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Chapter 463 The floating female corpse

Father Bai was silent for a long time before sighing:

"I was a boatman in my early years, and I have been running Qian Lingjiang."

"One time it rained heavily and a corpse floated on the river."

"It's actually normal for people who run boats to see floating corpses."

"Generally we will choose to call the police or notify the salvage team and let them handle it."

"In our customs, it is very unlucky for a corpse to be on board a ship, and it will bring bad luck to the people on board for three years."

"So that day we also marked the location as soon as possible and then called the body recovery team."

His eyes were full of fear:

"Unexpectedly, the rain suddenly became heavier and heavier, and there was a monster wind."

"Normally sailing is not possible on the river. After making the call, we are going to rest on the shore first and wait until the wind and waves subside before leaving."

"Unexpectedly, the floating corpse seemed to have suction, and was always hanging less than two meters behind the boat."

"At first we just thought it was the waves at the stern of the boat that were stirring, and the floating corpse was following it."

"But then we realized something was wrong when the floating corpse was knocked down by several waves one after another. After it came up, it was still following the boat."

Father Bai's tone began to become urgent:

"She is a female corpse. She has obviously been soaked in the river water for a long time, but there is no sign of swelling at all."

"On the contrary, it looks very alive, and the lips are even bloody, as if they are about to wake up at any time."

He looked at Qin Feng: "There are many taboos when doing things on the water."

"Just like this female corpse floating on its back, you can't touch it no matter what."

Qin Feng hit the nail on the head: "But some of you still touched her?"

Father Bai sighed: "Yes."

"Although I have expressly prohibited anyone from getting close to the female body, we will wait until the salvage team arrives."

"But there is a stupid boy on the boat. He is just twenty years old and he is not afraid of anything."

"While we were not paying attention, we secretly fished out the female corpse..."

He couldn't help but shake his head: "When we found him, his body was stiff, his body was purple and he was dead in the warehouse."

"The belly of the female corpse was also split open, and there were many black snakes inside."

"There were a few hidden in the darkness, but we didn't pay attention and were bitten by the black snakes."

There was a deathly silence in the room, Mr. Qian and the man named Chen were already pale.

Bai Jianjia and Bai Mu's eyes were filled with surprise.

"Dad, didn't you say you were accidentally bitten when you came ashore?"

Bai Jianjia was shocked: "Why have I never heard you say that?"

Father Bai shook his head: "It's so shameful. My subordinates have done such unscrupulous things. How can I have the nerve to say it out loud?"

Bai Jianjia fell into silence.

She couldn't understand, she just listened.

"There were sixteen of us on board at the time."

"Except for the sailor who was bitten to death on the spot, there are only a dozen of us left, all dead and maimed."

"There are not a few people like me who have trouble at home."

Father Bai's face was full of pain: "Actually, I have always known that Xiaochao's illness has a lot to do with me."

"But I don't dare to say it, I'm afraid I can't bear it, I'm sorry for you..."

At the end of the speech, he held his head in his hands and cried bitterly.

"I said, are you thinking too much?"

Mr. Qian reacted and snorted softly:

"I think it was because I was poisoned by snake venom and didn't get treatment in time, which resulted in my legs becoming disabled."

"What about female corpses and retribution? It's just nonsense..."

"My dozen brothers, wives, children, and children all fell ill, and four of them died in bed two years later, as if they had drowned in water."

"Is this also poisoned by snake venom?"

Father Bai raised his head, his eyes red:

"I know what you are here for. Let me tell you, my daughter can only make her own decisions."

"Although I am sick, I will not drag her down."

"Who dares to force her? Even if I die, I won't sell my daughter for glory!"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Mu's face instantly turned extremely ugly.

This was not a scolding of Qian, it was clearly a scolding of her.

Mr. Qian's face stiffened and he laughed: "Uncle, you can't say that. Even if you die, your son will have to die with you..."

"It's a bad spell."

Qin Feng suddenly said: "There is no female ghost. The female corpse is the bait of insects raised by someone. When the body is damaged when it is violated, the insects inside will naturally appear and attack the nearest person."

He didn't explain too much. He opened Father Bai's eyelids with his hands and observed for a moment:

"It's not a big problem. I'm going to give you a few injections to relieve the pain in your legs first."

"I'll come back in a few days to help you cure it completely."

