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Chapter 989

“Nice place, quiet!”

The emperor entered the wine shop and sat down with difficulty.

There was a popping sound on the ground, as if there was an extra mountain of meat.

Several guards followed in. Lin Ya raised her eyes and glanced at them, "Are you sure you want to listen?"

The emperor waved his hand, "Get out!"

Several guards glanced at the emperor again and made sure he was right before leaving.

Only the emperor and Lin Ya were left in the wine shop.

"Your Majesty, sit down for a moment."

Lin Ya went to the back, and the emperor An Ran looked at the interior decoration.

Very simple.

There are no calligraphy or paintings, but there are bows and arrows, and a pair of sheep's horns.

The horns looked old, dark in color and sharp at the top.

"Long wait."

Lin Ya came back with a tray containing wine and a plate of side dishes.

The emperor bowed slightly and looked at the drinks and side dishes placed on the table.

The wind suddenly came, and a man appeared beside the emperor. He reached out and picked up the wine jar, smelled it, then took a bowl and poured it into a bowl, and tasted a few mouthfuls.

He slapped his mouth.

The emperor asked: "How does it taste?"


The man tasted the side dishes again and then excused himself.

Lin Ya went back and sat down, poured the wine and raised the glass.

"This glass of wine is in honor of the late Emperor!"

The two toasted.

Lift your head and do it.

Lin Ya put down the glass of wine, "I remember that year, I was still a soldier in the army and followed the army to conquer Northern Xinjiang. In that battle, I took three risks and escaped three times. One of them was definitely fatal... The swords of the fierce soldiers of the Tang Army were all

It reached my neck, but there was a pool of blood on the ground. He stepped on it and slipped, which in turn gave me military glory. Some old soldiers said that people like me are destined to die at first sight."

"Is there a destiny?" The emperor filled himself up with wine.

"He is the one God cares about." Lin Ya smiled.

"Is that the beginning of your ambition?" the emperor said sarcastically.

Lin Ya shook her head, "I was just a pawn at that time, where did the ambition come from?"

The emperor took a bite of the side dish and felt that it tasted better than the ones in the palace. He couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied.

After you have been an emperor for a long time, you will feel that the best things in the world should be yours.

"I've always been curious. Your career has been smooth during those years... Logically speaking, you shouldn't be rebellious." The emperor was really curious about this question.

Lin Ya raised her eyes with a look of contemplation and recollection, "That was...that year! I had just been promoted that year and had hundreds of people under my command. I was very ambitious and vowed to be loyal to the emperor.

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If nothing goes wrong, I will spend my whole life fighting for the Great Liao. What a pity."

"Huh?" The emperor became more and more curious, "I'm listening."

"My parents left early and left me with my aunt's family before leaving."

The emperor knows this.

"My aunt treats me very well. She is the first to give me good things to eat, and the first to make clothes for me... In my heart, my aunt is my second mother. As long as my aunt is destined, I will do anything."

The emperor nodded, expressing his understanding of his sentiments.

"My family was killed when I was young, so the emperor took me into the palace to raise me. Those days were like years for me. It was not until I went to Tanzhou that I was free."

Speaking of which, the two of them are in sympathy with each other.

However, in comparison, although the emperor's material life was richer, spiritually, he was far less comfortable than Lin Ya.

Lin Ya was loved by her aunt, but the emperor was isolated and helpless.

Lin Ya took a sip of her drink and said, "I grew up playing with my cousin and the others since I was a child. My cousin joined the army first, and I joined the army only after being influenced by him."


Damn it!

The Eagle Guard has failed in his duty!

The emperor was silent.

"My cousin is quite brave and simple, so he entered the East Palace not long after." Lin Ya sighed, "That prince is the late emperor."

The emperor felt that this was the turning point of Lin Ya's life, so he raised a glass to invite her to drink.

Lin Ya took a sip of wine and said, "That year, the prince was hunting, and his cousin accompanied him. Halfway through, he stayed in a village. It was night, the prince was half drunk from drinking, and gave the master's daughter to..."

"This is her luck." The emperor said calmly.

Women are just a tool to the emperor.

It has two functions: physiological and reproductive.

Of course, there is a third type: marriage. For example, the relationship between Li Mi and Yang Songcheng was stabilized through marriage.

"Who would have known that the woman had already had a sweetheart and had a strong temperament. The next morning, she was found to have hanged herself from a beam."

Lin Ya's hand holding the wine glass tightened slightly, and there was a coldness in her eyes.

