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Chapter 952: Military Parade

Tian Xin should have gone back after everything went wrong, but he felt that he could still save something.

Immediately, he went to visit the local powerful people, but the powerful people closed their doors tightly, saying that they were either sick or not at home.

He even went to Lu County again, but Zhao Yun had been ill and had not seen visitors for a long time.

Before anyone left, the tea was already cold.

Liao Sun said dejectedly: "I'm afraid there won't be anything good to eat when I go back this time."

"We have tried our best." Tian Xin said: "Who knew that Song Zhen and others were so ambitious that they actually conspired with Yang Ni. This is not something we can interfere with."

The pot flew up, but it was not wrong.

The conflicts with Northern Xinjiang were all caused by the emperors and aristocratic families in Chang'an, and had nothing to do with them.

"But Your Majesty needs someone to vent his anger."

"We'll talk about it then."

The atmosphere changed instantly.

This trip failed, and the emperor wanted to find someone to vent his anger. Who should he look for?

Everyone looked at each other, wary.

A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist!

Even the way Liao Sun looked at Tian Xin was wrong.

Tian Xin is leading the team on this trip, but he can pass the blame!

Tian Xin ignored these silently.

When he returned to Taoxian County, he received bad news.

"Yang Xuan is preparing to expand his army by 20,000."

"Is this going to start a war?" Liao Sun said angrily.

"Why are you shaking?" Tian Xin looked at him.

"We're not shaking."

"Why are your legs trembling if you don't shake them?"

Tian Xin turned away from him, "Really?"

"Indeed, it is said that Yang Xuan personally made the decision to prepare for the military parade, so that the people in northern Xinjiang can see the invincible tiger's momentum and attract warriors to join the army."

"A bunch of traitors and traitors!" someone said through gritted teeth.

"Pack your things and get ready to go back."

Tian Xin knew how many people would be shocked when the news of the military expansion in northern Xinjiang reached Chang'an.

At this time, they must return as soon as possible, otherwise the bad news will reach Chang'an first, and the emperor can have them killed on the way.

Accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger!

Everyone packed up their things and left the station immediately.

The carriage was piled with things, many of which were specialties purchased by the followers.

The emperor will express his anger, but his anger will not reach the heads of these little shrimps.

This trip can be regarded as enriching their resumes. Not only will they be promoted when they return, they will at least be favored by their superiors.

——Before coming to Northern Xinjiang, they all wrote suicide notes or explained their funeral arrangements!

People are like this, they like to see other people being unlucky...it's best to see countless unlucky things in other people's homes. If you go to the theater every day, you can watch it for a lifetime.

You can talk about morality or empathy, but that's more like a condescending charity or an emotional need.

Therefore, seeing the miserable expressions of the leaders, these little shrimps felt particularly sour.

"Hurry, it's about to start."

Pedestrians suddenly flocked to Beicheng.

"What started?" asked one of the attendants.

"Military parade, the Duke will come out soon."

Everyone looked at Tian Xin.

You have to say goodbye before leaving. This is a rule. People in the palace respect the most important rules. If it is known that he left without saying goodbye, the emperor may destroy his family just to save face.

"Let's go and have a look."

They followed the pedestrians toward Beicheng. Gradually, there were more and more people, and the carts became a burden and blocked the way of many people.

"What else are you trying to catch?"

"That's it, why don't you find a place to park first?"

In a dissatisfied voice, Tian Xin said: "Stay behind the cart."

As a result, everyone speeded up.

After exiting the north gate, the outside suddenly opened up.

The spring is bright, but still a little cold.

Turning his eyes to the left, Tian Xin saw a piece of metal reflection.

The bright spring light shone on the huge array, and the armor reflected the light, making people's eyes sore.

One by one, the soldiers stood up straight, with bright eyes, looking ahead.

It seems that he is waiting for something.

"The time has not come yet."

Nan He said to Jiang Cunzhong, "The formation is a little early."

