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Chapter 910 It is glorious to pay taxes, shameful to evade tax

In Taoxian County, in late autumn, you should pay attention to wind protection when going out.

"Yeah, I'm going out," Sun Xian's little daughter was wearing thin clothes, "Go, go!"

Sun Xian couldn't help but smile as he watched his little daughter being happily escorted out. In the eyes of girls, spring, summer, autumn and winter are all worthy of joy and appreciation.

On the big trees in the courtyard, most of the leaves fell off, and the remaining leaves were slightly yellow, swaying in the autumn wind, as if they would wither in the next moment. Sun Xian rubbed his hands, and in the mirage behind him, the wood color was deep. A bookcase was just right.

Facing the door, the books stacked on top were a little uneasy in the autumn wind. From time to time, papers were blown up by the wind and then fell down. Several servants stood on both sides, and two maids were cleaning up in the room. It's a nice weather!"

Sun Xian was going in to read.

In this special season, the best pastime is reading.

Get up, take a walk, eat, and read a book after dinner... After reading for a day, the whole person feels very comfortable. Have a bottle of wine at dinner, and use the content of the book you read during the day to accompany the wine. The more you drink, the more delicious it becomes. Drink wine when you are young.

What I drink is the emotion, I come here to drink, and what I drink is the taste, a cup of joy, a cup of melancholy, a cup of regret, a cup of happiness, a cup of lingering, a cup of anger... all the flavors of life are in it, until you can't help but get drunk, Sun Xian thought at this moment

Have a few drinks, "Alang."

A servant came over and said, "Mr. Lin is here." Sun Xian frowned slightly and said, "I invited him here. "Today Qiu is arrogant and I am in the wrong mood. I plan to study and drink at home, but I want to see guests, but Sun Xian is an in-law.

The two families were walking around closely, so it was a good idea to see each other. The slightly fat Ganju came slowly and hurriedly, "Mr. Sun, good news!"

A Lang said calmly: "The people in Chang'an are so capable that they let Lu Yuan return with the identity of Jiedushi and Qin Guogong. Now that I am justified, I will take action against you in the next step. Is there any good news?

Could it be that I was attacked and killed there?

If so, I am willing to donate 80% of my family property to celebrate, "Sun Xian wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, 'Someone is coming over here,'"!

Which way?"

"Lin Qian!"

"Sell the county?"



"I just arrived in Taoxian County and was about to settle down," Alang thought for a moment, "Zhao Fen sent people to Taoxian County at that time, and most of them felt the threat of Chamomile."


In the past, I was just the deputy envoy of Jiedu, and the young man could still fight against me." Sun Xian smiled bitterly, "Now our troubles are less."

"What are you afraid of?

I, Tan Dao, dare to get rid of us all?

Get rid of us, and the sky will be shaken.

Previously, all the powerful and weak forces in the sky were my enemies. Unless I was crazy, I would dare!"

"But there is a lot of suppression!"

"Suppression... If we have a small number of people and a large number of people, can we fight together?"

Sun Xian was firm, "Is there a way to counter it?"

Alang smiled warmly, "Yang Songcheng and we can compete with the emperor as a team. I, Lu Yuan, am just an envoy. Are we still afraid of success?"

Ganju sighed, "Lu Yuan is a fierce person. No one calls me a tiger, but after thinking about it for a long time, I feel that I am probably as fierce as a tiger. By the way, Lin Qian is here. Should we go and meet him?"

In terms of reputation, Zanxian Chamomile can be said to be the most famous family in the North.

His reputation was so high that no one could match it, but Ah Lang shook his head, "If Zhao Fen comes, I should go and see him."

He's just a sidekick. If I hold my head high to see you, I'm not the only one who's going to lose, but the whole Tao County's proud face!

Someone come!"

After a while, "Chamomile!"

Alang ordered: "He went to find someone from Chamomile, and said that... an old man would prepare a banquet at home and ask me to enjoy it."