Did the late emperor do something like this again? The emperor sighed, "Forcing the daughter of the people to death, if the news leaks out, everyone will shout and beat the prince. Otherwise, the prince's position will be difficult to protect."

If in the early years, when the Northern Liao Dynasty was first established, the prince was a woman, and the woman committed suicide, it would really not be a big deal.

Isn't she just a woman?

I won't give you money to sleep with tigers in the mountains, why are you committing suicide?



Kill her whole family!

This is tribal style.

But at that time, Daliao had studied the Tang Dynasty for many years and learned a lot about etiquette and morality from the Tang Dynasty.

The prince used force on the women of the people and forced them to death... isn't this a beast?

How can a beast inherit the throne?

Once the news is leaked, the people will be excited, and countless officials will impeach the prince...

It is foreseeable that the prince's dethronement is a certainty.

"So, what methods did the late emperor use?" The emperor felt that he was close to the truth.

"The late emperor took control of the entire village."

Well done!

The emperor nodded slightly. From his point of view, the late emperor's response was quick and impeccable.

Then... silenced?

But when a village was massacred, it was difficult to hide the news... The prince traveled all the way and passed many places. Afterwards, just by calculating the prince's itinerary, he could know that the prince was nearby when the village was massacred.

Then it's not just a matter of deposing the prince.

Rather, punish the crime!

When public opinion arose, the emperor could not suppress it!

Look, how difficult is it to be a noble person?

Think about the tribal period, how refreshing it was for the nobles to kill and seize all living beings in the tribe?

Therefore, over the years, the Northern Liao Dynasty has been divided into two groups in terms of etiquette and morality. One group is a firm supporter of the etiquette and morality of the Tang Dynasty. They spared no effort to absorb the knowledge of the Tang Dynasty in this area, and then implemented it within the Northern Liao Dynasty.

The other faction is the staunch retrospection faction. They believe that if Beiliao wants to maintain its combat effectiveness, it must return to the jungle law of the jungle.

The two factions fought for many years, ending with the decline of the latter.

During the period when the late emperor was the crown prince, it was the period when the latter accelerated his decline.

So, how did the late emperor escape this disaster?

The emperor didn't even think of it.

Lin Ya said: "The late emperor called my cousin, and the perimeter was immediately sealed. I heard the late emperor sternly scolding my cousin, saying that he was so bold that he dared to use force on women..."


The emperor covered his forehead and said softly: "This is the only way for the late emperor to escape intact. There is no other way."

Lin Ya nodded, "Subsequently, my cousin actually confessed."

Brave, simple...

Lin Ya sneered: "My cousin is brave but stupid and simple, so he became the late emperor's scapegoat..."

The emperor suddenly asked: "Is it possible that your cousin did this?"


Lin Ya's attitude was very firm, which made the emperor wonder, "Why?"

After all, many years have passed since the incident, who would know that it was not Lin Ya’s cousin who did it?

Lin Ya said slowly: "Originally, the family planned to send my cousin to the palace, but later my cousin refused, saying that he would not be able to earn money in the palace, and life would be difficult for the family without money. So he joined the army."

"Sent to the palace?" The emperor's body was shocked, "He is..."

"Heavenly eunuch!"

There was silence in the wine shop for a long time, and the guard outside couldn't help but peek his head in.

Lin Ya sat there with cold eyes.

The fat on the emperor's cheeks hung down and he squinted his eyes, as if he was thinking about some important issue.

The atmosphere was actually a bit awkward.

Lin Ya said, "When the news came, my aunt was devastated. Everyone in the family knew about my cousin Tian's eunuch, so they all said it was a frame-up. Then, someone quietly sent 10,000 yuan, which confirmed the matter.


Ten thousand dollars can make a family shut up, and it's a lot to tell the truth.

"My aunt was panic-stricken. She knew that a noble person had the final say in this matter, and she fell seriously ill not long after. Before she left, her aunt touched my head and said, Son! That's the prince. We can't fight against him! Don't let my aunt still worry when she goes underground.


"I nodded and said, OK! Then my aunt let go. Even after she died, she still opened her eyes and looked at God, looking at this thief!"

Lin Ya looked up, tears streaming down her face.

He is a powerful minister, so he has long since extinguished all kinds of friendship.

So when the emperor saw this, he sighed: "This is all fate!"

"My aunt asked me to forget this matter, but how could I forget? I have lost my parents, and my aunt is my mother. My mother is gone, and my cousin who is like a brother is gone... How can I forget it?"

After many years, Lin Ya still gritted her teeth, showing the depth of hatred, "I knelt in front of my aunt's grave and secretly swore that I would definitely kill Helianfeng in this life!"

