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Chapter 932 This is my Nevada


Dozens of soldiers holding logs were banging against the city gate.

Because the garrison was strong, Xiao Hongde did not block the city gate, but it turned out to be a failure at this moment.

At the top of the city, more and more Northern Xinjiang troops surged up.

The defenders were making their last desperate struggle, retreating step by step.

"Half an hour!"

Jiang Cunzhong said.

The city was broken in half an hour. This judgment made Pei Jian slightly nod.

The morale of the defenders had already hit rock bottom, but their bravery kept them from fleeing.

"It's time to invite the Duke to come."

Zeng Guang said.

Letting the boss witness the moment when the city is broken is something that every subordinate should think about.

"Already gone."

Pei Jian had already sent someone half an hour ago.

Everyone has a weird smile.

The Duke of Guo was so busy in this battle that he had a great time riding around with thousands of people.

Hearing that the city was about to be captured, the Duke would probably feel a little resentful!

Da da da!

The envoy sent by Pei Jian has returned.

He is Uda's bodyguard.

"Where is the Duke?"

Pei Jian asked.

The guard said: "Just before, Lin Jun, the governor of Tanzhou, led a surprise attack with 20,000 cavalry. The Duke led 3,000 cavalry in formation to intercept. Lin Jun, retreat!"

Pei Jian: "..."

Generals: "..."

Da da da!

Amidst the sound of horse hooves, everyone looked up.

Under the banner of Yang Zi, Yang Guogong looked at the city head with a leisurely expression, "Is this going to break the city?"

"Welcome to the Duke!"

Pei Jian and others greeted him.

"how much longer?"

Yang Xuan reined in his horse and asked.

"Half an hour!" Pei Jian said.

"Mr. Lang, I'm hungry." Wang Laoer said pitifully.

"Well!" Yang Xuan said: "Shout out, Tanzhou Lin Jun led an army of 20,000, but I repulsed it!"

Dozens of loud-sounding sergeants gathered outside the city and shouted:

"Tanzhou Lin Jun led an army of 20,000, but was repulsed by the Duke!"

Xiao Hongde looked pale, and Peng Zhi was sweating profusely, "He only has a few thousand riders, how can he stop him?"

This is self-comfort... Yang Xuandu showed up, which is the best explanation.

Once Lin Jun was defeated, the city's morale plummeted to the bottom in an instant.

"Lin Jun, you deserve to be called a famous general!"

Xiao Hongde suddenly laughed.

"Failed! Defeated!"

He stumbled back, jumped off the city wall, mounted his horse, and headed into the city.

The general ran away, and the garrison at the top of the city collapsed.


The city gate was knocked open.

The cavalry swarmed in.


Following Pei Jian's order, most of the defenders knelt down and asked to surrender, while a few stubbornly resisted.

Several days of brutal fighting had already worn away the will of the defenders.

The resistance to decline is incredible.

Among them, Xiao Hongde's giving up played a big role.

"It's Xiao Hongde who should be rewarded!"

Yang Xuan said.

"My lord, please clean up the area from the city to the official residence."

Pei Jian said.

"Enter the city."

All the way outside the official residence, dozens of defenders were maintaining their final dignity.

"Xiao Hongde is inside. We don't know whether we are going to die or live, so we didn't get in."

The general explained.

Yang Xuan said: "Ten breaths!"

Some people croaked.

"Abandon your sword and kneel down within ten breaths!"

No one responded.

"Ten, nine, eight..."

Yang Xuan waved his hand, "Kill them all."

A wave of arrows rained down, and the world became quiet.

The only sergeant who still had some breath gasped and asked, "Isn't it just eight?"

The Northern Xinjiang Army rushed in immediately.

"My lord, Xiao Hongde committed suicide."

Yang Xuan went in and saw a person hanging under the beam in the lobby.

"I don't even have the courage to kill myself."

Yang Xuan shook his head.

There was a piece of paper on the table. Wang Laoer picked it up.

"Lang Jun, this is Xiao Hongde's suicide note."

Yang Xuan stretched out his hand, and Wang Laoer said: "I'm afraid it's poisonous, so just watch it, Mr. Lang!"

Yang Xuan smiled, "Then you're not afraid?"

