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Chapter 128

Yingtian City, Guantian.

Lao Zhu glanced at Xia Yuanji and the others and spoke slowly.

"Even if Zhang Sanfeng has friendship with Li Wenzhong, even if Li Jinglong can summon people, even if Zhang Sanfeng has a way to deal with the natural disaster and rat infestation, he will not take action to kill Zhang Sanfeng."

To change the course of heaven, God has given five disadvantages and three shortcomings, which are indispensable. I am afraid that he will not be able to save Wudang Mountain.

No one in the world except Wang Huai would dare to do such a thing!

Since Mr. Wang Huai is not here, let's find another way!

It is difficult to defeat Jiangshan, but we have not failed yet, and Jiangshan is not that easy to lose!

"Go back to the palace!"

Lao Zhu stopped listening to those useless words and gave the order directly.

Yingtian City, Fengtian Hall.

Yu Xin, Xia Yuanji and Suzhou officials discussed the rat problem.

The court was in a state of disarray.

People say that since ancient times, rats have been infected with plague and there is no cure, so they can only lie down.

"If you dare to lie down again, as soon as the rats arrive, you will be tied up and fed to the dogs!"

Lao Zhu was furious and spoke indiscriminately.

But no one knows that the "dog" His Majesty refers to is a mouse.

How dare you commit suicide?

When the desire to survive comes up, it doesn’t matter whether it’s useful or not, just take the strategy first!

You still have to have dreams, what if someone else realizes them for you?


Some suggested that we rush 800 miles to Longhu Mountain and ask the Taoist priests to come down...

Someone suggested that the people in Lingnan eat everything and mobilize them into the city to control rats.

Someone suggested that all the eminent monks in the city should chant sutras and cast spells to save the rats...

Some people suggested that all the cats in the city should be gathered together and starve them for a few days. Once the rats arrive, let the cats out...

There is also a suggestion to temporarily move the capital until the rat infestation is over before returning...

It would have been better not to mention these suggestions, but when I mentioned them, Lao Zhu's face became darker and darker.

Chanting sutras for salvation?

Why don't you ask the girl from Qinhuai Tower to play the song "East Wind Breaks" on the pipa to get rid of the rat problem?

Hungry cat?

The rat plague has not arrived outside, but the rat plague in Yingtian City will show you first!

Move the capital?

Being forced to move the capital by a group of rats, is it to laugh people to death and inherit someone?

if so.

"Your Majesty! I have something to say!"

A sonorous voice came from the end of the hall, breaking the awkward conversation.

Lao Zhu was too far away to see who it was and didn't take it seriously.

Anyway, he was at the end of the palace and his position was not high. Looking at the situation, he didn't have much to suggest, so he spoke coldly.

"Who are you? If you agree with what you just said, then it counts!"

"Your Majesty, Weichen Tiexuan, during the last exercise, I served as the deputy referee next to Taoist Master Xiao Wang. His formation and arrangement of troops benefited Weichen a lot."

As soon as Wang Huai's name came out, Lao Zhu cheered up.

"Come forward and speak your mind!"

Tie Xuan organized his words in his mind and walked slowly through the long hall.

The courtiers disapproved.

"If you invite the Heavenly Master to come, you have to feed the dogs. Why should you treat this little Taoist priest differently?"

"Wang Huai again, a fortune teller and healer, how can he also cure rats?"

"Just wait, we should tie him up soon and feed him to the mice first!"

"His Majesty,"

Tie Xuan knelt down and bowed, speaking without being humble or arrogant.

"Weichen has three suggestions -

"First, Yingtian went to Suzhou and entered a wartime state across the entire line. Sentries were arranged to monitor day and night, and communicated with Fenghuo if there was any situation."

"The second is that the rats only travel at night. There are torches all around the sky. Once the rats arrive, they will be lit all night."

"Third, if the rats enter the city, set up a trap in the granary that is likely to arrive first - remove most of the grain, fill it with dry firewood, let the rats enter, and light the rockets!"

This is the serious thing that serious people do.

After hearing this, Lao Zhu's expression softened for the first time.

"Everything is accurate! It's just a fire in the granary. Be careful to prevent it from spreading."

