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Chapter 925: The Meeting of Monarchs and Ministers

"Three days!"

At the top of the city, Dora Zhao exclaimed.

In everyone's opinion, Jinshan City should not hold on for ten days, let alone more than five days!

But it's only been three days... no, it's two and a half days.

"Maybe Jinshan City is still there." A general said: "Wang Laoer is just here to demonstrate."


Maybe so.

Wang Laoer rode his horse and rushed out of the range of the arrow, throwing out what he was holding, "I'll give you a chamber pot!"

Wang Laoer's arm strength was good, and the thing hit the city wall far away, and then fell to the ground.

"What is it?" someone asked.

Peng Zhi supported the city head and leaned forward to look down.

It was a human head, and the face was scrubbed clean, so it was easy to recognize.



A huge force came from behind and pulled him back violently.


An arrow flew past and hit Peng Zhi's shoulder.

He howled miserably and saw a sergeant behind Wang Laoer shaking his head regretfully. The long bow in his hand was larger than the average one.

This is a carefully prepared trap.

Wang Laoer can also play this?

Peng Zhi sat down on the ground, looking miserable.

"Who is it?" Xiao Hongde asked.

Peng Zhi covered his shoulders, "Jiang Chen!"

The city was silent.

Wang Laoer is shouting.

"Jiang Chen was killed by Ye Ye with one knife. Before he died, he shouted: surrender, surrender, but it was too late!"

"Second brother, it's wrong to scream before you die..." the fat elder said cautiously.

"Then what do you want to say?" Wang Laoer asked impatiently.

The thin elder said: "At that time, he was kneeling in front of the second brother and begging, but the second brother said that he was stubborn and stubborn, so he killed him as a warning to others."


Wang Laoer shouted: "Throw the head over."

His subordinates took out sacks and dumped the heads on the ground.


Hundreds of heads were piled up to form a small Jingguan.

Under the sun, it looked eerie.

Wang Laoer clapped his hands, "This is my first trip to Beijing, and I don't think it will be the last!"

Wang Laoer is gone.

The city was lifeless.


Xiao Hongde suddenly slapped the battlements and said with a smile: "The reinforcements are only three to five days away from here. I have been worried that Yang Dog will take too long to attack Jinshan City, and the reinforcements will not be able to attack when they arrive. I didn't expect that God will follow people's wishes, hahahaha!"

There are many loopholes in this statement.

But at this time, everyone needs a motivation to encourage themselves, and these words are just right.

Reinforcements will arrive in three to five days!

Is this true or false?

Facing those suspicious eyes, Xiao Hongde said: "Reinforcements will arrive in five days at the latest!"

There is no need to keep secrets at this moment, Xiao Hongde even revealed the situation of the reinforcements, "The leader is Tanzhou Lin Shijun!"

"Is it actually Mr. Lin?"

"When he comes, I will be saved!"

The atmosphere suddenly came alive.

"Famous general of Daliao!"

Zhao Dora was a little envious of Lin Jun's power to boost morale with just his name, but if he thought about it carefully, his follow-up path was not bad.

You will be your famous general of the Liao Dynasty. I will return to Ningxing and never leave my nest again. We will wait until the outcome is decided in the court before making any plans.

Moreover, this time it can be considered a credit.

Lin Ya's people actually came to rescue Xiao Hongde, who had taken refuge with the emperor. Afterwards, Lin Ya was so angry that she vomited blood.

Morale continued to rise, and Peng Zhi whispered: "Xiangwen must be careful of Zhao Duo's conspiracy to communicate with Lin Jun, and beware of his assassination."

Zhao Dora must want to get rid of Xiao Hongde right now. If he had someone tell Lin Jun about Xiao Hongde's surrender to the emperor...

"No need to worry about this. Since that day, his people have gone out of the city three times, a total of five people, with two letters. In addition, I am also watching him, looking for an opportunity to strike!"

Xiao Hongde glanced at Dora Zhao, "Reinforcements will definitely come. Now, I am thinking about a question, how to get the maximum benefit from this battle. Do you have any ideas?"