"Don't eat anything during this period. Just take some nutrient solution and drink some laxatives to empty your body. It will be fine when I come back."

He turned his head and said, "Everyone, go out. Ichiro, give me your needle."


Matsumoto Ichiro was extremely excited, finally being able to witness Qin Feng's action up close and personal.

"Everyone get out."

Bai Jianjia pursed her thin lips lightly: "Don't affect Mr. Qin... Qin Feng is treating my father."

A group of people were not happy, but they did not dare to go against her wishes.

After they all left, Qin Feng held the needle with one hand and lifted up Bai's father's trouser legs.

"I won't say more about what you have done."

"But please be nicer to Jian Jia in the future."

"It's not easy for her either."

Qin Feng ran his hand down Father Bai's calf, pointed his finger at the spot where he was, and the silver needle stabbed in with his backhand.

Turn clockwise a few times, then pull out.


Blood spurted out.

Then there was a spurt of white liquid. Qin Feng was already prepared and grabbed the basin on the ground to block it.

Until the white liquid disappears and blood begins to flow from the pinhole.

Qin Feng then put the basin on the ground: "Okay, in three days at most, I will come back to help you cure it."

He stood up and walked out.

Ichiro Matsumoto and Father Bai lowered their heads in confusion. The next second, they saw a large pile of wriggling white insect eggs at the bottom of the basin.

His face turned extremely pale in an instant, his throat swelled, and he lowered his head and began to retching.

"Qin Feng."

Seeing Qin Feng going out, Bai Jianjia immediately ran up:

"How is my dad?"

She was so worried that she didn't even realize she was holding Qin Feng's hand.

"The disease is under control."

"I will come back in a few days and I will cure your brother as well."

Qin Feng showed a relaxed smile. He chose to keep the part that Bai's father had hidden secret, and only informed him that his condition had improved.

"Thank you."

Bai Jianjia breathed a sigh of relief, her beautiful eyes under the frameless lenses were full of complexity:

"I don't know how to thank you..."

"Haha, he said it was cured and it was cured?"

Mr. Qian dismissed it: "I see, there are no female corpses at all, weird snakes."

"Perhaps some people are directing and acting on their own, deliberately acting with us, and don't want to agree to this marriage."

He didn't believe that Qin Feng was any kind of miracle doctor. No matter how awesome the miracle doctor was, it was impossible for him to know what happened to the patient a few years ago when they first met him.

Unless someone leaked it in advance and deliberately acted here.

Qin Feng was about to speak when his cell phone suddenly rang.

Picking up the answer, Liu Yuanyuan's horrified voice sounded:

"Mr. Qin, come quickly, come quickly, something happened to Zhang Yuanchang..."

"Ah!! Help!"

Something really happened to the Zhang family.

Qin Feng put down the phone and looked at Bai Jianjia: "I still have something to do. I'll come back in a few days."

"Hey, you want to run away after being exposed by me?"

Mr. Qian laughed loudly: "How shameless. With such little ability, you still come out to cheat. Fortunately, I am here, otherwise I don't know what tricks he will play."

He was very proud and believed that Qin Feng had been exposed by him, so he chose to run away.

Qin Feng turned his head and said, "Have you been sick a lot recently? You are weak, and you get colds and fevers at the slightest breeze?"

Mr. Qian was stunned: "You, how do you know?"

"There are also bleeding gums, sore throat, soreness and weakness in the limbs, and swollen lymph nodes."

Qin Feng saw through it at a glance: "The rash on the back must have turned into pus and bleeding."

"No matter how many times I go to the hospital, I can't find out the cause?"

In Mr. Qian's frightened eyes, Qin Feng left without looking back:

"I have nothing to do this afternoon. I will go to the hospital to do a blood test and check for AIDS..."


The expressions of everyone in the room changed drastically.

Mr. Qian's face turned pale: "Don't listen to his nonsense, I don't have that thing at all. He is deliberately framed..."

Before he finished speaking, Bai Mu ran up behind him and lifted up his clothes.

Suddenly, his face changed drastically, and he stretched out his hand and pointed:

"Red rash, pus, you, you really have AIDS!"

"I don't!"

Mr. Qian turned around quickly, but accidentally turned too fast, causing Bai Mu's outstretched hand to rub directly on his back.

"you you……"

Bai Mu stared at the pus and blood on her fingertips, rolled her eyes, then tilted her head and passed out...

This chapter has been completed!
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