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Chapter 181 You have caused a big disaster

"Stop crying and look in the rearview mirror."

Qin Feng watched Jiang Rubing's tears fall and couldn't help but give a reminder.

Three black vans followed closely behind the Ferrari. In a blink of an eye, two vans overtook them from the left and right, and then another van caught up with them.

The three vans formed a cross-section, forcing the Ferrari to slow down, and intentionally or unintentionally controlled the Ferrari to leave the main road and enter a side road leading to the suburbs.

The cars behind them lined up to occupy all the lanes, following them like maggots.

Jiang Rubing also noticed this scene and wiped the corners of his eyes: "I, are we being followed?"


Qin Feng nodded: "Come prepared."

"You even dare to follow my car, you are seeking death."

Jiang Rubing reached out to grab the phone.

Looking at the car of the eldest daughter of the Jiang family, few people in Nandu dare to follow her.

"No, you're here to find me."

Qin Feng's expression did not change: "Put me down later and you can go."

In his eyes, there was a sharp and fierce light that flashed like an ice knife.

Jiang Rubing seemed to sense something and looked at Qin Feng subconsciously.

However, Qin Feng had already regained his composure: "Follow them."

The Ferrari was like a sandwich cookie, being carried all the way to suburban open spaces by the cars in front and behind it.

Jiang Rubing braked and slowly looked forward.

The cars holding the Ferrari hostage also turned off their engines and stopped, with their doors opened.

Dozens of people filed out of the car.

Almost most of them were wearing uniform black uniforms, with sturdy builds, bulging temples, steady and powerful walks, and clenched fists with their fingers making a "pop" sound.


Jiang Rubing was stunned for a moment. Dozens of warriors and a dozen thugs were walking around at the same time. There was a huge difference in their momentum alone.

"Why did you provoke so many warriors?"

She turned to look at Qin Feng. There was no panic on her face, but she was very surprised.

"They provoked me first."

Qin Feng smiled: "You can go, you are the eldest lady of the Jiang family, they will not embarrass you."

After saying that, he opened the door and got out of the car.

He lit a cigarette and held it in his mouth, looking faintly at a black Alpha nanny car.

The car door opened, and a middle-aged woman got out of the nanny's car.

As soon as the woman got out of the car, she looked at Qin Feng with a face filled with resentment: "Bastard, I finally see you, are you ready to die?"

"If you dare to destroy my son, I will cut you into pieces, and even your family will not die easily!"

When a woman speaks, she is like a mad lioness, violent and ferocious.

"Destroy your son?"

Qin Feng held a cigarette in his mouth and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Shen family, you are Sun Aihua, right?"

"It seems you are quite self-aware."

Sun Aihua's eyes pierced Qin Feng, and her voice was trembling with anger:

"Did you know? Three years ago, a man slapped my son in the bar. Now, the grass on his family's graves is more than one meter high!"

"This is the place where you will die. Are you ready for your last words?!"

"Isn't it your son who provoked me first?"

Qin Feng smiled: "The person who stabbed me also arrested my aunt. I didn't kill him, so I was already very merciful."

"How can you, a trash from the bottom of society, be compared with my son?"

Sun Aihua was furious: "One hair of my son is more valuable than the lives of your whole family!"

"If he wants to stab your woman, your woman deserves it!"

"If he wants to play with your aunt, your aunt should take off her clothes and let my son play with her to death!"

Her eyes were red: "But you actually dared to fight back and ruined my son's life. You bastard, you deserve to die!"

Damn it?

Qin Feng suddenly felt that it was not surprising that Shen Shaofeng was here today. He had such an unreasonable mother who was extremely partial to her son.

Even if he doesn't die in his own hands, sooner or later he will be overturned in the hands of others.

The only thing that puzzled him was that after what happened that night, the Zhang family had already beaten Shen Bangming and asked him not to retaliate against him.

Even Wen Lan warned him.

Shen Bangming didn't come, obviously because he was afraid.

But where does Sun Aihua’s confidence come from?


There was a sound of a car door.

Qin Feng turned his head and saw Jiang Rubing getting out of the car with a cool temperament, staring at the people in front of him indifferently.

"Aunt Sun, long time no see."

She looked at Sun Aihua and spoke calmly.

At the same time, her beautiful eyes glanced at Qin Feng with amusement and arrogance.

"Do you know each other?"

Qin Feng was slightly startled.


Jiang Rubing said calmly: "Aunt Sun is Shen Bangming's wife, but she also has another identity, which you may not know."

"What?" Qin Feng was confused.

"Aunt Sun's natal family is the Sun family, one of the four major families."

Jiang Rubing looked like she was watching a good show: "The Shen Shaofeng you crippled is the grandson of the Sun family. You have caused a big trouble."

This chapter has been completed!
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