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Chapter 63 Unintentionally


Li Rui nodded.

The two people discussed in the side hall late at night.

Only then did Zhao Fuzhi stand up: "Your Majesty's thoughtful thinking has been filtered by old age! Your Majesty's talent is no less than that of your Majesty today!"


Li Rui was a little speechless.

This old guy doesn't worry at all about going to complain to his father. What he said today, if he files a complaint to Kyoto, I'm afraid his eight heads won't be enough to cut him off.

But soon, Li Rui reacted.

This old guy is really not afraid. He first filed a complaint against himself in Kyoto, which is a righteous statement. If he told his father these things at this time, no one would believe him.

At the moment when Li Rui was lost in thought.

However, I heard a burst of yelling and cursing coming from outside the gate.

"Little boy with a yellow mouth! I'm so polite. I wanted to come to the palace to seek justice, but I never thought that you would say something rude. Fortunately, as the Prince of Liang, you are talented but not moral, and you are extremely arrogant..."


Li Rui stood there in a daze, listening to Zhao Fuzhi standing outside the gate and scolding him for nearly half an hour.

"Damn, this scholar!"

Li Rui couldn't help but sigh: "How could he scold him for such a long time without blushing or breathing? Doesn't he even need to drink water?"


Li Rui also understood.

This was Zhao Fuzhi's deliberate move. Otherwise, everyone would be suspicious if he came to his house and plotted for such a long time. But even so, I'm afraid he couldn't hide it from the person sitting in the Jinluan Hall.

"This old guy's scolding is really unpleasant!"

Huan'er pouted and gently made the bed for Li Rui, and then continued: "The prince is kind-hearted. If it were Huan'er, he would have been driven away by the guards outside!"

"Let him go, he won't lose his temper after hearing a few scoldings!"

Li Rui's voice was very soft.

"Your Majesty, please rest early." Huan'er said to Li Rui after the bed was made.

Li Rui nodded.

He closed his eyes gently, but he didn't sleep very soundly. In his sleep, there was a white shadow, holding a sharp blade, trying to kill him. He escaped several times, but he was also seriously injured...

"Hoo, ho..."

Li Rui woke up from his dream. The outside was already white, and he felt a slight pain in his head.

Kneaded it gently.

"Running away in a dream, tsk tsk, this is a sign of growing taller!" Li Rui chuckled and got off the bed.

Huan'er, who was resting outside, woke up suddenly at this moment and glanced at Li Rui blearily: "Your Majesty, why did you wake up so early today?"

"I had a dream and woke up!"

Li Rui continued: "Seeing that it's getting bright outside, there's no need to continue sleeping."

"Huan'er will go get you water right now!"

At this time, Huan'er yawned.

"Forget it, you can continue to sleep. I have my own hands and feet!"

While talking, he walked out of the house directly, went to the well to get a bucket of water, and washed his face comfortably.

Now, everything has been arranged.

Li Rui gradually became leisurely! Li Hongyue was responsible for the disaster relief funds, Xu Tong organized the three guards, and Su Changyu had to deal with various matters in the county government. Everyone's life was extremely fulfilling!

Only Li Rui's life is a little boring.

"Life is really as lonely as snow!" Li Rui sighed: "I finally have some free time. Why don't you go and listen to music today?"

But after thinking about it carefully, I decided to forget it.

That place in Wanxiang Tower was poisonous, and I really didn’t want to waste my body in that place. If Wen Renchu ​​was willing, that would be pretty good, but after thinking about it carefully, I had better forget it!

This girl is so mysterious!

Li Rui has no interest in this kind of mysterious girl.

What's not good about playing, you have to play mystery?

Finally, Li Rui decided to go to Qinghe County. He had been there several times in the past few days, and every time he went, there were some new changes. The brick kiln had entered the normal process of firing bricks, and new bricks were coming out every day.


All new bricks were used to build the river bank.

However, because the consumption of coal was far beyond Li Rui's imagination, Li Rui could see that the silver he had copied from the Qinghe County magistrate was getting less and less!

"Coal mine, we must find a way to get our own coal mine!"

Li Rui felt heartbroken when he saw these coins.

This is energy, and it will become the backbone of the entire Liangzhou for a long time to come.

The river channel is already very clean. The surrounding river embankments have also been built.

Everything is moving in a good direction.

Next, we need to solve the problem of coal mines. Coal occupies a very important proportion in future planning. Without these things, it would be almost impossible for Liangzhou to get rid of poverty and become rich in a short period of time.

Wherever Li Rui passed, countless people raised their heads, with warm smiles on their faces, and bowed to Li Rui.

During this period of time, they were able to eat mutton and drink mutton soup every day. Although eating it every day was a bit tiring, they were already very happy. At least their stomachs were full, but they only had to cook a few things every day.

Work. They wish they had more floods so that they could have enough to eat every day.

If Li Rui knew their thoughts, he would probably be depressed to death.

Don't talk about how many more floods there will be, even if it happens again.

He was really helpless.

Seeing that everything was developing in a good direction, Li Rui's mood improved a little. So he embarked on the return journey. Along the way, his footsteps were extremely light.

However, after a while.

Looking at a familiar sign, Li Rui fell into deep thought.

"Why did I accidentally come outside Wanxiang Tower again? I obviously want to go back to the palace? Zhiyi is still waiting for me to go back to teach arithmetic." Li Rui was caught in a dilemma.

Cherish a moment of reflection!

"That's it, that's it!"

Li Rui took a deep breath, and then continued: "Even if you come here accidentally, it is fate. If you don't go in and listen to a little song, it would be really unreasonable!"

"Xu Zhiyi is smart and smart. Even without my guidance, she can be self-taught!"

After making up his mind, Li Rui once again stepped into the gate of Wanxiang Tower.

"Hey, Your Majesty, you are finally here. Miss Wenren has been waiting for a long time!" At this time, Hong Yuer's voice was very soft and she said with a sweet smile: "I thought you had forgotten Miss Wenren!"

"Bah, you still have the nerve to say that!"

Li Rui spat.

You can see that you can't eat it.

You actually said you forgot about it?

However, with Wen Renchu's figure, just listening to a little song was enough to relieve his fatigue.

At this time, Wen Renchu ​​walked downstairs gracefully.

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