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Chapter 178 Give it to her

On the splash-ink scroll, a brand new picture of strange trees in the mountains swept everyone's attention with its majestic momentum.

The color of the ink is watery, with varying shades.

The same picture scroll can be seen in this new painting, with tall mountains and strange trees, thin and tall, and full of graceful charm, giving people the feeling of the mountain wind blowing against their faces, the trees swaying, and the wind blowing out of the picture scroll and hitting everyone's face!

What’s even more eye-catching is the inscription that doesn’t exist at all on the original painting:

There are two or three friends in the green mountains, and I don't get tired of carrying wine and looking for flowers; it's good that there are stones on the spring head, the pool is covered with soft gauze, and the left mirror is dust-free.

Written by: Tang Yin




Qin Hanzhang, Ai Qing, Chen Jiangang, Yang Hui, as well as other shop assistants and onlookers, all stopped moving their eyes at this moment, looking at Qin Feng stupidly.

Jiang Rubing walked into the shop at some point and stood beside the table, looking at the painting with dull eyes.

"Really, is it really the authentic work of Tang Bohu?" She couldn't believe it.

The next moment, Qin Hanzhang found his glasses, put them on and leaned on the table, carefully identifying them with a group of people.

Qin Feng tried to exhale, with a happy smile on his face.

The dark pupil distinguishes authenticity.

Both paintings are real.

It didn't attract his attention at first, but when he inadvertently glanced at the part in the middle that was wet with tea, he found that the paper had wrinkles.

Paintings are made from ancient rice paper, which has strong ink properties and is durable and not prone to discoloration or cracking.

Even after a hundred years, there will be no wrinkles when exposed to water.

This was partly because the tea contained alkali, and more importantly, the wet paper allowed Qin Feng to see the clues underneath the paper.

The Eye of Nether Tong activates slightly, and the picture within the picture immediately appears in the eyes.

"It's true! This is actually the authentic work of Tang Bohu!"

Qin Hanzhang exclaimed, his whole face flushed with excitement: "A painting within a painting, it is really a painting within a painting, and there is something hidden inside. It is actually Tang Bohu's picture of strange trees in the mountains, and there is also a poem written by himself!"

"The pearl has been covered in dust for so many years, but now, the treasure has been brought to light again!"

"What a painting within a painting, what Tang Bohu."

Chen Jiangang said disdainfully: "You are acting in a movie, it looks real. Who are you kidding?"

The authentic work of Tang Bohu, something that can only be seen in movies, how could it really appear in reality.

He didn't believe it at all.

Yang Hui also hugged her shoulders, with an expression as if you are going to continue acting.

"Are you doubting Boss Qin's vision?"

An old man onlookers raised his head: "Boss Qin comes from Shangjing. He has seen more treasures and antiques than you have eaten rice."

"If you take out any of the collections in this room, you won't be able to make enough in your lifetime."

"What qualifications do you have to teach Boss Qin a lesson here?"

He then turned to look at Qin Hanzhang: "Boss Qin, are you sure this is the authentic work of Tang Bohu?"

"That's for sure."

"Whether it is the brush strokes, the painting style, or the characteristics of splashing ink, they are exactly the same as Tang Bohu."

"And when you smell the paper, there is a strong smell of Suzhou Xuanyin."

Qin Hanzhang took a deep breath: "Coupled with this unique handwriting, Tang Bohu, who I have studied for a lifetime, will never admit his mistake..."

"How much is this painting worth?"

Yang Hui snorted: "It won't exceed five million, right?"

She saw that Qin Feng bought it for five million, so she didn't want him to earn more.

"Priceless treasure."

Qin Hanzhang didn't even bother to reply: "The last time Tang Bohu's authentic works were traded was eight years ago in Jiashibi, Hong Kong Island. A painting without any mention of poetry sold for more than 50 million..."

This was more than 50 million eight years ago. According to the most conservative currency appreciation rate, asking for 100 million would be a slap in Qin Feng's face.

"Brother Qin, are you willing to bear the pain and part with this painting?"

Qin Hanzhang made no secret of it: "Two hundred million, although I don't have that much capital turnover for the time being, but give me half a month, and the two hundred million will be transferred to your account at a rate of 5 points within this month.

How about calculating it with interest?"

"I can give you a deposit of 50 million first, which will be regarded as an advance payment."

Two hundred million!

Laozhaitang was boiling instantly.

Not only did I witness the birth of a sky-high-priced antique, but I saw Tang Bohu's original work up close and personal, and I could go out and enjoy it for a year.

"Two hundred million?"

Qin Feng smiled apologetically: "Sorry, I won't sell this painting."

"Yes, yes, if you don't sell it, we won't sell it."

Yang Hui hurriedly ran to Qin Feng with a smile on her face: "Why sell it to him? Just now he accused me and your uncle of damaging his things. You can never sell this treasure to such a black spot."

"And when he opened his mouth, it was 200 million, which proves that this thing must be more than 200 million."

"There must be others who offer 300 million or 400 million."

"You are too young and don't understand at all. Then bring the things to me and your uncle for safekeeping. We are locals in Nandu and know many people. We will definitely sell them for a good price!"

Staring at the painting, she began to dream about living in a mansion, driving a luxury car, and being a rich wife.

Qin Feng was too lazy to pay attention, but explained to Qin Hanzhang: "I have a friend who also likes ancient paintings. Her birthday is coming soon, and I want to give the painting to her."

This chapter has been completed!
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