Wang Laoer said: "Don't be afraid."

Yang Xuan's eyes were gentle and he looked carefully.

The front is a summary of my life. The numbering is a bit messy, and even the sentences have some mistakes.

The strokes of the pen changed at the back and were particularly sharp.

——Poisonous woman, you will not die well!


What is this and what?

Yang Xuan felt that something was wrong, "Look for someone to ask."

Peng Zhi wanted to commit suicide, but the sword was placed on his neck but he could not pull it down, so he was eventually captured alive.

He was taken to the lobby and saw Yang Xuan up close for the first time.

Yang Xuan sat on the eucalyptus table, and Xiao Xiangwen on the beam was still swaying in the breeze.

"Peng Zhi?"


Peng Zhi lowered his head.

Yang Xuan remembered that this person was mentioned in his suicide note, and Xiao Hongde felt ashamed of his own adviser... We would meet again after death.

But now this man is still alive!

Uda said: "When the brothers saw him, he was playing with a long sword on his neck! I asked him to throw it away. As soon as his hand was loosened, the man knelt down."


Yang Xuan has fought too many times and seen too many strong bones...such as Xiao Hongde who is hanging under the beam at the moment.

Cartilage can be found everywhere, including many in the military.

"Xiao Hongde said you went with him."

Yang Xuan said.

Peng Zhi lowered his head, and Uda pulled out the knife, picked up his chin with the tip of the knife, exerted a slight force, "Raise your head and answer!"

Peng Zhi raised his head and said, "I... I think, since I have gone away, there must be someone to pay my respects to you in the future."

"The literati are shameless, but the warriors are indeed inferior to them."

Yang Xuan shook his head, "What is the poisonous woman that Xiao Hongde said?"

"Ms. Xianwen is Lin Ya's younger sister, and her methods are... ruthless."

"Talk about it."

Yang Xuan had heard about this, but didn't know the details.

"Why does Mr. Lang like to inquire about such things?"

Jiang Heer and Helianyan Digu.

He Lianyan shook his head, "Lang Jun wants to judge Lin Ya's internal relationship from this and other matters."

"That's it!" Jiang He'er made a face.

"...all the concubines at home were dead, and Xiang Wen was not afraid of this. But one time, he suddenly felt something in his heart, and asked someone to quietly check the drinks he drank on weekdays. There... was medicine in it."

"What medicine?"

"It makes a man...not a man."

Yang Xuan couldn't help but look down.

So cruel!

"Lin Ya, don't you have an explanation?"

He wanted to see Lin Ya's control over the small group and her attitude.

"He took care of it, scolded him, and said that he had moved his hands. Xiangwen then got two more concubines. Half a month later, one said that he hit the door frame and was killed. The other said that he cut vegetables and rubbed his neck...


Yang Xuan waved his hand.

It seems that Lao Lin is quite indulgent towards Jiajuan!

Yang Xuan thought of Lin Jun.

This guy didn't ask for instructions at all and just led a surprise attack with 20,000 cavalry.

"The Duke."

A sergeant came in and said, "Dora Zhao, please see me."

"He's not dead?"

Yang Xuan was a little surprised.

Dora Zhao was brought in.

The wound on the cheek swelled up and looked like two big bumps.

The calf... looks like it's broken.

He Lianyan came out and said, "My lord, my brother Jin Yiwei ambushed this man last night and said he shot him in the face with an arrow."

"Where's the calf?"

Helianyan shook his head.

Zhao Dora said: "I broke my calf myself."


Yang Xuan asked.

Dora Zhao was being held up, but suddenly struggled hard.

"Is this an assassination attempt?"

Yang Xuan was stunned.

The two guards holding him exerted force on their hands, and with a snap, they managed to break his hand bones.

"Yang Gou, I wish I could eat your flesh and skin you!"

Zhao Dora fell to the ground, her eyes about to burst.

"This attitude changed a little too quickly, torture!"

Yang Xuan didn't pay attention to this little episode.

He walked out of the lobby, and someone put Xiao Hongde down behind him.

Pei Jian is here.

"My lord, the last remnants of the enemy have been eliminated."

Yang Xuan smiled and said, "This time, you are fine."

