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Chapter 111 The Underground World

Xiao Ye walked into the cave entrance and found a very deep passage sloping straight into the ground. There were torches placed on the walls on both sides of the passage, illuminating the passage extremely brightly.

Xiao Ye was stunned. This passage was quite similar to the one he found when he got the Flame Sword. They both led straight to the ground.

"The illusion in the first level is already very scary, and the second level will definitely be more difficult." Xiao Ye pulled out the Tianjue Sword, and as the innate true energy was injected into it, there was a sword light surging and spitting at the tip of the blade, which could be used at any time.

Knife anger.

Taking advantage of the light, Xiao Ye slowly walked forward.

Deep in the passage, there was a faint roar of unknown creatures echoing, which made Xiao Ye feel a little scared.

After walking for half an hour, Xiao Ye walked out of the passage. What appeared in front of him was a fiery red world composed of magma. The heat wave was so intense that it was impossible to see the end.

Gulu gulu!

The boiling magma is still bubbling and rolling.

"Damn it, the second level won't let us pass through magma, right?" Xiao Ye was stunned.

The flames rising in the magma are raging and very hot, and there is no foothold. If you are not careful, you will be swallowed by the magma and no bones will be left.

Xiao Ye observed for a long time, but found no other passages. Finally, he gritted his teeth, and the innate true energy burst out, forming an air shield to wrap around his body, and then rushed towards the magma.


Xiao Ye jumped into the magma. Although the air shield blocked the swirling flames outside his body, he still felt very hot, and the innate true energy in his body was also passing quickly.

"We must find the exit as soon as possible, otherwise the innate true energy will be exhausted." Xiao Ye activated the innate true energy and wandered in the magma.

This is not a death swamp, there is a safe spot for him to rest.

Gulu gulu!

The magma was rolling violently, Xiao Ye's eyes turned red, and he even lost his direction.

Hua Hua Hua——

At this moment, a black shadow swam quickly towards Xiao Ye in the magma. Xiao Ye seemed not to notice it because it was covered by the sound of the rolling magma.

Ten meters...

Nine meters...

Eight meters...

When it was only three meters away from Xiao Ye, the black shadow suddenly jumped high and rushed towards Xiao Ye.

It was a ferocious beast with a human face and a beast body. It was as tall as two people, and its entire body was covered in flames, like a fireball.

call out!

At this moment, a blazing sword light shot out, directly traversing the body of the ferocious beast, splitting it in half, and red beast blood flew everywhere.

There was a hint of shock in the eyes of the ferocious beast, and its body fell into the magma and sank. It seemed that before it died, it couldn't figure out when Xiao Ye discovered him.

"Hmph, if you succeed in the sneak attack, then my year of training in the Death Swamp will be in vain." Xiao Ye said coldly.

In the Death Swamp, he would sneak attack and be attacked by vicious beasts every day, and his combat awareness had long been honed to a level beyond the reach of ordinary people.

In fact, when the ferocious beast was ten meters away, Xiao Ye had already noticed its murderous intent. When it came close, he slashed at it with a knife and attacked it sneakily.

"The strength of this ferocious beast is equivalent to that of a warrior in the middle stage of the sixth level of the Xiantian Realm, and there must be a lot of it in the magma." Xiao Ye did not relax at all.



Not long after, ferocious beasts with human faces and animal bodies emerged from the lava, their eyes flashing with ferocious light, and they surrounded Xiao Ye.

"There are actually six heads!" Xiao Ye frowned.

These ferocious beasts are not afraid of magma at all. This is the main battlefield with them, and the strength of innate warriors will be affected if they enter the magma.

Even Xiao Ye was a little surprised by the difficulty of this second level.

I am afraid that among the ten inner disciples, except for him and Leng Feng, everyone else will be in a hard fight.

The six ferocious beasts rushed over every time Xiao Ye took a breather, churning up the lava and rising to a height of tens of meters.

"Four Cauldrons of Heavenly Power!"

Xiao Ye roared, and his blood and energy intertwined and shone, turning into three giant cauldrons, two real and one virtual. He held the Tianjue Sword in his hand and unleashed all his strength to fight with the six ferocious beasts.



With the dual amplitude of cultivation and physical body, Xiao Ye was so powerful that he could be called the strongest inner disciple in history. In just a few breaths, he killed these ferocious beasts one by one.

Soon, ten more ferocious beasts rushed out and surrounded Xiao Ye.


Xiao Ye did not hesitate, activated his innate Qi, raised his sword and struck out the sword light, piercing through all ten vicious beasts.



More ferocious beasts appeared next, their eyes full of malice, and they rushed towards Xiao Ye.

"There are more and more ferocious beasts." Xiao Ye thought while fighting fiercely.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed and he looked at the large blood stains in the magma.

"I see, this beast blood must have attracted the ferocious beasts. The more I kill, the more ferocious beasts I attract." In an instant, Xiao Ye understood the intentions of the three black-robed elders.

Strong disciples, because they can easily kill these ferocious beasts, are in greater danger. However, weaker disciples, because it is difficult to kill the ferocious beasts, are in less danger. All they have to do is find an exit.

The second level is very fair to the ten inner sect disciples. The stronger disciples may not be able to pass this level first.