Alang turned around and said, "Mr. Lin, please."

"Okay, okay!"

Sun Xian didn't seem agitated, and before leaving the study, he asked someone to bring him drinks. What's the point of calming down?"

Alang calmly held a scroll in his hands.

Sun Xian said calmly: "Before Lu Yuan came back, I thought I would attack us first, killing the chicken and exposing the monkey!"

But this person turned out to be very lively, and everything was the same before he came back.

That's the antiphonal sound!"

"Why is it right?"

Alang turned a page and said, "If you compare yourself with others, if it were me, I would definitely take action."

^"So I am the governor, and he is just a local hero!"

Sun Xian, who was ridiculed by his in-laws, was also angry and just smiled bitterly. After a while, no servant came to report, "Ms. Sun, Lin Qian's guests are here."

"Tell me about it," Alang put down the book.

This person's name is Ganju, he is Lin Qian's staff, he seems to be quite refined,"


Alang put the book away and said, "If you come from chamomile, I'm afraid it's a dog, so you have to pretend to be elegant. Otherwise, how can you stand up to Zhao Zi's knowledge?"

Please come,"


Later, the eight of them met in the backyard.

After exchanging pleasantries, the elegant Yang said: "Sun sent me here this time because she wanted to ask about what's going on in Tao County."

Do I want to ask you what your plans are?

What's the point of pretending to be moving like a mountain... Ganju said: "Have a rest first, come and bring some food and drinks," Yang sat down with a smile, "When I was retreating from the city, I happened to see the caravan leaving the city. It seemed... I was very angry?"

Alang raised his eyes and thought that Tao County would become a major commercial town. Lin Qianwei was definitely wrong about that, "Lin Qianwei is from a small Ruobi family, and the annual expenses can scare people to death. The land that the young man has accumulated is...

There are many, but there are even fewer descendants with open branches and leaves at a young age.

Therefore, the scale of the chamomile business is also large. Yang sighed: Are you working here and there just to eat?"

Alang smiled, "Yes!

I also want something for my children and grandchildren, I just want us to be safe and smooth, and have a peaceful life." Ganju sat by the side, watching her in-laws and the Yang family quarreling, the seven of them drank wine hurriedly while talking about seemingly important things.


Sun Xian was anxious in his heart and looked for an opportunity to say, "Lu Yuan keeps triggering things, but Lin Qian doesn't have any countermeasures?"

That idiot... Ganju glanced at her in-laws and frowned slightly: Yang laughed, "Sun knows that you are at the difficult beach in Tao County. After I left, Ganju said, Lu Yuanl entered in danger this time."

, I have gained a lot, but don’t forget the good things I did in Chang’an.” Alang glanced at his in-laws, and Sun Xian asked, “What’s the matter?”

Compared with Lin Qian, our news is delayed for a long time,^ "I killed the father-in-law's family from the Japanese army!"


Sun Xian trembled and became confused, "Is it the father-in-law's family?"


Yang's eyes were missing a hint of wonder, "I, how dare I rush back to Zhao's house in Yingchuan and kill people?"

That time, even Alang was stunned for a moment. This was the Yingchuan Zhao family ring that has been passed down for thousands of years!

For more than a thousand years, those in power have been afraid of being dissatisfied with Chamomile. At least they have never attacked it from the officialdom. Instead, they have taken the method of physical destruction. There is a way. The reputation of Yingchuan Chamomile is too small. Once the army is launched,

, difficulties caused an uproar in the sky.

We must be extremely cautious when dealing with the Yingchuan Zhao family!

Since childhood, the prestige of the Yingchuan Zhao family has soared to the sky with that cautiousness. Today, the power is overwhelming, but it is not such a Yingchuan chamomile that even the emperors are afraid of. She was actually beaten up by Lu Yuan.

―After a pause, Mr. Yang took a sip of wine and said solemnly: "Now, I have made people pity the Yang family for their incompetence!

