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Chapter 139: The Enemy of Daming

Zhaojun Sai.

"You have this thing, why do you need me?"

Wan Dachuan stared at the map of real mountains and rivers, feeling sad.

Abiao put down the tea cup, his eyes widened, he got closer to the map, and his eyes fell on two points...

"This is Yanran Mountain, 3600 miles away from Yanmen Pass. Dou Xian of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Leshi Yanran!"

"This is Langjuxu, 4,400 miles away from Yanmen Pass. Huo Qubing in the Western Han Dynasty sealed Langjuxu!"

The two places and two famous generals mentioned by A Biao are both the peak of China's national power and the supreme glory of military generals opening up new territories!

The blood of Ma Sanbao, Wan Dachuan, Guo Ying, Feng Sheng and others was ignited and boiled.

If this map is just like this, then it is not Wang Huai blessed by six hundred years of wisdom.

The map is very different from what everyone has seen before.

In addition to the real mountains and rivers, it also includes the panoramic view of the Ming Dynasty, the entire surrounding countries, continental plates, and vast oceans.

In many countries, even if a well-informed person like Abiao claims to have crossed the Wanda River in the northwest, he has never heard of it!

"This... the Ming Dynasty is so small, it's not big enough to see; and... the ocean is so big!"

Ma Sanbao said with a shocked look on his face, while Wang Huai nodded lightly.

Wang Huai finally saw a trace of the Ming Dynasty navigator in Ma Sanbao.

Feng Sheng looked confused and was thinking, what the hell?

Is this little Taoist Wang really not cheating?

Wang Huai pointed out the country.

"This is the Ming Dynasty! This is West Asia, and the whole of Asia and Europe..."

"Governor Xiao Wang, what the hell is this? Who are West Asia and Asia and Europe?"

Feng Sheng had a question mark on his face and couldn't help but speak.

The person who puts Wang Huai and Daming together must be a ruthless character!

Is there anyone else in the world who is the rival of Ming Dynasty?

Wang Huai was confused by him and didn't react at all.

At this time, there was no concept of Asia, Europe, or the Eurasian continental plate!

At least not yet in the Ming Dynasty at this time.

If we talk about the Western Regions, he understands it; if we talk about West Asia, the Northwest Passage is also unclear.

"Um... Eurasia is not a person, but a place; the Ming Dynasty is located to the east of the Eurasian plate."

"Impossible! We, the Great Tomorrow Kingdom, are the center of all nations, how can we be in peace!"

After Wang Huai finished speaking, Feng Sheng retorted excitedly.

"Yes, the boss must have made a mistake; and this sea is bigger than the Ming Dynasty? You know we have traveled thousands of miles away!"

Ma Sanbao also vowed to agree.

Wang Huai felt that his heart was so tired and he no longer wanted to love.

I'm too lazy to argue with them and let them explore the arithmetic ball on their own later!

Abiao remained calm and kept his eyes focused on the prairie.

"Count the ball! Your Highness, tell me your secret."

Wang Huai threw the ball to A Biao, picked up a cup of tea, and drank heavily.

Abiao recovered from the shock, traced his fingers across the prairie, and stopped.

"Everyone, look here, look here."

"Your Highness, is there any treasure there?"

Feng Sheng blurted out, and A Biao was speechless.

Guo Ying glanced at Feng Sheng.

"Everything you see is money, can you pursue it a little? It says Rakshasa Country, which is rich in beauties!"

"Priest Xiao Wang has fallen in love with a beautiful woman again?"

Feng Sheng's face suddenly showed envy.


"I'll spray you to death with a mouthful of salt soda!"

Wang Huai almost spit out the tea he drank.

These two famous players are not serious people, they are pig teammates.

"His Highness just said that there is Langjuxu Mountain."

Abiao nodded.

"At the same time, according to the spies' reports, the Royal Court of the Northern Yuan Dynasty temporarily moved here; Huo Qubing sealed Langju Xu, right here!"

As soon as I heard that the wolf was granted the title of Xu, this was an unparalleled military achievement, and it was famous throughout the ages. I finally got it for myself!

The blood of Feng Sheng, a rough man, was completely burned...