Zhao Duola saw the two talking and got closer.

Peng Zhi glanced at him with disgust and whispered: "Lin Jun is a famous general, so he naturally understands the importance of military speed.

At this moment, his forward should be not far from Neizhou.

As long as the vanguard takes the lead, the morale of the soldiers and civilians in the city will be boosted.

Yang Xuan will then divide his troops to intercept. This is our army's opportunity.

At that time, our army will wait for an opportunity to leave the city and attack Yang Gou...

However, I believe that the opportunity must be grasped well, for example, we can wait until the two armies...the entanglement becomes more intense before taking action."

Xiao Hongde glanced at him and said, "Lin Jun is a famous general, and you can't hide it from him with such methods."

"Why should Xianwen worry about this?" Peng Zhi said with a smile: "No matter how much dissatisfaction he has, it will all be wiped out when the Eagle Guard's masters arrive in Neizhou.

By the way, as soon as the Eagle Guard arrives, Xianwen should take the lead and exaggerate the credit a bit.

The Eagle Guards have a way of spreading news, Ning Xing got the detailed news first, and then Lin Jun got the good news, which was so dark!"

The thoughts here are spinning and turning, which can be called a nine-turn intestine.

Xiao Hongde squinted his eyes, "In the beginning, Lin Jun was very good to me. I..."

Peng Zhi had no way to intervene in this matter and just remained silent.

Xiao Hongde sighed: "In the future, if Lin Ya fails, he will definitely die. I..."

Saving his life can be regarded as a complete meritorious deed... Peng Zhi smiled, feeling that his boss had a beginning and an end.

"I will collect his body and let him rest in peace."

Peng Zhi: "..."

Xiao Hongde turned around and said, "From now on, except for the army, no one is allowed in or out of Chengyang City!"

In a grain store in the city, two men were talking in the backyard.

"Second brother is here, and the Duke is not far away. According to the commander's instructions, we will do two things. One is to assassinate the general, and the other is to wait for an opportunity to create chaos. Old Wang, I have been keeping an eye on Xiao Hongde these days. He is cautious.

, there are too many people around, it’s hard to take action.”

The speaker was a red-faced man named Lei Bo. He had a mole on the right side of his chin, and there were two flowing hairs on the mole.

The man next to me has a long face, a somewhat flat nose, and a stocky look. He is called Wang Han.

Wang Han held a short knife in his hand and wiped it with a cloth.

"If you want to assassinate, you have to assassinate the important ones. There are only three people in the city who can be called important ones, Xiao Hongde, Zhao Dora, and Peng Zhi." Wang Han brought the short knife to his eyes and looked at the blade, not satisfied.

"Peng Zhi is a counselor. To be honest, this kind of fighting is just head-to-head, and counselors are of no use." Lei Bo touched the short knife in his arms, "The best is Xiao Hongde, followed by Zhao Dora."

"When these two people travel, they are surrounded by guards. If they miss a single hit... they will pursue you and me relentlessly." Wang Han tested the edge of the blade with his left thumb, "I am the old man of Jin Yiwei.

, life and death have long been ignored, what about you?"

Lei Bo solemnly said, "I am just a Jianghu person. I used to work around. Later, I was recruited into the Jinyi Guards. I still remember the words of the Duke, if you join the Jinyi Guards, you will become a family! Now that I am here, I don't care about my life.

Something happened."

"Yes! Your Majesty is kind!" Wang Han inserted the short sword into the scabbard. "The commander said that this battle is of great importance. If we win, our Northern Territory will open a hole in the body of the giant Beiliao. From then on,

, advance to attack, retreat to defend.

If it fails, Bei Liao will take advantage of the situation and counterattack. As a result, our northern Xinjiang will not be able to take a step further north in a few years."

"Get ready!"

The vanguard of the Northern Xinjiang Army has arrived.

Looking at the people and horses like dragons, it doesn't look like they just went through a fight.

"Who is it?"

Xiao Hongde asked while standing at the top of the city.

The lookout shouted: "It's... it's the Zhen Zi Banner!"

"Zhen Siwen!"