Pei Jian saluted, "They are all cultivated by the Duke!"

This attitude is unspoken.

The general has arrived!

Yang Xuan looked at everyone and said, "After this battle, I will serve as the commander of the imperial court to ask for merit for you. I think the emperor would be willing to give up a lieutenant general."

General Zhonglang...

Even Jiang Cunzhong wanted to vomit blood.

This is not just a step into the clouds, this is a direct ascent.

Chang'an didn't agree, so he forced the Duke to appoint himself an official.

Once Northern Xinjiang is allowed to appoint officials on its own, it will be a de facto rebellion.

Therefore, this Zhonglang General is a sure thing!

"Thank you, Lord."

Pei Jian knelt down on one knee.

This is what loyalty means.

The general has arrived!

When the Tang Dynasty was founded, there were many famous generals, but most of the so-called famous generals were created by fighting.

In times of peace, many of the so-called famous generals have names that do not match their reality.

Empress Wu, in fact, the Tang Dynasty still had a place to hone its generals.

Southern Xinjiang, Northern Xinjiang.

But as soon as Pei Jiu left, Northern Xinjiang became estranged from Chang'an.

As for southern Xinjiang, as soon as Zhang Huan left, it became the place where the emperor and Yang Songcheng secretly fought.

The emperor felt that as he was in the ninth heaven, even in the northern border, he could only dare to disobey orders secretly, and no one would rebel.

Therefore, he spent most of his energy on maneuvering.

As a result, the star of the current lieutenant general in the dynasty has withered. Even if there is one, the relationship with the emperor is hard to explain.

This is not a bad thing!

"Go out and have a look."

Yang Xuan led everyone out of the official residence.

The streets outside were full of Northern Xinjiang troops.

"I've met the Duke!"

Yang Xuan nodded, "Business about your business."

There were several fireworks in the city, which were set on fire by remnant enemies before their death to create chaos.

"This is Neizhou!"

Yang Xuan put his hands behind his hands and took a deep breath of smoke.

Since Empress Wu, the Tang Dynasty has never been able to expand its territory.

Occasionally, one or two cities were destroyed, but they were immediately evacuated... This was because they did not want to fight with the Northern Liao Dynasty.

It was not unusual for Yang Xuan to destroy Yan Beicheng and Nangui City, but incorporating the two cities into the northern territory shocked Chang'an.

Now, he has captured Neizhou.

Chengyang City is at your feet.

How many years has it been?

Datang has always been tepid towards the outside world.

Even though the Southern Zhou Dynasty stirred up trouble in the southern border of the Tang Dynasty and supported the rebellion of foreign tribes, the Tang Dynasty endured it for a long time until it became unbearable and launched the southern expedition.

During that southern expedition, Yang Xuan saw the capital of Southern Zhou Dynasty.

But Bei Liao was holding back the troops, and in the end they had no choice but to withdraw their troops.

But now Beiliao's containment has become a joke... Neizhou has been lost.

If the Tang Dynasty wanted to conquer the Southern Zhou Dynasty, it was the right time.

"Old Han."

"Lang Jun." Han Ji took a step forward, slightly behind Yang Xuan.

"In Neizhou, the situation has changed drastically. If the Tang Dynasty wanted to attack the Southern Zhou Dynasty, at that time, do you think the DPRK would be tempted?"

Han Ji shook his head, "No."


"For the emperor, the situation in southern Xinjiang is turbulent at the moment. Zhang Chumao is being forced back by Shi Zhongtang. Sending troops at this moment gives Zhang Chumao a chance to make a comeback."

"What a public spirit!" Yang Xuan sighed.

"If he had a public heart, why would the Tang Dynasty be like this?" Han Ji said sarcastically.

"What a great opportunity!" Yang Xuan sighed again.

By solving the Southern Zhou Dynasty, not only will there be one less powerful enemy, but also countless wealth and people will be gained.

"If we can hold the wealth of the Southern Zhou Dynasty in our hands, the national power of the Tang Dynasty will be increased by 30%."

Thirty percent is still less.

"That place can easily harvest two crops a year, and there is no shortage of food. However, there are many refugees every year, and I hear that many people starve to death every year." Han Ji smiled with some gloating.

