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Chapter 1 Waking of Insects

The spring breeze is blowing and the willows are falling!

It's the time when the warmth turns to cold.

Five carriages left the capital and took the official road...

It wandered leisurely all the way, heading south.

On the river in the distance, the ice melted and burst out with tearing sounds, just like Li Rui's heart.

Li Rui is the most unpleasant of all the princes. He is dull and not very smart. His biological mother is just an ordinary Zhaoyi, and she was promoted exceptionally after giving birth to him.

Strictly speaking, Li Rui is the product of a night of passion.

Now, in order to consolidate the status of the prince, several princes have been enfeoffed one after another. Naturally, he is no exception!

Sitting in the car, Li Rui found it difficult to accept it.

He is a good young man with all-round development of morality, intelligence, body, art and work. How could he end up in this place inexplicably? And he is so bad that he has penetrated the body of this prince!

Liangzhou, where is that place? Li Rui also understood it through the map and the explanations from people around him!

Barren, desolate, war...

Because there are mountains and rivers, bandits are rampant, and it is simply the worst fiefdom.

Is this kingship or exile?

Sitting in the car, Li Rui felt a little bored. He simply opened the curtain and sat on the frame: "Where are we?"

The carriage was swaying. Looking up, it was desolate. It must have left the official road.

Xu Tong nodded in response: "Not long after passing Pingcheng, there is the Yellow River in front..."

At this time, several beggars walked towards me. They came to the carriage and knelt down with a bang: "Sir, please do me a favor and give me some food."

"We haven't eaten for three days..."

Looking carefully, there are five people in total.

The five of them were skinny and skinny, supporting each other, as if standing still took a lot of energy.

Li Rui looked a little unbearable.

He turned around and looked at Xu Tong: "Is there any food in the car? Share some with them..."

"Sir, we..."

Xu Tong frowned: "A lot of food has been scattered along the way. If it continues to be scattered, we may not be able to enter Liangzhou!"

Li Rui was stunned for a moment. Although he was a vassal king, his mother had no power and his father was not close. When he left the capital, he brought very little silver and food. He was extremely frugal along the way, and he had already spent seven hundred and seventy-eight dollars.


Moreover, the further we go to Liangzhou, the more victims there will be.

Although I still have some silver coins with me, in this day and age, it is difficult to buy food even with silver coins.

Li Rui got off the car.

When I came to the old man, he was trembling all over. It seemed that he might fall down at any time.

"Bring it here, we can leave enough to eat. If it doesn't work, just save it." Li Rui sighed.

Xu Tong shook his head helplessly, turned back to a car behind, took out a divided bag of grain, and handed it to Li Rui!

"Thank you, sir, thank you, sir..."

The old man kowtowed hurriedly.

Li Rui handed the grain to his father-in-law and asked, "Where did you come from?"

"Liangzhou, there is a flood at home, and with the bandits coming down the mountain to steal food, there is really no way to survive..." the old man wailed miserably.

"Liangzhou, is there a disaster?"

The matter was much more serious than he thought. He originally thought that he was just taking over a more desolate mess, but now it seems that the situation there is even worse.


In this era, floods were a real despair. A huge flood submerged everything, fertile fields, and houses. Moreover, floods were often followed by plague and food shortages. Liangzhou was close to the grasslands, and there were always worries about the invasion of the Huns.

No wonder I saw many disaster victims along the way.

If we were to reach Liangzhou, we would probably be starved to death and mourning everywhere...

This is really a mess that can’t get any worse!

"Old man, I don't have much to give, so you should save some money. If you walk along this road, you will see the main road, and then keep walking, you can reach Kyoto. Kyoto is prosperous, and there must be a way to survive. You can call someone

Refugees nearby, go there together to make a living!”

Li Rui stood up and warned.

Several people were grateful and supported each other and continued to move forward.

Looking at their backs, Li Rui felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. Liangzhou had thalassemia, coupled with natural and man-made disasters. Even if Li Rui went to Liangzhou now, he would never be able to change anything in a short time.

As a graduate student living in the 21st century, he is full of modern knowledge.

But in this era of cold weapons, everything still has to be done step by step.

far away.

The ice floes on the river shattered, and thunder exploded, shaking and rumbling.

Rumbling in the ears.

The sting has passed, and the clear water is warm.

The glaciers are opening and spring is coming.

"Sir, let's continue on our way. We will reach the border of Liangzhou in two days!" Xu Tong said softly.

Li Rui nodded, took another look at the desolation, and then sat on the frame like that.

The carriage passed through the small road, and we could still see some victims of the disaster. But Li Rui did not have much food on him. They only kept some of their own rations.

When the prince establishes a vassal state, it stands to reason that all counties and lands should support him.

But Li Rui is different. He was originally a transparent person in the palace, but now he has been banished to Liangzhou, and every county does not take him seriously.

"How well do you know Liangzhou?" Li Rui asked Xu Tong out of boredom.

Xu Tong pondered for a moment: "What do you want to know, Master?"

"The bandit forces..."

Xu Tong nodded and continued: "Since the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, banditry has been rampant in Liangzhou. There are countless mountain bandits and robbers, large and small. Among them, the area around Hanyang is the most dense, with at least a hundred nests. There is a Qingyun in the north.

The village should be the largest in scale. It is said that there are tens of thousands of bandits inside. The mountains are densely covered with traps, making it easy to defend and difficult to attack. The imperial court tried to destroy them several times, but all failed!"

"Taking Liangzhou as a whole, the number of bandits is no less than a thousand..."

Hearing this, Li Rui was speechless for a while.

The whole Liangzhou was in chaos.

As the carriage swayed forward on the rugged road, Li Rui listened to Xu Tong explain the situation in Liangzhou. The more he heard, the more helpless he became.

Poor infrastructure, internal and external troubles, and rampant bandits are all problems faced by Liangzhou. It is said that Liangzhou belongs to the imperial court, but in fact, it is more like a "three-no-no" zone!

The imperial court was too lazy to take care of it, and the local government couldn't. Foreigners wanted to take care of it, but they didn't have the guts, so they could only continue to make small moves at the border.

"If we want to quell the banditry in Liangzhou, how many troops will we need?"

After understanding the general situation, Li Rui asked.

"Different soldiers, different generals, different men, horses and time are needed. I can't say for sure!" Xu Tong smiled bitterly and shook his head.


Li Rui nodded. Although the words were unpleasant, they were loyal words.

"What if you come to be the general?"

Li Rui narrowed his eyes and asked.

Xu Tong pondered for a moment: "If I were a general with a thousand soldiers, I could wipe out most of the bandits in Liangzhou!"

"How many soldiers can I give you to wipe out everyone?" Li Rui asked again.

"It's not me, it's you..."

"In me?"

Li Rui was puzzled.
This chapter has been completed!
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