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Chapter 325

Luo Decheng led Zhang Zhonghua's legal team and started a fight with the attorneys of the three giants for more than an hour, leaving everyone stunned.

Coupled with the various computer terms that Zhang Zhonghua and the parties involved in the three major companies uttered, the judge and jury of the New York District Federal Court, who were originally sitting firmly in Diaoyutai, were confused.

Finally, after discussion, the judge and the jury decided to adjourn the trial temporarily and wait until the next court session to continue the trial. They planned to understand the professional content first so as not to look like a fool.

"Three companies, IBM, Rockwell and Caterpillar, have jointly developed database software for such a long time without any results. However, I have submitted a patent application for my database software, and they actually accused me of stealing technology.

I seriously suspect that the three major companies do not have the ability to develop databases, so they decided to use this method to steal the database I developed."

After Zhang Zhonghua left the federal court in New York, he said a few words to the reporters gathered around him and then left with the legal team. He was adding fuel to the fire of this patent dispute again, making all the reporters' faces flush with excitement.

Got to be red.

After returning to the hotel, Zhang Zhonghua began to write a database book. If a book sells for thirty or forty dollars, it will cost a lot of money to file taxes. Maybe this book will become an introductory database book in the next few decades.

Zhang Zhonghua now hopes that the bigger the lawsuit, the better. Maybe he can get a lot of database orders this time.

Japan, the United Kingdom, and the ugly country were in an uproar. Hong Kong's Sing Tao Daily also devoted a full page to reporting on it. This international patent lawsuit spread throughout the world and shocked countless people.

IBM is the world's largest computer company with a market value of US$190 billion; Rockwell is the main arms contractor for NASA and the Department of Defense; Caterpillar is the world's largest

It is a manufacturer of construction machinery and mining equipment and one of the largest diesel engine manufacturers in the world.

Being able to litigate with three companies is incredible. Hong Kong people immediately felt that the computer that Zhang Zhonghua spent 3 million US dollars to buy was worth it. Zhang Sheng is the pride of us Hong Kong people!

The charter king picked up the newspaper. The eye-catching headline "Hong Kong Science Fiction Tycoon Sued for Infringement by Three Giants from Ugly Country" was very eye-catching. He thought that Zhang Zhonghua had done something wrong again, and then he started reading curiously.

But the more he read, the more he became fascinated by IBM, Rockwell and Caterpillar. These were the three giant companies in China. How could a computer software created by Zhang Sheng be related to them and be accused of infringement?

However, Zhang Sheng was a good young talent, so he picked up the phone and called Chou Guo, preparing to ask his cooperating law firms to support Zhang Zhonghua's lawsuit.

ibm new york headquarters.

The person in charge of the ims database looked helpless at the boss Thomas Watson in front of him. It was too troublesome, it was really troublesome. Although the structure of the database was a bit confusing, it was a bit nonsense to insist that someone had infringed the law, and that person's

The database is much more powerful than what we develop ourselves.

"Boss, the database of yh Software Company is much more powerful than the database we developed, and the design of the database is also much more reasonable.

They use the cobol language, and we use our own fortran language. There are too many people paying attention to this lawsuit, and it may be difficult for us to win."

"There has been no leakage of secrets by relevant personnel of our three companies, right?"

Thomas Watson asked.

"After internal review, there was no leakage. Although yh's database has the same idea as ours, their database software is indeed better than ours. There are many aspects that we did not expect. I am afraid that it is difficult for us to develop a database that surpasses ym's performance at present.


It's not that we don't have enough strength, it's just that the enemy is too strong.

“Isn’t Ugly General Electric still prepared to participate in the prosecution?”

Thomas Watson asked.

"Boss, the general database is still the DOS version. The current ym and the one we developed are inspection systems. There is no infringement in the code."

If the software industry just blows hair and finds problems, it will be out of control, and General Electric is probably waiting to buy the right to use ym's database.

"Now that the lawsuit has started, we cannot lose face, let alone admit defeat. We must make them pay compensation."

The face of our three giants must not be lost. This is our ugly country, and the face of the ugly country is very important.