Xiao Hongde sneered, "You loser bitch."

During this battle, Zhen Siwen had been watching from the sidelines. His subordinates were only responsible for monitoring the surrounding areas and covering up the enemy's scouts.

Zhen Siwen himself did not want to rest, so he organized the people of Yanbei City to help transport food and baggage. He took the lead, carrying bags and unloading trucks. He was so tired that he went home and lay down to sleep every day.

Jinshan City was broken, and the situation around the army was excellent. Zhen Siwen took advantage of the situation and asked for a fight.

Zhen Siwen still remembered the expression on the Duke's face at that time. He was pleased but also a little distressed. "Sven, take care."

"For the sake of the country's lord, what's the point of a little hard work?"

Zhen Siwen looked at the city under the banner, "Xiao Hongde and I are also old rivals. He sent rangers to sneak attack, and I sent scouts to explore the city. You and I went back and forth on both sides. He couldn't do anything to me, and I couldn't do anything to him.

The army is attacking today, so we should put an end to it."

At the top of the city, Xiao Hongde said: "Be the first to seize the opportunity."

As he said that, he glanced at Dora Zhao.

Dora Zhao was silent.

"Vice General Zhao!"

Xiao Hongde said in a deep voice, "Zhen Siwen leads an army of three thousand. You lead four thousand out of the city to defeat the enemy."

Four thousand versus three thousand, do you dare to refuse?

Moreover, it only requires you to defeat the enemy.

If he doesn't go, Xiao Hongde can chop him with a knife now.

Afterwards, no matter the emperor or anyone else, they would say it was a good killing!

Dora Zhao squinted her eyes, "Take the order!"

"Bei Liao Dog, do you dare to go out of the city and fight!"

Outside the city, Zhen Siwen's subordinates began to scold the formation.

"The defenders must not dare to leave the city."

Someone said disdainfully.


The city gate slowly opened.

A group of people came out and killed them.

The leader is none other than Zhao Dora.

"Tang dog!"

Zhao Dora knew that she had to show a fearless attitude, otherwise even if she escaped this battle, she would not be able to escape the post-war liquidation.

Xiao Hongde, we will remember this kindness!

Zhao Dora was aggressive at first, but after Zhen Siwen prepared his troops, she stopped again.

Four thousand versus three thousand.

The two armies confront each other.

Zhao Dora, deputy general.

Zhen Siwen, guard general of Yanbeicheng.

No, I have to give him a name: former Taiping City official.

Zhen Siwen is not tall in stature, nor can he be said to be talented in literature. It is said that his strength in terms of force is just throwing firewood randomly.

The period of leading the army was only a fraction of that of Zhao Dora.

No matter how you look at it, it should be a one-sided fight.

But Zhao Dora observed carefully.

Is it time for Yang Gou’s main force to appear?

Not here yet?

Once Yang Xuan's main force appears, he will retreat immediately.

But after waiting for a long time, Zhen Siwen on the opposite side became impatient and shouted: "You guys, are you here to fight, or are you here to bask in the sun?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The Northern Xinjiang Army laughed.

At the top of the city, Xiao Hongde said calmly: "Remember it for him."


"Bang the drum!"

Xiao Hongde came to the rescue.

If you beat the drum, you must march, otherwise you will be disobeying the order.

At this time, most people could see that there seemed to be something wrong between the guard general and deputy general of Chengyang City.

Winter winter winter!

The sound of drums came.

Xiao Hongde, I am a fool!

Zhao Dora knew that Xiao Hongde had murderous intentions against her, so she gritted her teeth and said: "Warriors!"


Four thousand versus three thousand, you can't lose no matter what!

The morale of his subordinates was greatly boosted.


The enemy troops started.

It stands to reason that as a forward, Zhen Siwen can adopt various flexible means to deal with...

His subordinates have already made preparations for guerrilla warfare, waiting for the main force to arrive and then outflank the enemy.

"Kill the enemy!"

Zhen Siwen drew the sword without hesitation, as if he was celebrating the New Year.

Five miles away, a large army gathered.

