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Chapter 93 Yang Xuan's Foundation

In the early morning, there is still one star left in the dark sky. The morning breeze blows, and you will feel a little cold. Occasionally, you can see leaves falling, reminding people that this is the north.

Cao Ying and Yiniang were walking in the city.

"My husband is constantly growing up." Cao Ying put her hands behind her hands and looked to the side. The door of a house was halfway open. After seeing the two of them, the door closed with a bang, and a gap appeared.

A girl looked at them in horror from behind the crack in the door.

"What do you want to say?" Yi Niang smiled at the girl, "Lang Jun is a child who respects the emperor. He was born to inherit your majesty's courage and kindness."

"Yes!" Cao Ying said happily: "It's just that the speed of his growth is very scary. I don't know where Lang Jun's talent comes from. Let's just say that day, the horse thief escaped and the dead horse was left behind.

"Young Master. It's no secret that horse meat is unpalatable, but Lang Jun took action and it turned out to be extremely delicious."

"This is the talent of the proud child of heaven." Yi Niang has no doubt about the child she has raised for a year.

"I know my problem, I am too conceited. In the past, I thought that the husband could not do without my help, so I was unconsciously arrogant. That day, I realized that the husband took everything in his eyes and did not say anything.

.Use one last punishment to make me wake up."

"Can you wake up clearly? If not, jump into the well and soak in the water." Yi Niang was a little gloating about her misfortune.


"Going back." Cao Ying turned around, "This guy! He has to have something to do. Once he has nothing to do, he will be like a lonely ghost."

Yi Niang shook her head, looked at his back, and suddenly smiled.

Yang Xuan is practicing.

Since learning his identity, he has consciously stepped up his practice and study.

After practicing, it is learning.

As the leader, no one dared to break into his room, so he could relax and lean against the wall, watching the screen quietly.

Then he took out a charcoal stick and wrote and drew on the paper.

Equations are being calculated one by one, theorems are chewed and swallowed, and knowledge points that no one knows at the moment are being absorbed continuously...

After a long time, Yang Xuan raised his head.

“This is how the world turns out to be!”

Even after studying for many years, he was still shocked after seeing the shocking knowledge.


"I am here."

"So the moon is just a big ball?"


"It turns out that the air we breathe contains countless amounts of oxygen?"


Yang Xuan stretched out his hand and touched the seemingly clean table, "It turns out that there are many things densely covered on this table. One grain of sand represents the world, one leaf represents a bodhi tree."

Many things in the world are connected. When you accumulate enough, everything will suddenly become clear, just like a feeling of enlightenment.

"Mr. Lang."

Someone outside whispered.

"What's the matter?" Yang Xuan didn't want to go out.

"A new official has arrived, please see me."


Yang Xuan put away the scroll, stood up and went out.

Outside the county hall, a man dressed in the clothes of a clerk stood there.

"Jiang Zhen met the Ming Dynasty." The man was about thirty years old and looked very sincere.

Yang Xuan stopped and asked, "Who asked you to come?"

Jiang Zhen said: "The state arranged for the villain to come to Taiping County."

Cao Ying came, checked the documents and nodded.

Yang Xuan went in and sat down, pointing at Cao Ying, "You will follow suit from now on."

Jiang Zhen crossed his hands and saluted. "Yes."

Yang Xuan stood up, "The second brother and the old thief followed me out, and the old Cao at home watched. Yi Niang asked her to rest more."

"Yes." Cao Ying accepted the order.

Jiang Zhen glanced at Yang Xuan and then lowered his head.

Yang Xuan took General Heng Ha to the death camp.

Hundreds of people live together, and the rows of houses are relatively neat, but the debris outside is piled up in a mess.

Diao She and Zhao Youcai came to greet him.

"I've seen the Ming Mansion!"

The sound alarmed the prisoners, and the doors opened one after another.

The prisoners slowly walked out.

"I've seen the Ming Dynasty."

"What do you do on weekdays?" Yang Xuan looked at these dirty prisoners and felt that this place was hell.

Diao She glanced at Zhao Youcai, his eyes clearly telling others: I can't tell lies, so come on.

Zhao Youcai turned away, wishing he could tell Yang Xuan that he didn't know this person.

"I just rest on weekdays."

Yang Xuan shook his head and said, "Let them assemble."

Diao She rushed over with a swish, and shouted fiercely: "Assemble, assemble quickly. Xiao Lao'er, where are your pants? You want to go to the Ming Mansion with your butt naked? Beat me!"


A sleepy-eyed man with his lower body naked was slapped on the buttocks by Diao She as soon as he went out. The buttocks became visibly red and swollen.


Xiao Laoer rushed in with a swish.

Yang Xuanmuran and Zhao Youcai explained: "They are all people who have committed crimes. Generally speaking, scolding them will not work."

So you spanked?

Diao She came back and said proudly: "The Ming government only gives orders. Anyone who doesn't listen will be beaten!"

This is the management method in prison.

Yang Xuan thought of the several books he read in the scroll, all of which introduced the ecology of the prison.

Zhao Youcai looked respectful and said, "Please give me instructions from the Ming government."

"Don't drink cold water!"

Yang Xuan dropped these words and stepped forward.

Drink cold water?

Zhao Zhao Youcai behind him was stunned.

