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Chapter 4782 Eighty-one martial spirits

This world is very mysterious.

It's a pity that after Xiao Ye's defeat, he no longer had any cultivation. Now he only has two gods left. In a sense, he is now equal to a mortal.

Therefore, he naturally cannot see everything in one thought, and can only control Zhou Tong's body to walk in this world.

Over the years, I have been measuring the vastness of the world on foot.

"The Jade King of the Jade Cauldron Kingdom, the awakened god's mansion, is similar to the god's mansion of the God of Power!"

"The King of Wu of Wu Yang Kingdom, the awakened divine mansion, is similar to the Yang God Divine Palace!"

"The people in Kutuo Kingdom, the awakened god's mansion, is very similar to the god Bodhidharma's mansion!"

Xiao Ye continued to travel among the countries, and the shock in his heart became more and more intense.

In this world, all countries coexist.

There are eighty-one powerful countries among them, and the martial spirits awakened by their people correspond to the ninety-nine and eighty-one innate gods in the chaos.

Time flies by and years pass by.

Countries in this world are constantly being destroyed and reborn, but if you trace back history, it is not difficult to find that the eighty-one martial spirits have always existed, but they just appear in different people.

Xiao Ye memorized all these eighty-one countries, and then plunged into a country called Eternal.

Based on his observations.

The awakened god's mansion of all the kings of this eternal kingdom is similar to the god's mansion of the ancient gods.

And he was born as a descendant of an ancient god.

If you want to understand the secrets of this world, it is naturally easiest to start from the Eternal Kingdom.

It has been more than one million years since the founding of the Eternal Kingdom, which is considered extremely ancient in this world.

Today's kings are among the best in the world. They have been in power for more than five hundred years and are at the peak of their lives.

The kings were kind, humble and courteous. During their reign, they did not launch wars to expand their territory, but instead worked hard to govern and recruit talents.

Therefore, in the Eternal Kingdom, there is peace, without the pain of war, and the scenes in every city are unprecedentedly prosperous.

Recently, many masters have come out of the cities in the Eternal Kingdom, and they all flocked to the capital with extraordinary momentum.

The Eternal Kingdom will hold the ‘Eternal Ceremony’ once every ten years.

This is a grand event in the Eternal Kingdom and has attracted countless experts to go crazy.

Because those who perform well in the Eternal Ceremony can accompany the kings to a place called the 'Eternal Cave'.


Like Wuhun, the Eternal Cave is also a blessed residence given by God to his people.

Those who have a martial spirit can gain incredible benefits by going in and practicing.

This is also the main reason why the Eternal Kingdom has always been prosperous and its kings are extremely powerful from generation to generation.

"This Wanwang is indeed very broad-minded!"

Xiao Ye mixed in the crowd and came to the capital, and was quite amazed.

Not to mention the first-level world.

Take the chaotic world as an example. Among the innate gods there, after obtaining the treasure, which one is not tightly in their own hands and does not allow others to interfere with it?

But the kings are willing to take it out and share it with the talents.

Because of this, it is difficult for the Eternal Kingdom to become strong and prosperous.

"It is said that before each generation of kings ascends to the throne, they need to practice in the Eternal Cave for a period of time."

"The kings of today practiced there for ten years, and after they came out, they became some of the strongest men at that time."

"So, from that eternal cave, you may be able to find the secrets of this world!"

Xiao Ye secretly thought in his heart.

He has no cultivation now and is no different from a mortal. He cannot determine the location of the Eternal Cave at all, so he can only mix with the crowd and participate in the Eternal Ceremony together.

The so-called eternal grand ceremony is actually very simple.

All you have to do is go on stage, show your ability to outshine the crowd, and be chosen by all the kings.

Xiao Ye was too lazy to waste time.

When the Eternal Ceremony began, he was the first to take the stage.

Although his cultivation level is no longer high, Zhou Tong's physical body is already very strong in this world. In addition, over the years, he has been continuously receiving counter-nurturing from the two gods in the Martial Soul Space, which makes it even more terrifying.

He stood on the stage, as motionless as a rock.

Anyone who stepped on the stage had just stood firm and was already knocked away by him, cleanly and neatly.

"Made, where did this pervert come from!"

"What kind of martial spirit does this guy possess?"

As time goes by, those who suddenly participated in the eternal ceremony will go berserk.

No matter what level of martial arts masters he had awakened, they were all vulnerable. Before they had time to show off, they were knocked away by Xiao Ye.

How can this please all kings?

All the people in the stands also had ugly expressions.

Although the Wan family is a royal family, if they want to enter the Eternal Cave, they need to pass the selection process of the Eternal Ceremony. Facing Xiao Ye, they also have no room for improvement.

The other party is really too unpredictable.

With such strength, the king of some country would not come here to cause trouble.

After all, the other party's appearance can be found similar in the catalog of kings in this world, reminding them of the longest-lived King Zhou in the world.


Some senior officials of the Wan family came to the Wanwang to demand Xiao Ye be expelled.

"He is indeed very similar to the fourth generation King of Zhou when he was young."

"However, our Eternal Kingdom can accommodate talents from all walks of life. It doesn't matter even if he is related to the King of Zhou."

Wanwang has been on the throne for more than five hundred years, but he is still in the prime of his life, with great energy and blood. Faced with doubts, he calmly spoke and directly announced that Xiao Ye was qualified to enter the Eternal Cave.

This news caused a wave of criticism.

But many people breathed a sigh of relief, because the Eternal Ceremony can continue.

Xiao Ye walked off the stage and closed his eyes to rest.

The eternal ceremony continues.

It took three days and three nights.

Nineteen more people with powerful awakened martial souls were selected by Wan Wang.

King Wan personally led twenty people, including Xiao Ye, to the depths of the palace, in front of a heavily guarded cave.

"You are all rare talents in this world."

"I, the courtesy corporal of the Eternal Kingdom, allow you to enter the Eternal Cave. However, if it is later found out that you have the intention to harm the Eternal Kingdom, you will definitely be killed."

"I hope you won't make any mistakes!"

Wan Wang stood tall, his gaze swept across the audience, and finally landed on Xiao Ye, saying something meaningful.

Naturally, their Eternal Kingdom does not want to devote resources and cultivate enemies.

At the same time, he was confident and not afraid that these twenty people had evil intentions.

Because this time, he will go in together and there will be plenty of time for screening.

"Kings, be at ease!"

Immediately, the nineteen people responded respectfully.

"Eternal Cave?"

Only Xiao Ye, as if he didn't hear it, looked at the cave.


The next moment, he took a step forward and jumped out of the crowd, breaking into the cave.

"Is this kid crazy?"

"How dare you ignore all kings!"

This sudden scene shocked the nineteen people, and then they were all filled with indignation.

"Is he really here to cause trouble?"

Wanwang also frowned.

No matter how good-tempered he was, he couldn't help but get angry at this moment, and immediately led everyone into the Eternal Cave.

(First update arrived!)

This chapter has been completed!
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