After figuring this out, he couldn't help but admire the wisdom of the black-robed elder.

"With my strength, no matter how many ferocious beasts come, I don't need to be afraid, just use them to hone my sword skills!" Xiao Ye raised the Tianjue Sword, and a bright sword light penetrated the void, killing the ferocious beasts.

Kill all the beasts.

In the illusion of the first level, Xiao Ye found himself and had a clearer understanding of the martial arts in the future.

Knowing that there are difficulties, but still facing them and never admitting defeat, this is Xiao Ye's personality! If you change your behavior because of fear, it will be against your own martial arts heart!

Ho ho ho!

The roars of the ferocious beasts became one, and they rushed toward Xiao Ye overwhelmingly.

Xiao Ye raised his sword to fight, and battles broke out. The bodies and blood of vicious beasts were everywhere in the magma, turning into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, which was shocking.

No matter how many ferocious beasts come, they can't stop Xiao Ye's progress.

After half a day, Xiao Ye's innate true energy had been consumed by 80%.

"We're at the exit!" Xiao Ye looked at the other end of the magma, where there was a deep cave entrance.

However, in front of him, there were over a hundred ferocious beasts, densely packed, blocking his way.

This is already the last battle. As long as he can kill these ferocious beasts, he can pass the second level.

"When the true energy is exhausted, I still have the Burning Sky Sword!" Powerful martial arts essence emerged from Xiao Ye's body, and he collided hard with the charging ferocious beast.

The true meaning of inflammation belongs to fire, which is full of the feeling of heat. Now in the magma, it has become even more powerful.

Thirty percent of the true meaning of the flame was poured into the Tianjue Sword, and the flames of the sword were more than a hundred meters long, flooding the void in front of it.



With one blow, at least fifty ferocious beasts died.


Xiao Ye raised his hand and struck out with the second burning sword. The terrifying flames of the sword wiped out the remaining ferocious beasts.

"The Fentian Yidao, which is fused with the true meaning of 30% of the flames, is really powerful. It should be able to compete with even the warriors at the middle stage of the seventh level of the Xiantian Realm." Xiao Ye showed a smile on his face and rushed towards the exit.


At this moment, the sound of rolling magma suddenly made Xiao Ye stop. He looked at the magma blankly, which touched his heart and gave him an epiphany.

"The true meaning of flame represents heat and fire, just like this magma." In Xiao Ye's eyes, these are no longer magma, but have become the flaming sword light created by the shadow in the world of Yan Dao.


Every time the magma surges, it's like the shadow is drawing a sword, which contains a more profound true meaning of martial arts.

After the True Meaning of Flame broke through to 30%, Xiao Ye entered the world of the Flame Sword countless times and watched the flaming sword light containing 40% of the True Meaning of Flame, but he never understood it.

But at this moment, the hazy sword light in his mind gradually became clear, as if he had found a breakthrough, and a steady stream of insights came to his mind.

"This is really the perfect place to understand the true meaning of fire!" Xiao Ye raised his head and laughed.

When he was still in Xiaojia Village, he discovered that the cave of the innate warrior was built in magma deep underground. I am afraid that the fallen innate warrior wanted to use the magma to understand the true meaning of fire.

"If I realize it here, then I'm afraid my performance at this level will lag behind others." Xiao Ye's eyes flashed, and finally a look of determination appeared on his face.

"The opportunity for enlightenment is very rare. As long as I seize the opportunity, I can increase the true meaning of the flame to 40%. How can it be compared with a mere competition." Xiao Ye made a decision.

Understanding 40% of the true meaning of martial arts is probably something that very few direct disciples can achieve.

Xiao Ye gave up the plan of leaving, sat down next to the lava, grasped the distant and continuous insights, and began to understand.

At this time, at the other end of the ten passages, three black-robed elders and many inner disciples had been waiting for a long time.

"I wonder who will come out first."

When a day passed, a young man holding a spear walked out from the third passage. Although his steps were frivolous, his aura was still getting stronger, as if it could pierce the sky.

The person coming is none other than Leng Feng!

"Leng Feng is out!" The crowd burst into cheers.

"Not bad!" The great elder nodded with a smile.

Judging from Leng Feng's appearance, you can tell that he must have fought his way all the way. Surrounded by ferocious beasts, he passed the second level in just one day. This performance is absolutely amazing.

"Where is Xiao Ye?" Everyone looked towards the eighth passage, where Xiao Ye's figure was not seen for a long time.

Xiao Ye and Leng Feng are both known as the two geniuses of the inner sect, and their every move attracts attention.

"Leng Feng has come out, and Xiao Ye will definitely come out soon." Everyone waited patiently.

On the third day, a second figure walked out of the passage, it was Zhang Huwei who was ranked third in the inner sect.

On the fourth day, another inner disciple came out. He was seriously injured and had a broken arm.

After the tenth day, all the disciples except Xiao Ye came out.

"what happened?"

Everyone's face was full of doubts. Xiao Ye could stand shoulder to shoulder with Leng Feng. Even if his performance at this level was weaker than Leng Feng's, he wouldn't be so ridiculously weak.

You know, Leng Feng passed the second level in just one day. (To be continued)

This chapter has been completed!
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