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Chapter 113 Who Will Kill Himself?

Zhaojun fortress, iron tent house.

"Don't worry Gesang, the dewdrops have dissipated and will come again as night falls!"

"There's still plenty of time to be happy."

"Isn't it just a Bao Tianba? It's just the right time! Give him another Bao Tianba and he will taste the bitterness."

Wang Huai stroked Gesang's pretty face and spoke with infinite calmness.

Gesang seemed to have eaten a pack of spicy strips, and the little deer in his heart felt much quieter, but his starry eyes showed surprise.

"Young master, you all know? Bao Tiandan is Bao Tianba's younger brother."

Wang Huai laughed dumbly, he was really brave.

"Strictly speaking, I'm just a fortune teller..."

After just a short Qi-gazing session, Wang Huai understood clearly what happened at the Kelsang stall.

Kelsang's reputation spread far and wide across the prairie.

Two days ago, Zhang crossed the river to go to Daqing Mountain, and Gesang pestered him to follow him for an outing.

Gesang was fair-skinned and beautiful. Bao Tianba, who came out to patrol the mountains, took one look at him and found that he could not walk. He immediately expressed that he needed a wife to support the village.

How could Jia Ci Zhang agree?

The two sides got into a fight over a disagreement, and Bao Tianba ordered his younger brother not to move.

He picked twenty by himself, stabbed Zhang, and all the younger brothers were pinned to the ground and rubbed by him.

Only four people, Zhang and his daughter, were left. Bao Tianba spared his hand and remained unscathed.

Bao Tianba laughed unbridled.

"I came in a hurry today, and I didn't prepare any betrothal gifts. My father-in-law, my eldest brother-in-law and my second uncle, please take my wife back first. I guarantee that Tianba will come to propose marriage in three days..."

This Bao Tianba is very weird. He is born with supernatural power and can lift a cauldron with one hand. The weirdest thing is that he has learned kung fu without a teacher. He is extremely superb and has profound skills!

When the birds are big, they can be found in any forest.

Bao Tianba enlisted the help of his brothers, took over the Qingshan Mountains and became the king, and started the business of opening mountains to collect tolls.

Wang Huai comforted the helpless Gesang and meditated to cultivate the wind-calling golden dragon.

Following Wang Huai's thoughts, Feng first inspected his two-winged soldiers.

Then it blew across the Yellow River and into the Daqing Mountains to find out the enemy's situation...

After practicing, Wang Huai couldn't help but smile to the sky, and then returned to his cage to catch up on his sleep.


In the early morning, Ma Sanbao looked a little panicked.

The ghostly figure walks through the Jiacizhang courtyard, as if entering a deserted place.

When I found Wang Huai's tent, he opened the door and entered the room. I was startled!

Is the boss so powerful and diligent?

Wang Huai seemed to have been busy all night, and was still exercising at dawn!

With a fair-skinned girl with a beautiful figure!

This is Wang Huai's first day here...

"Knock on the door!"

When Wang Huai's voice came, Ma Sanbao quickly left. After waiting for a long time, he couldn't help but raise his hand to knock on the door.


The door opened automatically and Wang Huai walked out.

"Boss, the enemy is coming!"

Ma Sanbao couldn't wait to speak.

Judging from the panic on his face, it can be seen that this time, the visitors are not good and there are many people!

Wang Huai smiled calmly.

"The enemy has eight hundred cavalry, and the big boss is called Bao Tianba?"

Is this flirting with girls but also insisting on working?

Ma Sanbao's face was filled with exclamation points, but he shook his head.

"It's not eight hundred, it's five hundred cavalry. It's coming menacingly, and it looks like they're all desperate for their lives!"

"We have crossed the Yellow River, and we will be there in the next quarter of an hour!"

"Do you want to recall the two wings? I'm afraid it's too late!"

After Ma Sanbao finished speaking, his face was already panicked.

Cavalry combat on the prairie is completely different from individual combat or infantry formation combat.

The astonishing power of the large number of knights coming like a tidal wave made it very difficult for the opponent, even if they were just riding and shooting, to stop them.

What's more, the prairie cavalry all have a set of charging skills. A team of hundreds of people should not be taken lightly, but now it is a large formation of hundreds of people!

There are only a hundred special forces and they are not familiar with horse fighting. No matter how powerful the fire guns are, their lethality is only twenty feet.

Twenty feet, the first row of horses fell down, and the second row stepped on.