Divination and prediction have been around for thousands of years, and have gradually evolved into many categories. For example, when it comes to auspicious times, from emperors to common people, they like to ask experts every day when they have nothing to do: When is the auspicious time today?

In the dignified Northern Territory, there is no need to ask experts... The Jiedushi Mansion has officials who specialize in keeping track of the time.

This military parade is the first since Yang Xuan took charge of Northern Xinjiang. It not only has the effect of stimulating the morale of the soldiers and civilians in Northern Xinjiang, but also has the purpose of attracting warriors to join the army.

But what Nan He paid more attention to was that this military parade was also an opportunity to make the army lieutenants loyal to Yang Xuan.

Only by uniting as one can we defeat the enemy!

Therefore, when choosing the time, Nan He argued with Liu Qing for the first time.

Liu Qing felt that the experts maintained by the Jiedushi government had no problem predicting auspicious times, but Nan He said that the earth experts from Taiping were more accurate.

Back in Taipei, it was the soil expert's duty to look at auspicious times, and he made several attempts to achieve good fortune, which impressed Nan He deeply.

The two couldn't stop arguing. Song Zhen didn't think it was a big deal, so he decided not to make gestures on the spot.

So the local experts came to Taoxian from Taiping.

The experts from the Jiedushi Mansion were dismissive, saying that a savage was worthy of competing with him?

He comes from a well-established family and is a professional at telling time.

But the local expert was a wild man who used to hang out in the world of martial arts.

The two immediately argued at the Jiedushi Mansion.

Liu Qing also wanted to place a bet with Nan He, but Nan He refused.

Liu Qing teased him for being timid.

But soon, he stopped laughing.

The local experts seemed a little rustic at first, but as soon as they opened their mouths, they became overwhelming.

The experts from the Jiedushi Mansion retreated steadily, and finally became so angry that they rolled up their sleeves and prepared to take action.

The soil expert said calmly: "When I was on the road, I also killed people!"

When this matter reached Yang Xuan's ears, he just smiled.

It is of no use to him if the time is auspicious or not.

"What I value more is that if we work together as one, we will be invincible!"

"Yes, everyone is united!"

It was still early, and Yang Xuan was working as a clothes hanger.

Zhou Ning had a big belly and couldn't do anything, so he ordered the maids to help him put on the armor.

Yang Xuan stretched out his hand and said, "When A Liang is older, you can take him to see him."

"A-Liang is still young, and the military formation is full of killing intent. I'm afraid he won't be able to withstand it."

Yang Xuan smiled and said nothing about women's opinions.

No matter how wise a woman is, she will make mistakes when it comes to her children, such as doting on them or being too careful.

But after several years of marriage, Zhou Ning had become very familiar with him. One look at his appearance, and he knew that this man was slandering him. He couldn't help but said angrily: "Even if he is as heroic as Emperor Wu, he only becomes familiar with battle formations after he is fifteen years old."

"A Liang is different."

"What's the difference?"

"Yesterday you said that A Liang is different from others and is smarter."

A stingy man... Zhou Ning said: "Things are different, so naturally they cannot be compared."

You can't say it anymore, otherwise it will affect the pregnant woman's mentality.

Yang Xuan resolutely surrendered, "Yes."

You have to pay attention to the method and method of being submissive. If you are perfunctory, the woman will become more and more dissatisfied.

You have to be sincere.

After putting on the armor, A Liang also appeared.


This is a strange father, looking cold and cold.

"A-Liang, do you want to see the military formation?" Yang Xuan picked him up and asked.

But Ah Liang shook his head.


Yang Xuan was a little disappointed and put down his son, "I'm going now."

What he didn't see was that when he asked his son, his wife shook her head at him from behind.

Ah Liang is extremely smart, and it is best to imitate every move of adults, and he will naturally shake his head when he sees this.

Yang Xuan was surrounded and left.

Aunt Guan said: "Madam, actually it is not a bad thing to let the young man go. The sooner you get in touch, the sooner you will gain prestige."

Zhou Ning shook his head, "I hope there will be no mention of prestige before A Liang turns thirty!"