After receiving the approval, Tie Xuan felt like he had been given a dose of chicken blood.

"There is another way, I don't know if it will work."

"Say it!"

Tie Xuan showed a strange and admiring smile.

"Taoist Master Xiao Wang said that images are sometimes more effective than the truth."

"So, Wei Chen suggested that the painter paint dozens of giant cat portraits and hang them on the city head and walls."

Lao Zhu was startled, then laughed.

"Good guy!"

Nearly half of the courtiers showed relieved smiles.

It seems to be saying that the first few items are still valid, but once this one comes out, it will be up to you whether you will die or not!

Tie Xuan also hurriedly knelt down, secretly shouting in his heart, Wan Duzi, Wang Huai will kill him this time!


Hetao Plain, Zhaojun Fortress.

Wang Huai was glared at by Gu Qingqing again, as if he had hit the elastic bed, bounced back, and jumped back to the tent.

When he came out again, he was holding the scepter of the Karmapa in his hand.

The heart-shaped jade relic at the head of the scepter reflects the thousands of mountains and rivers the original owner traveled through!

The original owner is also very powerful, probably a thousand-year-old monster, and he can fly with a sword!

Because he has traveled all over the world, he has only left the sea and gone to heaven!

Set up a large observatory formation, coordinate with the precise positioning of the Heart Relic Jade Map, and deliver your heart and aura packages.

First, it avoids casting the net blindly and wastes spiritual energy.

Secondly, he was not afraid that Zijin Long was in seclusion and still sleeping. He sent it directly to his door - Zhu Xiongying's mausoleum, and then knocked on the door to ask him to come out and accept it!

Wang Huai took a spot in front of the seven-star lantern and firmly inserted the scepter of the Karmapa.

The finishing touches to the formation were completed, and Wang Huai summoned special forces to issue a guard mission.

The formation ran for three consecutive days, with three shifts every day, and each shift had 49 people guarding the formation.

After the arrangement was completed, Wang Huai made a seal with his left hand and held the Lu Zhan sword in his right hand. He took strange steps with his feet and the immortal danced.

"Dongfeng Express, send!"

Pointing his finger at the ancient Kunlun mirror, he waved his long sword.

A strong spiritual energy shot out, and the seven-star lamp and staff rose brightly!

"Dongfeng Express, sign for receipt!"

The spiritual energy is like a missile, pulling a continuous tail as clear as water and delivering it accurately towards the southeast.

The moon is at the zenith.

The formation was running stably and on its own, and chanting could be heard from afar.

"I pity Jun Zhongxiaowu the most. A man is determined to die. Let me try my hand at mending the cracks in the sky!"

Wang Huai smiled slightly, stepped out of the formation, and became the shopkeeper.

Ah Biao, who was singing, came to him and returned Wang Huaiming's yellow jade pendant to avoid death.

Observing A Biao's anger, A Biao put on the bright yellow jade pendant "Yu Wanghuai" again.

I didn't wear it that day, and Abiao kept saying something bad, and there was a deathly feeling on his forehead!

The bright yellow jade spiritual energy protection that Wang Huai wears close to his body can still be covered unless Wang Huai hangs the ball or has a little bit of death energy.

The formation asked the Zijin Dragon to come out and send out a courier to aid Ying Tiancheng.

The granary that was blocked at Bao Tianba's village two days ago is about to be opened...

Wang Huai turned to A Biao and spoke with a half-smile.

"Your Highness, the cottage's granary has been rolled up enough. Get up early tomorrow morning and go and finish it off."

"Can I help?"

"Every wrong has its owner, and every debt has its owner. If you, the creditor, don't go away, and the other party doesn't repay the money, shall I bite him?"

Ah Biao realized that this was also a calamity, and it was directed at him.

Wang Huai smiled to the sky alone with his sword across his sword, then turned around and went to sleep.

He didn't climb Princess Gesang's window.

A Biao waved his hand to the Jinyi guards who were guarding him from afar, and whispered a few words of arrangement.

Jin Yiwei took advantage of the night and left Zhaojun Fortress...

This chapter has been completed!
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