"Boss, I'm afraid this is difficult. This is the second time the developer Zhang Zhonghua has come to Ugly Country and the first time he has come to New York. It is a bit far-fetched to say that he stole secrets. Moreover, Zhang Zhonghua is also a well-known writer who has considerable influence in the world.


The person in charge persuaded me earnestly.

Soon the three giants sued the ym database for infringement and the trial was held again in the New York Federal Court. This time the legal team was even larger, reaching 16 people.

Zhang Zhonghua made a special call to express his gratitude to the chartering king, who was far away in Xiangjiang for caring and helping him. The six lawyers he invited to assist him were all involved in the situation in China, and they were also good at litigating international lawsuits.

"The database software I developed is a brand-new network model. The data model of the hierarchical database is a rooted directed ordered tree, and the network model corresponds to a directed graph.

Supports three-level mode to ensure that the database system has physical independence and certain logical independence of data and programs; using access paths to represent the connection between data is also a unique innovation; an independent data definition language is my own

There is no infringement when developed; the navigation-style data manipulation language is also a newly defined special database language."

Zhang Zhonghua elaborated on the principles of the database in court. These are all his own "original" creations and are a pioneering work far beyond the level of this era. The evidence provided is also quite comprehensive.

"IBM, Rockwell and Caterpillar now don't even have semi-finished products, and our YM database can be put on the market, but they say we infringe upon it, which is ridiculous, but everyone at IQ Xiefeng Factory can see that our

The party involved, Zhang Zhonghua, has not committed any infringement..."

The defense lawyer continued what Zhang Zhonghua said.

Immediately afterwards, the lawyers from both sides continued to fight, and the jury was watching with gusto. A programmer from i-center bm was so confused that he asked to see the source code of the database. This must be a flaw in his brain. Zhang Zhonghua was so angry that he almost yelled.

"The plaintiff's request is unreasonable. As long as IBM can disclose the relevant core computer data in its possession, our client Zhang Zhonghua will be happy to disclose the source code of the database. In this way, the computer industry will develop faster, which is a good thing to promote the advancement of science and technology in the world."

The two sides argued for an hour and a half, and finally the jury adjourned for discussion and decided to take a week's rest and resume the trial next week. In this case, there is no hope for anyone or even a few months.

But Zhang Zhonghua is not in a hurry. He does not need to take care of the CFC restaurants in Japan and the UK, and Yuhuang Electrical Appliances is also being watched.

The compilation of his teaching materials has now been completed, and after the verdict, it will be almost ready for sale. By then, it will be a steady business.

After the trial ended, IBM's request for YM to release the database source code was publicized. IBM was instantly despised by people working in the computer industry, and the programmer who spoke faster than his brain was fired.

The characteristics of the ym database have also been talked about by countless people and sought after by countless practitioners.

As for the window system, it is dispensable for these computer elites. These people are IT elites. The window system is far less easy to use than DOS. Of course, it is very friendly to novices and can be used quickly.

The disturbances from the outside world have nothing to do with Zhang Zhonghua. He stays alone in the hotel every day and continues to write teaching materials.

At the same time, Zhang Zhonghua is also willing to accept interviews from reporters. If he is interviewed, he can promote the books he has written. I am really grateful to IBM, Rockwell and Caterpillar. They are really good people.

As the media's attention on this matter continues to increase, Zhang Zhonghua's situation has also been dug out by the media.

People from all over the world discovered that Zhang Zhonghua was not only a computer genius, but also the owner of the CFC catering company. Hamburgers were very popular in Japan and the United Kingdom;

Zhang Zhonghua is an excellent singer-songwriter, who has created many excellent songs such as "we are the world", "my heart will go", etc.;

Zhang Zhonghua is an excellent writer, especially the science fiction that is popular around the world. His works are the most popular and best-selling electrical products in the U.S. market, such as fans and humidifiers, which are also manufactured by Zhang Zhonghua's Yuhuang Electric Co., Ltd. The humidifier was also invented by Mr. Zhang Zhonghua


Seeing the extremely detailed reports, Zhang Zhonghua felt a little helpless. I wanted to make a fortune in a low-key manner.