Yang Xuan didn't know that Zhou Ning was already thinking about how to avoid the suspicion of his father and son in the future. After leaving the house, more than a hundred guards were waiting outside.

Everyone wears armor.

Uda felt a little uncomfortable after putting on the armor and kept pulling at the armor.

"This armor is uncomfortable!"

He prefers the light armor he wore in the past, rather than this armor specially obtained to support the scene.

"You are used to being a thief."

The old thief smiled mischievously, but he didn't know that he looked even worse in armor.

"Set off!"

Yang Xuan led the people out of the alley, while Liu Qing and others were waiting outside the Jiedushi's mansion.

"I've met the Duke."

Everyone salutes.

Song Zhen also saluted meticulously.

As a 'newcomer' who has just joined the Beijiang system, today is also his first official appearance.

The last time Tian Xin took action, Song Zhen made a decisive statement, which greatly increased Yang Xuan's prestige. This was a credit to Yang Xuan. Naturally, Yang Guogong would reward him for his merits, so he sent a puppy from the Western Regions as a gift. It was said that Lao Song liked it very much.

The Lord's gift of the puppy was an act of kindness and trust. It was also a signal to everyone in Northern Xinjiang that Song Zhen was the Lord's confidant.

With this move, Song Zhen's integration into the Northern Xinjiang system was greatly accelerated.

However, according to Li Mi's consistent behavior, Song Zhen would never want to leave Northern Xinjiang in this life, otherwise, the emperor would have many ways to kill him.

The outside world feels that Song Zhen's move was a desperate move, and he might regret it later.

It’s so hot-blooded! It’s okay to rush once in a while, but if you push too far, there’s no way out.

But Song Zhen ate delicious food, and it was said that he lay down and slept, laughing constantly in the Jiedushi's mansion every day, and he was even more energetic than when he was in Chang'an.

Is this intentional?

Just pretend!

There is no shortage of meddlers and malicious gossip.

But Song Zhen didn't pay attention at all. He got up every day and walked up to the Yamen. When he saw delicious food on the way to the Yamen, he bought it and tasted it along the way.

After leaving the Yamen, make an appointment with Liu Qing or someone, and let's have a meal together, have a drink, or go to a brothel to listen to some tunes.

The old Song Dynasty lived a particularly nourishing life.

This is also a display of the vitality of the Northern Xinjiang system.

"Let's go!"

Yang Xuan took the lead, followed closely by civil and military officials.

The group of people exited the north gate in a mighty manner.

The huge array is just to the left.

After Yang Xuan showed up, he immediately reined in his horse.

He is waiting.

As the chief planner of this military parade, Nan He walked slowly with the generals.

There were many people gathered around, looking at the disciple soldiers with burning eyes.

Tian Xin was among them, and because there were so many people, he stood out very much.

He saw Yang Xuan sitting on a horse, wearing brand new armor and looking majestic under the spring light.

Behind them, Liu Qing and others distanced themselves somewhat, their expressions were respectful, making Yang Xuan look even more majestic.

Many times, majesty needs to be highlighted.

As a symbol of Northern Xinjiang, Yang Xuan must make all the soldiers in the army look at him with respect, preferably worship.

When Huang Chunhui was there, the position of the Northern Xinjiang Army was a little confused. You said you were loyal to the emperor, but that was nonsense. You said you were loyal to Huang Chunhui, but there was no such thing, and Lao Huang didn't do it.

As a result, there was a problem with the positioning of the Northern Xinjiang Army.

The confusion gradually dissipated after Yang Xuan took charge of Northern Xinjiang.

Unlike Huang Chunhui who was conservative at the time, Yang Xuan took action against Beiliao as soon as he came to power. He went to Yanbeicheng, went to Nangui City, and defeated Neizhou...

No one wants to be conservative, and a man should immediately gain fame. This is the wish of men in the Tang Dynasty.

However, Chang'an's gentle wind has been blowing all over the world these days, chilling the blood of the warriors.