Under the Yang banner, Yang Xuan looked ahead and dismounted.

Everyone didn't know why he didn't leave.

The old thief looked at Han Ji, who shook his head and said he didn't know.

Yang Xuan walked to the front, turned around and waved, "Old Zhou."

Pei Jian stepped forward and said, "Mr. Lang."

Pei Jian was taller and more generous than Yang Xuan. Standing together, the two looked like a beast and a scholar.

But Yang Xuan had his hands behind his back, and Pei Jian lowered his head slightly.

"You learned a lot of military arts from Mr. Pei back then, right?"

"Yes. When my late father was here, he paid the most attention to the art of war and cultivation. He always gave me orders, so I didn't dare to slack off."

"Have you thought about the future?"

"From now on..." Pei Jian raised his head, "Follow Lang Jun until Chang'an!"


"My father's death was voluntary."

"After Pei Gong, there are no more prosperous and tragic people in the temple. I don't like it!"

Yang Xuan whispered: "What do you want to do in this life?"

Pei Jian thought seriously for a moment and said, "I won't be a minister for my husband!"

"I believe you!"

Three simple words, but it made Pei Jian feel a feeling in his eyes called "A scholar will die for his confidant".

"The road ahead is still long. In the foreseeable future, we will encounter many opponents. Those from the Tang Dynasty, those from the Northern Liao Dynasty, those from the Southern Zhou Dynasty, those from Luo Luo... and many more."

Yang Xuan looked at Pei Jian and suddenly stretched out his hand.

Pei Jian is tall and his hands are stretched a bit high.

Pei Jian wanted to bend down.

"Stand up straight!"

Yang Xuan shouted, then raised his hand and patted his shoulder gently.

"Go and capture Chengyang City for me!"

Pei Jian looked at Yang Xuan in disbelief.

This is the most important battle in the attack on Neizhou.

Lang Jun can actually let me lead the army?

Moreover, he is the main force leading this trip.

"I'll start the fight for you, cover the enemy's scouts, and intercept the enemy's reinforcements!"

Yang Xuan smiled.

Han Ji and others were beeping around the banner.

"Mr. Lang looks very relaxed."

"There are some secrets that even we can't hear."

"Lao Pei looks very excited!"

A group of members of Yang Xuan's core group were a little puzzled.

"Lao Pei is kneeling!" Wang Laoer said in surprise.

Pei Jian knelt down on one knee.

"I am willing to die for my husband!"

Yang Xuan patted his shoulder again and returned to the banner.

"Zhou Jian!"


Pei Jian stepped forward.

Yang Xuan looked at everyone and said, "This battle will be commanded by Zhou Jian."

Everyone was stunned.

Shouldn't it be the husband?

Han Ji stroked his beard, already understanding Yang Xuan's thoughts, and praised: "Langjun knows people and makes good use of them."

The old thief felt a little disappointed, "That's good, that's good."

The surrounding eyes are very complicated.

In the Northern Xinjiang system, the generals are the most stable.

After Liao Jin left, there was an obvious gap.

Under Yang Xuan were Jiang Cunzhong, Zhang Du and others.

It’s not that these people lack ability, but that they have too little experience.

There is no problem with Huang Chunhui's succession. According to his plan, while Liao Jin is in office, he should continue to train new people and develop generals.

Yang Xuan, Jiang Cunzhong...the order has been arranged.

But Liao Jin left not long after he took office.

As a result, there was a gap in the area of ​​generals, no, generals, so that even some large-scale conquests had to be led by Yang Xuan.

Logically speaking, Jiang Cunzhong should be the first to take the lead.

But Yang Xuan lifted Zhou Jian up.

Those unconvinced eyes, even angry eyes, make people feel uneasy.

Yang Xuan took off his sword and handed it to Pei Jian.

"Whoever disobeys your general's orders and wields this sword will be killed without guilt!"

Pei Jian saluted and took the sword.

He said in a deep voice: "I am willing to die for our country!"

At this moment, Zhong Hui was stunned for a moment, and then he spoke.

"What's going on? It's like a meeting between kings and ministers?"

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