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Chapter 92 Majesty

In the morning, Yang Xuan and others continued on their way.

"Will they come?" The old thief felt guilty.

"Calm down." Yang Xuan suddenly turned around.

The sound of horse hooves gradually became clearer.


Dozens of horses came galloping.

The old thief trembled and said, "Lang Jun, run away."

"Second child."


Yang Xuan pointed at the old thief, "If he wants to run away, give him a slap."

"Take the order!" Wang Laoer was very happy, looking at the old thief with the look of "you are finished".

"Khan's order...please wait and go back."

In an instant, the old thief's loyalty to Yang Xuan soared.

Returning to the royal court again, Yang Xuan and others were warmly received.

Pointing enthusiastically!

"Have a drink."

The woman presented her with fine wine and flirtatious glances.

Yang Xuan naturally won't be tempted, but if the old thief wants to be tempted, it's terrible to reveal his secret.

Wang Laoer got permission and was eating meat vigorously but not drinking wine.

Yang Xuan ate the mutton slowly and calmly.

"Father Khan!"

A woman rushed in. When she saw Yang Xuan and others, she asked, "Are they the ones who know how to touch bones?"

The guard said: "Yes."

"My name is Huina." The woman looks pretty good.

"I don't know what's going on?" Yang Xuan asked.

The woman raised her arm, "They said you would touch the bones later? Touch them for me."

The old thief is so blind that he can hardly pretend anymore.

Yang Xuan coughed dryly, "Sir..."

The old thief sighed, "If you touch it once, you will reveal the secret. How difficult it is for me."

Huina looked at Yang Xuan and hesitated, "How about... you touch it?"

Yang Xuan shook his head, "I'm not a person who touches bones."

Huina obviously preferred young people to touch the bones, so she stretched out her hand angrily.

After some exploration...

"The Khan has arrived." Hua Zhuo came.

Everyone stood up and saluted. Huina looked at the old thief and suddenly realized that she had been touched in vain.

Hua Zhuo pressed his hands with a smile on his face and said, "Sit down."

After some pleasantries, Hua Zhuo ordered: "Everyone get out."

There were only a few people left in the tent.

Hua Zhuo leaned forward and narrowed his eyes, "Yesterday you said that I was going to suffer a calamity. How to deal with it?"

The old thief smiled bitterly.

Yang Xuan sighed: "Sir, please don't say any more, otherwise God's punishment will not be far away. In this case, let me tell you."

Hua Zhuo seemed to be leaning on the table casually, playing with the wine glass in his right hand, but he didn't know that he had poured the wine glass.

Yang Xuan is sitting cross-legged, with his hands in mudra on his knees, showing his majestic appearance.

Yi Niang's heart trembled when she saw this, she was worried that her husband, whom she admired, would become a monk.

Yang Xuan opened his eyes, as cold as a god, and spoke.

"Many troubles in the world are just for greed and anger. Greed and anger lead to many bad consequences. Only salvation can survive the disaster."

Hua Zhuo leaned forward almost lying on the table. Hearing this, he asked: "How to redeem?"

Yang Xuan said: "Save people."

"How to save?"

"As the leader of the Vashay tribe, Khan and his tribe have killed many people over the years."

Hua Zhuo nodded, "If you want to survive on the grassland, if you don't kill someone, others will kill you. What can you do?"

"Both the Khan and his tribe are guilty." Yang Xuan said calmly: "The Khan can ask people to apply medicine everywhere. The more medicine is applied, the more people can be treated. Saving one person can redeem the original willful killing.

One man’s sin.”

He stood up, cupped his hands, and said, "Goodbye."


Hua Zhuo stretched out his hand and hesitated for a moment, "Maybe the medicine will be administered at the headquarters?"

Yang Xuan looked at him calmly and said nothing.

Hua Zhuo smiled bitterly, "That's right, they also followed Ben Khan and killed people and exterminated their clans. Alas! Who can they give the medicine to? There are many enemies around them, let alone Beiliao."

Yang Xuan cupped his hands and said, "We will say goodbye and pray for Khan from far away in the world."

"Hey!" Hua Zhuo stood up, "Where are you going?"

Yang Xuan said: "We are going back to Datang."

Hua Zhuo was startled, "Datang..."

He sighed: "I have some medicinal materials, please gentlemen, spread them everywhere."

Yang Xuan was stunned, "The Khan has so many people under his command, why should I wait? Moreover, I see that the Khan's face is rosy at the moment, and he is clearly getting better. He will be here again after a while."

But Ben Khan’s men went to the Tang Dynasty just to kill people... Hua Zhuo shouted: "Prepare medicinal materials!"

Someone responded, and Hua Zhuo shouted again: "Prepare some gold."

A plate of gold and five carts of medicinal materials.

"Khan, we want to travel around the world with these..." Yang Xuan declined with a bitter smile.

"If you have gold in your hands, you will always be home wherever you go." Hua Zhuo said something philosophical.

At this moment, he felt that his whole body was full of strength, as if some malice in his body had been driven away.