"You mean...land annexation."

"Yes, everyone in the world is greedy. The rich are more greedy than the poor. They break their bones and suck out their marrow, hoping to drain the people dry. So that even in the rich land, there are refugees everywhere."

"This is also the reason why Nian Xu supports Sun Shi in launching the New Deal. If he remains unchanged, he is worried that he will become the second Anlehou."

The Anlehou of Chang'an has always been prepared for captured emperors.

Yang Xuan shook his head, "The New Deal is to cut the flesh of those with vested interests and will surely fail!"

"Lang Jun's words are insightful." Han Ji said with a smile: "Unless Nian Xu is ready to suppress the rebel army and be prepared for the chaos of the Southern Zhou Dynasty for more than ten years, otherwise, this kind of new policy will inevitably end in a big way."

"That's how people are. It's easy to cut off other people's flesh, but it's difficult to cut off one's own flesh." Yang Xuan inevitably thought of the current situation in the Tang Dynasty.

The disadvantages of the Tang Dynasty were much more than those of the Southern Zhou Dynasty, and the resistance was so great that it made people feel numb.

Families, clans, dignitaries, powerful... armies.

After the collapse of the government army system, a recruitment system was now established, so that the border governors were the same as the local emperors.

If this situation does not change, Datang will be ruined sooner or later.

A civil official came to ask for instructions, "My lord, what should we do with the people in the inner state?"

The prisoners did not need to ask, as it was the custom of the prince to rush to build roads and dig ditches.

Yang Xuan said: "Take away all the Jinshan City, and take 70% of the rest."


"In addition," Yang Xuan said, "I have people go to Tao County and tell Sima that we must hurry up on immigration and send as many refugees as possible before the cold winter so that we can start farming in the spring."


Han Ji smiled and said: "Now you can see the benefits of the Duke accepting those refugees."

Originally, the reputation of Northern Xinjiang was not very good, and Yang Xuan was even called Yang Ni.

But after Northern Xinjiang accepted countless refugees from the north, Yang Guogong's reputation in the north soared.

"It is said that people everywhere are trying to smear me!"

Yang Xuan sneered.

"It is said that the Duke is the Buddha of thousands of families. This reputation is too good. No, it has attracted slander. Some people say that the Duke sent those refugees to rush into battle and risk their lives to open up wasteland... Anyway, it is no good."

"Let's settle this account slowly with them later!"

Yang Xuan smiled, "At this moment, let us enjoy this rare victory. Today, the soldiers take turns enjoying wine and meat."

He turned around and said, "I'll cook!"

The Duke personally rewarded the troops with his subordinates, and the news spread, triggering bursts of cheers.

He said he was cooking by himself, but he was just a kitchen director.

Yang Xuan directed hundreds of cooks to cook.

Beef and beef bones are boiled together to make a soup that is full of aroma. Dried vegetables are then added and pancakes are made at the same time...

While preparing the meal, the soldiers discovered that the man wearing an apron and holding a spoon in a serious manner was actually the Duke of the country.

Yang Guogong's hands did not shake when cooking, and he won the respect of the soldiers.

However, every bowl was shaking as it was handed over.

Then came the carnival.

On the third day, the army returned in triumph.

Yang Xuan will be later, he has to explain something to Zhen Siwen.

That's right, Neizhou's guard is Zhen Siwen.

"Neizhou is our bridgehead in northern Xinjiang. From now on, we will face many provocations and challenges. How to deal with them?" Yang Xuan asked.

Zhen Siwen almost didn't think about it.

"Fight if you can, but if you can't, close the door!"

He was a little uneasy and felt that he had embarrassed the Duke.

Yang Xuan patted him on the shoulder.

"That way, I feel relieved."

He led his guards out of the mansion.

Zhen Siwen sent him all the way out.

When we arrived outside the city, we saw only a crowd of people.

The common people were dragging their children with their children, carrying baggage, or following the cart. They looked at Yang Xuan who came out with confusion and some despair.


Some generals shouted loudly.

Countless people knelt down.

"I've met the Duke!"

The soldiers saluted.

"The Duke is mighty!"

This is my Nevada!

Yang Xuan points to the south.

"Set off!"

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This chapter has been completed!
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