The dignity of the Zhao family that has lasted for thousands of years has completely disappeared!"

Alang's reserve also caught his attention, "Am I crazy?"

Sun Xian foamed at the corner of his mouth. Before he was angry, he was surprised again, "A century-old dynasty, a thousand-year-old family, I, Ganju, the chief minister, died as the governor of Northern Xinjiang, but I am gone, where are my children and grandchildren?"

Zhao will use all kinds of tricks to make me look like an eye-catcher under the ground!"

"That person, is that Yin Gu children and grandchildren?"

Alang sighed faintly, "That man is so crazy that all my plans can be used." Yang smiled, "If I want to be appointed as Jiedushi, I must satisfy the emperor, and the father-in-law and the emperor must be satisfied."

There was a conversation between Your Majesty and His Majesty..." Ah Lang nodded. "If I take action against the Zhao family, Your Majesty will definitely follow suit. In this way, I was given the post of Jiedu Envoy.

Anyway, I am also the lord of Northern Xinjiang, so why should I and the Zhao family live or die?"

This person didn't mean anything. Yang said, "What Sun means is that this person is so stupid and crazy, so he must be kind to him." As for Lin Qian, this is the number one sect in the north, and even if he gives Ganju ten courages, he will be kind to him.


Alang pondered for a long time and said: "I have thought about it for a long time, and there is not much I can do.

First, it is a matter of law to investigate you." Yang said calmly: "I am here to help. This kind of matter is also complicated. First, plant all these people under the heads of others, and then kill these people.

Move them all to remote places,"

"Death has proof!"

Sun Xian felt happy in his heart, and he knew he had to say it... Ganju shook his head slightly, "The second is to suppress the charming person he is waiting for in the officialdom. I came here just to tell him to wait and stick together to keep warm!"

Alang nodded, "Before Lu Yuan came back, I contacted Shi Duohaowei from Japan, and we retreated and advanced together," this person is a common man!

Yang nodded, "Since Lu Yuan has become a traitor and wants to rule the Northern Territory, he must establish his authority. Look at the Northern Territory, there is no one like him who can be my boss. Covering up is a matter of law, and it is a matter of officialdom.

People hugged each other... Before Lu Yuan returned, when he wanted to use his remaining money to establish his prestige, he found that he was looking for an excuse. At this time, Hou Yi..."^"My prestige has become a joke!"

Sun Xian burst into laughter, hahahaha!"

Ah Lang smiled and said, "Thank you, Mr. Zhao, for your help."

Before this time, Chamomile will definitely become angry, and we have to retreat together!"

Ganju raised his glass, "Before he thwarts my plot, he can let people spread some words."

A Lang raised his glass and said, "Those who go against the grain will be disgraced!"

I don't expect me to take action at this moment."

"That's it, do it!"


The seven people drank, held the empty wine glasses upright, smiled at each other, and followed. Yang said goodbye, "

"What if, live outside the home?"

Alang kept a guest, "It's necessary, Lin Qian has no property in the city!"

Yang handed over his hand and immediately walked in. Seeing me being led out by the trouble, Alang suddenly laughed warmly, and Sun Xian came out satisfied. Without Lin Qian, we could not escape this time, and even more so, we could make Lu Yuan

His prestige has been lost, but why does he look so unhappy?"

"Lü Yuanl became the Jiedushi envoy and Duke of Qin this time. His fame may seem limited, but don't forget that he gained it at the cost of completely betraying Chang'an.

From now on, I am a rebel!"

Alang shook his head, "Lin Qian knows that truth, so she sent Yang to..."

"Is this person here to join forces?"

"Yes, I'm here to recruit troops!"

"What's the meaning?"

"I want to take this opportunity to win over the powerful and weak in Taoxian County and become Lin Qian's vassal!"


This, what should we do?"

"The situation is weaker than that of others. Only by relying on us, we can compete with Chamomile. For now, let's give in to Lin Qianxu."

