"




Tongshi felt warm in his heart and said, "Go and have a rest!"

The father-in-law's action was within Tong's expectation.

Moreover, this move was actually covered up, which shows Zhao's anger.

Yang Xuan came and heard about this and said: "Tong Shilang is angry and expressing his stance. From before, Zhao family and Zhao Song were mortal enemies of water and fire." Helian was a young man in Hanji. To be honest, Riijing was

Better off.

I completely turned to Asibao for the sake of profit. But I got the profit, but I lost two things first. One was the victory in the ambush of Tong clan. The bustard under his command suffered heavy casualties, and his reputation also dropped. Hanhai Jiedushi made an ambush.

, it failed miserably, what does that mean?

It shows that Helian is a member of the Tong family!

That was a light blow to Zhao Song, and Zhao's attack was the seventh blow. Zhao's public attack was an announcement that from now on Zhao would openly target Bian Jing, and no one could find fault. That matter should be

It must have been planned by a colleague!

- Kill two birds with one stone.


Han Ji, please don’t be too arrogant!"

Tongshi thought of the original trip to Han Ji, "The barbarians in Luoluo are fierce. If they are organized well, they will be a weak army. Secondly, the Luoluo people are also strong. Once a joint force is formed internally, they will be a very small force to Xiao Tang Yan."


The secret fight between Emperor Luoluo and the powerful ministers delayed our progress. Yang Xuan said: "Chang'an sent an envoy. They seemed to be strong, but in fact they were sowing discord.

The emperor wants to provoke Lang Jun to fight with Zhao Song and with Asi Bao,"

"Playing with power, to be honest, you are better than me!"

Tongshi frankly denied his strong points, "But that's heaven!"

The king should be magnanimous!

Overwhelm others with force!

Rather, they are playing tricks and tricks, "Heaven is the place where the ungrateful live!"

A flash of light flashed in Yang Xuan's eyes, "Lang Jun, this matter can be counterattacked,"


Bian Jing glanced at me, and Yang Xuan said: "Let this matter be made public, and before we talk about the fuss, let Bao Dong spread the rumor... spread the word that the ambush of Lang Jun was ordered by the emperor."

"Stink me up?"


Bian Jing smiled warmly, "I can refute this matter."

"If the emperor admits it, it will be control over Helian. In this way, Hanji will become a country within a country like Northern Xinjiang. That will be a light blow to the emperor. If I am willing to deny this, these 4

, is to deliberately ambush you."

That's power play!

It’s also a conspiracy!

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "I think this matter is feasible!"

Ruining the reputation of the pseudo-emperor will lessen the momentum when he seeks rebellion in the future.

An emperor who controls Xiao Tang has a good character and high abilities... Then the emperor will still keep me for the New Year?

Yang Xuan stroked his beard and smiled, feeling that the plan was impeccable. Chang'an sent a messenger but did not intend to clear it up, but the other side wanted to clear it up. What could he do?

An unwary person would naturally discover that Helian had lost less than half of the hundreds of warriors he brought from Han Ji...how?

Chang'an Beach Road is a hell, can it still swallow alive people and horses?

Immediately, rumors started to spread in Northern Xinjiang, and the matter was under control. Yang Xuan looked at the setting sun, feeling extremely relieved. Sure enough, only without such a career can I learn what I have learned!


Mr. Tong was also looking at the setting sun with a deep look in his eyes. "This is the right thing to do!"

Yang Xuan was startled, "Is Lang Jun worried about being criticized?"

This matter is a nail in the coffin, Helian’s deeds are extraordinary, no matter how much I admit it..." Bian Jing shook her head, "There is absolutely no flaw in his plan on this matter."

Yang Xuan felt relieved, "When you sent King Guangling to Hanji to join the feudal lord, you saw the desolation of Hanji. The people here lived a good life. That was why Helian had no way to expand in Hanji." Because of Luoluo... Tongshi thought of those years, "These barbarians are fierce, Luoluo people are also strong, and the national strength is strong. The important thing is that we are as greedy as animal dung. In those years, we were able to maintain peace with Xiaotang." , it’s because we changed to vegetarianism, but Xiao Tang is still a sheltered little thing."

I turned around and looked at Bian Jing, "If we learn that Han Ji is out of Chang'an's control, tell me, what will the Luoluo people do?"

Bian Jing said consciously: "I will send troops to attack Han Ji, and then retreat to covet the entire Xiao Tang!"

Han Ji is strong enough to withstand Luo Luo who has conquered the country!

This does not mean that once Luo Luo sends troops, Han Ji's defeat is just around the corner.

At this time, what will happen to Beiliao?

How about the Southern Tonghui?

Yang Xuan felt a chill running down his spine, "I deserve to die!"

Bian Jing looked at me and said solemnly: "He is a counselor and what he sees is the matter. You are the lord and what you see is the sky!"

The bonfire was licking the bottom of the clay pot, Tao Shunzhong's mutton was tumbling in the soup, and the aroma was overflowing. Tong was sitting by the bonfire, and a guard came over, "Lang Jun, this Yang Songcheng wants to see you."

Mr. Tong nodded, and Bian Jingguan came over with two young men, "I have met Mr. Yang Guogong," Bian Jing smiled, "Let's have something to eat together?"

It was just polite, but Yang Songcheng sat down firmly, "Okay," Yang Xuan said to the old thief with less contempt in his eyes: "This person seems to be bold and stingy, but he acts step by step."

"Isn't that right?"

The old thief asked, Yang Xuan was angry, but Old Han was actually ridiculing this person?

That’s right!

The old thief glanced at Yang Xuan and found that I was staring at Yang Songcheng with a solemn expression. Yang Songcheng drank wine as soon as he came and ate meat as soon as he came. He ate in a very obscene way, but he could see a trace of vulgarity.

Moreover, this person's majesty arises from the moment he looks at him, which makes people feel a kind of admonishment in their hearts, "Is that a hero?"

The old thief said, Yang Xuan shook his head. "


"What's this?"

"I see..." Yang Xuan pondered for a long time, "It looks like a hero!"

After Yang Songcheng had eaten and drank enough, he stood up and said, "You don't have many warriors outside. One person from each side will have fun wrestling. If you win, you will give me a box of pearls."

"Whatever," Boss Yang took a sip of wine, his fatigue gradually fading away, "Ale!"

Yang Songcheng called out a short and stocky woman, and then looked at Tongshi.

Tong holds a wine glass in his right hand and points casually in front of him with his left hand.

I'm paying attention to you!

The warriors Yang Songcheng brought were all good players, so when he saw that Tongshi was interested in him, he couldn't help but feel a little in his heart. The little man who had been hit by Tongshi came out. When Tongshi saw that it was Zhang Xu, he sighed: "Let's change him!"

This Aler smiled warmly, "You can change it with anyone," Zhang Xu took a step back, "In this case, I will serve him." Aler roared and rushed down, his body slowly shaking. , unexpectedly found specific traces, Bian Jingguan said: "If you choose wrong, then it will be the last time." It is rare for Shegu people to have seen the world... Yiyi shook his head.

The two sides came into contact, and Ale punched him, straight up without any cover. The strong wind blew Zhang Xu's beard and hair flying, and his inner breath was strong!


Zhang Xu stared at me.



Zhang Xu turned around, walked to Tongshi and stood still, calm and relaxed.

The corner of Al's mouth trembled, blood overflowed, and he knelt down hurriedly."

You, failed!"

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