The situation of CFC in Europe and Japan has been exposed. Will the American catering giant enter the European market in advance?

This is simply troubling me.

Soon the most authoritative computer magazine in China reported on the ym compression software launched by Zhang Zhonghua. They said it was the best compression software they had ever seen. It used advanced compression algorithms, had a large compression ratio, fast compression speed, and advanced encryption.

Features can protect data security and more.

The article finally points out that Zhang Zhonghua is not only an excellent computer software genius, but also a very good mathematician and cryptographer.

Zhang Zhonghua knows his own business, and he is considered a genius. If it hadn't been for the hang-up, he would still be squatting in Sijiu City waiting for the system to be opened.

Compression software is a huge market. Now that storage devices are so small and expensive, everyone needs to install a compression software.

As for free, what do you think? The most junk compression software on the market sells for 100 US dollars. We must respect intellectual property rights and the fruits of everyone's labor. If you don't follow the crowd, you will be beaten to death.

Zhang Zhonghua was really continuing to tinker with the computer that day, when an unexpected guest suddenly came, Dr. Wang An.

Dr. Wang can definitely be called the light of the Chinese people.

Wang An is a famous Chinese-American scientist, inventor and entrepreneur. He graduated from Jiaotong University in 1940 with a major in electrical engineering. He went to study in the United States in 1945 and received a doctorate in applied physics from Harvard University in 1948. He founded Wang An in 1951.

Laboratory, and later became the "Computer King". In 1986, he became the fifth richest man in the country, won the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1986, and was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 1988.

In 1949, Dr. Wang An invented "magnetic core memory", which greatly improved the storage capacity of computers. On October 21, 1949, Wang An applied for a patent for "magnetic core memory" from the Patent Office. In 1956, Wang An was

He was forced to sell the patent rights of magnetic core memory to IBM and made a profit of US$500,000. In 1964, Wang An launched the latest desktop computer made of transistors, and thus began the success of Wang An Computer Company.

In the past two years, Wangan Computer Company issued US$2.5 million in shares to repay debts. Unexpectedly, the company was deeply trusted by the public. The company's stock was listed at US$12.5 per share, and the closing stock price on that day was as high as US$40.5. In one day,

During this period, the Wang An family became super rich with a book wealth of US$50 million.

In the future, Wang An's company also successfully developed a semiconductor word processor, which became a necessary equipment in the U.S. office, allowing Dr. Wang to make a lot of money.

Around 1986, Wang An Company reached its heyday, with annual revenue of US$3 billion, ranking 146th among the 500 large companies ranked by the U.S. magazine "Happiness", and employing 31,500 employees around the world.

.And Wang An himself is among the top ten richest people in the country with a personal wealth of US$2 billion.

Wang An Company has maintained its advantage in the field of word processing for a long time. The entire late 1970s and the first few years of the 1980s were the golden age of Wang An Company. However, luck does not always favor Wang An Company. In

In the late 1980s, when Wang An was suffering from a terminal illness, Wang An Company also went from prosperity to decline due to a series of major mistakes. By 1992, the market value of Wang An Company also dropped from US$5.6 billion to less than US$100 million. Wang An

An company's miraculous rise was followed by its decline at an alarming rate.

In his later years, Wang An lost his vigorous and enterprising spirit, became self-contained in business operations, and his judgment tended to be slow, causing the company to lose its original advantage of rapid change. With his genius, he did not find the direction to develop in a cheaper and multi-functional direction.

Personal computers with single functions will inevitably eliminate their single-function word processors and large microcomputers. Not only did Wang An's products fail to catch up with the new computer trend of developing highly compatible personal computers, but they also lost the originality of Wang An Computer.

valuable features and performance.

Another important reason for the decline of Wang An Company is that it deviated from the common method of "expert group control and hiring of talents for management" of modern enterprises. Instead, like many Chinese companies, it continued the traditional family management method and relied on nepotism, resulting in improper employment. Wang An

His son Wang Lie was mediocre in talent and lacked the prowess of his father, which greatly disappointed the board of directors. Some senior managers who had followed Wang An for many years left angrily, and the company's vitality was severely damaged.


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