"What's the meaning?"

Diao She said angrily: "Your mother-in-law is full of evil and you don't even know it. Who are you going to ask?"

In front, five hundred people stood sparsely.

They were looking at Yang Xuan.

When Yang Xuan first arrived in Taiping County, all the prisoners were waiting to see a joke. Everyone thought that the young magistrate would pretend to be sick and run away in a short time. But what they didn't expect was that Yang Xuan put on a "I want to" attitude.

A posture that has long taken root in the frontier.

Is it posturing or what?

The prisoners had cold eyes.

"You are a group of poor people abandoned by the Tang Dynasty."

Yang Xuan's first sentence hit the nail on the head of these people's crimes.

There was some commotion in the crowd.

"This is Taiping County. In front of us are countless horse thieves and countless aliens. This place has been attacked seven times, and every time it is attacked, it is a disaster."

Zhao Youcai whispered to Diao She, "What this person said is somewhat true."

Diao She nodded, "I like it."

"No matter how much you like me, you can't change the fact that you are a repeat offender." Zhao Youcai didn't know what he thought of, and his expression was gloomy.

"You will probably think that if you break the city, you will break the city. After the city is broken, you will follow the horse thieves and follow the foreigners." Yang Xuan pointed to the north contemptuously, "Do you know the consequences of following the horse thieves?"

Of course everyone wants to know.

"Bring it up."

Two captured horse thieves were brought to the front.

Yang Xuan asked: "Five years ago, or even earlier, what happened to the criminals who followed the horse thieves?"

A horse thief said: "Most of them are dead."

Yang Xuan smiled, "Why?"

The horse thief hesitated and looked at the prisoners.

"Speak and live." Yang Xuanyan said concisely and concisely.

Wang Laoer raised his right hand, preparing to slap him.

The horse thief sniffed and blinked his bruised eyes after being beaten, "Most of them are dead."

"Why?" Yang Xuan asked again.

The horse thief retreated on his knees, "The horse thieves are all divided into gangs, and those who followed are their own group, but how can they defeat those old people? They distributed the money and food at least, and if they dared to question, they were beaten... Later, most of them resisted... and were beaten

Killed them. The remaining few escaped, and their bodies were later found in the wilderness, all in a mess after being eaten by wild beasts."

The prisoners were trembling, trembling with despair.

"Why is the distribution unfair?" someone couldn't help but ask.

The horse thief looked at the man as if he were a fool, "There are few caravans here, and there are no rich places around. The life of the horse thief is not easy. As long as there is no money and food to plunder for a while, there will be internal fighting... Otherwise,

Why do you think Deng Hu’s men always number more than three hundred?"


The man asked desperately.

Yang Xuan put his hands behind his hands, "Because we can't feed more people, we have to fight internally and kill the extra people! This is the law of the jungle, only the strongest group of people are retained."

Resources are limited in a place, let alone Chenzhou. Therefore, disputes often break out among the horse thieves just to snatch resources.

The convicts who followed him were his stepmothers. They were allowed to do dangerous things, but they were given the least amount of money and food.

What these prisoners long for most is freedom.

"It's not impossible for you to live freely if you want."

Yang Xuan's words shocked the prisoners.

"The only way out is to make meritorious deeds!"

Yang Xuan looked at the prisoners coldly.

"But...but how can we make meritorious service?"

Xiao Laoer, who was wearing his pants backwards and had a bulging crotch, couldn't believe it.

Yang Xuan pointed outside, "Horse thieves will keep coming and harassing them, and those foreign races will also keep coming and harassing them. What should we do? The only way is to knock out their big teeth and let them know that the Tang Dynasty cannot be bullied, and peace cannot be bullied!"

He looked at everyone and said, "Practice, and every time I make a meritorious deed, I will record it and atone for it."

Diao She's eyes turned red, "But in the Ming Dynasty, we fought desperately in the beginning, but those officials... didn't keep their words, and no one cared about my merits."

"I care!"

Yang Xuan's eyes were bright, "I hereby swear that if you make meritorious deeds, you will be rewarded for your merits."

Zhao Youcai sighed, "Ming Mansion, Chang'an will ignore Chenzhou many times."

"Do you want to say that Chang'an will ignore your merits?" Yang Xuan received a positive answer, and he said word by word: "If so, I will reward you for your merits."

Behind him, the old thief took a deep breath and said softly: "It is indeed the husband."

The prisoners looked up at Yang Xuan.

Yang Xuan roared angrily: "I swear by my ancestors, if Chang'an does not record your meritorious deeds, I will go to Chang'an, rush into the Ministry of Justice to question them, and if I still can't do it, I will go knock on the palace!"

Xiao Laoer knelt down.

Individual prisoners knelt down one after another.

Like ears of wheat under a strong wind.

This was the first time an official treated them as human beings.

This is the first time an official has given them hope.

Diao She knelt down, with veins jumping on his neck, and shouted: "I am willing to die for the Ming Dynasty!"

"I am willing to die for the Ming Dynasty!"

The young man Mingfu said softly: "That's wrong, he died for the Tang Dynasty!"

"I am willing to die for the Tang Dynasty!"

Amid the shouts, Yang Xuan turned around.

I saw the old thief who was trembling all over.

This chapter has been completed!
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