The cousin whom he regarded as his elder brother was unjustly killed, and he died bearing the crime of driving a common girl to death.

His aunt, whom he regarded as his mother, died of this illness, and she could not see her son's body until she died.

Anyone else would hate the late emperor to the core.

If the common people hate someone, and if the other person is also a common person, then 10% of them will think of ways to take revenge. The remaining 90% will only suppress their hatred in their hearts, or they will reveal the matter when they see the other person, or they will reveal the matter after drinking.

Add more hatred.

This is the constraint of law and order... and in earlier times, such as the founding of the State of Chen, people who killed someone for revenge against their parents could even be pardoned.

When they learn that their enemy is the emperor's favored son...the prince, 99% of the adults will give up their hatred, or turn their hatred towards fate or God.

Cursing at fate, cursing at the sky...

This is the only channel they can use to vent their anger.

Lin Ya was the only one who dared to plan revenge on the prince.

"I returned to the army and from then on fought bravely to kill the enemy without sacrificing my life. I also made friends with many generals..."

Lin Ya smiled and said: "When I can face the late emperor directly, I only feel that this life has not been wasted."

In those years, he made it difficult for the late emperor to sleep and eat well.

"Where's Daliao?"

Outside, the emperor couldn't help but ask.

Lin Ya glanced at him and said, "My aunt is not here. What does Daliao's presence or absence have to do with me?"

The emperor sighed, "But the late emperor has gone."

"Do you know why the prince wants to rebel?" Lin Ya asked.

This matter is beneficial to the emperor. If the prince had not rebelled and killed the late emperor's children and grandchildren, He Lianchun would not be the emperor. At this moment, his bones are cold.

"The crown prince has a staff member who is my man." Lin Ya smiled very proudly, "He Lianfeng is heavily guarded. I have tried many times and lost many good men, but there is nothing I can do.

I thought, if I can't touch him, then I'll touch his children and grandchildren.

On the day the emperor passed away, I said in front of my aunt's memorial tablet: Aunt, that old dog only had one daughter left, and the family was almost wiped out. Aunt, are you happy?"

The sun is shining brightly outside, but the emperor's back is cold.

Lin Ya smiled very gently, "That day was the happiest moment in my life. The army was marching forward, and I carried my aunt's memorial tablet on my back and talked to her all the way, hoping that this road would never end...


He said it softly, but his hatred made people's hearts tremble.

People must live in awe in this world. The nobles can look down on the common people and think they are ants, but don't humiliate them. Perhaps, among 10,000 people, 9,999 will only swallow their anger when faced with humiliation.

But as long as one person is unwilling to tolerate it, you are putting yourself in danger.

The late emperor endorsed these words with his own life.

Just because I couldn't control my crotch once, I got an ant-like opponent.

This ant looked at him from the bottom, gritting his teeth and working hard... When this ant stood in front of him, his fate was sealed.

The emperor sighed in his heart, "It's all over, isn't it?"

The late emperor's body is cold, but his daughter is still alive.

You are right to say that the family was wiped out.

This revenge was fully avenged. If this matter were told, novelists in Chang'an and Ningxing could write countless versions of stories on this theme.

"It's over." Lin Ya drank a glass of wine and poured the wine while saying, "I know what you want to say, but I can't stop anymore."

The emperor held the wine glass and said, "I know. There are countless people standing behind you, including civil servants, military generals, and the army... There are powerful people, powerful people, and important ministers. They all regard you as an investment. Just like following a dragon,

I want to get the maximum benefit. But what I want to say is that it is not appropriate at the moment."

"You are here to be a lobbyist." Lin Ya sneered: "Starting from Helianfeng, when you mention me, you always say Lin Ni.

To be honest, if it weren't for blood, I would be more suitable to lead Daliao than the late emperor.

As for you, without Changling's support, I would have been able to suppress you last year.

Bloodline! This piece of shit. Do you know what it made me think of?

During the Chen Kingdom, a prince ascended the throne and became emperor, but later it was discovered that he was the child of an affair between the queen and her husband...

Hahahaha! Bloodline, shit!"

The emperor was silent for a long time, "You have said a lot, and I have listened to a lot. I came here today just to ask a question: Kunzhou is lost and Daliao is in crisis. Let's put those past aside for now!"

He stretched out his hand.

Lin Ya looked at the emperor, "I need a reason!"

The emperor said: "For your home and mine, and for your aunt's tomb to remain safe."

Lin Ya slowly stretched out her hand.

Clap your hands lightly.


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