Wang Huai is superb in martial arts, so don't worry about him, but how can you protect the prince's three-legged cat skills?

If Wang Huai knew that Ma Sanbao didn't care what he thought, he would probably feel jealous.

Now I just smile disdainfully.

"Believe me, yes, the five hundred cavalry are Bao Tianba's vanguard; there are three hundred behind, Bao Tiandan leads the team."

But don’t be afraid, just go ahead and form a triangle spearhead formation, and you, Sanbao, will take the lead.”

Ma Sanbao looked puzzled. He clearly rewarded 500 people. Could it be that Wang Huai's 800 people were entrusted by Zhou Gong in a dream?

Bao Tianba, Bao Tiandan, even the names seemed real in the dream...

Yingtian City, Zheng Guogong Mansion.

"The passion is intense!"

Lao Zhu rubbed the wind-milled copper slingshot back and forth and muttered to himself.

Chang Sheng, Duke of Zheng, explained.

"These four engraved characters were carved by myself when my husband just taught the hero Yue Wumu's "Man Jiang Hong"!"

"After the heroic hero passed away, His Majesty gave him the title of king and posthumous title. Firstly, it was to commemorate him, and secondly, he was given the title of 'King Yu' and the posthumous title of 'Huai' because of the four characters 'Zhuanghuai fierce'."

Chang Sheng spoke clearly and clearly, Lao Zhu was shocked all over!

"King Yu, Huai, Wang Huai! Good boy! Good boy! This grandson! The turtle grandson..."

Lao Zhu woke up from his dream and muttered to himself.

Scenes of what Wang Huai did came to mind.

Everything about him makes sense...

Save Biao'er without fear of divine punishment, that's his biological father!

Amid the lightning and thunder, he tried his best to turn back the Qinhuai floods, that was his royal land!

Those who violated the Ming Dynasty's sea ban and insisted on going to sea to find food were the people of the Ming Dynasty who were his subjects!

Even if he was struck by lightning, he should still point out Ming's illness. That was his original mission!

There are also two Silk Roads to open up, and he will not hesitate to seize the Mongolian treasure for the Ming Dynasty...

Also, he is not afraid of anything, not even me as the emperor, not only because of his personality, but also because I am his father-in-law!


This grandson thought that his own father would not beat him and would make his ass bloom when he came back.

Lao Zhu burst into tears as he recited it.

Like a child who has been lost for a long time and finally found his family.

"His Majesty……"

Chang Sheng was completely confused, which one was this?

The eldest grandson, Xiongying, is also his nephew and has been dead for ten years.

"Your Majesty, how did the things that accompanied Xiongying come back to your hands? Is there someone who is so bold as to dig them up...please Your Majesty kill his nine tribes!"

Lao Zhu wiped away his tears on his robe sleeves and cursed loudly.

"Kill your mother... the nine clans, if our eldest grandson digs his own grave, will you kill your own nine clans?!"

Chang Sheng felt as if he had been struck by lightning and became numb.

"What! How is this possible? I saw it with my own eyes. I also set the slingshot with my own hands! Could it be that it was a fake corpse?"

The scene of Wang Huai's bidding came to mind, and Lao Zhu's little heart was still pounding and couldn't slow down.

"What's impossible? Isn't Biao'er too medical to have a funeral? Isn't he coming back?"

"This kid can bring Biao'er back to heaven, but no one can do it? Otherwise, who taught him this skill?"

After Chang Sheng heard this, he was confused.

He knew that his brother-in-law Zhu Biao had come back from the dead, but he didn't know that the man who rescued him was named Wang Huai, nor did he know that he was Zhu Xiongying.

Chang Sheng was thrown into a circle.

"Your Majesty, I don't understand."

Lao Zhu couldn't stop playing with the wind-milled copper slingshot.

"Hehe, haha, just make sure you are sure, this is the hero's thing, don't make any noise about it, the truth will be revealed soon."

After saying this, Lao Zhu waved to Jiang Wei and headed back to the palace.

Chang Sheng nodded, saw Lao Zhu turn around, and quickly persuaded him to stay.

"Your Majesty, you are here, stay for a meal..."

Before he finished speaking, Lao Zhu had already walked out of the door, and there was a murmur.

"I'm hiding it from your grandpa. We won't tell you either. There are still two things missing. I'll wait for you to come back and find them on you. Let's see how to cure you..."
This chapter has been completed!
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