"Bring me another plate of silver to see you gentlemen off."

Old thief: "..."

Yi Niang: "..."

Only Yang Xuan and Wang Lao were calm.

There are medicinal materials.

When several large carts of medicinal materials were brought into the city, everyone was overjoyed.

Hu Wankui, the famous doctor and the only doctor in Taiping County, excitedly inspected the medicinal materials and was filled with joy.

"How is this man's medical skills?" the old thief asked.

Zhen Siwen looked like he was constipated, "I said... I'm good at treating livestock."


Returning to the duty room, there was a man kneeling outside.

"What's the matter?" Yang Xuan asked as he sat down.

Cao Ying said: "This man is called Ma Hulu, and he wanted to use force on the woman today. Fortunately, someone broke in, otherwise..."

Ma Hulu raised his head, with an obscene look on his face, "She was the one seducing the villain. Besides, hasn't she not entered the port yet?"

Cao Ying said: "Lang Jun..."

Yang Xuan shook his head and narrowed his eyes slightly, "Here comes someone!"


Hu Zhang and Zhen Siwen responded at the same time.

Yang Xuan pointed at Ma Hulu, "Drag him out and break his legs."

Cao Ying was startled and wanted to remonstrate but held back looking at Yang Xuan's cold eyes.

Ma Hulu said in disbelief: "No way! The villain hasn't gone in yet..."

Yang Xuan threw the tea cup away with his hands.

Hu Zhang and Zhen Siwen were startled and quickly dragged Ma Hulu out.

"Go to the second brother." Yang Xuan pointed outside, "Break his legs, just outside the gate of the state."

"Take the order!" Wang Laoer went happily.


The tragic screams spread throughout the city.

Immediately the news spread throughout the city.

Yang Xuan walked outside the duty room and stood with his hands behind his hands.

"Old Cao, 90% of the people in this city are criminals, most of whom are extremely vicious. I showed kindness as soon as I came. It seemed appropriate and won the hearts of the people. But you have to know that blindly showing kindness will only lead to extravagant gains. In addition to showing kindness, there are also

We have to have thunderbolt measures, otherwise how can we deter these former murderers?"

Cao Ying stood up and held her hands in her hands, "Yes, I would like to be taught."

Yang Xuan went to the backyard.

Cao Ying found the old thief.

"What's the matter?" The old thief pretended to be blind for several days and was now ready to take a rest.

"Why do I feel that your husband has changed a lot since this trip?"

The old thief said with a smile: "Are you violating the taboo of asking about your husband?"

Cao Ying smiled bitterly, and the old thief asked: "Do you think it is good or bad?"

"Of course it's a good thing." If Cao Ying didn't have this understanding, she would have been kicked out long ago.

"That's fine then."

The old thief hummed a little tune and went back to the backyard. He lay on the bed and said comfortably: "Mr. Lang is becoming more and more majestic, and Lao Cao still doesn't know it."

Cao Ying knew.

Later he went to the back.

"Mr. Lang."

Yang Xuan was reading a book. When he heard the sound, he raised his head and pointed to the side, "Sit."

Cao Ying sat down and Yang Xuan put down the book, "Are you a little confused?"

"Yes." Cao Ying said frankly: "After leaving Chang'an, Lang Jun gradually became decisive in killing. I thought it was a good thing. But the law is strict..."

Yang Xuan raised his hand to interrupt him, "I know what you want to say. The law should be followed, but you have to remember where this is?"

Yang Xuan pointed outside, "This is a city composed of criminals. If you want to use laws to check and balance them, it is a mistake in itself."

Cao Ying was puzzled.

"In troubled times, heavy codes are used!" Yang Xuan narrowed his eyes and said calmly.

Cao Ying stood up solemnly and said, "Take the order!"

Cao Ying went out.

Yi Niang came in from behind and handed Yang Xuan a cup of tea.

"Cao Ying's loyalty to Lang Jun is beyond doubt."

"I know." Yang Xuan nodded with a calm expression, "He originally regards human life as trivial. What is he struggling with today? It's just that he feels that I have exceeded my authority. Since he is in charge of the affairs of the county, he will not

It’s time to intervene. But what I want to tell him is that there will be more and more such situations in the future, and he must adapt early.”

"Does he understand?"

"When he went out, he said he was taking orders. I think he already understood."

Yi Niang said happily: "Lang Jun is becoming more and more calm. I have always been worried that Lang Jun is too weak and will be bullied by his subordinates in the future. I am very happy about what happened today."

At dinner, Yang Xuan toasted.

"Lao Cao has been working very hard recently."

Cao Ying raised her glass, "Lang Jun took risks to get the medicinal materials, and I just worked quietly in the county. How can I compare?"

The two smiled at each other.

A small internal disagreement was quickly resolved.

"Yiniang, this old thief is stealing my flesh!"

Wang Laoer pointed at the old thief and complained.


Yi Niang slapped the table, raised her eyebrows, and shouted: "Take one for two!"

This chapter has been completed!
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