He slapped his palm heavily on the desk.


The whole case of General Zhang fell apart and collapsed.

Wang Huai closed the five fingers of his right hand and the map returned to his palm.

With a wave of his left palm, Feng Sheng smashed the vicious dog and grabbed its shit.

"Are you stupid? You eat shit!"

Feng Sheng was able to pick it up and put it down, lying on the ground, still excited.

"My Lord Governor, my hand has slipped... But is it really okay for you to be so cruel?"

Guo Ying helped his colleague up and gave him a thumbs up.

If you dare to smash the desk to pieces, do it in front of Taoist Priest Xiao Wang and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!

Don't say anything else, just two words, that's awesome!

"get out!"

Wang Huai pointed outside the tent and shouted angrily.

"Well, Lord Governor, Lao Feng kowtows to you and gives me another look!"

Feng Sheng suppressed his blush, but still looked eagerly at the map in Wang Huai's hand.

A Biao couldn't help but laugh a little and opened his mouth to smooth things over.

"General Feng, if you don't bring a table in, how can you watch it?"

“I don’t want the big stone table, but the wooden table!”

Wang Huai groaned deeply, and Feng Sheng ran out happily as if he had been pardoned.

Feng Sheng and a dozen special forces came in carrying a large square stone weighing nearly two thousand kilograms.

Wang Huai spoke seriously.

"The stone table is okay. Bring me the sky when I teach class."

When Feng Sheng heard this, the soles of his feet slipped and he almost fell under a boulder.

What the hell……

The map was laid out again, and Wang Huai's mind recalled the changes in Tumu Fort sixty years later.

"Meng Yuan was the lifelong enemy of the Ming Dynasty. He always dreamed of returning to glory."

A Biao nodded with deep understanding.

More than ten years ago, Xu Da, the first general of the Ming Dynasty, led his army and lost 150,000 people.

Feng Sheng shook his head disapprovingly.

More than ten years ago, Wang Baobao, the last famous general of the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty, was pinned to the ground and rubbed by him.

"Your Highness, Lord Governor, the Ming Dynasty is now strong and powerful, and it is not afraid of the Northern Yuan dogs!"

"I'm going to feng lang Juxu, and my little son-in-law, Xiao Wang, will be the governor. I'll capture the royal court of Beiyuan within a month, and I'll capture him alive quickly!"

Wang Huai wanted to slap him in the face again, but he would not give up unless Feng Sheng overwhelmed Xu Da.

Even his daughter was bribed, so his daughter must not be as ugly as him.

Feng Sheng was brave and good at fighting, but the Northern Yuan Dynasty was a weakling. They were not afraid that he would not be able to take it down, but they were afraid that he would take it quickly.

The King of Northern Wu's cavalry learned that the country was destroyed, and one hundred thousand cavalry shared the same hatred and turned from domestic dogs into wild wolves.

It is easy to kill a dog, but difficult to kill a wolf.

Looking at Feng Sheng's energy, we can also see that his auspicious position is in the northwest, and his fortune will be smooth.

Therefore, he is the best candidate, but he still needs to work hard.

Let his fear keep his bad temper in a cage.

"General Feng and the three guards of Duoyan, how strong are they?"

Feng Sheng was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then proudly gave a thumbs up.

"The number one cavalryman in the world belongs to me, the Ming Dynasty!"

Ah Biao was a sensible person and shook his head slightly to express his disapproval.

"Mongolia was divided into three parts. Duoyan was the weakest and was defeated by the Ming Dynasty."

Feng Sheng and Guo Ying couldn't help but be convinced by the prince's grasp of the situation, and nodded at the same time.

Wang Huai secretly called Abiao's assist a wonderful one and continued to guide him.

"If Temujin's cavalry is resurrected, compared to the three guards of Doyan, so what?"

Feng Sheng raised his palm and saw that the desk under his palm had been replaced by a stone table. He quickly stopped and laughed.

"Lao Tie swept the world, and the three guards of Duoyan were tamed into dogs. That is the difference between a strong dragon and a domestic dog!"

It's almost done. Wang Huai smiled slightly and started to show his cards...

This chapter has been completed!
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