‘How to do this?”

^"To turn around and withdraw from the affairs of culture and education in the names of Liu Zai and Lin. Ganju is the ancestor of culture and education in the North. But you, Liu Zai and Lin, alone withdraw from the affairs of literature and education. That is to say that you and Lin Qian are incompatible with each other.


Ganju stood with her hands behind her hands: "Sun, you have always been a vassal!"

When Yang arrived at Lin Qian's property, he left the study room before taking a bath, followed by his entourage, "Mr. Lu, Alang's posture is not a little aloof today, because he was afraid that he and Ganju were estranged before." Yang sat outside, with his body beside him.

There was no waiter in front of me to help me dry my hair, so I said, "I am here with Ganju's instructions. As long as Alang and others agree to stand with Lin Qian, I will use this capacity to make suggestions to my subordinates."

Regarding cultural and educational matters, Sui Sui was shocked, "In this way, it's a done deal, and Ganju and others can get rid of their status as Lin Qian's vassals."

"The document has not returned to Jiedushi Mansion at this moment!"

Yang laughed warmly, "This Alang is quite smart. He's too smart, but he's more unprepared than Chamomile!"

‘Is this Alang really stupid?”

The entourage knew that Chao Ju had low vision, so he was not surprised, "That's right, that's wrong!"

‘Where is this Sun Xian?”

"He's smarter than Tsuka!"

Lu Yuan returned to Taoxian County and said, "You go home first and take a look." After leaving for a while, Ganju missed his wife and children, and a great historian came out and said, "My lord, Sima, if you have nothing to do, please come over."


Another person, Lu Yuanneng, could follow me, and old Liu Yi... I wanted to go, but I was afraid that the old man would give up his choice. Ganju left the Jiedushi Mansion, and when I saw Yang Xuan, there was actually a fire bubble missing from the corner of my mouth.

Yang Xuan had already received the news about the Battle of Chenzhou, so Jing did not mention it, but handed two documents to Lu Yuan, "One is from Lin Qian and the other is from Ganju."

Lu Yuan flipped through the pages and saw, "They are all about advocating for literature and education,"

"Lin Qian came first, and Liu Zi came first." Yang Xuan felt the pain of the fire bubbles, twisted his face, and said in a serious tone: "Lin Qian has a think tank. In the past few days, he has been having doubts with the powerful and weak.

"No one said that we were working together to deal with his upcoming pressure."

Song Zhen slapped his waist with his backhand.

Helian Suan is here, ^ "Lang Jun, just now the Jin Yiwei came to report, the powerful and weak people suspected that there was no one to guard them, we tried our best, but we only vaguely knew that we had wiped out all the things that were legal," Yang Xuan covered his forehead,

"Chamomile is hateful!"

"Don't be angry," Lu Yuan sat down.

Yang Xuan said angrily: In the past, the powerful and weak respected him because he was only the deputy envoy of Jiedu. Now that he has taken over as the envoy of Jiedu and the Duke of Qin, he naturally has to use others to establish his authority. Otherwise, where is the authority?

Chamomile takes action to smooth things over, how do you get started?"

Lu Yuan smiled and said, "It's a matter of law, it's just such a crime.

Has Mr. Liu ever heard of it?

The most important foundation of a country is nothing else, but...taxation." Yang Xuan:..."^Weak and powerful people have long been accustomed to tax evasion when they are young, and the evidence is all over the streets."

Lu Yuan took a sip of tea and said, "Young man, how much tax have we missed?"

Yang Xuan looked at me blankly, "He wanted one...but that's the usual practice!"

These power-hungry and clan officials in Chang'an are all trying to evade taxes, and there are people out there!"

"That's Northern Xinjiang!"

Ganju's eyes were gloomy, "You are the lord of Northern Xinjiang, and you say it is honorable to pay taxes, but shameful to pay taxes!"

This chapter has been completed!
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