But Yang Guogong came on the scene and led the Northern Xinjiang army to conquer the east and west, finding a living space for Northern Xinjiang.

In the parlance of the Duke, whoever refuses to let the soldiers and civilians of Northern Xinjiang live will be killed first!

Later he added: No matter who he is!

These words are encouraging!

There are countless people who say harsh words, but Yang Guogong actually puts them into practice.

And, it was successful.

How can you ask the soldiers not to worship such a person?

The pair of eyes slowly turned and looked at Yang Xuan.

Tian Xin's heart moved, "This is an opportunity!"

Liao Sun asked: "What opportunity?"

"The momentum is rising at this moment. If we come out to say goodbye, these soldiers will definitely think of Chang'an and Your Majesty. Then, they will be uneasy... Yes, that's how it should be."

Tian Xin's eyes lit up, and so did Liao Sun, "This is a way to survive in death, what a Tian Ye!"

Tian Xin came out and held his hands, "Yang Guogong, let's say goodbye and return to Chang'an..."

Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew by, Tian Xin felt a pain in his throat, and was unable to speak the next words.

Ning Yayun stood in the crowd and muttered: "I have a lot of things to do, so I used A Liang to threaten me. If I don't take action today, I won't be able to take A Liang to metaphysics in the future. How shameless!"

Yang Xuan rode his horse and passed slowly.

Countless eyes followed him.

Zhao Yong is also among them.

He tried his best to suppress his excitement and tried to stand up straight, hoping to be discovered by the Duke.

Yang Xuan rode his horse to the front of the array.


He felt that he needed to have a silent exchange with his brothers from the Northern Xinjiang Army at this moment.

He didn't say anything, but the experiences of these years were flashing through everyone's minds.

From being passive to being beaten.

The atmosphere has been tense ever since I heard that Northern Liao sent troops!

Ever since being bullied by Chang'an, I dare not say anything!

Since I didn’t dare to cultivate the fertile fields...

All this is frustrating!

Now, the Northern Xinjiang Army takes the initiative to attack.

There was an atmosphere of victory in the army, and they wished that the Northern Liao army would appear in sight tomorrow.

As for Chang'an, look at the envoy from Chang'an, standing there motionless at the moment, probably frightened by the power of the Duke!

That fertile field is now the granary of Northern Xinjiang...

Who brought all this?


Those eyes are burning.

Look at the creator of it all.

Yang Xuan was also thinking.

He thought a lot.

Once the Northern Xinjiang was in danger, Huang Chunhui was like a tinker, working hard to maintain the integrity of the Northern Xinjiang and guarding the Northern Gate for the Tang Dynasty under the suppression of Chang'an.

It was these fearless athletes from northern Xinjiang who, under his leadership, rushed north without hesitation, breaking the pattern that had been maintained for many years.


My warriors!

Yang Xuan raised his head.

Countless soldiers were watching him.

No one spoke.

But the blood is rushing.

Zhao Yong couldn't bear it anymore.

At this moment, Yang Xuan raised his hand.

Hold out three fingers.

Bend the first one.

"Wan Sheng!"

The crowd cheered with great momentum.

Yang Xuan bent down his second finger.

"My Northern Territory is mighty!"

The sound waves rushed towards him, and Tian Xin's face turned pale.

Yang Xuan bent down the third finger.

Nan He took the lead and knelt down on one knee.

Countless people are kneeling.

The sound of armor rubbing against each other filled the world.

Countless soldiers shouted with all their strength.

"My lord, you are mighty!"

The majestic momentum soared into the sky.

Someone looked up and shouted: "Look, that cloud!"

Above the sky, a dark cloud suddenly drifted away, as if it had been slapped by a giant hand.

This is a storm!

Ning Yayun sighed.

Then, he saw Yang Xuan making a U-turn.

Until Tian Xin's body.

The war horse snorted and sprayed Tian Xin's face with saliva.

Yang Xuan waved his hand as if to ward off a fly.

"Go for it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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