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Chapter 3757 Mysterious Seed

The True Treasure Realm is boundless, with countless majestic and majestic peaks, towering ancient trees, and strange rocks.


Xiao Ye was already far away from the magical stone wall, and his figure shuttled through it, continuing to deepen on foot.

The True Treasure Realm is a place shared by all the True Disciples of the Ancient God, but Xiao Ye has not seen any other True Disciples this time.

It seems that after making great gains in the land of opportunity, all the true disciples went to retreat.

Although Xiao Ye was going deeper, he was only wandering around the edge. He discovered many rare chaos treasures along the way.

He is too strong now, and these treasures can only improve him to a limited extent, so he has not stopped to waste time.

As Xiao Ye went deeper, an unusual momentum gathered from the depths of the True Treasure Realm, causing his walking speed to become slower and slower.

After all, the True Treasure Realm is a place where only beings who are above the Taoist Realm can enter.

He hasn't reached that level yet, so if he wants to go deeper, it will naturally be quite difficult.

"It's a pity that there are no other treasures from the Resurrection Time Dominator dojo around here!"

Xiao Ye glanced around and relied on the Tower of Time to sense, but found nothing.

"I don't know what's going on outside."

"Although relying on the magical stone wall has greatly increased the power of my magical powers, I'm afraid it's still very difficult to get close to the Flame King!"

Xiao Ye secretly thought in his heart.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

At this moment, a golden little mouse took the initiative to fly out of Xiao Ye's divine body.

This is the Jin Huan Divine Rat.

"What's wrong with this little guy?" Xiao Ye was slightly startled.

The Jin Huan Divine Rat is an innate creature. Although its strength is very poor, it has unique advantages in treasure hunting.

As for the True Treasure Realm, Jin Huan Divine Rat was naturally very excited, but he refused to come out no matter how he called before, and he was full of awe for this place.

Now he overcame his awe and took the initiative to come out, flap his wings, and fly towards Xiao Ye's left hand, which seemed very unusual.

"What did this little guy discover that made him rush out?"

At that moment, Xiao Ye quickly chased after him on foot.

In places like the True Treasure Realm, although the Jin Huan Divine Rat can fly, its speed is obviously greatly affected. Xiao Ye is not afraid of losing him when walking on foot.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

Before Xiao Ye could catch up, Jin Huan Divine Rat turned into a golden lightning and turned back.

A pair of paws of the Jin Huan Divine Rat is holding a mysterious seed like a walnut, and it is screaming excitedly.

"what is that?"

Xiao Ye glanced over and his heart skipped a beat.

This mysterious seed is shimmering with mist, and it is unknown how it was formed, but it contains the essence.

But Xiao Ye discovered an aura that was somewhat similar to the innate nectar.

"Could this seed be a treasure formed by the loss of the ancient god's origin and the incubation of the chaotic world?"

"Little guy, where did you find it?" Xiao Ye asked curiously with his eyes widened.

However, Jinhuan Divine Rat did not respond to Xiao Ye, but opened its mouth and gnawed at the seed in his hand.


Xiao Ye's expression changed drastically and he quickly stopped him.

Every plant and tree in the true treasure world is extremely complicated, not to mention the origin of this seed is unknown.

But his stop was a step too late.

With a click, a corner of the seed was chewed off and rolled into the belly of the Jin Huan God Rat.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

In an instant, the Jin Huan Divine Rat let out a loud cry, flapped its wings and flew up and down, as if its whole body was on fire.

Then, the Jin Huan Divine Rat fell from the sky and lay on the ground, no longer moving.

Xiao Ye was immediately dumbfounded.

Jin Huan Shen Mouse, did he trick himself to death?

"Fortunately, this little guy probably just fell into a deep sleep..."

Xiao Ye stepped forward to inspect it carefully and found that there was mysterious energy flowing in the body of Jin Huan Divine Rat, but there was no fear of life. He immediately breathed a sigh of relief and received it into the divine body.

"What the hell is this?"

Xiao Ye looked at the seed with a corner of it chewed off in surprise.

After hesitating for a moment, Xiao Ye took it in his hand.


In an instant, Xiao Ye's palms became hot, and the seed, in response to his ancient god bloodline, actually melted in his hands like an ice cube.

"not good!"

Xiao Ye's expression changed drastically, and he quickly wanted to shake it off, but found that the seed had turned into countless divine lights and rushed towards his body.

At this moment, Xiao Ye only felt a huge energy flashing with chaotic light, rushing around in his body, causing his divine body to crack, causing countless cracks, purple divine blood splashing, and even his divine personality began to be affected.

"This... what the hell is this!" Xiao Ye was horrified.

He won't kill himself, right?

But the next moment, Xiao Ye's expression became weird.

This energy does not contain the aura of the Great Dao, but it is of the same origin as his ancient god bloodline. While running around in his body, it is constantly seeping into every part of his divine body, blending in with each other, destroying and reshaping it at the same time.

Getting stronger.

Xiao Ye is not unfamiliar with this feeling of breaking and standing again, it is very similar to the transformation of enlightenment.


Feeling the rapid transformation of the divine body, even the origin of the divine level began to surge, and Xiao Ye almost turned to stone.

The only way for acquired beings to strengthen their divine origins is to improve their understanding of the avenue of chaos.

His ability to reach such a height, far beyond those of the same realm, is due to the dual factors of achieving immeasurable high-level Taoism and being baptized by the Great Way of Time.

Without a breakthrough in his understanding of the Avenue of Chaos, his god-level origin could actually be improved, which simply goes against common sense.

The energy contained in such a small seed was beyond Xiao Ye's knowledge. Although his divine body was constantly being strengthened, it still swelled up, like a balloon about to explode.


Xiao Ye did not dare to be careless, and kept his divine body from collapsing. He sat down cross-legged, opened all the starting points on his body, and started running the Ancient God's Heavenly Dao Jue crazily.

Such actions have also achieved good results.

The crazy and trembling energy in his body was guided and effectively controlled.

The Ancient Divine Heavenly Dao Jue is a method for cultivating divine power, presented in the form of the origin.

The later it gets, the more difficult it becomes to open up a new starting point.

But at this moment, while Xiao Ye's divine body continued to explode the blood mist, it also erupted with a sound that created the world. New origins were quickly emerging one after another, and they were quickly approaching the three million mark, giving him a feeling of being invincible throughout the ages.

The feel of the hand.

This is an illusion caused by the god-level origin rising too fast.

"This is too scary!"

Xiao Ye was shocked.

He felt that he, with his Taoist power alone, might be able to detonate some high-level Taoist gods whose strength had reached the fifth level.


It’s not the end yet!

(The third update is here!)

This chapter has been completed!
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