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Chapter 55: Emergency Report

"Okay, you are capable and you have the guts!"

The woman stood up tremblingly and scolded: "Zhao Fuzhi, do you dislike me for being old and old? Well, in that case, I will take Jin'er back to Qingzhou today, where there are outstanding people, beautiful mountains and clear waters, and a pleasant climate.

, I was really blind. After you resigned, I followed you to a place like Liangzhou where birds don’t shit!"

"Jin'er, let's pack our bags and leave in the evening!"

There was anger in the woman's voice.

"What are you doing?"

Zhao Fuzhi took a deep breath and said: "I don't mean that, but I am no longer in the court. Even if I have the intention to do this, I can't do anything about it. No matter how arrogant the King of Liang is, he is still in Liangzhou, in his own fiefdom.

.As long as it’s not too much, Your Majesty will never be too harsh!”

"Where are your disciples? Haven't you been bragging to me before? You have disciples all over the world, and many in the court have been promoted by you. Let them come together..."

The woman said, hating the fact that iron cannot become steel.

Late at night in Zhao's house, Zhao Fuzhi was in the study, frowning, and finally he could only sigh slightly.

Li Rui fell asleep early, and he didn't pay attention to what happened during the day. Zhao Jin was just an insignificant person to him.

Don't say that he is a great scholar who has resigned from office. He is not afraid even if he is the right minister of the court.

The first one, this is Liangzhou.

Second, my cheap father wishes that he could be more arrogant and domineering. He wishes that he could make more mistakes. Before these mistakes turn into a qualitative change, he will never take action against him easily.

So, worry about it!

In the next few days, Li Rui also lived a very fulfilling life, running back and forth between Wangfu and Qinghe County every day. The construction and firing of the brick kiln were very successful.

According to Li Rui's idea, embankments were built on both sides of the Qinghe River.

Now that mud bricks are available, it is not difficult to obtain mortar. Now they have begun to be used on a large scale. However, the river channel needs to be widened and cleaned first, and the rivers need to be cleaned on both sides.

Create enough space to ensure that when floods come again in the future, the river will not burst its banks and affect the residents on both sides.

But the river embankment cannot be too high. If it is too high, firstly, the cost will be uncontrollable, and secondly, it will also affect the daily life and communication of people in Hedong and Hexi.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of labor now.

Every day, as long as Li Rui waved his hand, thousands of workers would gather and rush to Qinghe River. After the river bed of Qinghe River was cleaned and widened, embankments began to be built.

Although Li Rui doesn't need to work, running back and forth every day is tiring enough.

When he returned to the palace, he had to teach Xu Zhiyi arithmetic. Xu Zhiyi was more talented in arithmetic. He could master the knowledge points perfectly for several days in a row, and he was able to do all the exercises correctly every time. Although these

Knowledge cannot escape the scope of primary school mathematics, but it is not simple enough.

You need to know how long Xu Zhiyi has been exposed to arithmetic.

Now she can even compete with Su Changyu in arithmetic.

That morning, after he got up, he got dressed and washed under Huan'er's care. The magpies outside the house were chirping on the eaves.

"I'm afraid some happy event is coming today. It's really lively when you see the magpies chirping!" Huan'er said softly while helping Li Rui tidy up his clothes.

Li Rui laughed: "Isn't that right? Today, Kyoto's disaster relief silver taels will arrive. A total of five hundred thousand taels!"

"But it's all money, so what's the use? It can't be exchanged for food!" Huan'er sighed, and then continued: "Now, what we lack most here is food. Although we have cattle and sheep to satisfy our hunger, this is not the case at all.

We can't hold on for too long. The people's fields won't be cleared for a while, and even if they are cultivated again, it will take several months for food to be produced!"


Li Rui sighed.

Although he has repeatedly stabilized food prices, in fact, the food prices on Insomnia are still steadily increasing. This is something he has no control over. As long as it is not a large-scale and substantial price reduction, there is no way to combat it.

Because, as the disaster progresses.

The price of food coming in from outside is getting higher and higher, so we can't expect all these merchants to engage in loss-making business. If he does this kind of thing, he will really be nailed to the pillar of shame for the rest of his life.

Fortunately, the disaster situation has been temporarily stabilized.

After the money comes down, there are actually many ways that can be thought of. The best way is to provide certain subsidies to merchants and directly set a unified price, which is acceptable to most people.

You can buy cheap food.

Five hundred thousand taels of silver is enough to burn for a while.

The remaining poor people probably have to wait outside the city for porridge, and only once a day.

"I won't go to Qinghe County today!" Li Rui took a deep breath, thought carefully for a moment, and then continued: "When I go to the county government in Hedong County, I first need to receive the disaster relief funds, and also need to resettle

Call this inspector."

The supervisory envoy has already made arrangements, so we need to send our general, Su Changyu!

Su Changyu's ability is a bit evil, and he hasn't seen him for a few days. Li Rui came to the county office in a relaxed mood and saw Su Changyu sitting there handling official business.

Seeing Li Rui arriving, he hurriedly saluted.

"Hey, it's rare. I actually handle official business in the county government office!" Li Rui laughed.

Su Changyu was a little embarrassed: "My lord, please stop mocking the guilty minister. The guilty minister knows that he was a little ridiculous before, but he has changed a lot now!"


Li Rui nodded: "In that case, you don't want to call yourself a sinner or a sinner!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Su Changyu hurriedly bowed.

"Today, the inspector will enter the city with the money. Have you made arrangements?" Li Rui asked in a very soft voice.

Su Changyu nodded: "Everything has been arranged, Prince, don't worry!"


Li Rui took a deep breath.

I feel a little more relaxed. Five hundred thousand taels of silver can play a vital role in subsidizing merchants and stabilizing prices. Now, the price of food in the city is already a bit expensive, so we are just waiting for the silver to come to the rescue.


However, at this time.

Outside the county government office, there was an urgent call!

"Report, report, report..."

A pioneer officer quickly rushed into the county government office and knelt down on the ground with a thud: "Master Sheriff, it's not good. While escorting Yinzi, we encountered bandits and the entire entourage was wiped out! Yinzi, Yinzi was also killed.


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